Did you or your players ever fall in love with the villain of the campaign, or vice versa? If so, how'd it go?
Did you or your players ever fall in love with the villain of the campaign, or vice versa? If so, how'd it go?
I ended up married to Adam in Ad Eva once.
We then adopted one of the pilots.
How does that marriage even work out?
With a surprisingly stable loop of emotional co-dependency.
Super heroine just starting out with the all time big superhero group because the daughter of that world's previous biggest heroes.
The new leadership of the organization made it so that only heroes with membership could perform heroing legally.
This made it so that induction into the organization was everything.
The new leadership became corrupted. Taking bribes, abused power, forced people to do questionable acts to get in (such as casting couches and other scummy crap)
DM intended for her to change the organization from the inside while they learned about the real depth of corruption.
One of the reoccuring villains was a person who tried saving people without membership. A flunk out of their program. He kept trying to warn her that the organization is bad. But he was kind of a scumbag too. While he saved people, he also stole high tech stuff, took dna samples of meta humans, took magical artifacts, and was basically trying to be like doctor doom except only slightly less smart and definitely not as self confident.
She eventually quit the Organization instead of trying to change it. When she tried to be a hero on her own, the group send like 7 of their worst scummiest heroes to do her in and make an example of her.
Villain ends up saving her. After she comes to, he explains to her what happens and gives a typical evil speech "they are idiots, fools, i want revenge too." which all sounds good up until "and to do that, we will have to lie, cheat, steal and find ways to make ourselves more powerful" instead of her idea of "tell the world, find ways to bring about public understanding"
And instead of trying to correct him, instead of telling him to fuck off and then making him an enemy too. she goes
"Yep. all on board. lets be villains together."
which..... completely turned the campaign in a different direction. What's worse is that she really takes the plunge down villainy and does stuff that scares and worries him!
Apparently one of my players love how I did Archimedes Noxt (Dark Heresy) so much that he brought him back when he ran his own DH. To be specific, a reincarnation.
That sounds like a wild time. I'd love to hear how crazy she gets.
No, user. The players ARE the villains.
Have they fallen in love with the heroes?
While they are considered a team, He was mostly concerned with becoming more powerful...
she on the other hand is actively recruiting villainesses and trying to corrupt heroines and making a kind of femme fatale legion of doom. (its not completetly female, but predominantly) She uses all the super hero inspirational speechcrafting her parents taught her, uses her knowledge of heroes and villainy to plan things out, and becomes the more charismatic of the two. Taking the initiative to pull off crazy heists like breaking into a super powered prison to recruit people and even causing a jail break that puts the hero organization members at risk trying to contain it. Also looking for ways to become even more powerful, power hungry. She's used at least 10 different ways to augment and boost her powers using whatever means she can along with boosting those loyal to her.
some of her more evil acts include castrating one of the guys who was sent to kill her who joked about violating her body and the other really evil one was brainwashing by seven different methods one of the girls she thought was loyal but found out was an under cover heroine from the super hero organization. Now she really is loyal, she has no choice in the matter and is using her to spy on the hero organization instead as a double agent.
She also stole a powerful artifact used to empower a young girl ala shazam and is only giving her access to said powers when that girl performs to her expectations. She convinced the heroine that it wasn't safe in her hands after a villain almost stole it from her and she rescued the little girl and the artifact. With some sly words of approval here and there, she is making her addicted and dependent on both the villainess as a mentor and friend and on her super powers instead of being confident without them.
In a cape game I'm currently in, my hemokinetic is married to a military official whose job it is to keep tabs on her and stop her from doing vigilante stuff and keep her from going super villain.
Otherwise they have a fairly genuine relationship.
Damn this bitch is crazy. Was she ever stopped or did she defeat the official heroes?
Still on going, mostly just having fun with it.
Is this just a common theme with superhero games? A member of our corporate sponsored group is going pretty steady with a chick from the more renegade vigilante team that means well, but does a lot of property damage and hates giving police reports
Alien Villainess who is basically A super evil mad scientist Experimented on my character and basically treats him as a loving pet. It's unfortunately Imply'd That she sees the one sided relationship as that of beastiality When comparing our relative intelligences to each-other.
Forbidden love is fantastic when everyone's in tights.
My female human cleric has the hots for Strahd, but she would never change sides unless he was definitely turned to the side of good, or at least made not-undead.
>Alien villainess sees your relationship as bestiality
>Not exploiting the degeneracy as a means pulling the wool over her eyes.
She might be evil, but she's gotta see something's wrong with fucking the man monkey, even if it turns her on. Contact the other ayy lmaos, or at the very least make her feel bad about touching your junk.
