You guys ought to be able to solve this.
You guys ought to be able to solve this
I don't play Pokèmon.
I don't remember specifics of some of those cards effects, but isn't the play involve gusting to the Venusaur, and super energy removing it then waiting for them to deck out? You can use Fuji to prevent yourself from decking out.
Idk tho
With that, you have to rely on a coinflip for status. It's not the worst play, but you can do better.
I was writing a big post defending that user until I remembered the opponent has a Gust of Wind coming. Even if you remove as much energy as possible, they can shift what's left on to Weedle and KO.
Never played Pokemon TCG myself, but...
Mount Fuji Hitmonchan to increase your deck, SER both of Pincir's Grass Energy using Ditto's grass energy. I don't think your opponent has access to any cards that would allow him to damage you from that point onwards except for the possibility of drawing Poison Sting, and you just need to knock out one of his Pokemon to win. Use the ER on his Wheedle when he eventually has to move it up.
>Drawing the Grass Energy he needs for Poison Sting
I did mention I had never played.
He can draw Gust of Wind, save it for when he gets the Grass Energy, then retreat to Weedle and win by picking of one of your Pokemon.
Also, without Gust of Wind'ing his Scyther, he can shift two Grass Energies over to it and win next turn.
Huh. I was under the impression Energy cards were locked to the Pokemon they were attached to.
The more you know.
>Mount Fuji
Mr. Fuji. The man is called Fuji.
Venusaur has a Pokémon Power that allows transferring Grass energies between your Pokémon as many times as you like during your turn.
>slim chance to win
>you know you'll be victorious!
So which is it? I'm not seeing a way to defeat all the opponent's possible draws.
You deck them out, Golduck can take it.
If they topdeck Gust of Wind, they instantly win, so you have to take out Weedle.
But the only Pokemon who can kill Weedle that turn is Hitmonchan, who dies next turn to Pinsir, and then you lose.
Oh, wait. If you Fuji your Ditto they don't win the next turn automatically if you don't kill Weedle.
Oh, well I dunno
1. Super Energy Removal. Discard one Water from Hitmonchan and discard one Grass and the DCE.
2. Energy Removal. Discard one Grass. My opponent now has only three Grass energies.
3. GoW to Venusaur. If they want to retreat they're now forced to discard two Grass energies.
4. Fuji the Hitmonchan for 4 additional turns.
5. Attach Water energy to Psyduck and evolve.
6. Retreat Scyther for Golduck.
7. Pass.
From then on it's autoplay. You will draw cards and pass the following turns and your opponent cannot do shit. Even if Poison Sting works you have Golduck's Hyper Beam available to remove further energies.
Welp, guess I have brain problems.
I think I misunderstood the way Prize Cards work,
but the important part is that none of the Pokemon you have out are allowed to die and you need to beat three of his dudes.
Huh, I think that's it.
>opponent draws GoW
>retreats to Weedle
>GoW your Ditto
Fuck I didn't consider the following scenario
1. Opponent switches Venusaur with Weedle
2. GoW to Ditto
3. Autowin
Probably I should have tried mentioning somewhere that Hitmonchan can kill Weedle if played properly, but that'd leave Scyther a place to kill you.
>and you need to beat three of his dudes
Nope, you must force a deck out from your opponent.
Yep, you have to play Fuji on Ditto or kill his Weedle that turn.
And even then, you have to kill Weedle the following turn after playing Fuji, or he could just draw Grass Energy into GoW and kill Hitmonchan.
I don't think it's possible to win 100%. If we had Psychic energy, we could stall out with Headache, but I'm just not seeing it.
Also consider that Venusaur moves energies freely, and Pinsir has a chance to attack.
I think the trick is to get Golduck out somehow. It has no damage (which we need to be able to resist) and in the following turn it will be able to use Hyper Beam that also acts as an Energy Removal.
The question, then, is how to stall for that long.
The Psyduck in play has 4 damage counters and the one in your hand would take 3 turns to set up Hyper Beam and you can only do that if you Fuji Hitmonchan (which brings its own problems).
Fuck I didn't see the counters I thought it was at full health!
