Worst job for gaming

What is the worst job if you like to play RPGs and why is it being a cop?

Funeral director. I was an apprentice for a year. I was on call 7 nights a week.

Because in RPGs you have to be mindful of the various races and cultures, but as a cop you don't have a thing to worry about and sometimes you cross streams


Kitchen work is pretty rough. Tons of night work, irregular scheduling means you can't establish a certain night you'll definitely have off, and any holidays or time when other people would likely have free time you're going to be working because normalfags will be going out to eat.

I can't imagine...

I do play with a couple of cooks from Canada though and they usually make it for game night, although the player cook usually is a bit late for sessions because of work...

Not my job but I imagine Deep Sea Oil Rig Operator would be a bitch to schedule.

Any minimum wage shit position where the days they have you come in is constantly in Flux and you can't do shot about it because you're 17 and you need gas money.

I've got a friend who works as an EMT, which means his schedule is super unreliable and sometimes he'll just need to straight up drop whatever he's doing and go. You can't really hold it against him though, he's doing really good and important work, but it does kinda suck on game day.

Because it occasionally requires you to go into a stranger's house who may have neglected to tell you about their dog.

>careful with that edge, reddit

When I was in the Navy I had a lot less time for games. Going out to sea for months at a time prevented me from gaming with civilians so I just DMed for my shipmates.

Even then, It was hard getting us together since we had a lot to do at sea in addition to having watch rotations, equipment casualties, etc. There's also an intercom system on ships that's used for various announcements. It's in just about every compartment and it's loud as fuck. So no matter how well I set the tone our games were always interrupted by announcements.

You navy rats had the best fucking campaigns though... my fondest memories of gaming were in long beach in the early 90ies, being 16 or 17 and playing in a homebrew D&D campaign (by homebrew is that any book you brought to the table was allowed if you could realistically stat it)
One of the funniest things I remember was that the first time you used a spell, you had to come up with a little rhyme and say it before moving on with the game. Most of the shit was of course dumb as hell, but the first spell I ever cast was fireball, and I had a ton of trouble coming up with something, and all these 25-35yr old guys are laughing and egging me on and shit so I suddenly blurted out:
>I now cast my most fiery spell
>Die motherfuckers, burn in hell
Everyone went nuts with laughter, they started passing me and my older brother beers and the rest is history

That's not Reddit, that's BLM or Occupy or whoever the hell it was that wrote Lisa Simpson's dialogue

>Being this edgy
Don't you have cars to torch down in Hamburg?

Security guard.
Private employers will stretch your hours till you are working 300 hours per month.

Homeless is a way worse job.

Being a murdohobo ain't fun when you're actually playing a murderhobo.

~meme supreme

Courthouse worker here. I appreciate your service and commend you for having the patience to put up with it. The filth is everywhere and should honestly be hung in the streets like the vermin they are

This is gold, I fucking laughed too

Wait, that you was YOU?! I read about that shit in a history textbook and literally could not even believe that it had happened. Our entire class broke down in fucking tears laughing our asses off because it was so funny.

I even remember talking to a mate of mine and being like "I can only imagine how cool it would've been to be there when they made history".

>the rest is history
You're making an understatement, there, dude. It is history AND legend at the same time holy shit. That rhyme is LITERALLY textbook, it is crazy cool to finally hear it outside an academic history class setting and get it straight from someone who was there.

We have "flexable" hours for your busy schedule!
>You mean there's no regularity or sense to the schedule at all and I'll have anywhere from eight to thirty-three hours every week without knowing what next week will have until Friday evening of the week before?

This is why I'm the GM and we play by post.

Wait back the fun bus the fuck up, what kind of history textbook would have dudes playing D&D in it?

If it wasn't for online games I'd never be able to play at all. When you work until 2AM, sleep until 10AM, and have to be back at work by 5PM, your only hope is to find people halfway around the world who don't mind a foreigner coming in.


Never game with the ATF

t. bootlicking classcucks

>being this much of a smart ass
well, you're probably 17 or 18 tops, so I guess it fits


Farmer with animals. The cows don't give you a warning two weeks in advance when they intend to go nuts and tear down their shed or hang themselves after kicking down their griddles.

