As a human, how do I roleplay something more intelligent than a human?
As a human, how do I roleplay something more intelligent than a human?
You can't.
Things that go full inhuman are usually restricted to DM. From DM perspective its easier to come up with something beyond human capabilities and just present the surface, by just going Lovecraftian for example you can set emotional enviroment for players and it will be fine without getting to much into complexities of advanced intelligence.
For players? Not so much, i mean You can try of course, but put a lot of thought into a 'character' and try to come up with a good way of communication for that 'character'.
Point is from my experience its just not worth it. I played an advanced AI and a Squirrel so i found myself in both extremes, but that devolved quickly into very anthropomorphic play anyway.
What do you want to play?
You can't "accurately" do that obviously, so instead just make shit up.
This is how high mental stats have always been in RPGs, even if people try to avoid it. It applies equally to physical stats, but people have a weird double standard between the two.
If I'm playing a character who is far smarter than I am, or I could ever be, then I need to be given more information OOC than I otherwise would be in order to play that character convincingly in universe. It's the only way it works.
Don't have a gf, a job, marketable skills or insurance.
Play your game in the same way the BBC wrote that modern Sherlock show.
>tfw no gf, no job, no marketable skills or insurance
>tfw bald ugly manlet, not even swole
>tfw 143 IQ
>tfw still a failure
tfw no tfw because i transcended human limitations and now im a shitposting multidimensional neet
Suck the brains out of another human. Double your brain power.
Speak less, and thus take more time to think out what you do say. Generally just try to do less things that could expose you as being unsmart. Leave your intelligence to the imagination, to some degree, its like horror, people will imagine someone smarter than you can be.
I could explain it, but you wouldn't understand.
Heh. My wife has a higher IQ than you, and she's hot.
I couldn't explain it to you but have no trouble with this myself as my intellect far surpasses that of any of my peers.
You can play a character more quick witted than yourself because gametime and realtime are not the same speed. Conversely you can't be as smart a (somewhat) dumb character who has a year to prepare and study, when you only have 30 seconds.
In conclusion, sometimes you just need to roll.
Have the character not use contractions, allude to things that no one at the table understands (you won't be called out for it), be cold and kind of emotionless with a slight air of patronization, and use your omnipresent DM knowledge to have them deduce things from very scant clues.
I've actually sort of done this a bit. I think it works.
I just use my general knowledge of a setting/system as the character's.
Oh this guy is clearly a ghoul and he has ones following him around? Probably dread ghoul/ghast.
Knowing things without rolling knowledges or whatever, unless I think they're particularly out of the way, that sort of thing.
What exactly do you mean by a "double standard," user?
That some people assume your IC mental stats should apply to your character, i.e. the whole thing where a player who is charismatic should be allowed to talk his way out of something, even if he's playing a Cha 8 character who can barely speak the language, while the 18 Cha bard can't talk his way out of the paper barn if his player isn't socially confident. It's a dumb practice that too many people perpetuate. Aside from everything else, it's just shitty roleplaying.
well, I think that the player should attempt to make their character behave roughly close to what their stats say. In the case of the cha 8 character I could see something like them being a race that isn't socially acceptable or whatever.
I think with what you're talking about it makes it so the socially awkward guy isn't allowed to play a bard even if he wants to, and that's not too cool.
That last thing is what I'm arguing against. Some people demand you should be able to do it all perfectly yourself, I'm more okay with the guy describing what he's doing, rolling for it and succeeding based on that, instead of it coming down to weird meta-skills with no relation to the game itself.
poorly and with excessively long breaks?
Good post
Flan is destiny.
oh OH okay
misunderstood, my bad.
Yeah that's stupid. I understand having to roll CHA sort of, but at least give them a bonus based on what they say. Christ.