If angels can fall, the reverse process is probably possible too.
Did any creature of evil "rise" in your setting? Tell us its story!
Devils, demons and other assorted evils
>If angels can fall, the reverse process is probably possible too.
You can easily mix tea and milk together.
Can you separate them back into milk and tea afterwards?
With endless tenacity, hellish effort and very precise tools, yes.
No one said path of redemption is easy.
>If angels can fall, the reverse process is probably possible too.
Why? Entropy is a one way street
dumb trope!!!
the goodest thing a demon can become is live a life of cowardice, hiding and remaining passive, neutral at best, awaiting the time it will be discovered and obliterated for its crimes
other that i could see an angel manipulate a demon into fighting its own kind, but then that angel isnt rlly good either right
Kinda? Infernal Spirits can attempt to do Good things. But seeing as doing good is against the porpoises that God gave them that action would probably bite them in the ass later in life.
I.e the kid the Tiefling saved will end up being a murderer later in life. Or a Nation that a Balor saved will become Nazi Germany a few hundred generations later and have a holocost against Elves or Dwarves.
Likewise the same is Aplied to Angels too. Anytime they try to do something evil it ends up being helpful in someway sometime down the road of time
Daemons/Devils cannot "rise" while alive, but truly repentant ones may find their dying essence no longer part of the cycle of the hells and instead free where may or may not be re-woven into a being of the heavens or material plane.
Fun concept.
dumb blizzardposter
An angel can not fall, and a devil can not rise, without outside influence that changes their very nature. Corruption and purification are necessary for this. This is because good and evil are written into their very existence. It is not something they do, it's something they ARE. This would be akin to asking a human to become a silicon based life form. Or as one such creature describes, "it's akin to making your heart beat in reverse, it simply cannot be done."
Mind you, other factors *can* change these things. It's generally described as painful. A corrupted angel, and a purified devil, live in CONSTANT AGONY.
Because Ramiel did it
in dnd angels and demons are beings composed of their respective alignment
an evil angel is no longer an angel
a good demon/devil is no longer a demon/devil
they no longer fulfill the requirements of their roles
a dog that turns into a cat isn't a dog anymore and vice versa
Allegedly, in old 2e lore, devils were angels that took on demonic fighting styles while in the Abyss. And while they can't ascend, they can sure as hell work with their former colleagues in heaven. A big part of the Blood War is angels arming devils with weapons and magic to more efficiently fight the demons, because apparently angels don't have to follow the paladin's code
Outside of DnD, where Good and Evil aren't the metaphysical underpinnings of angelic/demonic beings, falling and rising could be a lot easier. In NWoD, I'm pretty sure Demons can become angels again just by letting the God-Machine scrub their rebellious brains out with bleach.
A bit more complicated in the pseudo-Abrahamic OWoD, as God appears to have gone walkabout and it's unclear whether redemption is even possible, let alone desirable or necessary... but it seems like that was what Lucifer was trying to figure out, before the Wyrm or Cain or an archmage's stray fart ended the world.
I really liked old Hunter and Demon,
in concept if not mechanical execution.
I was blown away when I first read through Demon the Fallen. Can't say I expected such a unique concept and story. Shame it seems to have been mostly snubbed and ignored. Know of any series, tabletop or books, similar to it?
Pretty neat
>With endless tenacity, hellish effort and very precise tools, yes.
Actually, no.
Sadly rare to find Biblical fanfiction that's half as well thought out. The Sandman and Lucifer comics are probably closest, but they don't have the same confused, apocalyptic intensity; it's just Gaiman's style of weird things happening to weird people.
I haven't read Preacher, but it's probably a decent bet if you can stomach Garth Ennis
Yeah I've read the Sandman, Lucifer and Preacher. Sandman and Lucifer were real good, probably the closest material you can get to the story.
Preacher's more of Ennis' hate letter to religion though, I thought it was a relatively fun ride when I read it a while back but the whole shtick of God being a fuck-up who just abandoned his creation is pretty boring.
That's always been Ennis's problem, he physically can't resist adding in fedora-tipping, along with poop jokes, ultraviolence, Snidely Whiplash villains, etc. It's a shame because I still like his stuff, it's just... like a tariff, I guess.
It's not really possible in my main setting to do so. The main group one could call a universal evil is just the delusions of one of the strongest gods.
So demons can't really turn good anymore then you could convince a hallucination to be real. They'll act on what they are formed out of and the moment the god no longer thinks of them they'll poof into non-existance. Other then that there is no real objective evil in my settings outside of cosmic beings making it so. So in general things like that doesn't happen.
Never do demons and angels as separate species. Individuals in those ranks might be more good than bad or vice versa, but the whole thing is just humans trying to put an alignment on the grey morality of higher beings. A demon is only a demon in the eyes of a mortal who thinks it's evil.
>Could a TITAN become a Mind
The more interesting question is always WHY
Thanks captain obvious.
Erinyes exist.
You do you, but don't force me to do you
Fine, stay at pleb tier.
Correct. Instead, a devil can just try being a good person. Worked out well for some of the Samyasan host and the whole Grigori thing.
>grey morality of higher beings
>not blue-orange
Hell yes, but redemption will be harder than the fall, because right is always harder than wrong.
And anybody knows that the best villains are fallen heroes, and the best heroes are redeemed villains.
All these people having a boring black-white morality.
I think its much more interesting if the seperation between Angels and Demons is lawful-collectivism vs. chaotic-individualism.
You can switch sides but fallng is easier.
Now I'm just imagining a god who doesn't really care what's going on and gives everybody porpoises all the time.
All of you should read Good Omens.
decent book desu but it doesn't necessarily involve demons rising