>"Excuse me", says the rogue, right before he backstabs an enemy.
How do you discourage players from making shitty IC comments that just detract from the tone?
"Excuse me", says the rogue, right before he backstabs an enemy
Other urls found in this thread:
In that situation I'd say
>"you alerted him to your presence. His startled jump caused your attack to hit a less vital point. He turns, ready to attack."
Oh Jesus it's not that bad. The bigger problem is on your end.
You mean how to discourage people from having fun?
Just only play with edgy grimdark weebs or emo's I guess.
Only acceptable if he goes full Bond. Connery voice too.
>push boulder on villain
>looksh like he had... a presshing appointment
Ask them not to and don't do the same yourself.
Just talk to the player you fucking walnut.
"Hey [Rogue PC's player], I'm looking to do a serious game. You seem to have fun saying witty things before your rogue backstabs people but it bothers me a lot. Like "breaks my immersion" a lot. Can you not do that? OK cool, thank you."
If the player can't or won't, tell him the game you want to play is different from the game he wants to play, and kick him out, no hard feelings.
Own up to your needs (as weird as they may be) and don't be a passive aggressive little bitch. It's not hard.
This is some autistic shit.
Try writing a novel instead.
I used to have a GM who was obsessed with maintaining a "tone" for his game. Not a serious one, but rather a lighthearted one. He basically tried to prevent anything dark or too serious from occurring, even though arguably the best RP moment of the campaign was a pretty dark one. In the end, his attempt to enforce a fixed tone was detrimental and just made the campaign feel pointlessly restrictive.
IMO going out of your way to enforce tone will never go well. Best thing to do is to present scenarios which feel darker and serious if you want the PCs to act more seriously. I would advise against trying to constantly enforce a specific tone all the time though. Real life doesn't have a fixed tone, so imposing one in a campaign makes it feel less immerse and more artificial.
>That'sh to shay, he didn't appresshiate the... gravity of the shituation.
He didn't do it before he backstabbed them, he did it _as_ he stabbed them, to make it look like a minor collision instead of an assassination. Useful in semisocial situations to cover up an attack long enough to get away. Think about it, OP.
>How do you discourage players from making shitty IC comments that just detract from the tone?
Your sole autism should discourage anyone who wants to play with you
You are just physically incapable of fun, eh?
Dude, he wasn't saying "Heheh, I hope you get the POINT I'm making, buddy" or "excuse me if I Cut and Run here" or "let me take a stab in the dark" or something
that's just fine
>How do I stop people having fun
OP I'm sure you don't need help in this area.
Just keep being your usual cunt self.
>Only one week since the last one
OP for the love of God, and all that is holy, FUCK THE FUCK OFF with your stupid, shitty, forced meme.
I get it, you just got off your ban, and you think it's funny to troll with your stupid memespam image and your retarded ass question, but here in adult-land, the rest of us are fucking tired of it and want you to stop. You're not improving the board quality. You're not even making an interesting discussion. All you're doing is sitting around, making a stupid meme that was shit even when it was new years ago, making it a little staler and a little crappier with each iteration. I hope that you can find your way to a better place that you don't feel the need to shitpost like this, or failing that, the mods hunt you down and kill you, since repeated bans obviously aren't doing the trick.
>"Hey [Rogue PC's player], I'm looking to do a serious game. You seem to have fun saying witty things before your rogue backstabs people but it bothers me a lot. Like "breaks my immersion" a lot. Can you not do that? OK cool, thank you."
lmao if some limp-wristed millennial tried to say that shit to my face i'd break their fucking sternum
Whenever I heard someone saying "muh millennials" it makes me question what they think millennials are.
Millenial starts in somewhere between 1980 and 1985 and ends somewhere between 1995 and 2000 Meaning if you're not a millenial you're either under 17 or older than 37.
I thought 80s kids were Gen X.
By not forcing a grimdark tone when it's not necessary. Seriously, the "excuse me" thing could be quite alright for some characters even in relatively dark settings. Also, for more blatant things you can go with though I'd say that this "excuse me" should pass without issues.
I am pretty sure somewhere in 80s millenial generation starts. Going by logic, it's the generation that is the one who is kids before turn of millenium.
Really, a simple rule to it - new milenium starts on 2001 so if you were not a legal adult before then (by standards of most of civilized world so around 18th year od age) nor born after 2001, you're millenial.
no it's 00's onwards.
No, I definitely agree with here, I've heard it's anyone 35 or younger. Something about judging based on the housing crisis.
Classification varies, here in Eastern Europe it's "born after fall of The Union".
I am from eastern Europe, user, and everywhere millenials are in relation to change of the millenium. Any other definition is stupid and would make no sense given the name of the generation.
A. Get new players that jive with your thing or
B. Don't be autistic and if that is the game your FRIENDS want to play, you play it.
Pic related. You people are really dumb. Was the "millenials" not obvious enough name?
Fucking millenials, no clue in the world.
This. You're born before mid-80s or something - you're not millenial. You're born after the end of 2000? You're not a millenial. Everyone else - millenials.
What the fuck?
Great way to not have anyone ever caring or be willing to associate with you at all outside of groups of wannabe gangstas and junkies if you think that talking through some shit in group game is good enough reason to break shit or people.
Given your tough guy attitude, you're unlikely older than a millenial so either you're one or some gen X kid who's likely underage and should GTFO instead of thinking he's a grownup.
>gen X
Gen Z kid, I mean.
