What magical/mythological/folklore creatures would make a good house pets in average fantasy setting?
What magical/mythological/folklore creatures would make a good house pets in average fantasy setting?
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I think ever gay sparkly dog deviantart makes
- Small breeds of gryphons like blue jay/house cat
- jackalopes because it's just a rabbit with antlers
- small drakes, they are just dog sized lizards
- with little bit of magic they could have a fish in a floating bubble of water follow them around
- elemental salamanders
Hermits and wizards might have
- giant spiders
- small chimeras
- homonculi
For higher social status people they could have more exotic pets like
- pseudo dragons
- fairy dragons
- tamed small hydras
- de-clawed cockatrice
You could also magic up some of the more mundane pets.
>Semi aquatic cats with scaly skin and fins. They can be kept in a house but require ready water access.
>Long legless dachshunds which slither around like snakes. They wrap around those they show affection to rather than licking them.
>Brilliantly colored koi which "swim" through the air. They can recognize faces and often beg for food.
>Medium sized tortoises which carry soil on their shells for camouflage in the wild. Owners often grow small moss gardens or bonsai on the turtle's backs.
A lubber fiend
>it's just a rabbit with antlers
>Tiny little clockwork golems
>Sleek, long legged chickens bred for racing. Although they can be kept as house pets, they often become restless if they cannot run.
>Ferrets which are uncanny in tracking pests, able to sense rodents through walls and appear directly within the tunnels of their prey. They possess a weaker version of the blink dog's blink ability.
>Large white doves which blunt hostile intent in a 21ft radius. Although they do not protect from determined or ranged attackers, the birds are often kept as good luck charms.
>"Teacup pigs" that actually remain small their entire lives and are not just malnourished pigs.
>Small chickens with fluffy, downy feathers. They do not crow, and petting them reduces stress.
Grass snake or cocotrice
Dire caterpillar
Wolfspider pups are popular with those who don't think things through, but they tend to get abandoned once they get too large.
A Shoggoth.
Sister of The Woods is fine too.
>Semi aquatic cats with scaly skin and fins. They can be kept in a house but require ready water access.
>Medium sized tortoises which carry soil on their shells for camouflage in the wild. Owners often grow small moss gardens or bonsai on the turtle's backs.
These two are just straight up Pokemon.
>Small turkeys with iridescent feathers. Often referred to as "the poor man's peacock", they are bred as show birds.
>Pig sized goldfish. Easily trainable and food motivated, they can be ridden across small bodies of water.
>Black rabbits with red eyes. Created to betray the presence of vampires, the rabbit will give its full attention to any undead within 50 ft. The rabbit will stare and swivel its ears to unwaveringly face the offending creature.
>Scruffy green canaries which are immune to poisons and toxic gases. They will sing a single repeated note when exposed to levels of gas which would near lethal to a human being.
>Attack fish. Large bettas which "swim" through the air and attack on command.
>Magical toads which bring good luck to their owners. However, the luck is mostly good from a toads point of view, so it results in surprise rain showers and large numbers of insects.
>blink ferrets
That's a pretty cool idea user
A lot of pokemon work for this, really
Fey Corgi
Come at me.
> Goat sized snails which will eat nearly any plant material they can find. They are often used to clear away thorny or otherwise noxious vegetation. Big enough to hug. They taste delicious when cooked but their shells are strong and heavy.
>Guinea pig sized crickets which reproduce rapidly. The meaty insects make a fine meal, but are more often used as bait or a distraction when facing larger monsters. The crickets can be fed on grains and taught tricks.
>Small plant eating alligators with a demeanor similar to tortoises. They have abnormally strong scutes and hug the ground when threatened.
>A large red frog which releases a sweet smelling scent from its mouth. The scent proves irresistible to mosquitoes, gnats, and other insects, and they are quickly devoured. In insect-poor environments they can be fed finely chopped meat.
>Furry pink boa constrictors which are often worn around the neck as fashion item. Sedentary and with little constricting power, they rely on humans for food and protection.
>Medicinal leeches which drink diseased blood, cycling the healthy blood back into the body. They differentiate their owner based on a "secret code" of pokes and taps which cause the leech to become docile.
>Actual talking crows. Sometimes they become too smart and start slinging spells around everywhere. That's when you call in the adventurers.
A Brownie, obviously.
>Sleek, long legged chickens bred for racing.
>Large axolotls created for medicinal use. Able to sense injuries such as missing limbs, organs, and bones, they grow an exact match for the patient's missing body part. When the organ is fully formed, it pops off and the axolotl goes about its salamander business.
>Geckos with large colorful eyes and an iridescent sheen to their silvery skin. Created to hunt down and devour fey pests, the geckos are not fooled by any kind of glamour or magical invisibility. They are effective predators of weak fey such as mites, atomie, and killmoulis.
>A brightly colored frog covered in ever-shifting patterns. The easygoing amphibians are often kept in display tanks for their aesthetic appeal, but if threatened will spit a chemical which can cause disorienting hallucinations in those hit.
