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Wander edition. When was the last time you bought something strange from a wanderer? How did it work out?

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Is the stranger in a strange land type of character overdone? I haven't actually seen one in quite a while.

I played a strange barbaric negro from far away lands one time who spoke in broken common and was also a natural lycanthrope. He couldn't really understand why people used silver for money.

They're kind of a staple in PF, because the lands are so varied while the adventurers are so wildly different than anything in any of those lands they're automatically part of that trope.

I mean, have you ever seen anyone post an actual Varisian in any game in Varisia?

>He couldn't really understand why people used silver for money.
That's pretty funny actually, might steal it for an NPC.

Do you want to play scarni rogue or some shitty harrower archetype? No?
This is why no one plays varisians.

I think his point was more like

>Everyone automatically makes special snowflakes, so no matter where the story is set they are already fish out of water

Nobody plays Varisians because they're the wrong kind of brown and don't have anything particularly notable going for them.

What would compel me to play a Varisian over a "native" Taldan, Chelaxian, or even Shoanti?

Is there a way to get INT as the casting stat for clerics?

>Class based around belief in """gods"""

Shoanti are musclegirls

That joke only works if there are not whole pantheons full of phenomenal cosmic powers

>being an atheist when gods can physically come down to kick your ass

Didn't RotJR have two half varisian dudes?

Doesn't stop Rahadoum.

I've only read enough about the cosmology of Golarion to understand as much as my character would. Is Golarion another secret nightmare like Forgotten Realms is?

There aren't any Paizo archetypes that will do that. You might be able to find a 3rd party archetype, but that shit is so hit or miss I'm not going to waste time on it.

Plebeian taste. Werejaguars are so much cooler.

Kind of, they range from huge and bulky to just huge. I really don't like their Native American angle, would've been so much more interesting if they preserved their supersoldier heritage through oral tradition and their "feel" in regards to clothing and items.

You know, like the Vaulters from Endless Legends being medieval folk who came from the Stars.

Rhadoum is only atheist because golarion redifines what Atheism is. They believe in gods, but deny them worship

I mean the character could have been a were-jaguar. I don't think he actually existed, and this guy is just forcing a meme.

>I've only read enough about the cosmology of Golarion to understand as much as my character would. Is Golarion another secret nightmare like Forgotten Realms is?

Basically any single god could, atat moment, totally trash Golarion on a whim.
The only thing that stops them is the other gods who'd trash them in return.

Spoilers for Iron Gods: Case in point, LESSER gods killed all life on Androffa before their betters could stop that shit, and those gods got killed in return.

>atat moment
at any moment*

I need to stop posting before I'm awake.

And to add a little addition scribbled in this post's margins, Androffa is JJ's OC Setting and the foundation for Golarion's core concepts. If the divine NAP wasn't in place you might see the latter become the former.

Believe whatever you want. This was a number of years ago when I liked playing primitive/wild rager types whenever given the opportunity.

That's kind of terrifying but it makes sense. Toril is horrifying because it's just a big power generator for Lord Ao. Neither good, evil, law, nor chaos can ever triumph because Ao won't let it happen. And when you die you're brainwashed no matter what you do and lose all of your memories. Nothing you do will ever matter. Is Golarion anything like that?

If you manage to get through life without worshipping anything or damning yourself, Pharasma feeds your soul to a sentient moon.
I think what happens if you do worship depends on how the god in question feels about you at the time.

you'd think that an enterprising diefic entity would cash in on the non believers by being the god of atheists or including nonbelievers as an area of concern.

Ok, my Cha is high and I have power attack, is cornugon smash and hurtful the next logical step?

>want to play around with Pact Magic because its fun as fuck
>nobody allows it because of the degeneracy

So I'm playing a ninja 5 / bard (dervish dancer) 1, with VMC scaled fist monk. I intend to pump dance as high as I can, and I'm also looking at taking dastardly finish eventually. What Element should I take for the scaled fist, and what weapon should I go with. (Thinking whip cause Calistria)?

How many non-believers can there possibly be if direct divine intervention is real, and proxied divine intervention is available through clerics in every major city?

It would be like being the god of flat earthers.

You can't VMC into an archetyped class.

I asked the DM who approved it, but I'll double check with her.

Voluptuous anthropomorphic panther

Souls are processed by Pharasma and sent to their Final Reward, losing all their memories and personality in the process - simply put, your Soul is not "you," but an echo of you. Over time, the Petitioner will melt into the celestial or fiendish landscape they are in and eventually seep back into the River of Souls, recycled and ready to be put into a new body.