She also gets crazier as time goes on. In a fit of jealousy she is strongly considering how best to kidnap another heroine In turn her into some mindless brain dead sex slave and give her to her lover to horrify him because he one time admitted she was quite attractive. All in an effort to teach him a lesson about thinking of other girls than her and whoever she specifically approves of. However she hasn't actually done this yet. Has just been considering how make it possible
Are...are there other players trying to stop this madness?
I ran a two year pair of campaigns where the villain of campaign 2 was the vengeful consort of the (dead) villain of campaign 1. She was a brutal draconic sorceress who basically offed villain 1 as a "my turn now" deal.
Anyways, the party snuck into her lair early on to collect information and found her sleeping, holding a powerful magical sword like a teddy bear. One of the party members rolled to take it and got a two, whereupon she grabbed him and snuggled him too.
He got out through some stealth checks and lulling her back to sleep, but after that incident they were both a little tsundere towards each other. The party made fun of the guy, and the dragon's head minion would taunt her about it once word reached the rank and file.
They lived happily ever after.
I love shit like that.
I guess I can-do that whenever the opportunity comes around. Honestly the opportunity to meet her race sounds more exciting because of technological in game reasons
Actually, as a follow-up to this, is there any way you guys can think of to convince Strahd that Tatyana really isn't worth his time, or is he just so fucking obsessed with her that no amount of reason will convince him otherwise?
Because I'm honestly considering having my char point out to Strahd that if he didn't go full retard and become a murder-happy tyrannical vampire, he could have gotten pretty much all the poontang he could ever want, given he was a tall, dark and handsome warrior prince who also happens to be one of the best wizards (if not THE best) in the setting.
Unless his brother was some sort of walking golden god, Tatyana was nuts to choose the younger guy. Admittedly, Strahd was somewhat off the deep end even before he made his pact, but PTSD will do that to you. Besides, some women are into that, apparently.
One of the arguments I've considered to get Strahd to stop (because like fuck we're actually going to be able to kill him) is to point out that there's the possibility he could get reincarnated into someone Tatyana actually wants down the road. After all, her soul returns all the time, right?
Stake and Res, maybe Strahd can actually hit that after all these years if he just cools his jets for a lifetime or so.
Not particularly. Most of them are villains in their own right. At some point everyone just went "well guess we are villains now."
Thankfully nobody else is as crazy as her. And at-least they are trying to make sure nobody In the group falls too far off the deep end And become a Saturday morning cartoon villain.
He's trapped in the place he is now because he is stupidly obsessed with her, and the dark powers get a kick out of making him go through the tragedy over and over again. What you need is to get him a waifu almost identical to Tatyana, actually hot for him. If he can learn there's other waifus out there for him besides the one EXACT waifu, he could not only chill out, but be released.
I'm pretty sure planning making a brain dead sex slave to prove a point is pretty off the deep end.
Well, my char has red hair, and if she really wanted to try, she could act like Tatyana. But we've already come across the real deal, and Strahd knows what she looks like, so even if she managed to put on a disguise, I figure Strahd would eventually find out and get so pissed he'd kill her.
I had toyed with the wicked idea of having her go full yandere trying to get him to love her so he'd free Barovia, and reincarnate or haunt him and demand he love her, but I figure that would be too much out of character.
The answer is obvious.
You must wear Tatyana's flesh.
Maybe I should talk to the Abbot in that case.
>Yo, I know you really want to make Strahd a bride, but do you know what would be even better?
>Using a pre-made one!
>All you need to do is switch my soul with Tatyana's, kill and revive Strahd, and convince him that I'm the real deal.
>Tatyana walks free, I get my husbando, and Strahd gets his waifu. And Barovia is freed whenever we have a kid! Everyone wins!
I can't wait to see how the DM warps that wish. I honestly think that the cleric's going to go low-key crazy after everything she's seen, then go full crazy when she really realizes the horrors of Barovia.
Hence why she probably hasn't done it. But you are right. Though even Batman plans all kinds of horrifying nasty crap for his Teammates just in case. Though I guess you can argue Batman is also off the deepend.
I like that image, but loathe that Supergirl costume.
This dude makes the cutest art.
There's some story someone posted on Veeky Forums awhile back about a death cultist who fell head over heels for one of the protagonists, and proceeded to commit a series of atrocities against mankind just to get his attention.
No but I had them marry and become villains once.
If I emerge my comic book lore correctly; power girl is just super girl from an alternate Earth, so... super girl self-cest? Awesome.