>Non-venomous snakes which absorb ambient heat from the environment, rendering their surroundings several degrees cooler than the area norm. Used as a form of air conditioning in desert countries.
>Chameleons which flush bright pink in the presence of demonic entities. Also used to devour pesky biting insects. Demonic insects won't come within 100ft of one of these lizards.
>Fuzzy tarantulas with tough exoskeletons. Although dangerous to insects, their venom is harmless to humans. Resistant to biting, crushing, and pulling, these harmless yet robust spiders are often used as children's toys. They have been bred into a variety of colors.
Tell me that this little walking heated pillow wouldn't be the #1 pet among minor nobility in chillier climates.
>The first pug seen in Europe
These are all pretty cool.
You're thinking too small.
A Kerebos but you know just a small one...
A salamander for the pyromancer.
I would say many a Henge if they didn't have human intelligence.
And from Germany a Wolpertinger the head of a rabbit, the body of a squirrel, the antlers of a deer, and the wings and occasionally the legs of a pheasant.
Also Chimera magic is always an option...like a cat dog bird fish or whatever.
For mounts well, where do we start... pegasi, unicorns provided they don't have human intelligence, hippocampus, eight-legged wonder horse
Smaller, less toxic sludges or slimes would probably be decent pets.
this thing makes me so happy, I don't know why.
That one SCP that's basically a pink slime that wants to hug everyone, and makes anything it touches happy.
Well, that's kind of the point of the franchise.
prepare for feels
Fuck you, I was having a nice time in this thread.
Oh shit, I've been looking for this picture for ages. Thanks, user!
in my setting, tamed beast folk are popular as novelty pets, similar to monkeys.
I'll take twenty.
Maybe sad to you guys.
We used to have two eagledrakes, until some asshole frost giant stepped on one. Poor Misty hasn't been the same since - she needs some company. I think we could provide a lovely home for Kentucky!
>pic related
Small birds that produce a colorful light when in darkness, which you keep at night in a cage that is basically a lamp and let them out during the day so they can feed. Comes in various color and sings beautifully, perfect for kid's rooms.
>pic related again
Bunnies that hop really really high in the sky with their ear-wings, children love to go play with them in parcs because you can throw the sitck far up and they will catch it. They have to eat a lot however to compensate for the energy they spend.
the various cosmetic pets in ESO are cute as fuck, dragon frogs, little chicken lizards.
Semi-originally, micro goats that shapeshift into a dire version when encountering trolls.
Slugcat. Part slug, part cat. Totally adorable.
Can pick up and throw stuff. Even smol spears.
>- small drakes, they are just dog sized lizards
Dunno. Komodo Drargons make quite bad pets, I think.
Also, ironic / humorous pets.
Gnolls w pet hyenas, dragonborn w pet psedodragons, Yuan-ti w pet snakes, Humans w pet halflings. You get the idea.
You can make anything a pet with enough charm monsters.
Hunting centipedes- able to be fed fruit and flesh, requires a box or something to hide in- useful for their ability to enact complex hunting strategies (and venom)
I actually owned one of these
Axlotls are pretty cool but aren't they a bit difficult to keep comfortable?
A pet caterpillar the size of a daschimd. No longer breeding to forage for food they are very open to snuggling. Up to halfway through their cocoon process they respond to being spoken to with cute gurgles and humming. Upon becoming butterflies they retain no memory of their past life but are completely pacifist. Some religions keep them as examples of what the afterlife is like.
slave demons
>Abandoning a very good boy/girl because you cannot be bothered to train it properly
...that's so fucking adorable.
A house spirit could work. Sometimes steals your food but as long as you treat the house and itself well, it helps you and lets you pet its head sometimes.
Despite being better fed in loving homes they are commonly found in orphanages. At night they can be faintly heard singing lullabies throughout the building.
Fierce enemies of nightmare faeries
Lantern squids. Despite the name it is actually an octopus from another plane. Glows different colors and is about the size of a baseball. Typically resides in a special glass jar filled with sustaining liquid and worn hanging from the owners neck.
Some households create glass tubes allowing the "squid" to travel between lanterns in different rooms. Feeds off music.
A humanoid mushroom the size of a teddy bear. Slow and lethargic the mushroom is nonetheless warm, fuzzy, and extremely soft. Children like to cuddle up at night with them while parents appreciate the sleep inducing pollen the mushrooms produce.
I imagine that they glow different colors according to the music that they are fed?
Yes, though more to the mood of the piece played than its style
This is holy Grail referencing done correctly. I want all of you to pay attention to this user.
Fun fact; Caterpillars actually have been shown to retain memory through their metamorphoses.
Fuck if I know, I'm a voice on an anonymous nigerian scamming board, not an entomologist.
A quick survey of google results says it was trained odor aversion, which carried through to their butterfly forms. Google it yourself if you want more information.
A parrot sought after by sailors. Black with spots like stars this parrot seems to have an uncanny sense of danger at sea, sounding an alarm when storms or large sea creatures are near. This sense triggers even when the bird is in the bowels of the ship but most sailors suspiciously try to give them as much fresh air as possible. Rumor has it they can speak with dolphins.
