What would a nation of sapient dogs be like?
Every breed is of course in the nation
What would a nation of sapient dogs be like?
pretty dog-eat-dog
Pretty ruff.
Golden Retrievers are the de facto diplomats and likely royalty.
Pit Bulls are the violent underclass that gradually outbreeds the others until every species is replaced by a mongrel race of mutts.
It's a good nation. Whose a good nation? Your a good nation. Yus you are!
>King Longboi III
>dog prince exited to see diplomats of other nations
>so exited that pees himself when they arrive
Seems... familiar.
poodles would complain about their ladies getting doberman'd.com
Why did you post a horse in a dog thread???
Pugs, bulldogs, and other smushed faced dogs with natural breathing problems are seen as freaks of nature.
But not in the dangerous way. In the pitied way like when you see a child with down syndrome struggling to walk.
This is your general for tomorrows battle.
Lawful good boys, the lot of them.
They'd be a nation of happy go lucky inbred retards who constantly get picked on by the wolf master race.
That's a goat.
Sharp sense, user.
It seems like I uploaded the wrong picture.
Dobies, rotties, pibbles, chows, shar peis and all kinds of mastiffs are good for security and soldiers of course, but also make a great labor force. Though you'd want to leave the Navy and coast guard to breeds like labradors, newfies, Portuguese water dogs, and poodles.
Cattle and sheep dogs are your ranchers. Terriers are your pest control.
Are hairless dogs nudists or what?
Is magic allowed? Which breeds would make good mages?
Breed is just a social construct. Pitbulls are more violent because of socioeconomic circumstances. All we need is more money for government run pounds and they'd be better.
The real cause for their disproportionate amount of fatal attacks is Retriever-Breedism.
The kissing of the royal ring has been replaced with the humping of the royal knee
The religion is based around a mythical dog known only as the best boy.
Like yugoslavia. Imagine a nation of a clusterfuck of breeds kept together by one iron willed leader.
>best boy is the ancestor of all dogs
>best boy was the favorite son of the giant one(the giant ones are at least 2times the size of a grayhound!!!)
>they built everything
>the giant ones have abandond dogkind after the son of the best boy was a bad boy
>the dogkind must strive to be the goodest boys possible to convince the giant ones to come back
Oh please, dogs tend to love one another and rarely have problems integrating dogs of different breeds into the "pack".
In point of fact, studies have proven that dogs have what I'm going to call a sense of dog. That is, dogs can tell what is and is not a dog based on appearance alone, even if the dog's breed looked wildly different than their own.
The study basically showed dogs two pictures, one of some random animal and one of a dog. Once the dog realized that they would be rewarded with food if they picked the picture of a dog, they'd pick the dog every single time. Like, even if the testing-dog was a golden retriever, and the choice was between a picture of a hyena and a picture of a chihuahua.
Here's the study, by the way.
Can dogs tell breeds apart? As in "these dogs are of the same kind" or "this dog is not like these others"?
But we're talking about sentient dogs. Basically humans in dog's bodies. I wouldn't be surprised if huskies consider pugs to be inferior, even if they're still technically the same species. After all, humans can tell what is human and what is not, and that hasn't stopped fucktons of racial animosity.
They will all be sick and short lived save for one type - Mongrel, who would be overall healther, better adapted to the climate and all living conditions and would be better patients
I wonder who could be behind this post.
In a pack of dogs, the smaller dogs actually tend to be dominant over the larger dogs due to having much more energy and tenacity. This is particularly true of "working" small dogs, like terriers.
>Basically humans in dog's bodies.
If you're going to have humans in dog bodies, there's no point in making them non-human at all. The dogs should be psychologically different from humans.
Generally a shitty place. Not having thumbs would make it aweful.
Sufficiently large tribes might be able to capture/bully humanoid races into being their slaves to do pretty much everything you need done to have a functioning society.
I imagind after a while all the designer breeds would be gone and you'd have some large wolf-like dogs living as nomadic herders of whatever large fauna the area has.
The nation nearly split itself apart when during the annual Fetch Boy Religious Ceremony, the bad doggos under PitBullus stole the stick from the kings mouth.
The real question is - do they care? I mean, if you've ever seen the hilarity of chihuahua attempting to mount wolfhound. and/or the horror of the opposite you'd probably agree they don't.
Aren't Retrievers pretty dumb though? So royalty, sure, but not diplomats
Retrivers would make really goo warriors
Nobles would toy breeds such as pugs and poodles
The occasional peasent revolt or communist reveloution is lead by the rat dogs and pitbulls
I know right? That little brunette futa is probably yuge!
It's hard to build infrastructure when you can't stand up & don't have opposable thumbs. Then again, how much infrastructure do dogs need?
How would musical instruments used by dogs look like?
Well, when Mystara did it, they made it functionally Swashbuckling-era France, with different dogs having different social roles.
Seriously, I would give good virtua-bucks if anyone can figure out all of the real-life dog-breeds being referenced in the AD&D Dragon Magazine version.
its a doggy dog world
>Retrivers would make really goo warriors
>the dogs that are statistically least likely of any breed to bite or be hostile "would make good warriors"
user, shut up
Shit nig
What if the dogs have to fight sapient ducks
Probably something like a mix between bagpipes and a squeaky chew toy, where it's a mouth-based instrument that squeals.
