If Ogres were as smart as humans would they be the dominant race of Warhammer?
If Ogres were as smart as humans would they be the dominant race of Warhammer?
*Age of Sigmar
they require more food than humans so logistics would make large armies difficult.
If Ogres can create large armies in one of the most barren wastelands in the world I think they could create large armies if they owned fertile land.
humans are't particularly intelligent in the old world, and they're "dominant" in the same way the skaven are "dominant" in the under world; numbers
Anyways, I'd imagine the dragon ogres were the dominant race or one of the dominant races in their era, seeing as they bartered with chaos to prevent their decline.
A race of people that are stronger, larger, and harder to kill than normal humans who are just as intelligent? You mean like Space Marines?
What's the ogre model from?
You mean Stormcast Eternals
Aren't ogres more resistant to corruption too?
>humans aren't that smart
Well compared to slann and elves, sure, but they've still built and maintained the strongest nation in the old world.
This. Warhammer is dead, stop circlejerking on it
We can talk about series that ended 60 years ago, why can't we talk about Warhammer?
You'll attract the Slav
Because it sounds retarded. Also, AoS is better in every possible way
>So guys, would darth vader
>So guys would the planet dune
>So guys if X got the one ring
like holy shit guys, yes storylines advance but settings are independent of stories, and a single story can have multiple settings. The warhammer world being destroyed doesn't mean we can't still discuss it.
I smell fear.
>waaaaah, I want to play my old game forever
I will not stand idle.
Not to be a dick, but how familiar are you with Warhammer Fantasy lore? Ogres can literally subsist on ROCKS if they have to. They can (and do) eat anything.
If they had befriended dwarfs like humans did, absolutely.
Ogres are stronger than humans, Chaos-resistant, tough as nails, difficult to starve, love to fight, and are strong as hell.
I think user was being ironic by correcting OP with the current politically correct terminology for Age of Sigmar*
Well maybe - if they were smarter they might be able to get more food, but their big problem is that they're always so fucking hungry, no matter how much they eat. Even if they're smart, they won't have the patience to build civilizations rather than getting food. These guys are so hungry that they protect their gut before anything else, and being skinny is unnatural to them.
no, it's the shitposting Slav, people always take the bait
iirc, the 8th edition army book for ogres even mentioned that Greasus was trying to fix their clinical retardation issue by instituting an education program.
Mostly it taught mathematics, just so that ogres could pay him taxes, but it was branching out to include basic literacy as well, so that ogre mercenaries could read human contracts.
A lot of that is due to Maw worship. But even if ogres are naturally more hungry than humans, intelligence breeds self restraint. Smart ogres would be able to deal with their hunger in a far more productive manner than current ogres.