Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Average European Garage Board edition

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>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)

True Previous Thread

My game board.

At least it isn't shag.

>Not using shoes and empty beer bottles as terrain

Get on my level scrub

>Own like 30 fucking lemans.
>Lemans are shit
>Dump the box on the floor at random and use that as terrain.

By all means, I would love to see your solution.

How popular is 30k anyway?
Does marinemarinemarine siphon many people from 40k?

Whoops quoted wrong guy

>Homebrew Space Marines Chapter : Man of taste, you still like vanilla ice cream. You outsmart regularly other player in your flgs. You are Rejoicing about Primaris and cannot wait for the Plastic Overlord, as you will be able to show your massive painting skill on this Masterpiece of giant flyer.
9/10 fashion and 8+/10 wife.
>Space Wolves :
Dumb furry, NEET, you aren't as white as you imagine you are.
>Ultramarines / Blood Angel :
You life is boring and you are unsuccessful at work, but you consider yourself superior to other in every way.
You refuse to acknowledge having a below average or no skill in art, music, sports, cooking and sex.
>Cuckstodes / Deathwatch :
Cheap Mofo, you dont like to paint and want to win. Sorry for your loss.
>Dark Angels :
>Grey Knight :
You really hate the guy below
>CSM Chaos/DG/TS/Deamons/Renegades :
200kgs neckbeard atheist with fedora, you define yourself as "Dedicated to the chaos god" and only ever bought chaos models.
Most of your army is still unpainted and you always have some cheetos ready in your backpack.
You like playing against new player so you can cheat amd stomp them.
You avoid tournament as you know you have no actual skill in 40k.
You dream of becoming super powerfull and blessed by whatever god and killing chads that bullied you during HighSchool.
You never actually kissed a girl but come on, its not your fault, its just because no girl is as perfect as you.
>Imperial Guard / Tempestus :
The money and time at your disposal make you one of the best player in your FLGS.
Your extensive collection only equals your love for your wife, good father, you have one if the finest palet and are a true gourmet.
You were right for most if not all the decisions you took in your life.
You should paint those metal guardsmen you bought in the 80's tho.

>Eldar / Imperial Knight :
Seasonned Waacfag, you were blessed by GW and always had stupid OP rules throught your History. You like the race because it represent what you'll never be : Anime Perfection.
Legolas is your sempaï and you actually think you're better than a baka gaïjin.
>Dark Eldar :
Edgy faggot, while people your were drowing in parties and sex as well as completing their Master's Degree, you mastered the katana in your room.
You are definetly convinced that GIRLS are the problem.
>Harlequins :
Admit it, you're more of a collector than a player.
You cannot stop telling this story about how a small squad of Harlequins BTFO'ed every cuckstodes around easily in whatever book.
>Eldar Corsair :
The Unicorn of the FLGS. Some say they do not even exists.
>Orks :
Genuine best friend material, you are fun and creative.
You're the biggest Nob in bed and are succesfull with woman.
Your high paying job is tiresome, but you are dedicated to the hobby, and pretty much everything you love in life. Good father and good teacher the kids love you, you are the pillar of the FLGS.

You're the only one out-Cheetosing the chaos player.
BeerGut and born in best years of the western civilization, some of your models are older than half the FLGS.
You do not like to paint and play to win.
Even if you have the easiest paintjob in the history of GW, you still asked for helped / for someone else to help you paint your army.
>Tyranid :
You're the girl of the FLGS, or a true Napoleonic level Commander. Why didn't you paint all those gaunt tho?
>T'au :
>T'au Suits / DKOK / Legio Titanicus :
True White Patrician with exellent taste, wealthy, middle aged but you also let your genius level son stomp on other Gue'la.
You aristocratic background taughr you to never waste your time and only looking at 10/10kino.
You delicate and defined 8pack is only equalled by your art skills and perfect look.
Wagner and Vivaldi are your best go to music when painting and you enjoy playing some Steve Vai after a long day of work.
You are the pinnacle of humanity as imagimed by White people. Your genes are vital for Earth, you are made from the samw material that makes the leaders of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

>You should paint those metal guardsmen you bought in the 80's tho.
I own over 100 guardsman (not including vehicles and special teams/tempestus/etc) and still need to paint half of them. Kill me.