Dairy farming is not an easy job. Responsible dairy farming is even tougher

Contract firefighter is certainly a shit
>Four on, four off
>Except when shits on fire
>Fuck having a schedule

You know what's a fun feeling? Knowing that you can never, ever plan anything out in advance, because you can be called at any moment to go and shove retardant bins around for a fire that may last a day, a week or months before trundling back to your home, opening a beer, and then getting called again two hours later. I just don't get to play games with folks until the fire season is over.

But at least I don't have to go cut line out in the dirt. Fuck that.

t.Unemployed brat who leeches of his parrents.


Is he gaming while on break or something? EMTs are only on 8 - 12 hour shifts. Why is he getting up and leaving in the middle of a game?

>Never game with the ATF
just for clarity we are talking about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives right?

So what is the problem with playing with someone with the ATF?


The joke being that an ATF agent, when confronted with a dog, will immediately shoot it.

Any job where you work nights at "flexible schedules".

I would imagine social worker would be a suck job if you like RPGs, not because of poor scheduling, but because they see some heavy shit in their 9-5 and are probably not in a good head-space afterward to be playing RPGs.

I mean think about it, after having to go through case after case of child abuse and/or neglect cases, especially ones where the parents just couldn't be bothered, how much of a mood are you really in to fight dragons and evil wizards?

I imagine ASPCA workers would also have a similar problem when at the table.

Maybe if you treated them better they wouldn't be so desperate to either escape or just end it all.

Never mistreated them and animals don't exactly vocalize when they intend to rampage nor give hints why. It could be a random unforeseen infection, a poorly timed birth or just the animal itself deciding that the fresh hay in front of it wasn't up to snuff.

Having played with someone who does social work, they are all about it. Current theory is that they appreciate a bit of escapism and camaraderie; we're not co-workers all talking about the job, we're friends who are hanging out and focused on defeating an unambiguous and fictional evil.

One of the most important parts of that sort of work (or medicine, or anything else like that) is being able to compartmentalize and keeping your own life going.

Being a baker is pretty shit. Start at 3 in the morning. Finish when other people have lunch. Etc.

Freelance Writer for RPGs.

It sucks because any time I'm writing stuff for a game I'm going to run I think about how I could be using that time and effort to write something else for money.

Get better labour laws.
My contract is 'flexible', but not to that degree. Minimum 15 hours a week spread over 3h45m a day for four days, can be pushed up to 40 hours and 5 days.
In reality, that turns out as 5 days a week, and very rarely outside 35-45 hours. The only downside is that I start at 6 fucking AM, and friday night is ruined because friday's the busiest day of the week and I'm dead tired by evening.

Honestly, the worst would have to be a worker on an offshore oil rig. A bunch of days on, a bunch of days off, not aligned with the weeks in any way. And due to the nature of the work, you may not get your days off due to being dead.

we're closed sunday and monday barring a board of directors or dc dinner.
tuesday-saturday dinner service only, 5:30 to 9:00 pm.

Some of us don't work at retirement homes spooning out gruel, we are in restaurants that serve regular customers, which means being open during periods when people want to go out and eat.

It's the hardest for cops because they see the truth everyday.

A wageslave waiter or office worker can roleplay any character in the world.

A cop will never, ever, EVER be able to play or interact with black characters EVER in a RPG

you should check out our prix fixe menu, $275 with wine pairing! best gruel your flyover ass will ever eat!

working an alternating nightshift at a plant that is behind its quota. I'm hard limited to games being biweekly and even then there is a chance I'll be asked to come in to work anyway.

t. city baby

I work at a downtown restaurant in Ottawa. We just aren't faggots, so we don't close the kitchen at fucking 9. Maybe someday you'll hear from someone what a dinner rush is like when there's more than 8 tables in the restaurant.

I know that feel all too well.


Farm animals will just do stupid shit for no reason. Go look up what happened in california when they passed a law requiring chicken farmers to have so much space per chicken. End result is that your food would be nowhere near as affordable if some methods aren't used anyways

Finances dad is a detective in the sex crimes division of a very big city.

