/5eg/ - Fifth Edition General

>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative


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Do you/your DM forbid any PHB races (other than v. human or half-elf)? Why?

I really dislike dragonkin, but it's more like I just don't use them at all rather than specifically banning them. I've just been lucky enough to not have any players using one

Should I bother with Shillelagh when I can grab Magic Stone?

>Should I bother with Shillelagh

I forbid var. humans, sorta scared of any broken buildz players might come up with. But guess it'll go away with time. As for fantasy races, nothing currently playable in the setting apart from humans and goblins.

No bans on PHB races, but my DM has a hard cap on were-persons. He had a half-orc who became a werebear at some point so he disallowed my shifter character, although he didn't really know the specifics of Shifters. Either way I've got a skeleton character sheet for pretty much every race in the PHB and several non-PHB races so it wasn't hard to change my character.

I'm not familiar with magic stone, but shillelagh seems like it would really only be a good cantrip for low levels for better or worse

>but my DM has a hard cap on were-persons
As in only one per party, or are you saying he wont let you level up past a certain point?

>Throwing stones and calling it magic

Sure if you want to be a poser.

Understandable. Dragonborn were kind of a weird addition to 4e-bumping up dragon-y lizardfolk to core status (over the likes of half-orcs) rubbed some people the wrong way.

As in one per party.

Anyone tried using treasure for XP in 5e? I thought it would be great for shifting player priorities.

Dragonborn were introduced in 3.5, but became core in 4e (indeed, at the expense of half-orcs).
Although in 3.5 they were a template, not a separate race.

I wonder how much my isp will charge for roll20 access once the changes go through.

No, unless it's a themed game where I might have a smaller option pool that matches the theme.

For Druid's it's probably the best damage until level 11. If they pick up PAM or BB/GFB? Then it's the best damage option they got by far.

I would personally grab Shillelagh and PAM for a weapon Druid's main damage. If you find a +1 Quarterstaff or whatever then it'll be doing more damage then any other cantrip until level 17.

If you don't care about weapons then Primal Savagery and later Produce Flame.

Well, yeah, but to be frank, what fucking race wasn't in 3.5, as a template or otherwise?

In all fairness there's also a legion of player races in 3.5 I wish never existed.

Giving the players access to a deck of many things at 1st lvl? I know for a fact that my players dont know what the item is or what it does, they haven't read the DMG much and every item they see that's not a potion of healing is new to them.

I thought if the players don't want To latch on to any other plot hooks then this will be a memorable way to kick off a game. Any story's with this item from your games?

I usually dont outright ban any races unless its a theme game in which i usually give just a few options. I do encourage my players to all be the same or related races in order to make very focused games but its never a requirement

Got a bit of a dumb question; why are greater healing potions 10X the cost/price of a normal healing potion?

I realize it's mostly tied to the costs of magic items from the DMG, but 50 GP for 2d4+2 or 500 GP for 4d4+4 is a fucking no-brainer.

Can I go anywhere at all without someone talking about this shit

They seem to be actively avoiding having it pop up on newfeeds.

the trove is STILL dead

Normally never liked the deck, but I did write up a basic adventure that had players hunting down the individual cards. It was just be have them getting 'ye old treasure map' at lvl 1 and not super serious at all.

Rolled 16, 14, 5, 16, 15, 4 = 70 (6d20)

Behold, the flimsiest Paladin who e'er lived

nice guess senpai

Behold! A man suited to be anything that isn't a paladin

Is there any class he's suitable for with 5 con?

Do Druids get their animal forms con scores in wildshape?

Okay I'm out of ideas. Give a character to play, Veeky Forums. Any character.

Why do you ban half-elf? Too OP?

Honestly I feel like any rolls, no matter how shitty, can be made usable by playing a moon druid

Orc barbarian with an 8 in intelligence, which his racial -2 to int brings down to 6

For reference, a fucking APE has 6 int


Because Charisma multiclass spamming is munchkin central, and half elf is basically the best race for anything that takes Charisma

Unless you need 3 feats, in which case V.Human is your best bet


Rolled 16, 17, 1, 10, 3, 9 = 56 (6d20)

Rolling for the only good class in the game, the Barbarogue

Rolled 13, 15, 2, 9, 3, 13 = 55 (6d20)

lets roll you up some stats.

Halflings are better for being a munchkin because they get a charisma bonus too but they're also shorter.

Why is the Con on these rolls ALWAYS shit?

Rolled 16, 14, 9, 12, 11, 7 = 69 (6d20)

Its not



Rolled 10, 7, 1, 19, 16, 16 = 69 (6d20)

It's a mystery.


It, probably would.
Do you want to shift player priorities?

What kind of answer are you looking for? You could probably rule that Greater healing potion costs only 250gp, since it is consumable. (Same way how basic potion costs 50gp, instead of 100gp as it should for common magic item).

And, sometimes, you just need that extra healing NOW. It is still cheaper than Raise Dead.

What are the best ways to build a necromancer in 5e?

Wouldn't you get the same amount of range by using a polearm and have a damage die that isn't terrible

Old man whose dirtfarm is stolen by an Archfey. The only way to get the farm and his wife back is to join in a warlock pact. Jumps right from level 0 whatever level the party is at, totally out of his element.

Yeah, but then you're not a meme.

Step 1- Pick Wizard
Step 2- Pick "Necromancy"
There is no step 3.

Yes but whips are the only reach weapon that can be used with finesse! Which, I don't know, might be useful for a non-gish caster with booming blade?

Probably just all the way necromancer wizard. I imagine there's probably some gimmick stuff you could figure out with multiclassing oathbreaker paladin or something, but I doubt it would be better overall

You'd need spell sniper.