Giving 8th a shot with an escalation league that is starting at 30 power. I have a bunch of Marines so starting there, Any recommendations for low level games?

I always loved that drawing

Don't ask about power level. Everyone here throws a fit about how "it's not meant to be planned".

Lel 10/10
Then again my army got praise so a little bias

>while people your were drowing in parties and sex

people your what ?? Isnt the word *Age* Missing there ?

>tfw Chaos player

It's so true.

>people you were drowning in parties and sex

>unironically being a speshul snwoflake faggot

>implying Tau suits aren't literally the most weeaboo aspect of the faction
Shit list, 0/10 try again


Also Steve Vai sucks. But I didn't expect a Taufag to realize that.

Prove this wrong

>>CSM Chaos/DG/TS/Deamons/Renegades :
>200kgs neckbeard atheist with fedora, you define yourself as "Dedicated to the chaos god" and only ever bought chaos models.
>Most of your army is still unpainted and you always have some cheetos ready in your backpack.
>You like playing against new player so you can cheat amd stomp them.
>You avoid tournament as you know you have no actual skill in 40k.
>You dream of becoming super powerfull and blessed by whatever god and killing chads that bullied you during HighSchool.
>You never actually kissed a girl but come on, its not your fault, its just because no girl is as perfect as you.

The only chaos player at my LGS is pretty much exactly this. (Minus the fedora) He's a known cheater, refuses to limit himself against new players, and doesn't play in tourneys. He constantly does the "Blood for the blood god!" scream, and is generally a douchebag. He also has an annoying habit of asking everyone to buy him stuff, and will ask people to pay for his lunch as well. (He also doesn't tip.)

But its right..

The IG / tempestus actually fits me 100%

>You're the girl of the FLGS
There's only one other girl in the LGS and she plays Tyranids I would have picked them if I wasn't warned of the stereotype beforehand.

Grey knights are literally me

I don't understand politics. I see Orks, I follow.

>topleft: commies
>topright: fascists
>bottomleft: liberals
>bottomright libertarians

>any race
Fat white neckbeard who shitposts and REEEs on Veeky Forums every night.

Im a scrawny Mexican, does this makes me white ?

Go away Juan

30k is for grown-ups and gents. 40k is for memery kids.

White than marxists

>t. still has shit like D strength

>Tfw I still haven't played a game of 40k

At least I've painted some things.

looks better in real life than in photo

It's the far liberal right, AKA anarchocapitalists.
The meme is that such a society would soon devolve into Mad Max universe

Rather Str D remaining that losing the entire tactical layer that was vehicle facings, weapon arcs etc.

Still, must admit, 8th have done things right. 7th 40k was a mess, even though the core rules weren't.

Still got a shoop da woop face.

Back to your containment thread

Literally looks like a screaming infant / 10

He looks like he just munched a chocolate half-melted chocolate bar. Or he just ate some dirty ass.

Keep the thread on topic goy.

Are Sisters of Silence worth it in 8th? If so, which variety?

I'd say if you just want to get rid of your psyker problem, take a Culexus.

Not really. They got nerfed and don't do their job well anymore.

well super satan no body ever claimed that Seth looked good. if you could tone down your highlights and fix the face you're good, otherwise that's a tabletop standard

What about DE is economically left?

Caste system aint left and chaos is more of a post-left might makes right kinda thing. Arguably craftworl eldar are more the authoritarian left and anarchism has no major representatives in 40k unless you think anarchism is when people throw bricks at trash cans.

>overly sexual degenerates
It's not so much about them being economically left than it is about them behaving like the liberal left.

DKoK economic right, wut?

Slaanesh doesn't care about individual rights or liberties. Also doesn't like to share

New to 40k, I've decided to do a thousand sons army and a genestealer cult army.

Are books like wrath of Magnus and the cult codex supplement still relevant in 8th? Or are they only applicable to 7th?


I think the DKoK just represents the Imperium. Also the chart is more based off of the behavior of the groups in question rather than the actual politics of them.

um how can you steal something if there's no such thing as property?

Checkmate atheist

Only if you like the fluff.

The datasheets have all been replaced by the indexes currently.

There is. Hence why its theft.