Family dynamics would be weird
>tfw my golden retriever runs around my house at 3 am squeaking his toy and he's too fast for me to catch him
Why is your doggo outside at night?
How big is your house that you can't corner him?
Decent size
He's an indoor dog like all of our dogs
Are greyhounds the best rangers and messengers?
>GOTTA GO FAST the dog
> loyal and non agressive
The only problem you run into is how fucking brittle their legs can be when they get older
They serve while young and are granted a generous pension for their work when they are no longer capable.
>not wolfhounds and great danes as royalty
also german shepards as royal guards
Retreviers are gentle but fairly smart.
>Goldens Retrievers
>beautiful coat
>kind, loving eyes
>naturally noble posture
>distinguished gait
>always happy all the time
>lovably dumb
>cripplingly inbred
>genetic predisposition towards joint problems and cataracts
>increasingly more likely to become a neurotic pile of mental problems with each generation
>will be extinct in our children's lifetimes
Sounds like nobility to me.
Border Collies would end up the leaders
>smartest breed
>unlimited energy
They are too neurotic for that, they would rather end up as eccentric geniuses and are work-alcoholic by nature.
master race reporting in
>glorious coats
>tank bears
>smart, though a bit stubborn
There wouldn't be such radically different dog breeds if it wasn't for selective selection. Most of the traits that are characteristic of any one dog breed are recessive traits, and far too often these are actually detrimental to the individual's overall performance.
Without humans to force individual freaks to mate only with similar individual freaks, the dogs themselves would need to practice some form of extreme caste-like system of eugenics for the different modern breeds to come into being.
I could imagine a mutt-majority dog civilization with breeds standing for inbred aristocratic extended families, however.
Here's your Charles II.
>the king is eleceted from all the dukes and counts of the kingdom and the highest ranking military personel
>their piety is tested by the priest dogs
>the one choosen as the goodest boy becomes king and given a kingly name by the dog pope
The current king is an old greyhound general
He is longboi the third
The Corgi.
I wouldn't want to mess with them.
It applies even more so to the English Setter. Heck, most people have probably no notion of the breed. They have such little genetic diversity and such little popularity that they are likely to go extinct very soon.
I had one growing up. He was the runt of the litter. The breed isn't very intelligent to begin with, but because he was the genetic leftovers, it was safe to say he was especially unintelligent. But there has never been a kinder-hearted, non-aggressive, and loving creature in the world.
If a society was run by English Setters, it would be one of peace and love... but if you turn out the lights, their lack of object-permanence would make them freeze in place and think existence had stopped...
Oh, I thought you meant as in AROUND the house
Man, I really like greyhounds. They're so lanky and chill. They look like if somebody animated a creature made outta watch springs.
>Golden Retrievers are the de facto diplomats
>have a bunch of dumbfucks as diplomats
>genuenily caring, protective, strong willed guardians
>they're also HUGE
good doggos
>What would a nation of sapient dogs be like?
Could be pretty co...
>Every breed is of course in the nation
Oh, it's a scarcely livable multikulti shithole.
I wanted to get a t mastiff a while ago, those damn noodle doodlers price everyone out.
>can fight bears
fantasy companions irl
>he thinks no tribalism would exists and breeds wouldn't prefer the role they're meant to fulfill
What were you thinking of when you thought of "a nation of sapient dogs," then, if not a nation with several kinds of sapient dogs? Just golden retrievers? Did you not realize that there were multiple kinds of dogs when you started reading?
Jeez, pol-kun, when you make posts like that it's almost like you're just trying to start shit
Mooooom, get off the chan
fuck those niggercats
I don't know if this is bait, but Pitbulls are actually good dogs if you can train it properly, but most owners don't train them properly which causes all these problems. Well, bad owners and mother fucking thugs looking for a mean looking dog. Sorry for biting, but every dog can be a good dog if you're a good owner and know what you're doing
It'd be a bitch.
Policitians regularly use laser pointers to distract the masses as they sneak extra biscuits and peanut butter for themselves
>There's a Collie Oppenheimer out there waxing poetic about his invention of the laser.
you can make up for biting by posting a SLAMMED dog
No-one's posted this yet? Okay; I'll post it , then.
Part 1/3.
Part 2/3.
Part 3/3.
Slaves of the feline master specie.
no one asked for these feelings, user
Probably much like a nation of humans, just with a lot more diversity. I've been volunteering at an animal shelter for the past 2 months, the only consistent pattern I've noticed between breeds is Kelpies are troublemakers and Staffys are lazy shits. All doggos have their own personality.
Such garbage. You know what else can be a decent pet if "trained properly?" Fucking anything. People keep big ass monitor lizards with less chance of getting bit then pit bulls.
>Just because they are a statistically stupid decision doesn't mean they are a stupid decision.
Well that's depressing.
Gaze upon the majesty that is Komondor
Someone who loves breedless dogs
Only in cases of fairly extreme differences. There's examples of things like a female great dane not recognizing her half-chihuahua puppies as being hers. I get the impression that dogs don't strongly differentiate between different types of dog unless the difference is very significant.
Until the Ancient Masters return and the Good Boys take their rightful place at their side and the uncivilized wolves are once again pushed back to the wilderness as the prophecy has foretold.
I thought it was a little up-lifting; we are remembered, and the dogs carry on.