I think this is decent enough.
++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (T'au Empire) [108 PL, 2000pts] ++
+ HQ [12 PL, 280pts] +
Cadre Fireblade [3 PL, 58pts]: Markerlight [3pts], 2x MV1 Gun Drone [16pts]
Commander [6 PL, 160pts]: 4x Fusion blaster [84pts]
Ethereal [3 PL, 62pts]: Equalizers [1pts], 2x MV1 Gun Drone [16pts]
+ Troops [18 PL, 288pts] +
3 Strike Team [6 PL, 96pts]
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui [8pts]: Pulse rifle
. 11x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle
+ Elites [65 PL, 1195pts] +
DX-4 Technical Drones [2 PL, 32pts]: 2x
XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [17 PL, 375pts]: 2x Fusion blaster [42pts], Ion accelerator [107pts], Stimulant injector [5pts], Target lock [12pts]
XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [12 PL, 234pts]: Homing beacon [20pts]
. Stealth Shas'ui w/ Fusion blaster [43pts]: Fusion blaster [21pts], Velocity tracker [2pts]
. 4x Stealth Shas'ui w/ Multi-tracker [128pts]: 4x Burst cannon [40pts], 4x Multi-tracker [8pts]
. Stealth Shas'vre [43pts]: Fusion blaster [21pts], Velocity tracker [2pts]
XV8 Crisis Bodyguards [24 PL, 380pts]
3 with triple plasma rifles, 3 with bcs and ats.
XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit [10 PL, 174pts]: 2x Burst cannon [20pts], Advanced targeting system [8pts], Cyclic ion raker [39pts], 2x MV5 Stealth Drone [20pts], Stimulant injector [5pts]
+ Fast Attack [13 PL, 237pts] +
Pathfinder Team [7 PL, 145pts]: MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone [8pts]
. 6x Pathfinder [48pts]: 6x Markerlight [18pts]
. Pathfinder Shas'ui [8pts]: Markerlight [3pts]
. 3x Pathfinder w/ Rail Rifle [81pts]: 3x Rail rifle [66pts]
Pathfinder Team [6 PL, 92pts]
. 6x Pathfinder [48pts]: 6x Markerlight [18pts]
. Pathfinder Shas'ui [8pts]: Markerlight [3pts]
. 3x Pathfinder w/ Ion Rifle [36pts]: 3x Ion rifle [21pts]
++ Total: [108 PL, 2000pts] ++