My GM has a recurring villain that is something between Neil Gaimans Lucifer and Ains Ool Gown with a bit of Castlvainia. His whole deal is what the GM thinks would happen to the villain if they had total victory. He won, became and all powerful lich ruling over his kingdom but then quickly grew disinterested and just does what he can to keep his kingdom stable while amusing himself in his spare time.
So during one of our slower periods (the GM likes to take these sort of slacker sessions that are usually just fun so we keep getting together but no one gets burned out) one PC came up with Gypsy Moana who we would escort to this big bad and force him to come with us to return the Spear of Destiny. Being the kind of guy he was Big Bad just shrugged his shoulders and came along.
Then you have dozens of fights where he just sits in the background waiting for it too be over or sometimes even walks off screen to do some shopping.
During this time the Gypsy PC actually came to really like him, once he got all the villaining out of his system he actually is a pretty likeable guy.
Well fast forward to the next campaign and we meet the same old Big Bad is now wearing the Gypsy PCs circlet on his head. He wouldn't talk about it, he just said it was part of a gift.
That is correct.
This is kind of hot.
Why don't we see more super villainesses this hot?
also adding one of my fav pics because why not.
>this is how BvS should have gone.
Once. We were about halfway through the campaign and the GM told me that i'd just derailed the finale so hard he doesn't know how to fix it.
Do tell.
It's nice when the villain is female
Well, okay. I've got time.
It was a Call of Cthulhu campaign, with a few house rules pulling it a bit away from cosmic horror and a bit closer to Castlevania. My character was a woman who thought she was in a video game because her brother's multigenre VR videogame broke down while she was in it and she thought the glitchy deactivation was intentional. To give the GM a fighting chance, we agreed that she was plagued by ghosts of her pirate ancestors, which would take over every now and then to either get her out of trouble, or more often get her into trouble. All throughout the campaign we were trying to stop a large cult from forcibly pulling some upstart hypernihilist eldritch god into our plane, while getting advice and encouragement from someone who on further observation was Nyarlarthotep masquerading as a realistic version of that high priest dude from YGO. He'd throw some flirts at my character every time they met and sometimes gave her something she needed just then. This continued up until the halfway point, when the Pirate Ghost of Morgan Firehair III (only one perfectly in line with my character and controlled by the group's bard wannabe) countered the flirt with her own. So Nyarly has himself and her transported to Paris for a moonlight dinner. And then to Thailand when Morgan said she hates the french. And then to Australia when another ghost said she's deathly afraid of asians. And then to Finland after my character said she doesn't like aussie food. Eventually they settled on Belgium, where during the dinner Nyarly not only explained his plan but also how he's inexplicably attracted to the collective that is the Emberley lineage cascade, centered on the last surviving member of the Emberley family - my character. And it wasn't just interest either, he was head over heels and about two halfway seductive words from sensually describing all the madness inducing and delightfully perverse things he'd inflict on her if she asked.
Fortunately, i took that chance to wrest control from the ghosts and Lara Emberley, thinking the date to be a part of a tongue-in-cheek romance sidequest, simply said, "Shut up and kiss me, you sappy little abomination". And went in for the kill. Some rolls later, the Gm said that due to house rules stacking on existing bonuses and a little egging on from the two oddballs of the group, my character was going to be married to Nyarko-chan (male) just two days before the cult could put their plan to motion. There was even a cartoony bit about his tentacles standing on end when her kiss connected. The session ended after Nyarly sent my char back to the group just in time to pulla heroic rescue of the amateur gumshoe from a pair of cultists, and GM told me i'd derailed the finale so hard he couldn't think of a way to fix it. The idea was that after the cultists would fail the ritual, Nyarly would have completed it and asked the upstart god to wreck the universe so he could watch a big bang happen live. But after the encounter, Nyarly was so head over heels for Lara, that she could order him to do anything and he'd obey without question, even up to and including kill the upstart god. We later had the finale and he did end up thinking up a bit of a twist: Nyarly had a cultist who was thoroughly yandere for him, to the point of grooming herself into what she believed his ideal wife would be like. When she heard that Nyarly and Lara were getting married, she essentially hijacked the ritual the nihilist cultists were preparing to pull the usual 'if i can't have you no one will' on an universal scale just so she could replace Lara as Nyarly's wife for the rest of eternity. It worked only partway, and she ended up fusing with the nihilist god, we got our big boss battle, beat her down and the world got a little bit brighter. End of campaign.
>tl;dr my character who thought she was in a video game married Nyarko-chan (male) and beat down her yandere cultist rival.
What a horrifying but lovely story. Thanks for sharing.
No prob.
Now that's an isekai I would watch.
GM's been throwing around the possibility of playing the child of my char and Nyarly come next campaign. How that translates to CoC is outside my scope though.