In that political chart the liberal left fall towards the center, bottom left is anarchists.

kek, i actually listen Verdi and Mosolov, while i paint my kriegers, does that make me a faggot?

>Do not touch the models
They said nothing about the terrain.

>talking politics

Nah anarchists are just the complete bottom whether left or right. Bottom left are anarchocommies.

Reminder Orks are only violent criminals because of discriminations and arbites brutality.

How long will we have to wait for defiler to come back to the store? It's "unavaible at the moment".

Common ownership of means of production: everyone has a gun and can take slaves with it. Democratic control of workplace: if your Dracon becomes unpopular or behaves in non-spiky ways, you shoot him with your guns and elect a new one.

I-I'm going..

W-what about Sisters / Inquisition players?

We're worth a mention right? He he he... we're relevant right? Right guys?


I mean look at our models. Look how easy and fun this is to put together.

Why the FUCK won't you allow orks to mass immigrate into the imperium?

Reminds me of the metal dwarf deathroller

You could use the legs of a plastic Sentinel, it's basically the same kit.

Fuck Yvraimpf and fuck Ynnari people. I'm with Urien.

I'm with Vect. He alone of all the candidates has a good track record.

Don't know shit about tau but I hard some people complaining about the shield drones nerf. Can someone explain me what the fuck happened?

No there isn't. What you call property is merely the privileged use of an object granted to you by a local power. Without governance there's no property, just stuff that you claim and have to defend.

SO the orky one makes sense

The Imperium is economically left; it is primarily a command economy, not a market economy.

The Dark Eldar are more of a market economy; the various Kabals make deals, trade services, etc. Veidt is a tyrant, but he's doesn't intervene in the economy to any vast extent and certainly doesn't centrally plan it.

When you assign wounds from a suit or infantry to a drone they become mortal wounds.

I actually have 6 sentinel torsos and no legs. Know where to buy some spares ¿ everywhere is sold out...

Stop being such a woman and learn2pin.

>go to LGS
>see csm havocs
>pick it up
>come back home
>2002 models with plastic i havent seen before
>my glue just doesn't work on it
>every part has at least 40 models keeping it in place
Those were dark times my dudes

drones now take mortal wounds when saving characters.
This means there is literally 0 point in fielding shield drone over any other drone type as their 4+ inv is useless unless shot at directly.

>every part has at least 40 models keeping it in place
Tzeentch ?

Reminder that only a minority of the orks are radical waaaghadists. Most of them are mekboyz and painboyz that want peaceful lifes among us.

Saviour Protocol allows you to assign wounds (before saves) to drones. Shield drones could previously take a 4+ on that and were thus durable.

FAQ states that drones doing saving take a mortal wound, which means no save.

In the end it just makes it worth it to use protocols on shit like melta or lascannon shots and little else.

What kind of shitty plastic glue are you using?

Anarchist is a term for anarcho commie, they and variations like syndicalist are bottom left. Ancap is a meme, its a relatively recent invention and even its creators prefer libertarian (another old term for ancom, taken by the right in the 60s) or nonarchist.

I was gona, then I got bit by a rabies cat and got sixteen shots into my finger.


You only hate orks because of their skin color their behavior is just like the behavior of humans actually they are way more noble and intelligent than humans and which you would already know if you would stop reading alt-right propaganda like fbi crime statistics and any news regarding europe.

Revell, it does fine on every kit but those old havocs

Roboute Guillimampf is #NotMyLordCommander. Everyone come down tomorrow for the AntiPrim protest. Together we can halt Primarchism in the Imperium and reinstate proper Lordocracy!

Which still makes it worth it, as a whole. They are just more 'Protect your multi-wound guys from multi-damage hits' than 'Soak all the wounds first'

Get an AT-ST for Star Wars assault and use those legs.

Or put them on tracks/wheels

Amen! What have the Ultramarines EVER done for US anyway?

0/10, you ain't even trying.

So with Dark Eldar would it be better to run ten man groups of Kabal warriors in a Raider or two five man groups in Venoms?

That's heretical as fuck senpai

So they're not abject cheese now that this mechanic is in line with other factions? Someone call GW, they made a horrible mistake. 10ppm riptides for everyone with next faq.