Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

The Great Legions edition

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>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:

>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>other MEGAs

>WIP Math-hammer doc (chart user doing god's work)

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AdMech the best, fuck the rest

Can I get a quick rundown on what they talked about in regards to the new codex on the stream?

solar auxilla reporting in


>great legions editions
Umm user, edition titles are meant to be relevant to the conversation in the previous general, please learn how to make relevant fucking generals



Only substance was mention of some sort of detachments or something? I dunno, something about getting a tank assassinate if you take 3 predators. Some bonus for taking 3 vindicators, don't ask me.

If you can stand the cancer that is B&C then
has a rundown

Read this just as I was about to start painting another Skitarii Vanguard. Thanks for the motivation user.

Here's your rundown:

I have tried my best and brewed this shitty list. It's my first one ever so pls bully and show me where I made mistakes
>inb4 by picking orks

Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Orks) [1500pts, 87 PL]
Warboss [4 PL, 100pts]:
- Attack Squig, Kombi-Rokkit, Power Klaw
Warboss [4 PL, 100pts]:
- Attack Squig, Kombi-Rokkit, Power Klaw

Boyz [13 PL, 223pts]
- Boss Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga
- 3x Ork Boy W/ 'Eavy Weapon: Big Shoota
- 26x Ork Boy W/ Shoota

Nob w/ Waaagh! Banner [79pts, 4 PL]: Kustom Shoota
Nobz [11 PL, 171pts]:
- Boss Nob: Ammo Runt, Power Klaw, Slugga, Cybork Body
- Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga
- 3x Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga
Nobz [21 PL, 287pts]:
- Boss Nob: Ammo Runt, Power Klaw, Slugga, Cybork Body
- 2x Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga
- 3x Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga
- 2x Nob: Power Stabba, Slugga
- 2x Nob: Choppa, Slugga
Painboy [4 PL, 65pts]: Power Klaw

*Fast Attack*
Stormboyz [3 PL, 49pts]
- Boss Nob: Big Choppa
- 4x Stormboy

*Heavy Support*
Deff Dread [153pts, 8 PL]
- Skorcha, Skorcha
- Pair of Klaw Arms: 2x Dread Klaw
Killa Kans [188pts, 10 PL]
- Killa Kan: Skorcha
- Killa Kan: Rokkit Launcha
- Killa Kan: Big Shoota

*Dedicated Transport*
Trukk [5 PL, 85pts]: Big Shoota, Wreckin' Ball

Total: [87 PL, 1500pts]

Sorry I should have called it 'autistic /pol/posting edition'.

That would have been helpful.


>a bunch of retards including cheetahfag going back and forth about NPCs is /pol/

>Only substance was mention of some sort of detachments or something? I dunno, something about getting a tank assassinate if you take 3 predators. Some bonus for taking 3 vindicators, don't ask me.
That was in the last codex as well. Nice to see them come back, they were neat little rules that encouraged more fluffy builds that I wish me saw more of

I haven't played 40k since about a year after Tau first came out. Is it worth coming back now for Genestealer cults?

>autistic /pol/ posting
Where was pol last thread, all I saw was genuine strayan patriotism, assblasted npcfags and cheetah user

Didn't you hear? Everything he doesn't like is officially /pol/ material.

Looks decent enough, might try to fit more Stormboyz in there but decent enough


Typical FW scum.

Bringing OP, P2W tank to a normal game and crushing with it.

For discount Genestealers? Yes. For actual cultists? No.

90% of the JSC index is crap, but purestrain are REALLY good

I run 60 jeanstealers and 2 primuses with my nids

>cheetahfag samefagging again
Oh boi

Imagine you've just been asked what models a friend should get to start the army you play; what do you recommend as a basic force?

Tau were a mistake.

I just wanna paint an army again, maybe play the odd casual game. Not too fussed about the meta and winning.

primaris marines

they are the best ever

also dont forget to use power points

Also tell him to magnetize everything.

I'd say start a different army, Elysians are fucking expensive and hard to play, if they're desperate I'd say a vulture, Command squad, 2 infantry squads, 1 sniper team, 1 missile hwt team and a pair of tarantulas
Sounds like newfags to me

>first army
>magnetize shit


Just get Space Marines or something.

>Watching bad channels

If only FW shit was kept to terrible channels.

Alas it is not.

Which army that I play? Both of them?

For DA it really depends I guess. If he wants to do the same shit that I do he should get Dark Vengeance and sell off everything except for the termies and the bikers. Or maybe buy those seperately. Then buy lots of Deathwing Terminator and Ravenwing Black Knight boxes. And of course Sammy and Belial.

For admech just spam Start Collecting boxes really.

That's hard to recommend for Guard. It's like, shit man, are you ready to drop a stupid amount of money? Or are you willing to camp ebay for weeks? I guess if I had to pick something, I'd day one AM Start Collecting box, 1 Scion Start Collecting box and that would be a good base.