Particularly special souls are converted into that plane's outsider, the Abyss are particularly fond of the grubs that eventually molt into demons. Daemons and Demodands are different, but Devils are much like Demons in their processing of souls.

HOWEVER, there exists in one of the APs a device that, when used, allows one to retain all memory, experience, and personality upon death so "you" can truly enjoy or suffer your Final Reward. Your soul will not be recycled in this instance, and you will remain immortal in that plane until something either consumes you, or you become a native outsider (while still retaining your memory and personality.)

You'd be surprised. Golarion has things called Empyreal Lords, who are minor gods that hover just above mortal demigod status - they even have stats if you want to kill them. Most of them are devoted to VERY specific things, like prostitution or dragonslaying, so something like Atheism would work for one of them... Or for the Demon Lords, who might be more keen on consuming nonbelievers.

I'm making a melee oriented Dwarf Cave Druid for Kingmaker. Any good domain I should take? Unfortunately, only core, APG, UC and UM are allowed.

So... Any advice, even if I can't VMC into it?

Refusing to worship a god doesn't have to be about an absence of deities. Some people are just so fucking angry at the gods or the world or everything that they won't do it. I'm sure there are other reasons too.

The most common reason for atheism in Golarion is the belief that the gods are simply very powerful beings and unworthy of worship.

Which is funny because the opposite happens to the Kellid, who see gods fucking everywhere,

I mean, look at it this way, the President of the United States has the ability to basically pull off this by pressing a button:
>And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
>And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
>And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
That doesn't really make him God unless you're one of those USAUSAUSA guys, he's just a person with a lot of power and influence.

>The most common reason for atheism in Golarion is the belief that the gods are simply very powerful beings and unworthy of worship.
From what I understand, atheism on golarion is straight up not believing in gods. Like they don't exist period. That gets you fed to Groteus.

Simply believing they ain't worth shit will still get your soul sent off to it's most closely aligned plane.

Earth Domain seems like the most obvious choice.

Was there any slavery in the Eastern Roman Empire by the time it entered into the late middle ages and the fall of Constantinople? Did they still blind and castrate political enemies?

Slavery was widespread in the ERE up until it's collapse, yes. The Ottomans in many ways simply adopted the customs common to the Empire as they practiced widespread enslavement and castration as a means of economic, political and societal power.

>Fall of Constantinople
>Eastern Roman """"Empire""""
Does a city count as an empire? What is this, 5000 BC?

Also yes, blinding was common, as was "nose-slitting" (cutting off the nose barred you from inheritance.) Castration was reserved for special slaves, and was not practiced on political enemies unless you were particularly cruel.


Hurtful is a shitty feat so is Cornugon Smash

That's mostly the same treatment souls get in Forgotten Realms. Jesus. Okay, so can good win over evil and vice versa, or is the balance of power kept stagnant by something completely overpowering?

The balance of power is kept stagnant because Demon Lords don't adhere to the non-intervention policy the major gods and goddesses do, so while there is arguably more good divinity than evil, there are more evil petty gods.

Why don't other beings stop the demon lords from intervening? Also, that's not stagnation, that's the opposite.

Most of the gods and goddesses just aren't interested in entering the Abyss to kill some schmucks, Ragathiel made a living on that and he's a weirdo while Desna's Senpai got eaten by Lamashtu in the Abyss.

Demon Lords aren't so much gods as they are tyrannical warlords that give out divine spells, you don't become a proper god while having a stat block after all. This makes them vulnerable to getting killed by troublesome adventurers (like at the end of WotR) but it also means they're not bound by the rules a god is.

Also, see Zon-Kuthon. He's one of the most active gods in the setting and yet he performs his works entirely through missionaries.

What ARE the terms for the non-intervention policy? Aroden was a God when he BTFOed Tar-Baphon and goddesses send their followers down to Golarion all the time.

Also, the entire nation of Cheliax.

Not the other user...but you bring up a good point about Aroden, he does seem to completely ignore the intervention policy which is itself "DIRECT INTERVENTION" so that's why you'll see outsiders being sent down to do things in the name of a god or goddess.

Aroden was not a god when he banished Tar-Baphon, he was only "kind of" a god.

