Previous thread: >Pastebin:
>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
How have your games featured Dracula? What do you think of his real life history and how would it translate in game, personally i plan to make Dracula a vampire hunter (mostly for irony and the fact he stakes people)
>5th editons cliffnotes
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Are you going to call him Alucard?
How many mages would jizz n their girlfriends neck and use matter to make it a real pearly necklace and then fuck yer brains out.
How many would fire diamonds into her?
How many mages does it take to screw a light bulb ?
dont need light bulbs with forces
A Hermetic to conjure a lightbulb, a Unionist to destroy it, and an Adamantine Arrow to buy one at the store and screw it in by hand.
Some insane Zirnitra question: ratings of Supernatural Tolerance from different sources - do they stack?
None. Lightbulbs are evil and authoritarian.
It only takes one mage to screw anything.
Fucking ruining everything! Is there nothing they wont fucking moan about?
And this is why i hate trannies.
Got to cater to the mental illness of .0000000001% of the population instead of keeping a much-loved aspect of British culture... No wonder /pol/ is so popular.
How is this in any way related to WoD/CoD discussion ?
Fuck off retard
last thread was all about why we hate trannies, that is a perfect example.
They are ruining everything, esp WoD/CoD
Well I don't and wasn't in the last thread
How are they ruining WoD ? If anything, you're ruining what you like by bringing a bitter /pol/ mindset to the table
Have you read any recent OPP/WW book lately?
I'm mostly into VtR and CtL, don't really pay attention to release dates
I've heard Beast wasn't good but then again it might be just spazs like you
What books are you talking about specifically ?
Don't listen to word from this thread, they’re all memers, Beast is one of the greatest RPGs out there at the moment. A couple of threads ago, these autists even made a bunch of phoney edits to make Beast look bad. You should just leave the thread and buy it.
I've got the pdf but the intro is pretty dense and I just skimmed over the rest
I'll eventually get around to reading it though
The major legitimate problem that seemed to emerge from it was that Beasts sound a lot more like loners and / or antagonist material
The whole lair business makes them pretty static and I didn't find many plot hooks to exploit as a GM
Do they function properly in groups ?
Any advice ?
Jesus the last two threads have been really horrible.
This one seems to go down the same path.
Last thread kind of blew up mid way through with the Caine comment.
Such a same that my Moonfuckers idea was unable to resolve it.
Though I have to Space the CofD Arcana best suited to Sympathetic Connections? And how would that mesh with Spirit?
He has pulled this shit in several threads but now someone took the bait.
Anyone want to discuss possibilities for sorcerer and hedge wizard cabals ? (For the Second Sight quasi-splat)
Apostles of the Dark One seem pretty straightforward, you'd probably get some Nine-Anglers as the edgelords in chief, but what are some more moderate theistic satanist groups ?
Ceremonial Magicians should have the Royal Magical Society, obviously.
Could have some kind of NWO/Illuminati kind of organisation that recruits wizards to do their bidding ?
Quite a lot of hunter conspiracies would probably have their psychic departments too
Don't have the books on hand at the moment (I'm at work) but suggestions would be nice and I believe we can make something good out of it
I do, in fact like all of these ideas.
Maybe there's a group that operates alongside Werewolves?
They're like the crazy Spirit followers done sensible.
Oh yes let's not forget about neo-pagans
Wiccan hippies who found some actual occult rituals could be hella fun to play and would definitely work with werewolves
I'm kinda stumped on the voodoo wizards though, nog sure what kind of organization could back them up
>I'm kinda stumped on the voodoo wizards though, nog sure what kind of organization could back them up
Well they're Voodoo, they don't need organisational backing, they've got friends on the other side.
To chime in after the mage butthurt last time:
My stuff is oWoD but i think you can use it in both worlds.
>The Inquisition:
In myWoD the Inquisition has a bunch of sorcerers. They see themselves as gods choosen, granted special abilities to fight against the Unholy beasts. They are mostly preoccupied in aiding the Inquisitors and hunting Vamps and Wolfs.
Ofc they are seen with great mistrust from church officials but their capabilities give the Inquisition an edge it needs.
Reposting from last thread. I think KotE/Hunter is when it started going to shit.
Development of "God" in the WoD:
Vampire "The One Above" with a Caine/Abel story that barely resembles the Christian Version
Werewolf: Helios is probably the one above, also there's a bunch of god-like "incarna" spirits, also metaphysical trinity
Mage: Belief defines reality, outside of "cosmological constants." The world is shit because everyone is despairing of anything better.
Wraith: The underworld is swirling around the toilet bowl of unbeing, and there's a bunch of monsters who used to be like you trying to flush the universe. Resist or Serve.
