Is this 40k's best timeline?

Yes, yes it is. Let's discuss why.


Fanfiction-tier garbage from Imperium-fags for Imperium-fags to wank themselves even harder and otherwise couldn't care less about Eldar.

n-now kith

guilliman-kun? am I kawaii?

I wonder when will robotman kick the bucket so we can have status quo back again

Cannot wait for Lion reaction

He will not die. Instead, he will go with his waifu to create a new craftworld where they can raise their primaeldari babies in peace. Thus, Games Workshop will be able to sell a whole new army of human-eldar hybrids to both eldar and SM players. All as planned.


Because cartoon-network-watching, RBWY-obsessed, netflix-subscribing, neo-disneyfied-fanart-drawing, marvel-cinematic-universe-speculating, tumblr-browsing, trap-ERPing, headcanon-writing shippers have finally been recognized by GW as the one true demographic 40k should be tailored for.

>there has been a nobledark alt-40k general on the front page of Veeky Forums for the last few years every day

>why GW make 40k less grimdark?

I dunno, maybe look FUCKING AROUND YOU?

It's spelled RWBY actually.


BRWY sounds like what the sound Dio does.


Oh yeah and they exclusively watch mainstream anime like JoJo and KLK

>15 wankers keep posting a thread
wow what news
now look at jumpchain CYOA

Someone should remade this picture with OPpic, reivers and new assault marines instead of leftists, Emperor as Stalin and Horus (or Karl Franz for different irony) as Hitler

KLK is shit

Will Yllian Nastase be the name of their child?

Precisely. And JoJo, while much better, is appreciated the exact same way by those cunts. Because it's mainstream.

fuck MIXSAN and fuck his art
this artist is an insufferable autismo

I'm dreading it.


At least his shit doesn't look like humanized versions of bara homo furry art, unlike Eagle Ordinary.

Kill la Kill.


pointing to stinkier pile of shit somehow makes Vetoshkin's art better?
oh, that

I mean, that would explain why Reivers have Dark Reaper faces

Damn that's pretty cool.

>captcha: Grand Edgerton

I still want this art request.

how embarrassing


Not on tumblr.

Not on /co/

This thread really reminded me that 40k fans are the worst.

In all honesty, it makes sense, I get this feeling the entire "Eldar are not compatible with humans narrative" is actually nothing more than Eldar Spread Propaganda forwarded by one of the Elders who is the drive behind their general disregard to lesser species, and as Eldar are space elves, they do not question their Elders.

In fact, I'm fairly sure Vulkan would approve, seeing as he was made subject to BURNING A WORLD THAT HAD BOTH HUMAN AND ELDAR LIVING IN HARMONY at Daddy's whim because "They wouldn't accept the greater Imperium." Which is horseshit, because that world would have made a massive bargaining chip for actual negotiation and common neutral ground to work on with the Eldar Factions that was present there.

The whole Fuck Ayys because of the Age of Strife was a massive overreactive autistic fit the Imperium went through, and they never figured as to why it was none of their supposed ayy lmaos helped was because they were equally up shit creek without a paddle.

Yvraine is the driving force behind a potential alliance, and is doing it in faith for her people and god as a whole, a relationship with her and Guilliman on his current hype-train of unfucking the Imperium is effectively the the climax of such a beneficial arrangement, even better if she dies and becomes a Matyr for it as a means to combat the prejudice.

Bet your ass the sensei actually vanished to the webway to fuck Eldar, then they come back with fucking super Psyker Sons of the Emperor tier Demigods to bolster this claim of alliance and peace, it's too generic to NOT follow up upon.

Due to the Eldar's fucked reproductive system, adopting human genes, which already relate to common ancestry is the best option for them, as they were intended to be a warlike species, so it's no wonder they hit a dead end with Slaanesh, Mankinds genome plus it's drives and freedoms would be a boon to offset the dangerous spiral their transitory tool-like existence was subject to.

Worry not, The New Games Workshop is currently in the process of replacing them with cartoon-network-watching, RBWY-obsessed, netflix-subscribing, neo-disneyfied-fanart-drawing, marvel-cinematic-universe-speculating, tumblr-browsing, trap-ERPing, headcanon-writing shippers whom we guarantee will make you feel right at home!

Yeah, but FUCK Xenos.

Peace with xenos now! Let love bloom in the battlefield!

>which already relate to common ancestry
There will be no source for this.

So either that happens, or Gulliman jobs with Yvraine on a joint mission, against Fullgay, and Fulgrim, in his horrid grimdark fashion decides to force him to rape Yvraine as part of his Slaaneshi Torture like some scene out of a VN over the course of a long series of mental torments before both are rescued, and then the chemistry sets in, and then we have the batshit Sister of battle finding out and going full Yandere trying to kill Yvraine because Zeal and wanting the Spiritual Liege's Spiritual rod.

Oh, and this like, get's her pregnant, and now it means she's pretty much under Girlymans protection or someshit because it's one of those magical Peace-causing half-breeds, and Khorne, Nurgle and Slaanesh are gunning against it, with Khorne because lowered conflict, Nurgle, because he likes the way things are, and Slaanesh for obvious reasons, with Tzeentch vouching for it just to fuck with everyone else and then that one Eldar Craftworld that's all militaristic is gunning for her too.

>not taller
Common mistake, no excuse.

I mean, that almost sounds like an improvement over aged, bitter grognards who won't accept any change as positive.

Best timeline.

>Jojos mainstream
More like memestream amirite

>no cuck snyder edgelord fanbois
Update your pasta nao!