Touching the Starstone does not give you divinity unless the existing divines deem you worthy of both a portfolio and a place above the celestial salt. Instead, touching the Starstone gives you two Mythic tiers and a free "Divine Source" Mythic ability, which means you can now be worshiped and give out spells like a deity. As Aroden was already a legendary hero by this point, the distinction between him being a god and him being a mortal sorta got muddied up.

It is worth noting, however, that the closer Aroden came to true divinity the more he isolated himself from mortal affairs. The last major thing the Azlanti ever did in Golarion was... Huh, Aroden wasn't the one who BTFOed Tar-Baphon, that was Iomedae. Tar-Baphon WANTED Aroden to deal with him, but it was his herald instead.

What's with Aroden's heralds and dead things? Iomedae's claim to fame was a mega-lich, and Arazni was LICHED.

How did Aroden even die?

we don't know its a mysteryyyyyy

Pharasma sealed him into her chair and reduced him to a penis that sticks out of it

I would've thought Pharasma would have been a little relieved to see what Iomedae was doing up north, I thought she hates the undead.

Auto-erotic asphyxiation while wearing a Batman outfit in the closet.

Humans only need one deity.

Current game listings (Closing in 2 Weeks) (Closing in 1 Week) (Closing in 3 Weeks) (Closing in 2 Weeks) (Closing in 1 month)

What games are you applying to user? Tell us!

Iron Gods and Carnal Crown! ^-^

I already apped to iron gawds
probably won't app to carnal crown

I want another Godlings campaign, playing the seed of a divine being as you grow into your own power is tickling my fancy.

Doesn't even gotta be Golarion!

Fiends and intrigues. I have narrowed it down to 4 classes. I was really excited skimming over the Cardinal Cleric but then once I really read it was disappointing

Mhm cleric archetypes are unfortunately rather terrible, both 1st party and 3rd. I've yet to really find anything that's usable without giving up something huge. The cleric just has no class features.

Dominions of Vice current applicants:

>Edgy guy that isn't Tuvarkz
>Lewd girl

Seems... balanced?

Granted, the lewd girl's enough woman to satisfy an entire party of men.

It was even in the Intrigue book! I was like, neat 6 skill points. But you give up all this other stuff and you cannot even get into as a primary casting stat. Maybe I can try out Mesmerist. Become a thrallherd.

It'd be in poor taste to make an alchemist that's basically Mad Hassan, right?

Iron Gods, and contemplating Dominions of Vice!

Power Word.

>stress reliever

What about the trap

None because they all look like shit.

Quints of truth.

Please don't do mesmerist, please no. It's so bad and nonfunctional in games that aren't 100% intrigue, and even then a bard is better. Mesmerist also isn't psionic, it's psychic, it doesn't qualify for thrallherd.

Mesmerist is actually pretty cool, and not chained to intrigue games as much as you think

Didn't it get a Psionic Archetype in the Psionics Occult book?

Does the trap have 20 Charisma and 18 Con?

If I were to apply, would making another lewd girl be a good idea?

No, but the trap has 23 Charisma and 14 Con.

Applications are, by their nature, a competition for spots. Go for it!

>chained to intrigue

But there's only one lewd girl, user!

I know, I'd be making another!

That means there'd only be one other! So there'd be 2.5 lewd girls assuming a trap is 0.5 of a girl!

No, a trap is 0.0 of a girl

But they have the looks and X chromosome down...

>Performs weaker buffs and status effects than bards
>Does out of combat bard things worse than bard and nothing else really.
Yes it's tied to intrigue and is literally just a worse option than Bard.

Can you sell your soul to a good or neutral god?

It's called pledging yourself to their cause

This is why evil is better at sales.

Paizo said they never thought about the answer and they don't have one anywhere.

Now, now, don't be racist.

That's a god for filthy fucking cishet white male scum.

What do you guys think about the Exo-Guardian faction in Starfinder?

I like that the alien invader defense guild is led by the setting's Humans. I'm sure Zigvigiz is a cool guy and probably a family person

The book you're thinking of is Mind and Soul. It got the Mindrender and Ringleader archetypes, which lets it poach Dread Terrors and a Collective, respectively (the two don't stack, last I checked), but no, it does not have a proper Manifesting archetype. The only manifesting archetypes I am familiar with for the Occult classes are the Empath Medium, Shattered Mind Occultist, Gambler Kineticist, and the Athanatic Channeler Spiritualist.

Is there any way to change the element on a dragon's breath weapon?

Setting up a mystery without knowing the answer to it is the biggest sign of hack writing ever.