Changeling: Nothing of value added
KotE: Asia has super special unique cosmology rules that only apply in Asia. Also really really racist.
Hunter: The Cosmological Asia-spirits are now doing stuff outside of Asia, and they want all spoops dead or cowed for reasons.
Mummy: Sekrit egyptian underworld stuff. woo.
Demon: Naw, that shit's all gay. A is for Adam, B is for Bible, now gimme dat faith, or I'll fuck you in da eye-hole.
Well I mean so are vampires. You normally just start them off weak, and together, and with a common goal
I guess you're right
Do Beasts have an organized society though ?
It feels like most plot hooks are just : "o shit heroes are in town !"
This probably comes from the fact that A): Beasts are worse at teamwork than people playing Minecraft, and B): Beast is just a shitty gameline overall.
>Vodoo mages
Well for me that screams:
>Drug cartell led by Voodoo priests
Their American and European holdings mostly operate in coastal cities.
>Royal Magical Society
In MyWoD they are the biggest organization of mages/sorcerers. And the self appointed Government of magical affairs.
They are loosely organized into Conciliums de jure ruled from London but de facto independent.
There are a bunch of basic laws they all try to enforce (keeping magic secret, no summoning of demons etc.) but apart from that it depends on the local councilmen.
Mostly they are embroiled in their own intrigues/politics and in some places other organizations are in charge (ofc the local concilium would never admit that).
Despite their flaws they have the largest collection of occult and magical knowledge and if someone really steps on their toes or breaks the magical laws on a grand scale they get their shit together. They have a small group of enforcers with nasty magical artifacts and top level hedge magic to put troublemakers in their place.
>>Vodoo mages
>Well for me that screams:
>>Drug cartell led by Voodoo priests
>Their American and European holdings mostly operate in coastal cities.
And ofc they have "Zombie" Minions they control with their Magic toxins. An enemy that has access to soldiers with no instinct for self preservation is truly dangerous.
They have three branches:
The ones running the ordinary drug business.
A spiritual branch caring for Voodoo believers.
And a last branch that sells special magical drugs and Voodoo artifacts to other supernaturals and the Ultra rich.
In myWoD they occassionally come into conflict with the Royal society because they reveal magic to normal people and because they are the de facto magical government in some places.
What about Blood Bathers?
Are they from Second Sight or am I thinking of an entirely different book?
Don't ask me fameroni.
I am an oWoD guy.
I have to improvise this shit mostly.
Love all that my man
Thanks for contributing again
If you are interested in my stuff i could Post more.
Btw blood bathers seem to be from WoD: Immortals.
I would very much like that yes
>Btw blood bathers seem to be from WoD: Immortals.
Someone fetch me a blender!
I will find a way to merge Immortals with Second Sight even if it kills me!
Can confirm blood bathers are part of Immortals
Actually those templates can be added on top of another without much tweaking I believe
Most of the work is going to be fluff for the player and dedication from the character
They are pretty much Goetia aren't they?
Siddhi being "Secret Masters," I assume
>bloodbathing wizards
I see you are a connoisseur of refined pleasures as well
I currently use a body-snatching african witch doctor as a recurring NPC in my campaign
I'm getting overtones of Gurps Voodoo/Cabal
Can I fuck Goetic demons?
I'm pretty sure there's a goetic demon that embodies that question.
...he's a loveable sex maniac who looks like a tentacled oil tanker.
My original idea for my Masquerade chronic was a Cabal of Ghouls that have a few Vamps staked in the basement. They aren't affected by the blood bond strangely.
The reason for that is that their leadership is a (or a few) Sorcerer(ers).
He has deviced a ritual too circumvent the blood bond but regularly needs ingredients from "Living vampires". So ofc the Vamps want to kill them asap. The local concilium wants the same thing and this whole affair kickstarts a diplomatic relationship between the Prince and the Consilium.
Ofc wiping out these cabal is hard. They are a bunch of seasoned Vampire Hunters with Ghoul Powers and hedge Magic backing. Also most of them are aristocrats from the German Empire, so they have more old Money than they could ever spend and every member knows his way around the gun and the sword.
That sounds really cool.
I had thought about using my own version of Risen but body snatching and/or blood bathing mages might be even better for what i intended.
>Dark Eras 2 is trapped in a KS version of Zeno's Paradox
This is why you write the book first and out the draft on the project page, peoole.
I think OPP got gunshy of sharing the draft after Beast, but you'd think they'd do like Scion did and have a finished sample for us like one of the chapters or something.
By their admission, all that exists of Dark Eras 2 is just setting pitches. There is nothing to share. It's going to fund and it's not going to be Exalted 3e 2: Delay Harder but good lord you'd have think they'd have learned.
