What things do you internally scream about, but know it's too trivial to make a fuss about?
>Players that throw their dice like it's got the plague.
It's their own dice, but it still bothers me seeing such mistreatment.
What things do you internally scream about, but know it's too trivial to make a fuss about?
>Players that throw their dice like it's got the plague.
It's their own dice, but it still bothers me seeing such mistreatment.
>I'm such a good roleplayer because I specifically didn't optimize my character!
>It's their own dice
it probably does have at least herpes
>When the GM has obviously made up the challenge of the moment or the reward on the spot and it clashes with whatever the rest of the theme of the game world is, if there even is one.
When a creature that's lore depicts it as a friendly and kind is used as a generic brute of a monster for no reason other than the DM just thought it looked cool.
When the new DM complains about the previous DM looking up a rules question faster than him. Gotta love stubborn people
>opponent doesn't pay attention when i roll and then gives me a suspicious look when i roll well.
>Players who vocalise exactly all that trivial shit they should keep to themselves.
I hate when I hear that.
I hate it more when people say they do role play and love the role play aspect but all they do it min max.
I also hate edgey characters. A little bit of edge or a rare edgy character is fine but I hate people that only play the most edgy of characters everytime all the time.
5E, I'm not even meming, I personally can't stand it
Straight people roleplaying gay characters for humor value. Though I'm only really now irked because it's a reminder I'm single.
>players who throw their dice across the table when they roll
It's not going to make you roll any better; just tip your hand out in front of you, seriously.
In warhammer, an opponent(veteran) who wants to play a game but then just acts bored and doesn't even try playing the game, just rolls dice when told to. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE IF YOU ACT LIKE YOU DONT WANNA BE HERE?
A bunch of different reasons, my biggest problem though is with the player base though more than with the system, I could talk more about it but I don't want to derail the thread
The only reason threads like this exist is for people to go on rants without derailing the thread.
This is a safe place. Go ahead, user, let it out.
I hate that people try to use 5E for literally any game despite it being such a narrow system
I hate how boring martials are in combat, both when I was GMing and playing in 5E combat was a slog
I hate that there are only 3 mundane classes, 4 if you consider the monks ki mundane
I hate how shallow the combat is for a game balanced around having enough combat encounters a day to balance the classes
But the thing I hate the most is how little the average player understands the mechanics of 5E and doesn't realize how much of a problem this stuff is
While I don't hate 5e, I actually manage to have fun with it, I can see all your points, except the last one. Most if not all players and DMs I've had are utterly incompetent, regardless of the game or community, but that's just me.
I think the reason why the people I play with in games other than DnD seem more competent is because they're mostly my friends that I convinced to try other systems, that and due to 5Es popularity it attracts a lot of people fresh to TTRPG that don't know what they're doing
On the flipside, when the DM only adheres to the lore provided by the book, and doesn't come up with anything new on his own.
Depending on what system you use though you shouldn't world build outside what would work with the system
>my friends that I convinced to try other systems
I wish my friends would listen to me about this. Those assholes insist on trying to make 5e work for everything, rather than trying niche systems more suited to other genres.
It helps if you're the one GMing, that one shots help, people are more willing to try new stuff if they don't have to commit to a whole campaign
*That and
>not covering your mouth when sneezing and coughing, getting spew all over the table and in the air
There's one player who keeps doing this no matter how many times we scold them, and it drives me fucking crazy.
>DM talking about what sort of themes to put in new game
>Mention I don't dislike X but I'd prefer a game about Y
>DM (and at least one other player) mishears me, adds a healthy dose of X/builds their player around X
Jokes on me, as the game went on X started growing on me
Did find out later the other player had similar thoughts on X as I did, only included it in their character because they thought I said I liked it
Aw, your group likes you a lot user.
I find it confusing when rolls go against another player, but they take it seriously and are out for blood due to frustration.
And though this probably isn't what OP was asking for, lately at sessions I've just been feeling sad and out of place, and all I want to do is drop and do something fun to get my mood back up, but I can't do anything about it because everyone else is having fun. And it's never quite bad enough to quit entirely.
It was the first (and only) campaign we've played
DM didn't want to DM immediately afterwards and found another group to be a player in and the other player in that post decided they didn't really enjoy it towards the end and declined playing again, no idea about our other member though
So now I'm left looking for a new group
Me (), feel the need to elaborate it was an online game and I do still stay in contact with the group and me and the other player do still RP now and then, though not in an RPG context
Had a lot of fun and am kinda bummed none of them seemed to want to play again, though in the process of searching for a new group I've come to realize I was REALLY lucky to find a group that good and here on Veeky Forums of all places
Bump for minor annoyances
I don't like it when players discuss how great their characters are mechanically speaking.
I am known for optimizing and specializing my characters in things, but I am not going to wank about how great I am at doing things every five minutes. The closest I get to bragging about a fictional character is when I tell someone "I think I should take care of that, since I specialize in that and am really good at it." when something that my character specializes in comes up.
Poor class balance. Also, poor cohesion of goals or personalities, like overloaded on chaotic dicks. Not just in ttrpg, but in almost any game that has classes of some kind, including fps games like TF2 and Overwertch.
>We already had a rogue, from day one when we started sessions with just three players, we had a rogue, a ranger, and a barb.
>Personally was playing LE/LN druid/necromancer, justifies evil actions with rules/honor/duty. Only really evil for the minions, otherwise pretty chill. "pertect the ferest, any cerst"
>Next player to join made a weeb-y rogue from the "east lands". Generally is not a fun player, mostly because they try complicated shit they see in animus which went against the rest of the tone.