That way he could make Pask in a LRBT with Lascannon and Plasma Sponsons, an infantry squad with missile launcher and grenade launcher, then 2 scion troop squads with 2 meltas and 2 plasmas and each sergeant with a plasma pistol and finally the Taurox Prime kitted out with the Gatling cannon, hotshot volley guns and a storm bolter for maximum dakka.

I'm the friend asking about help right now
What about the trukk? Should I keep it? I'm not gonna lie - I don't really know if I can just embark 12 boyz out of 30-models unit and using it for nobz seems to be pointless. I should you it as a mobile fire platform, right?

>magnetising first army
>just start space marines instead
My first army was tau and i magnetised everything cos I ain't a little bitch.
>fuck of lion'el'homo

The only person who understood what I meant with the question.

Vulture or Valkyrie for Inquisition/SoB army?

Best warhammer related youtube channel comming through

Start collecting and Gangs of Commorragh. Bam, thousand points of spiky elves for less than 100 quid.

>no indication I play DA
>random homophobia


I should use it*

Vulture with punisher
40 shots at bs4+ during movement is value, unless you're transporting somethING into melee, in that case vendetta

To be fair the Eldar player should have warned him what he was planning on using, that's what FW should be

Valkyrie if you want to dump out a melee Inquisitors with melee acolytes. Because you could do 2 Inquisitors with 5 Acolytes each in the Valkyrie. Otherwise Vulture.

>capable to be played at any level, from fluffy lists to tourney ones
>most every option is viable
>easy to paint
>get's tons of support
>up to date models
>in the starter set
>tons of different chapters to choose from, something for everyone
>getting codex soon
>can do most any playstyle well
>easy to learn how to play
>not magnetizing everything so you can always be WYSIWYG

Nah just shitposting
>though I might be gay, I have severe femdom and muscle girl fetishes so yeah idk


Id say drop it

Top fucking kek, behold the average taufag.

>actually is the fire warrior protagonist
Now I want to replay dark crusade.

I'd hardly say so, I do run FW flyers out the ass which I've never seen anyone else do before and it worked very well in 7th, with no formations I was still raping most armies with 1-2 suits and planes in every slot i could fill (just like the slots in my body want to be filled)

That's just a meme.

That's cool mr. closeted homo. Tell me where your deep seated projection regarding DAngels comes from.

And I though my friend who works ER was bullshitting when he told me they had to dislodge a condom-wrapped ghostkeel out of someone's ass once.

>deep seated projections
Bruh I was just memeing, why you gotta look so deep (I want to have a girl balls deep in my ass with a strap on)

Because I hate Taufags and I hate fags. This is double the hilarity for me.

>condom wrapped ghostkeel up the ass
Fuck me that's hilarious, what was the loadout?
Also what kind of person did that?

I'd swap power claws on nobz to big choppas, and take as many combi-skorchas as possible, auto hits > rokkits

instead of killa kans, you could grab deffkoptas, which are way more mobile (for grabbin objectives) and drop mortal wounds (bigbooms)

>Hates taufags and fags
Well kiddo looks like it's over
Turns out not only am I not a homosexual, I also don't even play tau anymore, haven't used those models in years, replaced by another less projecting army
>what army do you play user?

Melee acolytes, with just 1 wound and a Sv5+ does not sound good at all, evenw with power maul and 2A

>I am not a homosexual
>enjoys pegging and cuckdom as well as muscleme- i mean girls
>choose one
I play the army that gives tauniggers regular lava showers down at Volcanowitz.

This was what prompted my initial question, I was thinking how easy it is to start great 2k points of dark eldar.

2 starter boxes, gangs of commeragh a couple venom for the archon and a couple flyers/ravagers and you're good to go.

>girls with abs are gay

Yeah they were much better when they were 3 wounds. Shame. Nerfing them to 1 wound felt unnecessary, but I think they could have gone with 2 wounds at 10 points a piece.

And which army would that be
Also I definitely do no enjoy cuckolding, pretty disgusted by it, also I enjoy being the dominator as well, mix it up for change and force a muscle girl to obey you, ah that's the stuff

Post Veeky Forums Guardbros

I had the same problem. You have to mix it thoroughly in order to make it have the correct... properties I guess is the word?

Fag detected
That's for me to know and for you to find out kiddo :^)
And that arguably makes you gayer, wanting to fuck crypto-men rather than just being fucked by them.

>fucking a woman makes you gayer than a gay
You can't make this shut up

Have there been any rumours of Chaos Primaris marines?