Fuck me, I just solved it. I was so sure it was bullshit, too. Give me a sec to type it out and make sure I'm not full of shit.
ser venusaur (discarding grass off of ditto), energy removal grass off pinsir, gust up venusaur, fuji hitmonchan
he needs 2 energy to retreat venusaur fat ass, and he can only transfer grass, he has one grass on board, and one at most in deck
he can retreat into something, but he can't attack
I knew it was something along those lines! Congratulations
wait no, I fucked up. he has 2 grass on board
retreat to psyduck just in case, evolve next turn if he can weedle
if he doesn't have grass in deck, we still win though
That solution has already been posted and it doesn't work.
wait, play the psyduck in our hand, and retreat to it
evolve if he poisons
he doesn't have enough turn to win
Gust of Wind kills you. I think I got it, long post incoming.
yeah I think the only way is if he has exactly gust and grass in deck
>SER Pinsir, discarding a Fighting energy from Hitmonchan
>ER either Venusaur or Scyther,
>Gust of Wind to bring Venusaur out as Active
>Retreat to Ditto
>Energy Trans to move the Grass energy from Ditto to Psyduck
>Retreat to Psyduck, removing DCE from Ditto
>Evolve to Golduck
>Play Water Energy on Golduck
>Play Mr. Fuji on Hitmonchan
>Attack with Hyper Beam
Three cards left in both decks, and opponent draws first. Hyper Beam prevents them from having enough energy to both retreat and attack with Weedle.
I knew Ditto was important here.
can't double retreat, if he draws grass he transfers and we're dead
>can't double retreat
You could back then. They changed the ruling since.
Good show, really nice plan you got there.
Now let me explain how you'll lose.
On your opponent's first turn, he will draw a card and then do nothing.
On his second turn, he'll draw another card. He will then attach a grass energy to Venusaur to retreat to Weedle.
He'll then use Gust of Wind to force out Ditto.
Ditto will instantly faint, causing your opponent to draw his last prize card and win.
Why does it faint? Because its Pokemon Power causes the card to match the opponent's active pokemon in many ways including maximum hit points. Since it already has taken 40 damage and Weedle has 40 hit points, it faints.
Oh yeah.
Can't even Fuji Ditto after passing an energy because that would put two cards back into the deck, so you would deck out first.
>two cards back into the deck, so you would deck out first.
That's not true. He has two cards left, too, but he would draw first.
>On your opponent's first turn, he will draw a card and then do nothing.
Okay cool, I'll Hyper Beam again and now you don't have enough Grass Energy to retreat. gg?
They have three cards in deck, drawing down to two when they start their turn.
Actually, the issue is that you'd only put one card into the deck, since both of Ditto's energy cards were used up.
>Okay cool, I'll Hyper Beam again and now you don't have enough Grass Energy to retreat. gg?
Oh, excuse me, he could draw the grass energy and retreat to Weedle on the first turn. Alternatively, he could move the grass energy to a benched pokemon for safekeeping before moving it back when he needs to retreat.
>They have three cards in deck, drawing down to two when they start their turn.
No, he has two cards in the deck and one prize card left.
Not if you Fuji him while he's Active. You wouldn't need to retreat then.
>Alternatively, he could move the grass energy to a benched pokemon for safekeeping before moving it back when he needs to retreat.
this is the correct move, since if he retreats to weedle first we can knock it out with hitmonchan
>as the opponent I'll do nothing
>except all these things I'll actually do
Fuck, I thought those goalposts were here a second ago. Who moved them?
>No, he has two cards in the deck and one prize card left.
Oh, misread it. Just Fuji Ditto then. You win.
You can only use Fuji on a benched pokemon, so says the card.
That won't win you the game. If you don't Fuji enough cards to avoid running out of cards before him, you'll lose regardless.
Also, if you use one of Hitmonchan's energy cards for the SER, you can't do it, or if you Fuji it back into your deck to avoid running out of cards to draw, you can't do it.
I'm going to stop posting after this cause I'm tired as fuck and I keep forgetting things
the ditto would have 0 energy on it, so we can't fuji it
>Fuck, I thought those goalposts were here a second ago. Who moved them?
I got ahead of myself and assumed there wasn't anything you could have done to interrupt that strategy, but as I pointed out, there are two methods for preventing it that the opponent could have performed.