What is the best color?
What is the best color?
Objectively blue
Whichever one you have fun and win with.
The one that breaks the meta the most consistently
White seems to be the most flexible, both in-lore and mechanically.
Colorless isn't a color.
Purple when?
They all have pros that are balanced by cons in that they are all roughly equal. There's no best color.
White. It, followed by its allied colors and maybe a splash of red, is the color that you should live by.
Mechanically its also fun, being very versatile while still feeling 'fair'.
Depends on the Setting
Better Questions:
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It's Golgari and Abzan
Boros or Azorius. Bant. Abzan.
Jund, Mardu, Izzet
eat, raid, repeat
Red can
-Efficiently turn cards and mana into damage.
-Efficiently turn cards into mana.
-Efficiently turn mana into cards when out of cards.
How could any color be better than this? It's best at the only things that actually matter: getting cards, getting mana, and dealing damage.
>Colorless isn't a color
Is 0 a number?
You asked the question wrong way. You should ask which color has best girls
Is atheism a religion?
Counterspells and control magic undermine some of the core mechanics of the game. You can't play your cards and if you do, the opponent can just take control of them.
Blue is the best support color. It mixes with all the other colors better than they can mix with themselves. I mean Boros can't even draw cards.
Blue never gets fixed. One mana draw spells get banned out of Modern for being too powerful, Standard doesn't gey a counterspell stronger than Cancel and Blue still gets aggressive creatures that should be red.
Blue because it gets all the good red cards recolored.
The answer has no bearing on the fact that in MtG colorless isn't a color.
>Rakdos girl " Why isn't everyone looking?"
Lore, Red
Mechanics, Blue
Objectively in terms of power, Blue.
Green's my favorite flavor wise, though. Which is a big part of why I hate nuMagic, the Green characters are universally god awful.
Azorius, grixis, sultai
wooberg master race
Blue has a dominant presence in eternal formats for a good reason, although White is getting up there in power as well.
The best isn't easily determined.
The most powerful however is objectively blue. This is for one simple reason. Damage Mitigation (which is mostly what blue is about) should be thought of as damage dealt to the opponent. Think of the scenario, two decks deal approximately 1 damage a turn, normally the player that goes first wins, unless damage can be mitigated. Blue can mitigate damage in a number of ways and more than pretty much any color. Now player two (the blue player) wins because he essentially gave himself a free round to deal damage and take none.
obviously the game is much more complex than this simple example and things like healing and timing of the damage mitigation and spells that are drawn and availability of land have a great influence on the outcome of a game.
This is awful.
Green has more fog effects and white has healing, the thing that makes blue so good is countermagic and a tendency for Blue cards to be good even outside blues niche like delver of secrets
Ya that reason is force of will and brainstorm. It's way less dominant in the format where those cards aren't legal.
What makes Blue good is this wonderful effect known as 'drawing cards' that only Blue can do in multiple without going through hoops.
If you mean "which is the coolest/most fun" than obviously it changes from person to person so, like, all of them?
If you mean "most likely to win a tournament" than clearly format and metagame are hugely deciding factors. If you're playing vintage than you're either blue or brown (and brown is less common now, RIP lodestone). If you're playing RTR-THS standard, obviously black is king. If you're playing M15 sealed, you're more likely than not in either white or red.
Power level is not determined by color, but by card pool and metagame. If you have access to force of will play it. If you have access to collected company and a lot of good 3 drops play that. Effects are only as powerful as the cards they are printed on; "counter spell" is not objectively more powerful than "Large creature," it's just that for most of magic's history those effects have been printed on cards such that this relationship is true.
Except in standard right now where tireless tracker is probably the best repeatable card draw engine, with glimmer/gearhulk a close second.
Oooh, close, we were looking for golgari and BUG. you got the second best, though!
Simic, Abzan
Blue is considered the strongest in eternal formats due to having the best card advantage, and the best answers to "unfair" decks, being counterspells.
In Modern, the strongest color would probably be Red, followed by Green or Black.
Standard I'm fairly certain is Green, although that may have changed with the recent set.
Reminder that card selection =/= card advantage. Brainstorm is great because it makes your deck consistent, not because it draws cards.
Also, how on earth is red the best in modern? You know that bolt isn't even the best 1 mana removal anymore, right?
Red is the most common color out of the top decks in Modern. I mean, obviously Fatal Push is better than Bolt but I'm trying to answer the vague as fuck OP question.
Also I was lumping in Vintage and Legacy into "eternal" because laziness. But you're right, the only card advantage to be found in Legacy is Jace, really. And I guess Painful Truths.
The fuck is this?
And why is Orange naturalism? Orange is my favorite color, damn it!
Red/Blue master race.
Green. Words lie, people lie, the land tells the truth. Also no one draws better than us, and things like abundance and sylvan library will be better than any arena effect in black, no matter how many times they rehash it
Black. My ambitions will not be denied.
This also works.
I wouldn't even call Push better simply because they fill different niches. Push answers nearly every good creature in the format, but Bolt is incredibly versatile in that it can answer several utility creatures and deal direct damage on the fly. Grixis dominates Modern because it uses both in addition to several fast threats.
You'll never beat Black in card draw simply because Necropotence is a card that exists. I can name many things that Green is best at, but card draw is not one of them. Hell, it's in third place and only because it's lesser competitors are Red "only wheels and impulse draw or draw with discard" and motherfucking White. Blue and Black are back and forth for first because Black gets great sorcery speed draw (usually with a drawback like life loss) while Blue gets a lot of efficient instant speed draw with added benefits like scrying. Green's only good draw is on unusual things like Sylvan Library or cards that require a hefty cost.
*its lesser
Remember it like racism, white is right
Strongest color?
Best color?
Pic related
>people liking blue
The answer is Izzet, always Izzet.
For the wedges, the best is the most izzety of the wedges, Jeskai.
>Hate Green and White's reasoning and arguments and think Grixis is completely right on track with it's train of thought
Am I being a fedora edgelord or this is what I truly am?
Yes. The collective of white can greatly help advance your own ambitions, while also giving you desired companionship and moral fulfillment. Esper/Mardu is great for these reasons. Look into the Mardu clan's Edicts sometime.
Yet again it is blue...
Cus the only way to counter blue, is to play blue...
Aggro is dying, so it isn't as reliable of a matchup anymore...
>implying Green fears blue
literally any combination except mardu