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CYOA General. Wizard Cottage Edition
An user posted in the last thread a different version of "Of damsels and Devastation" compared to the one I have.
Which one is the latest? In the one I have, for example, on page 2 Telia is described as being fond of orgies, while in that version there's a different preference
You have the original version. The author saw the light and decided to remove the christian propaganda.
That one's the older one. Too many people took offence to her fetish, and human sacrifice.
Fountain- Gluttony
Cauldron- Alchemy
Statue- Transmutation
Bed- Blessing
Familiar- Beast
Alchemy build. Use the Beast and Transmutation to keep myself experimenting with potions. Blessing to keep myself sharp while I neglect everything else for experimenting. Gluttony for use with Transmutation and Alchemy, but also it has abusable potential as other anons have noticed. I'd probably just use it to get drunk, though.
I see what you did with alchemy.
To clarify, human sacrifice still occurs. I just made it clearer that it would be sacrifice of the corrupt and weak under the dogma, but that it had been corrupted as an anti-pleb tool by the nobles, and that the waifu wanted to change it back.
It's not like people rioted and that made him change it. A lot of people just said that they didn't like it.
Also, human sacrifice is still in. It just makes more sense now.
>It's not like people rioted and that made him change it.
Certainly. And it's not like that didn't have any influence at all on the exact fetish he changed it to, nope. Mob rule certainly doesn't exist here.
It's like Traveller. Democracy was a mistake.
What is your deal exactly? In the first thread there were only people saying they wouldn't pick here (and the guy constantly going on about Christian propaganda).
If you think that constitutes mob rule, you're insane. If he had decided to change it after that shitstorm where people dogpiled on the guy who picked her, happened, I could understand. As it is, I really don't see a problem.
t. dark enlightenment "I definitely wouldn't be one of the plebs because of my superior rationality!" fag.
No I'm just shitposting. The poll was legitimately disappointing though.
I don't. Is it a reference to those boring weeb RPGs?
I can understand it, but it's definitely more of a problem with uninformed democracy. I think the poll should have come with a small 1-2 sentence description of the characters.
I have no idea who you think I am, user? Who the hell have you been arguing with that you have to react like this?
I'm just making an obvious observation that's been commonly brought up in these threads even before this.
Superior version.
What's that? A WIP?
Haven't seen this one posted in a while.
Love Worm.
I have to say I really love lore behind this CYOA.
Awesome job.
Yeah, it's an observation that's been made multiple times. And when people try to bully authors into changing things to their liking it definitely sucks, I don't want to deny that at all. It's just that constantly making this 'observation', even when it doesn't fit is really, really tiresome. Even worse, it muddies the actual argument, because people 'influencing the author' is not the problem.
Cyoas are not some holy form of art, where changing it after the fact is absolute blasphemy. If an author decides to change something after getting feedback/seeing peoples reaction, there's nothing wrong with that.
If the author had changed his mind after the whole cuck clusterfuck, I could see your point, but as it stands going 'the really mean people here forced the author to change it because they are insecure or whatever' is either uninformed or outright disingenuous.
Thanks! I was worried that I might have made it a bit too overwritten and convoluted, but it's nice to see that it's satisfied a good portion of its readers.
Not quite.
This spoils the alchemy system. Only view if you hate mystery, discovery, and fun.
The ingredients mixed and their effects are the same as in Skyrim. From this it can be deduced the alchemy system is the same as in Skyrim, and all the possible effects can be discovered by going through the wiki. This also gives you an idea of the limitations it has.
That seems like a stretch, at best.
More like an early version that some people didn't like. Look at the odd spacing in the intro.
It's probably why I like it more than zodiac brides. The waifus may be more appealing in zodiac brides, but there's nothing to do really, beyond the 'war' at the beginning. It's more comfy, I guess, but a power fantasy that doesn't give me loads of meaningful stuff to tackle feels directionless to me.
I kind of wish I could become a psyker though. That's kind of missing to go full 'emperor of mankind'.
The biggest problem is the fucked up kerning.
Thanks for adding a name to the thread!
Ritualist, Unupgraded
Charm II (7)
Normality II (5)
Pleasure II (3)
Transform II (1)
Porn Physics I (0)
Grimoire, Erase Memory
Grimoire, Immortality
Enslave seems superfluous when Upgraded Charmed targets will do anything you ask willingly. Unless you have a total enslavement fetish, I guess. I can see the value of grabbing anyone from wherever, but that raises....questions if you keep them too long.