He is a very cheerful fun loving guy

Being able to keep work and personal life separate is what people who have these kinds of jobs have over everyone else

As a GM, the worst people I've had experience getting gathered for a session are unemployed people. Not talking about peope who were laid off or anything, but people who have no interest in working.

They generally don't have a vehicle, or even worse, they don't have a license. Tend to be broke as fuck so they don't want to pay for a bus or cab or even gas money for someone to pick them up. Have poor time management skills so they always "forget" and have conflicting plans or whatever.

My friend who worked 4 on, 4 off as a marine diesel mechanic on a ship who had a wife and kid were easier to plan with.

> One of the usuals at my local game shop is a cop

Guess that says how lax and/or shit our police are.

if you ever wonder why you have no friends, or why the few you might have are such shitheads, its because you think you're funny but are actually just an obnoxious prick who tries way to hard to be sarcastic that no one wants to be around.

Or that people aren't all the same based on their career choice

I'm an electrician and a majority of peoe I work with are rednecks or immigrants who only think about work and drinking beer after work. I love tabletop games play and and play 40k, but I wouldn't dream of telling others I work with because I'm pretty sure I'm 1 in a million

>police officers not allowed to have Veeky Forums-related hobbies in their personal lives

>Being able to keep work and personal life separate is what people who have these kinds of jobs have over everyone else
>One of the most important parts of that sort of work (or medicine, or anything else like that) is being able to compartmentalize and keeping your own life going.
I assume that if you can't learn to mentally compartmentalize in that kind of work, you'd go insane very quickly.

>everywhere is the USA

Eh, I actually kind of agree with this. The cops I know personally have extremely ridged dualistic views of morality where everything is either "good" or "bad" and there is no room in between. I can't imagine that mentality being good for roleplaying unless he's roleplaying a city guard or something similar. What I want to know is if the job attracts those sort of people or it turns people into that.

>inb4 leftist cuck

I've gm'd for and played with Iraq and Afghanistan vets who were great.

It turns people into that. You see the worst of the worst and see that the reality is ugly and bitter

What if the cop is black.
Or, you know, NOT American.

even if, pussyfooting around the issues in a context that has nothing to do with it, is just gonna make everything worse.
It's a stupid thing, really.

Might be on call. That varies pretty heavily depending on country or even region.

> What is a Paladin?

Come on it's not that hard to play a compelling dualistic character. Most people throughout history have viewed the world that way.

funny enough polices officers are twice as likely to beat their wives as normal citizens.

Eh, it's not that bad actually. Game happens first two Friday nights every month, second two weeks in the month I'm off shore babysitting pressure manifolds.

lefty /pol please go.

imagine that, a high stress environment has repercussions for your domestic life.
Who'd guessed?

all /pol/ need to be put out of their misery.


t. Uneducated classcuck

It's the job. Stupid shit like arrest quotas encourages you to become a petty asshole.

Kitchen porter with a casual contract. You have no idea what days you'll be working until about a week in advance, and your end of shift is entirely dependent on how much work there is left once kitchen's closed for the night. Then you have to get to wherever you're gaming at, and if you're working tomorrow you might just as well say that you won't be there.

I speak from personal experience. I may need to find a new job.

Shifts for EMTs in my area (I am one) are 24 hours--my schedule right now is 24 on, 24 call, 48 off, for example.

>arrest quotas

I suppose working shifts where you have to switch every week is a bitch.

I've read a few stories of troops playing D&D while stationed somewhere.

I'm sure some ex-military fa/tg/uys will come out of the woodwork now, how common is this?

Yes, police are given arrest quotas because they earn money for the city through fines, tickets, etc. The more people your bring in who have to pay bail or that you give tickets, the more money you make for the city. It gets to the point where smaller cities and towns go out of their way to bullshit charges or get super petty to make arrests or give out fines.

Depends on the station, super common in more peaceful areas. It was almost nonexistent in and around The Korengal.

Macaroni user, where are you?

My entire unit has about twelve different groups running multiple games each. That's just a battalion.

