The city sprawls out in countless yards, so large it appears without circumference or center, but something must lie at the heart of the city.
What is it?
The city sprawls out in countless yards, so large it appears without circumference or center, but something must lie at the heart of the city.
What is it?
The center of the city.
a shopping mall
The Pit. Please don't go down there.
real good hotdog stand
An obsidian spire jutting outwards towards the sky
The net terminal genes
City hall. There's been a public bounty out by the provisionary government for two hundred and seventeen years for the recovery of its location.
The twist: City hall is still working fine all these years.
I like you, user.
Another city.
the sole entrance to the city's sprawling catacombs, of course. that way the adventurer problem and giant rat problem can continue to whittle each other down with as little intervention from and interaction with the locals as possible
The hell hole known as casc antic, why?
Nuclear waste disposal site
Your waifu
funny little monkey
I keep reading this OP again and again, but I don't see any words relating it to traditional games at all.
Cities exist in real life and in various media besides traditional games.
There is no heart to the Impossible City. You do not know how or indeed when you got there. You do not understand where you are. The City is eternal, everlasting, vast beyond measure and wrong.
There are places, unless it is just one area, that seems to be a place of more wrongness. The buildings become higher, higher than the Noble Spires or the Watchtowers. They twist and elongate like fingered claws reaching to the grey and sunless skies branching and twisting like branches of some impossible parody of a tree to heights their construction materials should not allow.
You can not get to the heart of this place as with each step it becomes more wrong. The denizens stranger. Distances turn in on themselves and contort into convoluted shapes as dimension and shape and time are tortured and contorted into stranger shapes as the ground rises up but is till ground.
To walk further is to walk upwards in the ground that has become a wall that is still ground as the city drops away behind and beneath you and you are drawn by the grey light where no sun is beyond the ever present clouds.
None have returned from the clouds, and only the foolish would travel that oath and of those fools only the hardiest would survive as far as to find that unknown.
He's fishing for plot ideas you dip.
The heart of the city is the inner city.
Plot ideas for what? A movie? A novel? A comic? A video game? Who fucking knows!
Your mother never loved you.
>Plot ideas for what?
a traditional game?
>a traditional game?
Where did the OP write those words?
It is Glitch City. Missingno was the gate keeper. The citizens are the those who tried to catch him and were ensnared themselves and lost forever. And at it's heart the pokemon that should never have been, Mewtwo. He holds court atop the tower of bones and wire that nobody looks at, who whispers in their dreams and pulls their strings for petty amusement like the cruel gods of antiquity.
>The Pit.
That's where the city comes from. Every day you wake up living a block further from The Pit.
He doesn't have to, you butthurt autist. We understand the context.
The tower. And the man in the tower controls it all without raising a single fist.
At first I thought you were being pedantic, but now I see you're just salty.
That pic is stupid.
Anyone who lurked enough would know that this place isn't under constant watch from the same single janitor.
The Wellspring.
Every real city starts by the water, generally a coast or a river. This one started with just a little well of potable water. That's what led to it becoming a town, then to becoming a city, then to becoming the City. But it's heart is still that well, and as it became the City the well became the Wellspring.
It's no longer anything close to its original form, but it's still the City's heart. Kill it, and the City will die.
more city
It's like they've gathered up the city, sold it to the devil and now... it's gone to hell, and they wonder how.
Stealing this.
>The Pit spontaneously appeared out in the wilderness one day, and began spawning city blocks
>Every day the city expands
>Nearly everyone who enters the city "decides" to settle in the city, there are so many vacant houses to choose from.
>Eventually, the city and all its inhabitants simply disappear, and the pit goes dormant for a time, until new city blocks begin appearing once again
No one knows what lies in the center. Some claim to have made it there, but they refuse to speak of it, other than getting a vague sense of disappointment.
Pic Related
The reason the city is there in the first place: a harbor, or a crossroads, or a fortified defensive post the original village grew around.