Something tells me that forming a group of Vampires at the bottom of the ocean would be rather risky.
I don't mean from the crushing pressure or the fact that that there isn't any light, there's Disciplines for that (Auspex, Protean, Vigor, Celerity and Resilience)
I'm talking about the fact you could accidentally end up in Arcadia due to naturally forming Hedge Gates.
naaa, just chill with some ghouled dolphins and ya good
Amazing concept which I'm absolutely going to steal
In VtR there's a blood sorcery ritual from the Circle of the Crone that allows you to suppress bonds of blood so that can easily be adapted
There's also hydrothermal vents.
Ah yes, I almost forgot Animism.
Still doesn't address how one should deal with the Hedge Gates that form down there.
Thanks. I am glad you like my stuff.
1: those don't give off visible light
2: Frenzy isn't as big of a deal in 2e.
3: Why do you think I suggested Resilience?
Body snatchers are pretty cool (and creepy)
The african sorcerer I'm using is a special kind of body snatcher though, he uses rituals that allow for snatching a selected body regardless of the distance, when he dies
The thing is, sorcery is often a family tradition in Africa, where the uncles usually train their nephews to become the next sorcerer
And that guy has been doing exactly that, except he's been preparing them to be suitable host bodies for him ...
So the family has had some incredibly powerful sorcerers for centuries now, except it's always the same guy
For now the PCs don't know about this and he's been mostly helpful (if a bit creepy), I wonder when the reveal is going to be
Probably get sucked in and be tortured forever by the gentry
If it's not the Shadow that gets you
>1: those don't give off visible light
Sorry, this is the kind of stuff I meant.
There's a book about ocean and other water-based vampires. Blood Dimmed Tides.
My old ST had an NPC from the sea using that book (the prince in one of the cities, actually, and she showed up later in a different city as well).
Masquerade so it doesn't talk about getting to the hedge if you wander too far down though.
>Probably get sucked in and be tortured forever by the gentry
This a thing that happens when you can't stack Major Splats?
Now I'm imagining a True Fae getting depressed because they were unable to have a kid...because the person that got grabbed was a newly Embraced Vampire.
Nope this is a thing that happens with the True Fae in general
Torturing for eternity is just their schtick
Although they'd probably get bored pretty quick with vampires, considering the leeches got no soul
>Although they'd probably get bored pretty quick with vampires, considering the leeches got no soul
But I can see them having FUN with Werewolves...and Geists.
True Fae have True Fun
I remember there were a few sidebars about the effects of the Hedge on different splats, but I don't think the Fae can change other supernaturals into Changelings
They need human souls to work with
>not animalism
This is the photo negative of editing errors in Land of Eight Million Dreams...
There is no level of Vigor or Fortitude that could support you in the Marianas Trench. You're not as bad off as WoD vampires in that I don't think that they ported over depth sweat, so you won't be losing blood past a few hundred meters, but a few thousand meters is going to crush you like the blood bag that you are.
>but I don't think the Fae can change other supernaturals into Changelings
>They need human souls to work with
I was thinking more about how Werewolf Regeneration would make the eternal torture fun for the True Fae and their Cake Spoons.
I'm pretty sure that's what Mastigos do as a matter of course. Bene Ashmedai are all about it and Clavicularius are in denial.
Also, if I remember correctly, Quark, one of the mages in Soul Cage had his Lust as a Familiar (although Vice is usually Rank 3, so...), whom I always imagined looking as Lust from FMA, or maybe Asami Sato 'cause they look almost the same.
But than again, I usually imagine Vices looking similar to the ones in FMA no matter the character in question. They just make a good reference.
What happened to the guy from the last thread who was going to test the larper's ritual? I kinda wanted to watch him call the autist out.
>This is the photo negative of editing errors in Land of Eight Million Dreams...
>but a few thousand meters is going to crush you like the blood bag that you are.
So just use Protean to cheat and go full Vampire Blobfish.
>What happened to the guy from the last thread who was going to test the larper's ritual?
He fell through a portal to the Elemental Plane of Honeybadgers.
Poor bastard.
No but seriously, was the whole thing to trolls seeing who could out-larp the other? Because that would be fucking disappointing.
Well since they're literal gods in their domain they can already make humans regenerate
The Rage though, that would be amusing for sure
Kinda reminds me of the canon "Young Bloods" gang in V20, from "Hunters Hunted II".
They're a big gang of ghouled thugs and bikers on the West Coast who spend their days hunting down and killing vampires for fun.
To get around the blood bond, they captured a Toreador fledgling several years back and imprisoned him in an abandoned bunker. Every month they need a new blood-fix, they just force the poor sod to embrace some new vampires for them (usually homeless vagrants or anyone else the gang can get their hands on), gives said vampires some blood to fill them up, and then everyone in the gang takes ONE drink from those newly-embraced and newly-fed vamps.