Pretty common. Hurry up and wait is a thing, as is being stuck on some Godforsaken hill for weeks looking for hajjis trying to shoot down everything larger than a sparrow. Dice and character sheets are easy to pack (and can be lost and replaced with no issue), and you can use a watch to randomize numbers if you really have nothing else. If you don't have internet access to shitpost on /k/, you might as well be a bard.

incredibly common. warhammer 40k is also hugely popular in the US military. on deployment you don't always have regular access to internet or electricity and tabletop games reign supreme in those situations.

Shit dude, I knew a guy who worked as the driver for a coroner/funeral director. Nothing fazes him anymore. It's like he went to war or something.

>twf working as a lab technicians
>2/2 work week, frequently take extra shifts to pay rent
>friday night is a myth

The point was that that kind of personality severely limits the amount of characters you can/would want to effectively rp.

That's weird, almost every sparky I know is a massive autist. They're all into vidya and tabletop gaming.

What sort of lab are you working in user and is that 2 days or 2 weeks? I work in an assay lab, work eight on six off and I've got no problems setting aside time for game nights.

Why is that? I mean my personal sample size is only two vets and one cop, but the vets were much chiller guys and one of them had a pretty nuanced take on life, while the cop was almost hilariously stereotypical in his black and white moral views. Like a guy who definitely drank the cop kool-aid and adopted the "us vs. them" mindset.

>I'm sure some ex-military fa/tg/uys will come out of the woodwork now, how common is this?


IT people are the worst. Because they can't stay off their fucking phones - either because they're addicted to tech or because they're constantly getting work calls. I had a storage guy in my group who ended up getting called back in to work 3 nights in 4, and in general he's on his phone 2 hours of every 5 during gaming nights. I've games with a high-tier networking guy who ended up canceling on 5 straight nights because he'd constantly be in disaster recovery for a client, or a client would be insisting on on-site service from a high-level tech and he was the highest non-management guy in the company.

I'd rather have somebody who knows that their schedule is shit and so doesn't show up at all (on 24 hours notice; like most min-wage people will have to every now and then), than somebody who shows up and is staring at a screen or talking on their cell all the damn time.

On the other side of things there are no "best" RPG player/job combos, because everybody is going to have issues that'll make other people hate them. For example, I love having theatre people in my group, even though they tend (not universally, but certainly more common than most) toward SJW bullshittery. But the quality of roleplay when you get a half-dozen professional actors around the table is just astounding.

>On the other side of things there are no "best" RPG player/job combos

9-5, guaranteed 40-hour/week office wageslave. Set schedule, plenty of free time to play games, shit job so they have to imagine everything anyway, usually fat so you don't have to worry about them going on vacations too often.

With that said, yeah, I can see your point in wanting actors around the table. They may universally be leftist cucks who'll be first against the wall when the theocracy comes, but it stands to reason they'd be good at that whole part of a roleplaying game where you play a role. Probably anyone involved in a creative field would be gold to have at a table, one or two at a time. Can you imagine a film propmaker doing group maps, or having a professional artist for character portraits?

>Can you imagine a film propmaker doing group maps

Didn't the reverse happen for The Lord of the Rings?

Pretty sure the guys who made the models of Minas Tirith were wargamers. Talk about a dream job.

This. People shit on cops, but they don't have to do a cops job everyday.

To look in the face of scum, and hear their shitty half excuses and pretend that you don't already know that they're guilty, because everyone is equal under the law. Just dealing with the same shitty people making the same shitty decisions day after day.

It's honestly a credit to most police forces that police brutality isn't more wide spread.

Investment banker

I think you've got to drink the kool-aid or you wash out/give up.

>IT people are the worst.

Fuck off and die.

If you don't like us being on our phones all the time, maybe you should be a non shit GM and hold our attention better.

Postgrad Student / Software Developer here

My schedule is ridiculous, there'll be weeks where I do a straight 7.30-4 workday and nothing else, and then other weeks where I'm working almost 24-7. EOFY deadlines are the worst.

I've basically given up on joining groups for the time being.