So, we have 10 mana at any given time. Scoping out a target and then charming puts us down to 7, at which point we can drop Normality on them for 4. That leaves enough for an emergency Erase Memory until we get back to our base of operations. Should we still have that mana, I'd cast Pleasure to keep them occupied while I do the Ritual to refresh my mana. Then it's just a matter of Transforming and Porn Physics as needed. Grimoire Erase Memory if I need to alter their tastes a bit and for when I'm ready to move on. Grimoire Immortality just for me.
Thanks for the answers about the versions, anons.
A special thank to the creator of "Of Damsels and Devastation". I love it, really. Actually kinda hope you will make more CYOAs, as this one is relevant to my tastes :)
Futuristic, with waifus, well written and also has the whole political dimension to think about!
Unless you're in only for the waifus. I know some people go that way. Nothing bad about that...
>The biggest problem is the fucked up kerning.
I like it that way. It give the CYOA character.
I may well make more CYOAs in the future, depending on if I get inspiration like I did here.
I was thinking about Zodiac Brides, saw ZBG saying "once the war is over, and your bride selected, all the noble houses will be cool with and obey your rule" or something close to that, and thought "wait a minute, noble houses don't act like that! How would this really work..." and then a few hours later I had the basic framework. Still love ZB though.
So yeah, it was more political than waifuic to start off with. It's actually the first time I've written Waifus and the first time I've made content for /cyoag/, so I'm not sure if I'll make more anytime soon- I'd have to get a good deal of inspiration again, and that can be pretty unpredictable.
the upgraded Enslaved spell is neat if you wanna bang fictional characters, though.
With the upgraded Enslaved, Charmed and Transform spells, you could even make yourself a perfect harem of waifus.
This would have been a forgettable CYOA if it were just the waifus. The political aspect makes it relevant and different.
>and thought "wait a minute, noble houses don't act like that! How would this really work..."
>nobody will ever write the Watchmen to your Charlton Comics
I like ZB too, but I have to say I'm a little jealous. Good cyoa though, the lore details are really neat.
Yes in fact, I'm staying for the politics. Trying to juggle the factions and such. And the future setting is very much to my taste, with all that lore too.
The waifus are just a very nice bonus. But still, they give "personality" to the factions, so they are important to me.
Wait, is this like a sci-fi Zodiac Brides things?
Yeah, I pretty much copied his format and put my own fluff in there.
Nothing much different from normal, really.
Also that reference before the skill selection. :^)
Yeah, I was surprised how few people got that one.
Someone saved the one with the shitty kerning oh no
Please delete I cannot be reminded of my past mistakes
Does anyone have the cowboy cyoa with the ice cream selling loli?
2nd trigger Stark Winter is incredibly OP.
>Quick Update:
I'm putting Guardian Spirit little hiatus so I can try to recharge my creative juices.
I don't intend to abandon it, but I need a break.
Thank you guys for your patience. I'll try to have it done before the end of the summer.
In the meantime, please enjoy the single shortest CYOA I have made.
Take as long as you need. The thread will be here when you get back. Though, if you can't crack a particular but, sometimes it can be helpful to bounce ideas off of the thread.
Just for you, user.
>Cowgirl Emma, Farmhand Jennifer
>Egyptian Magic Tome
Klaatu Barada...N...
Aw geez, thanks user!
Cornelius and Icecream Seller are best companions.
>she refuses to climb anyone else, but she is okay with other people climbing
>she is okay with other people climbing
I don't get it. Like, climbing the original wall? It's not like it would be possible to climb someone her size.
I think it meant you
What is the third choice? Is it simply a 'don't want to play' option? Or is there a super secret second page to this abomination?
Thanks for understanding, user.
I'll almost always be in the threads.
I just finally learned to turn off my trip when it doesn't pertain to my CYOAs.
Yeah. What he said. It's what happens when you make a cyoa on your phone as a gag.
It should be:
>She refuses to climb anyone else, but she's okay with other people climbing you.
She understands how great you are to climb so she's willing to let other girls climb you too, but she doesn't think anyone but you is worth climbing.
I think is only one page.
>Nah its cool
>Flatty Mc worthless
>Weird icecream seller
>Tactical minigirls
Fuck cowboys i am going full yuri bandits here
One year of training being good enough to turn you into one of best generals strikes me as weirder than the whole 'let's inject skills'. Like, I'm not even some special dude, why don't you train a bunch of other people for one year to have a bunch of really damn good tacticians and strategists.