And then they kill the new vampire(s) which removes the blood bond entirely (one can't be bloodbonded to a dead vampire), and then they start the process all over again the next month when they need their fix.
Pic related.
The armenian information spirit appeared before him and informed him about the fact that he's a faggot.
Can you do that to a guy you have a blood bond with?
Well, VtM Gangrel Mariners do just fine living in the ocean... though, they still have limits on how deep down they can go (even with Fortitude), and it's not like the oceans are safe to be in, considering the Rokea and the Chulorviahn behemoths that can REALLY wreck a Mariner's night.
Said dangers might be why many Mariners instead opt for living in the sea close to land, or just dwell in lakes instead... Plus, they get more chances to drink human blood if they stick (relatively) close to the shore.
What, kill them to get out of it? Sure, at least in VtM (I don't play VtR, so I can't answer on that front).
In VtM, if you're blood-bonded to someone and that person dies, the blood bond is destroyed.
Poof. Kaput. Gone forever.
That said, it can still leave emotional scars in those who actually had genuine emotions or feelings for their regnant, and they might end up going crazy or killing themselves.
Others, who hated their regnant, might instead scream with joy and feel great relief. It all comes down to the person and the relationship between the regnant and the thrall, really.
From VtR 2e:
>George and his family have half a dozen Kindred on tap in
>a basement of their farm house. They send the young and
>pretty cousins out to rest stops and all-night diners, hunting
>hunters. While George never meant for his family to be so
>special, since they been around for so long, he’s taken to
>notice the teenagers don’t need so much Vitae to stay special.
>He’s got plans. The next generation, he figures, they’ll need
>even less Vitae. If he plans it right.
As for circumventing blood bond, just have multiple basements and never milk and meet same vampire as you drink from.
Kinda hard to find source of Vitae at the bottom of the ocean, isn't it?
>Kinda hard to find source of Vitae at the bottom of the ocean, isn't it?
Is quantity of blood a way to get around blood quality in Requiem? Maybe they feed on whales or something.
No, once you hit certain levels of BP you just can't feed on anything lower. Animals only work till BP 2 or 3 I think.
To get around the blood issue, you'd have to make your underwater haven near somewhere with people or be an elder with an ungodly deep reservoir of vitae so you only need to emerge and hunt (and hunt a lot) rarely.
Or you commission an underwater hortel for rich twazzocks.
Two pluses:
1): Free food.
2): You're improving the gene pool.
So how do elders get around the Vitae restriction if they don't want to sleep away the centuries? Feeding on other vampires and supernaturals would be a minor death sentence unless you have enough of a power base to avoid reprisal.
Question for people who run Mage the Awakening. I need some advice for my own future game. What's your settings justification on why there isn't uberpowerful mages running around?
I know according to the fluff 3+ degree Masters are supposed to be exceptionally rare but there's no mechanical reason why this must be true.
>As for circumventing blood bond, just have multiple basements and never milk and meet same vampire as you drink from
Ah thats pretty gamey. The blood bond would lead to someone investigating the basement.
Fuck I have overlooked them.
Will definetly give these guys a look. Might use them, to terrorize a nearby anarch republic.
>Feeding on other vampires and supernaturals would be a minor death sentence unless you have enough of a power base to avoid reprisal.
You become a vampire hunter.
There, problem solved.
Good question. Exactly the one which would you expect answered in recent book about vampire elders, Thousands Years of Night. But this is OnyxPath so bad luck, instead there is crapload of useless bullshit.
for 2e id say they are to busy with their own obessions to bother with what others are up too.
in 1e there wer various methods, cruac rituals to reduce your BP (giving it to somebody else i think too?)
Pretty sure there was a ordo dracul thing that let you ignore it?
>Ah thats pretty gamey. The blood bond would lead to someone investigating the basement.
Nah, blood bond makes you really like/borderline love the person you are bonded to, there is no mystical leash that would draw you to some unknown location. If you don't know the person and don't come into any contact, you are fine.
They feed on other vampires. Its doable.
I haven't read it but someone I know was bitching about their not being enough information about elder disciplines (rank 6+)?
Exactly, so my solution of becoming a Vampire hunter makes perfect sense!
I think elders in covenants basically also just use political clout to make neonates bend over and take it from behind when they get hungry. Boo fucking hoo, you have to go hunt on the rack a day or two early.
There are most places just don't have many mages in general. Personally, when I run a new mage game I'm going to restrict arcana to 3 masters will probably exist sparsely but fighting them just seems impossible without altering the rules.
DaveB really fucked the balance of the game making it just impossible to give master mages any fucking stakes.