Best answer. Bonus points for the elderly Croatian that runs it being an eldritch being that just got lonely, and wanted company.
Man, this city....
Judge Dredd, but he's sleeping and everybody's trying not to wake him up.
A smooth, cuboid alien-looking structure with a single door. The city was built around this structure thousands of years ago when the tribes first stumbled upon it, and since then nobody has ever gotten through that door:
When the city was little more than tents and shacks around the structure, the populace scratched at it and beat it for days. This eventually evolved to spears, arrows, catapults, guns, bombs, lasers and plasma - all completely useless.
Once a year, the city holds a festival where it's inhabitants gather around the structure for a garish carnival.
You approach the smooth featureless door to examine some colourful banners draped over it, when a dull click sounds.
The door begins to slide open, air rushing in and people falling to their knees in shock, weeping and prayer.
What awaits you inside?
inb4 dragon dildos
A massive sinkhole-like structure that is said to be where the center of government
>At the heart of the city is a jolly black man.
>This man does not age.
>His fate is mysteriously tied to that of the city.
>When he suffers, the city suffers.
>When he is content, the city is content.
Ciudad (from before Gimenez drew the Metabarons).
Really, that's one of the themes of the comic.
Historically speaking, usually a river of some sort. although really tall towers are another good bet. Most cities have one or both of those things in the middle, very few cities have neither.
it sounds like it's just some kind of zeitgeist made literal, my man.
The only map to the city, a great stone & metal pillar. In the center of the map is a small star & the words "You are here"
A dog lies at the center of the city. It just wallows in its own dogginess as traffic circumvents it. Every once in a while it heaves a big sigh.
Stubborn Joe's Farmstead
That's kinda fucked up.
What's it like to live an utterly joyless life?
This isn't Veeky Forums.
>not dreddbedd.jpg
Your mother and i are very disappointed in you, user.
You know full well what for. Either stop being a pedantic asshole or fuck off.
my dick
that's a lot of orientalism to describe "the original owners are still rich and haven't sublet"
literally wearing this shirt right now.
Aww, is the widdle autistic faggot upset that he spent 60 dollars on something that wasn't even a game?
No argument there. I do like the evocativeness of it though.
The Green
The only place in the entire city left untouched by the Sprawl
The only known perpetually moving object. It's a rotating sphere that always remains at zero kelvin. No one in the city can remember its origin.
sounds like uzimaki from the junji ito manga
>premise explicitly states there is no center
>What's at the center guyz?
Additional yards of city. Just yards of it.
Center of the city is monolith of a building. The building is well guarded and no soul is permitted in save by one (ruler or whatever).
Within the building is a literal heart that powers the city. The heart is still in its rightful place and you learn that the vast city you live in is on a giant mythical being.
The only public toilet.
Cities have multiple wells, but wells alone are generally not enough to support a large population. Late Etruscan/Early Roman towns also have inbuilt cisterns in wealthy homes.
Calm down, satan.
Assuming they are talking about the greater metropolitian area, they are talking about how the center of Tokyo is a giant fucking bay, on the other side of which is Chiba, another city.
It's like New York if Manhattan didn't exist. All the Boroughs+Jersey would just sort of circle around a huge void in the the hudson river estuary.
Most cities are built along rivers or coastlines, but some of the biggest cities crawl around bays and estuaries, and this makes them hollow like Tokyo.
Also, it's a very common idea in Japanese Cyberpunk to build an artificial island in Tokyo bay, This would make Tokyo more like New York. But the idea is also often compared to the tower of Babel.
looked at this webcomic after i saw this post. It has been more than a year amd there have been 4 updates. Now i remember why i gave up on it progressing again.
A fight.
Now show me the walls, roofs, and trees in Tokyo Bay.
They're talking about the palace complex in a tone normally reserved for shit like the tomb of the Emperor of Man, when in reality it's more like Central Park that you actually can't visit instead of just don't want to.
A bus station
Or some Very Important Installation