"One pureblood is worth ten thousand mudbloods, dear child."
So which CYOA's setting would you choose to be dumped in, no choices given to you?
No gifts granted from a higher being, and the only success you find is born from your hard work?
gonna rank the familiars by power level. I'm ranking from a non-sorcerer's perspective, giving priority to powers that are useful at-will.
top tier (each roughly as good as spells):
Ghost - possession (not just a poor man's Enslave because of that spell's 2-slot limit)
Angel - healing
fairy - flight
Half Decent tier (better than just Transforming someone into a monstergirl):
Dragon - money, but you could get money with Charm, Transform, or Time Stop
Wight - zombie girl army (poor man's Charm)
Vampire - bodyguard, poor man's immortality
Catgirl - luck
Kitsune - illusions, notably lets you normalize people other than yourself
manticore - poor man's Porn Physics
Succubus - dimensional travel
Homunculus, slime girl, lamia, arachne, centaur, and toad girl kind of suck.
Make your Cowgirl cyoa
Become farmhand, work your way up
Maybe a monster girl world, one of the less lethal varieties
I could probably survive Stardust if it dumped me out on a planter instead of in space. Same with Traveller, if I get dumped in Ae
Probably just the normal world. I can't think of any cyoa that doesn't include waaaaay too many unknowns.
SHIP. Life didn't seem that bad for the non-SHIP humans still alive.
Can someone post the imouto one
Probably a guy with a fetish for things like that. He's making the discussion seem worse than it was because he's defensive.
Royal revival i mean yes they are at war right now, but eclan seems like a really nice place to live there is a good amount of quality of life things, and crystals are fucking cool. Who knows maybe if i work hard i end up becoming a retainer.
>Fountain - Purity
Health and sanitation all in one! Cutting costs and effort of cleaning!
>Cauldron - Alchemy
Probably offers the most benefits and versatility, though also requires the most effort
>Statue - Transformation
Together with alchemy it'd have nice synergy, allowing one to create truly complex objects.
>Bed - Blessing
Slight pick me up in case I won't achieve immortality etc through alchemy-transformation combo
>Familiar - Beast
Obviously the best. Help with multitude of chores, ability to get me certain basic provisions like food. I also assume that should I ever develop... exotic tastes befitting stereotypical Welsh, it would double as waifu option?
Honestly, very simple but passable CYOA. It could be really good if it'd be slightly bigger - I'd imagine ability to choose land where I get the cottage, size and style of the cottage offering different types of rooms in different sizes, with each room having space for several items a'la current fountain, cauldron etc (depending on type of the room) and each item in turn would have effects as in this CYOA.
Sure, it'd make the thing much, much bigger but I imagine how much immersion and versatility the thing would have - everything from comfy, through power fantasy to lewds could be provided with variety of choices.
Please be more specific. I can think of at least 5 or 6 that them. Are you talking about the imouto builder?
When I looked at this cyoa I wondered, how small could a cyoa be? Only two extremely simple choices, left or right.
Thanks ZBG for the inspiration to make this.
Mystery Box coming shortly.
here you go
Lies! I imagine varied climbing equipment, climbing related powers! Varied, fantastical places to climb with different hardships, difficulty, weather and effect! Different rewards for reaching the top!
Zodiac Brides Guy, I am disappointed by your lack imagination regarding this!
Go elsewhere. Right is appealing, but reproductions of paintings kind of defeat the purpose of visiting an art museum in my opinion and I'm not much of an abstract art guy.
Can someone post the waifu one
I am going elsewhere
>the waifu one
What do you mean by this?
Right has a higher chance of landscapes, which I particularly enjoy, but if I'm going out of my house to look at masterpieces I'm gonna go see the real things. Not strictly to discount the work put into the reproductions, but that doesn't change what they are, another artist's take on a vision that already exists. So I GUESS I go elsewhere since I'm not fond of abstract art. Maybe to a museum that more fits my taste.
which one
Posted at a somewhat dead time, feels bad man.
Go Elsewhere.
Post all of them, let the ride never end
Do you have any rare, very lewd ones made and posted outside of /cyoag/?
>even if I choose 10 years she is still legal
Being old sucks.
Post the one you consider the best
I feel you, user. Author should really just allow one to choose non-relative age brackets, that'd be much better.
Well... i did not see this happen at all