If this is literally all you have to complain about in your group then just enjoy the game. Like I would love a group right now, so if someone saying one liners was all I had to deal with "detracting" from the game, I would so jump in. Seriously, I have had so many "I must win" and "kill the party" and "-what muh curictur wud du!" players I've been with over the years I would LOVE a game with one-liners being the "worst thing".
>Seemish like a crushing defeat
It's a real problem.
Just let the player roleplay how he wants. He's having fun, even though it seems derpy to you. Try to be more flexible.
>lmao if some limp-wristed millennial tried to say that shit to my face i'd break their fucking sternum
The important question: who gives a shit aside from old farts and little 'I listen to the Who even though I'm 13, muh wrong generation' shits?
>Shteady as a rock.
>Real life doesn't have a fixed tone, so imposing one in a campaign makes it feel less immerse and more artificial.
This. From homicide detectives and medical examiners to concentration camp prisoners, humans will inevitably find ways to laugh at their situation no matter how horrible.
me on the left
>muh tone
>muh realism
How old are you, user?
that's some top tier cringe you got there
>No fun allowed
I think you need to calm down.
Now, if he's saying shit like every turn, then that shit will get old and I can understand complaining.
thank you for the screenshot from my favorite action movie
>How do you discourage players from making shitty IC comments that just detract from the tone?
At the beginning of the session, you explain without laughing or smiling or any mirth but cold seriousness that you will begin penalizing characters who break IC, if they mutter a shitty comment before a sneak attack, it alerts them and makes the die check harder.
>You mean how to discourage people from having fun?
If the GM advertised and wanted to run a game that has a serious or somber tone, the players respect that or make room for somebody who does. The GM does not need that player, that player needs the GM.
After learning from his mistakes said player will then make witty and out of tone one liners after he has secured the kill
>shanks for nothing, chump
>hate to cut and run but I gotta
>knife meeting you
>What a schame. He wash on a roll.
>Mind if I cut in?
>Hope you got the point
>Pardon me, I seem to have dropped my knife in your spleen
“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
― C.S. Lewis, On Stories: And Other Essays on Literature
>a quick sword, if I may
>you dagger own grave
>Did somebody call for the rapierist
trips of truth
>I hope i'm not being too pointed
>lets cut to the chase
>You seem on edge
>I'll spear you the details
>Did I nick your funny bone?
>Lets carve up the situation
>A Knife to remember
>welcome to the club
>why not try diplomacey first
>axtually you're dead
Read and learn OP >Real life doesn't have a fixed tone, so imposing one in a campaign makes it feel less immerse and more artificial.
I was part of a campaign based on fighting the jungian Shadow Complex of a god. It had horror, the most memorable "fight" was convincing a guy to not commit suicide and moments where people sang together to know where each was under the darkness.
But it also had gay jokes about my character and silly moments with a NPC whose mustache was shaped like clock arrows. And a miniCthulhu avatar exploring our universe. Damn fucker ate bad memories because it liked the taste.
Contrast does wonders to keep things fresh and making an impact without narrativist "power creep". Man I miss that campaign. I had a moment where my roleplaying was so good the GM ignored my "1".
>Might I axe you a question
>I cast sword
>Stop! Hammertime!
>This dungeon requires additional staff
>Great club! Is it your first time here?
>Guisarme yourselves and surrender!
>Pick your doom.
Watch out, it's an INTERNET TOUGH GUY!
That's pretty fuckin neat, actually.
>I had a moment where my roleplaying was so good the GM ignored my "1".
But what does this mean?
GM flubbed a failed roll for him. Depending on who you ask this is the epitome of what roleplaying is all about or fucking heresy that devalues the entire structure of the hobby and they should be shot
even the darkest fantasy should have space for a few snide remarks
and if others dont have a problem with it, then fun takes precedence over tone, only intervene if others don't like it
Wow! That rocks! I really boulder over! Guess I'm on a roll!
Except this isn't what the complaint is about. If a guy is playing a wise cracking coroner in a Noir detective game, that's all well and good, but if a guy's trying to play a 14 year old anime protagonist with 10 belts in a Noir detective game, that's (probably) going against the tone.
Other things players can do that don't fit the tone of the game include murderhobo-ing in a game that was meant to be more serious in nature, for example. This is particularly grating if the other players are trying to act like real people would but one guy's going "lol, I stab the guy and take his gold and his pants."
Ideally, the players and the GM should agree to what kind of game they want to have before actually playing the game, which is why session 0 is important. Still, even with that some players have trouble keeping to it and ruin it for the other players and for the GM.
A lot of people use humor has a coping mechanism, maybe the rogue puts up a funny front to hide a more tragic truth.
>lmao if some limp-wristed millennial tried to say that shit to my face i'd break their fucking sternum
Sometimes things are completely grimdark, other times someone suggests shwarma in the middle of the world falling apart
just because the world is going down the toilet doesnt mean we cant stop for some shwarma afterwards
indeed, i would argue the more grimdark the world around you, the more someone should provide some humor, since it makes a good contrast and some people really can make stupid jokes even in dark times to help them get through it and because submitting to despair would make them too much like anyone else
and its a false dichotomy, you can be serious and make one-liners
heck, weaponize it, a super serious grimderp villain would be used to serious combat, and you can bargain with the DM to see if making light of him can get you a small advantage
get the BBEG on tilt so his rage clouds his judgment
what is that pic even from? did you just make that on your own? why?