>fucking a manly woman makes you gay

>I'd swap power claws on nobz to big choppas, and take as many combi-skorchas as possible
Every nobz kit comes with 4 big choppas so it's shouldn't be a problem - I even prefer the big choppas over the claws aesthetic-wise but thought they would be a better pick
>instead of killa kans, you could grab deffkoptas
Killa kans are my favourite ork models so I can't drop them. I know they are not the best but I'm ready to sacrifice some efficiency for these eye-pleasing bastards. Still, I'm open to any other tips and model-swaping

Nothing yet

Being attracted to women with masculine features makes you a gay in denial, yes

>gay in denial
Implying it's not an extension of Oedipus complex for a dominating mother and a submissive father figure
Really makes you think

the manliest men fuck traps

Why would we want that?
We want new cult marine models.

Or go full on Baron, buy three boxes of gangs and a start collecting, and field what is essentially a Rakdos party on rocket bikes.

That just makes you both gay and incestous. Also, (((Sigmund Schlomo Freud)))? Really? Mr. "It's a penis"?

Book is progressing. I've chosen a villain, and there will be no Space Marines whatsoever in it.

I'd settle for new cultists

Sounds like shit, throw it in the fucking garbage

Didn't ask about loadout. Guy was kind of trappy, pasty, vaguely androgynous with dyed purple hair.

Fabius Bile and Anacharis Scoria are working on it.

>Sigmund Schlomo Freud
/pol/ detected
Remember to report and hide /pol/ and keep 40kg /pol/ free
Sounds horrible


I hope not.

Recap of previous thread

I wanted to do this but I was waiting 5 months for my gangs from element games and ended up cancelling so I just got the 1 box, plus reavers aren't great these days. Love Hellions though.

That's his middle name. Schlomo is his middle name. What're you, an anti-semite?
>Born: Sigismund Schlomo Freud

I think this is decent enough.

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (T'au Empire) [108 PL, 2000pts] ++

+ HQ [12 PL, 280pts] +

Cadre Fireblade [3 PL, 58pts]: Markerlight [3pts], 2x MV1 Gun Drone [16pts]

Commander [6 PL, 160pts]: 4x Fusion blaster [84pts]

Ethereal [3 PL, 62pts]: Equalizers [1pts], 2x MV1 Gun Drone [16pts]

+ Troops [18 PL, 288pts] +

3 Strike Team [6 PL, 96pts]
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui [8pts]: Pulse rifle
. 11x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

+ Elites [65 PL, 1195pts] +

DX-4 Technical Drones [2 PL, 32pts]: 2x

XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [17 PL, 375pts]: 2x Fusion blaster [42pts], Ion accelerator [107pts], Stimulant injector [5pts], Target lock [12pts]

XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [12 PL, 234pts]: Homing beacon [20pts]
. Stealth Shas'ui w/ Fusion blaster [43pts]: Fusion blaster [21pts], Velocity tracker [2pts]
. 4x Stealth Shas'ui w/ Multi-tracker [128pts]: 4x Burst cannon [40pts], 4x Multi-tracker [8pts]
. Stealth Shas'vre [43pts]: Fusion blaster [21pts], Velocity tracker [2pts]

XV8 Crisis Bodyguards [24 PL, 380pts]
3 with triple plasma rifles, 3 with bcs and ats.

XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit [10 PL, 174pts]: 2x Burst cannon [20pts], Advanced targeting system [8pts], Cyclic ion raker [39pts], 2x MV5 Stealth Drone [20pts], Stimulant injector [5pts]

+ Fast Attack [13 PL, 237pts] +

Pathfinder Team [7 PL, 145pts]: MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone [8pts]
. 6x Pathfinder [48pts]: 6x Markerlight [18pts]
. Pathfinder Shas'ui [8pts]: Markerlight [3pts]
. 3x Pathfinder w/ Rail Rifle [81pts]: 3x Rail rifle [66pts]

Pathfinder Team [6 PL, 92pts]
. 6x Pathfinder [48pts]: 6x Markerlight [18pts]
. Pathfinder Shas'ui [8pts]: Markerlight [3pts]
. 3x Pathfinder w/ Ion Rifle [36pts]: 3x Ion rifle [21pts]

++ Total: [108 PL, 2000pts] ++

Lots of high quality content I see

Y'all notches be trippin'

Only the manliest of men are confident enough in themselves to go for a lady that can bench press them.

Keep your traps and your noodle people. I'll take a lady who can spot my sets any day.

The fuck are you on, reavers are great.

because while I quite like the sculpts they're all mono-pose and you're limited on war gear you can give them. An AM style set with melee weapons and autoguns would be ideal and provides more options to convert your own themed cultists

Only when all npcfags get squatted will we truly get quality content.

Only the gayest men are confident enough to fuck what basically amounts to other men. And traps are basically feminine men. If the word "man" appears in any part of it it's fucking gay.

Just about done with the Deff Dread, I think it's at the stage in which I can show it off

>3 different anons replying to shitposting
>depict it as a samefagging
Here is your (you)