Make a wizard
Take necromancer

>Be Mystic
>Use Giant Form
>Have Focus on Giant Growth

Can I then grapple enemies from 20 feet away?

If I'm normal size and do it with the Focus on can I grapple at 10 feet?

Do you guys do 6x4d6 drop lowest as the book suggests, or 6d20 as your doing in this thread? or just build your own stats? do you pick the order of the stats or take them as they roll?

Rolled 4, 2, 11, 7, 3, 7 = 34 (6d20)

6d20 is just a meme. Never do it in a real game.

I asked this before, but everyone just asked me about the Castlevania show on Netflix and never got an answer.

TELL ME the secrets of the Bugbearmont, please.

Here is why.

Distance sneak attacks using a whip+bugbear.
Alternatively, in the same thread, distance smites with the same set up.

I doubt anyone uses 6d20 for anything other than shitposting or some sort of joke one shot. 5e is really more suited to point buy or just using the array though with how they use ability score advancement, but really the classes that benefit the most from well rolled stats are the non-casters so meh. I just think it would get old if everyone got 20 in three stats really quickly every time, and 4d6 drop one makes that pretty simple

Make a necromancer
Take wizard

What is the best class/multiclass if I wanna slice and blast?


Probably paladin/warlock or paladin/sorcerer


You guys got any good art of bards?

Hey guys.
I need some sacred text quotes, proverbs, etc for my acolyte to say. His god is unnamed yet, but is from the Tempest Domain, so something like Thor or Zeus. Can you help me out? thanks!!


considering that its about the internet and you're ON the internet?

some variant of the "a calm sea never made a skillful sailor" quote.

or you could just use it cause its fun


Point buy, all the way.

It's not very funny having your primary stat +2 when someone else have +5.

with as much detail in in that art i feel like the face is a real cop out

It's probably meant to be a Token, so less detail on the face can make it easier to see at tiny sizes.

It's not being updated but it still has good shit for new DMs.

What are bards good for?

closest roll to breaking even (standard array = 72)

Is that Lenin wearing an american flag outfit?

Support in battle, and social situations

I've noticed something:
Spells work in any armor you're proficient with, so you have a way built in to multiclass or build interesting hybrids.
But for example martial arts of the monk does not have such a way built in, but rather hard limitations that you won't get around, period.

Do you think this is
a) sensible?
b) intentional and not just an oversight?

I want to. Should I go
1gp spent on training -> 1 XP
or do something different?

It's a reasonable argument for armored monks, but it's basically a non-issue since they're going to have the dex anyway. What it ultimately amounts to is limiting the monks ability to effectively multiclass as they would have to worry about wisdom no matter what, but I don't think it would break the game or anything to allow them armor

I forbid Elves and Gnomes because I'm running the Elves like Discworld Elves. Perfect, beautiful, cruel and emotionless beings who appear because you think about them and then they kill you. Just being around them makes you feel so ugly and awful in comparison that you want to lay down and die.

Gnomes are literally Harry Potter house elves. Because I hate small races.

Depends on what you want and how much money do you give to your PCs. It's a good way to make them only level up in a city though

Punching Paladin. Get Tavern brawler and MC bard or rogue for expertise in Athletics. Bonus points if you fluff your abilities as hamon

Is this just looted treasure or any sort of income

a) It doesn't gimp monk itself, only monk multiclass. So... yes?
b) Definitely intentional. Relatively low AC and fragility is main and possibly only monk weakness. Also, it is meaningful fluff-wise.

DEX Paladin? I was assuming it was just stacking all the reach-increasing things possible, Battlemaster's Lunging Attack, and like the mystic's giant growth stuff

Not Guardian Ranger though since it specifically sets your size to Large.

Wikipedia tells me the god Tyr died in 4e. Is this still true? He's one of the suggested paladin gods in the PHB. How do you worship a dead god?

Making a shapeshifter with edgy weapon arms, each is meant to have a unique property without being much stronger than a cantrip or tool set.

Do these seem balanced?

>Pointy claws-
Take a Bonus Action to manifest or put away
2d4 Slashing damage
Ability is only taking a Bonus Action to "draw" or "sheath".

Full Action to manifest or put away
2d6 Bludgeoning
Damage from Potent Psionics is Bludgeoning
Counts as a Portable Ram for breaking shit

>Pointy tentacle arm-
Full Action to manifest or put away
1d8 Piercing
Can be used as an arm for manipulating things or grappling (Can't do fine motor control like lockpicking though)

>Edgy Scythe Arms/Mantis Arms-
Full Action to manifest or put away
These arms cannot be used to attack normally, instead they can be used to cast the Sword Burst cantrip as a Psychic Talent. If you do, the damage is Slashing. This property cannot be used without 5 feet of space around you, or while Grappled or Prone (Or otherwise unable to make Attacks)
Can be used to clear brush and plants while traveling.

(Arms that take a full action to create can be swapped between each other as a full action)

Canon advancing does not necessarily hold over between editions.

Same problem appears with the Barbarian, who is more multiclassable. I probably mis-formulated by question, I was asking more from a design point of view, not from a power level one.

I wasn't thinking about how it affects power but rather how it seems to prevent multiclassing because of class fluff, when casters who traditionally were limited by the same limitations are not, and whether this is intentional, and whether this is a fitting design for 5E which tried to remove almost all restrictions from multiclassing.

Of course this would fit into a 3.5 style designed game where flavor inform mechanics a lot more and some classes are nothing but ribbon abilities plus one actually usable class feature.

It seems OK to me.

That's what I'm asking.

What would you say are the best Mystic disciplines, /5eg/?