>Then we get a non-weeb, non-rogue! He's a lawful-good cleric. Characters at odds, but respect adherence to honor/duty.
>Then That Guy and his (large, much cleavage-having) wife join. One plays a chaotic-stupid rogue, the other plays a stupid-evil succubus. Somehow gets min-maxed to hell.
Were trying to play just a normal adventurous campaign, not take-over-the-world, not sneaky, not espionage. Granted, we _constantly_ faced shit that was overpowered for our level, but even in a straight fight, that group would still have needed stupid deus ex machina shit to win.
Eventually that campaign died, which was for the better. Constant shitfits at the table from the assholes. Bizarre lore-heavy blood-war shit from FR, in which maybe two of us had any investment.
Next campaign more of share similar alignments, but that guy and his wife still caused trouble with chaotic stupid rogues n' shit. None of us really wanted to start shit because we played at their house, which I don't think any of us actually enjoyed doing.
GM's mistake to invite a coworker to play.
>when players are racists towards a race in your special snowflake setting for the wrong reason
I don't mind the racism that much. What really gets me is the race shares a name with contemporary demons and they act like they have demonic heritage, when it's very well known that that's not the case.
>Have to explain to people how their character works
>Have to tell people to reread their spells every time
>Player with the most powerful character complains that's he's underpowered
>DM level scales random thugs
>the race shares a name with contemporary demons
I can think of less valid reasons to hate a race
I think the ideal is when someone picks a cool concept and then minmaxes to be the best they can be at whatever their idea was.
Games like 3.5 (which my friends love) almost require this if you want to play any of the more interesting subclasses, since most of their options suck badly.
>Not bothering to fact-check something even when it takes like 30 seconds.
Although it isn't limited to rpg.
So much this. Fucks sake, if you're going to bitch about unfair dice, not seeing and demand a Reroll every time I roll high on Psychic Shriek then I may as well not bring the sodding Psykers.
Also, people who crow about their leet skillzorz when all they did was slap the new OP bullshit into their army list, like the new Guilliman. No, beating up newbs and killing Knights with your Creator's Pet temporary ruleset does not make you a good player.
I have a friend who's definition of min-maxing seemed to be any attempt to make a functional character. Fortunately I think I talked him out of that perception in the same conversation it first came up in.
Players that say their character 'would.'
>there are two goblins keeping watch outside the cave. What do you do?
>'I would walk over to one of them, and pretend to ask for directions.'
I dunno why but it just seems so dumb.
>I dunno why but it just seems so dumb.
Clearly they should have charged up from a distance then stabbing one and charging past the remaining before he can react with a "Hey"
On a related note, what's y'all's opinion on saying "I do X" vs. "Character does X"?
"You say it you do it" is the general rule at most tables I've played at.
The thing that gets me, is that despite the name, there's no demonic heritage at all. Which is a well known fact in setting. It'd be fine if they used in universe racism (Soul sucking parasite sluts for example) but they latch onto the demon thing. Really jostles my jimbos.
Quick question, do they share the names of demons in universe or out of universe?
Out of universe demons. Their share the name with succubi. But actual demons, not just humans with horns tacked on, don't exist and outside of fundamentalist crazies who say everything is satan, they don't show up as evil creatures in religious texts.
Eh, I can sorta see how you laid that mine for yourself, but it's still SoD breaking for them to go on about it
Naming a race after a preexisting and well known thing is kinda asking for them to associate it with that thing
Not saying I blame you for it, just that I understand why they're doing it, my advise would be to use a different name, but I figure it's moot at this point
I'm just glad it was overt racism. They just gave the waitress serving them weird uncomfortable looks, sorta like "How quaint, a negro is serving me" in the real world. It's kinda funny because the majority of the party are also an
almost equally rare and persecuted race, it's like a bunch of asians being jumpy around native americans.
>t's kinda funny because the majority of the party are also an almost equally rare and persecuted race,
...In that case I'd really be tempted to add in a built of world building about how [Insert PC Race Here] has some odd beliefs about [Insert Other Race Here]
Just to justify it, though I'm the type to try to roll with what the PC's do, if you want them to stop, not sure what to do, you can have them face the consequences of their actions if they piss someone off but if you're frustrated that runs the risk of you punishing them for their OOC behavior rather than just their IC behavior
No offense meant
Well, in setting most of the non-human races are very much on friendly terms with each other. Thanks to some deep bounds caused by "literally saving ourselves from near genocide a few hundred years ago" considering most live long enough to actually remember the event first hand, or at least be children of survivors of the war, not much would've changed in the time in between. I mean it was only one time and they treated the next succubus a bit later, though they were still anxious (and for good reason as she has an odd habit of collecting suspiciously used medieval equipment).
Both are fine.
I like "Character does X" a more but I personally say "I do X" quote often.
Though I also get trigged by "I would do X." Bitch this real life not some fantasy.
You are a lovely person
I just describe what happens
>>"I would walk over and pretend to ask for directions"
When? When would you do that?
Would implies something else has to happen first, so in certain circumstances it's fine, for example
>>"I would walk over and pretend to ask for directions, so long as they're not armed"
That's great, roll whatever to see if they have weapons, but if all I get is "I would do thing" then I, as a DM/GM whatever, have nothing to go on.
Another phrase that bothers me in the same way is "I'm going to"
I also really don't like that I used "I" in all of these examples, not really a fan of that. Granted, when people attach themselves to their character, that typically means they're enjoying playing that character more, so I don't complain.