>Ultramarine Eldar
>Salamander Eldar
>Raptor Eldar
The most reasonable chapters with the most reasonable Eldar Allies, makes sense.

>wait, you're attracted to women?


How would the Imperial Fists fare?

Would Dorn's babies be too wooden and boring for Eldar booty?

Too straightfoward for the average eldar, but some reformed DEldar might enjoy their masochism.

it really doesn't
unless you're part of that new demographic

>why dont you try putting your fist up this magic pain glove?

>That's not my fist.
Good. Because that's not a glove.

>okay, but how about YOU try putting it on your DICK?

Why don't you want new audiences to join into the hobby? no industry can survive without regular new blood joining in?

Rogue trader descriptions of Eldar.

>his fucking tiny head and massive shoulders
>their fucking expressions
>that fucking cat

This brings me such joy.

Tiny head and massive shoulders is a good way to empashize massive physique, the hands should be small too tho.

Of course someone from deviant art would draw this.

Later fluff states both races were made by Old Ones.

>deviant art

Chances are they did official art for GW's stuff.

Because Roboute gets executed for being xeno loving heretic

Who is going to execute the current leader of the Imperium? The Lords of Terra, who are now the Ultramarines's servants? The Echlessiarchy, who adores Guilliman like the Son of God (and it's grateful to hum for not disbanding them)? The Inquisition, who couldn't put the Space Wolves in line?

What I wouldn't give to see Fyodor Karamazov or somesuch declaring Guiliman a heretic, Text-to-speech-device style.

I thought the Lords of Terra were getting ready to send the MInotaurs to fuck Rob's shit up?

From what I can gather from the Gathering Storm, Guilliman is putting his trusted men to substitute some of the Lords of Terra, so...

Someone is triggered his safespace is being opened up to people unlike himself.

>High Gothic Scriptum

Bob is Imperial Regent, he is second only to father.

>The Inquisition, who couldn't put the Space Wolves in line?
I'm pretty sure poor Gorillaman has less plot armor than Space Wolves. If need be, he will be dropped by =][=.

Will it be Imperial decree that every space marine receive an eldar waifu now as per requisition regulation?

I can now only imagine that Volunteers for the space marine program would quintuple.

Could the eldar consider a primarch to be their equal or still just mon'keigh garbage?

>Choosing foul xeno instead of the holy human form.

The only people who shill for half eldar are pathetic fanwanking autists like this cunt here.

only if they also receive an equally dedicated sister of battle waifu to ensure no heresy is being committed.

>he is second only to father
And all of his brothers. Lion could challenge him and all his loyalist brothers obviously are going to return soon. It would absolutely retarded if none of the primarchs who spent 10 millenia fucking up Chaos in the Eye of Terror wouldn't change their opinion on how Imperium should be running and brotherly hierarchy.

>Could the eldar consider a primarch to be their equal or still just mon'keigh garbage?

All non Eldar are disgusting sub-Eldar scum to the Eldar. It is just the method of how exactly these sub-Eldar should be treated, that differ between the various Eldar factions.

Eldar are all ultra nazis on their views on non-Eldar life tho.

Wow, you've articulated the exact people I most hate better than my own brain.

Minotaurs aren't exactly great at taking on well equipped and prepared forces.
Calgar would feed them their own anuses, not to mention Guilliman

>All non Eldar are disgusting sub-Eldar scum to the Eldar.

Gav Thorpe's novels have included a couple of characters who's opinion of humans can be summed up as "they'd be okay, I guess, if they'd just leave us the fuck alone. I mean they're better neighbors than Orks."

>culture and way of life is so degenerate and absolutely retarded that you birth a chaos god that threatens the survival of your own species
>STILL think you are superior to anyone

absolutely laughable

Weimar was also a degenerate hellhole.

That was the Jews fault.

How did we lost our hobby so quick?

Where does this fanfic have its origin? What manner of faggotry did GW pull off know?

>t. under rock dweller.


>mfw we get both

Well, at least monster it spawned was nothing like its degenerate self

And this is why I think that people that enjoy this fanfiction hate Eldar.

elfpussy is verbotten meine liege

the inquisition's most fertile

This brand of autismal fanwank originates from the last gathering storm book, where Yvraine and Guilliman simply talk briefly and both note that the alliance of their forces is nothing but a temporary situation brought forth due to mutual foes. Guilliman also notes to himself that the Eldar faggots cannot be trusted.

>and both note that the alliance of their forces is nothing but a temporary situation brought forth due to mutual foes.
Except they Yvraine sai she is interested in co-operation in future. Adn since she is lider of ynnari (aka all CWE named characters), uess Eldarbois cucked forever

The "monster" it spawned sought to rid the world of the causes of that degeneracy. Sadly that brand of corruption ran too deep across the world and won out in the end, and now we have exceeded the degenerate and decadent state Weimar was in hundred fold here in the west.
In Weimar, that was at least just located mostly in Berlin. Nowadays, the shit that went on there is accepted as "normal" by the society at large.

"Co-operation" with eldar means serving as pawns of the Eldar, which Guilliman knows full well. There is zero grounds for your retarded fanwank.

Did you type this while masturbating?

Far less degenerate than nazi Germany tbqh
>state sponsored pregnancy fetish

There is nothing wrong with pregnancy fetish

Garthering Storm 3. Long story short, the Ynnari (eldar who follow Ynnead) helped Cawl to revive Guilliman and then help them to kick Chaos out of Ultramar.

As far canon is concerned, Guilliman and Yvraine respect each other (as far different races can do in 40K), but to the half of fanbase it would mean Love Can Bloom: Ultramarine Edition.