Despite this they originate on a misty rainforest plateau far into the interior of one of the southern kingdoms, far away from the sea.
I-I want to adopt him
Mini slime. It's acid acid is far too weak to eat through even a babies skin but strong enough to eat all the mess a child might get into such as food or dirt. Very popular with parents and children love how rough they can be playing with the almost indestructible playmate.
A mischievous shapeshifting creature with an emphatic sense and ability to teleport. It's abilities make it quite a match for rambunctious or energetic children who it enjoys for their simplistic and pure emotions.
Despite its mischievousness the pooka has a rigid sense of fairness and proper behavior. It often comes up with ingenious, though physically harmless, punishments for its playmates by typically shocking or shaming them to see the error of their ways.
Among the nobility, several exotic pets have a history of being kept. While the majority of the nobility keep a stable of horses and a pack of hunting dogs, and perhaps even a falcon, those with the money may expand into the more arcane beasts.
Harpies are often used in place of falcons. It is well known that the common Spotted Harpy has a diet most similar to man, and is thus easy to care for, and is intelligent and affectionate. The Blue Harpy's brilliant plumage makes them a popular choice among those able to afford the expense of importing them from the Ironbones, although aspiring pet-owners should be warned that Blue Harpies lack intelligence and have been recorded committing suicide by flying into keep walls. For those with the money to purchase from Dahkhest, the Plumed Harpy comes highly recommended, although Plumes are often conceited and may not show as much affection as desired, not unlike the housecat. They are very easy to care for however and have bright red and gold feathers guaranteed to make a splash at parties.
For the equestrians among you, the Unicorn is a extravagant but popular choice. Domesticated Unicorns are no longer adverse against the impure of heart, but they still need to feed on sungrass, so remember that a hay-only diet will kill your Unicorn. Remember also that Unicorns can be violent when startled, and the number of deaths from Unicorn attacks out-paces sharks in most years.
And finally, for those of you wishing for a little extra spice for your menagerie, we also offer Medusa, complete with shipping, and we'll set up the terrarrium for free. Our medusa are sold complete with hood, and are quite tame. WARNING: Removal of hood may result in petrifaction and death or injury. Do not remove your medusa's hood. If you discover your medusa has removed its own hood, or discover one of your household has been petrified, contact Animal Control immediately. Proper maintenance of medusa enclosure is responsibility of owner.
Different varieties of Griffins would work great, I think.
Alright, you made me spit up my soda. You deserve this (You).
Aren't medusa people?
Freaking sjw's, never giving it a rest.
>Magical toads which bring good luck to their owners. However, the luck is mostly good from a toads point of view, so it results in surprise rain showers and large numbers of insects.
Catch all the insects and feed them to your chickens/pigs/fish. Make them nice and fat off of all that protein. Also, what kind of farmer wouldn't want a constant source of pollinators hanging around?
They're only half-people. Like harpies.
they don't need rights.
Medusa from the myth was just a woman transformed into a ugly snake haired lady. Is the pet one some kind of animal?
This creature from the plane of fire is a popular pet amongst rich in the north. When fed a large meal the salamander goes into a food coma and their temperature drops to a point where they are comfortable to touch while being warm enough to keep an adult warm.
Very popular bedmate during long winter months.
I could totally see harpies
Rainbow tailed Coatimundi.
Rainbow tails are an uncommon magical mutation of the extremely common coatimundi in jungle climates. When threatened releases a prismatic blast of light that temporarily blinds predators. When playful however this defense mechanism causes small rainbows to appear in the area. Also has the capability to magically clear up water. Very popular amongst greenhouse owners with fish pools.
Requires a steady diet of fresh fruit, reptilian flesh and insects. Known to hunt with its prismatic blast. There are a few instances of them hunting rust monsters.
VERY sociable but not much of a cuddles. Prone to soothing distraught owners by patting them with their hand like paws and nuzzling them with their snouts.
Can be destructive with their curiosity. Plan accordingly
Forgot pic
got you covered famalam
>intelligent and affectionate
>You will never have a Spotted Harpy gf
Why live?
Please don't have sex with your pets
you are not my boss
No! Bad owner!
jokes on you, i am already submerged in water while having a romantic dinner with my koi
This is going to hurt me more than its going to hurt you but ya gotta learn
That is pretty much exactly how germanic-scandinavian house elf/gnomes work.
If you like magical bird companions and sailors I highly reccommend the short story 'Sixth of the Dusk'
good thing we are already wearing our non-conductive waterproof full-body latex suits
We have ways around that!
I'll check it out!
Angela's Toad
A species of toad created when a witch named Angela used toad eggs instead of frog eggs in a potion of fire resistance. These roads are impervious to any mundane flame and are the size of a tri corn cap. Has an odd mutation where if you press in one of its warts another emerges on the body somewhere else. Seen as a de-stressing activity. Toad doesn't care.
>tfw these ugly shits will likely sell for hundreds of dollars just for autistic furries to do nothing with them