So are Sisters dead? I was thinking of picking some up and slowing building up an army because mostly the kawaii but I look online and no Adepta Sororitas filter, no independent index chapter and 100 dollar standard squads.
Has gee dubs just given up on them?
So are Sisters dead...
Hopefully. Women have no place on the battlefields of literally any century, the 41st least of all.
Not sure what is more sad this fag or this fag
Apparently the only 2 Sisters models they've released in decades also sold out multiple times, so I'd be surprised if GW wasn't at least thinking of reviving them.
Which would be why the one you posted no longer has any rules, right?
So I guess GW is going to continue thinking SoB interest is dead because no one wants to pay $80 for a squad of ugly, metal basic troops.
Her rules turn into Canoness rules for some reason.
Also GW decided that SoB needed an extra option for melee except the Canoness. While AoF needed a nerfing making the entire keyword interaction pointless.
Like why put it there if not going to use it?
Add to that the strange situation SoB are, beside them and a couple of IG models everything is plastic or resin. Why does GW keep making metal models for just one army with no support is beyond strange.
While third party manufacturers bring in almost a million dollars with just some renders, and emperor knows how much on post kickstarter sales.
Fucks sake, GW's own FAQs make it sound like sisters will never have an update, let alone new models (since only major factions and most armies will get new things).
GW are fucking retarded sometimes.
They're not dead. They're being repackaged into Femarines for next year.
Don't believe me? Check the pauldrons on .
>Fucks sake, GW's own FAQs make it sound like sisters will never have an update, let alone new models (since only major factions and most armies will get new things).
>GW are fucking retarded sometimes.
What? Did we read the same faq? I have no idea where you are getting that. I would love to hear your vague interpretations or over-reading of what they say that brings you to this ridiculous conclusion.
Stop this.
>Which factions are getting a codex??
Every major faction will be getting a codex.
>Is every army getting new models too?
Some of them. Certain armies will get new miniatures alongside their new codex, and others won’t.
Thanks for proving my point with that art.
>IG Start Collecting
LR, HWT, IG and Commissar
>Battle Sister Squad
10 metal models from 20 years ago. One of the models forms its own separate squad in 8th.
Geez I wonder why no one buys SoB. It must clearly be no one likes them.
Verydian keeps running out stock and GW own poll regarding the Triumvirate of the Imperium reveal that people bought the bloody thing mostly due to Celestine, with a far second place Cawl.
that art from 1997?
You're an idiot. Where does it ever say that sisters are not a major faction? What makes you assume sisters won't be one of the factions that wont get new minis? You are assuming too much and are taking vague statements to be proof on something where there is nothing. I'm not saying you're wrong, though; because the truth is neither of us know anything for sure. But I don't see those QAs as being evidence toward anything.
The art that features the Sister without Sister pauldrons? Compared to the model with Astartes pauldrons?
That art.
Yah the art from almost 20 years ago?
What are you missing?
I'm saying that they're changing the Sisters. You gave me proof that they're changing the Sisters.
Thanks for playing!
I am assuming sisters are not a major factoin because they haven't had a standalone codex since 2006, and are no longer even an army in their own name, having been rolled under the ecclesiarchy keyword with 8th.
And have had two models released in eleven years, one of which no-longer has rules.
That model is on my painting table right now. The pauldrons are not even remotely close to marine pauldrons.
>Adeptus Ministorum
Is the "major" faction
>I am assuming
And there is your problem. You are making completely unfounded assumptions, and taking it for proof of anything.
Yeah? So? All that it means is sisters got rolled into something. That does not mean they won't get a codex, nor does it mean they won't get new models.
>sisters got rolled into something
Oh, they got rolled into something alright.
Yes, basing an assumption on the abundance of sisters releases and support for the past eleven years is really unfounded.
Literally no other army is still using basic infantry models from the mid 90s that only come in metal. Clearly the one that is, and no-longer exists as an army list in it's own right, is a major faction.
Wait, so you are using one of the earliest pieces of artwork for sisters as proof that they are changing the sisters pauldrons and making female primaris marines?
Forgive me for not being able to follow any of your inane ramblings. I am unable to reach the same conclusions you are. Please step us through this.
He posted the art, not me.
Sure thing bro.
>completely unfounded assumptions
He posted the foundation of the assumption. Did you read his post?
He probably only used the word because the question he was responding to used it.
I am even more confused now. It doesn't matter who posted the art, all that matters is your claim that that art, and the mini (which is based entirely on the art), are clear evidences of your claims. Again, please explain this.
Look at the differences between the mini and the art.
Ok. I see they are slightly different. Now continue with your explanation how this proves the sisters will get squatted while they do female primaris marines.
I never said they were getting squatted to be femaris marines. You're looking at them.
Are they kawaii though? They could look pretty cool, but they just look like old ladies :/
>pauldrons that are a completley different size, shape and design to anything related to marines
We are being trolled.
>We are being trolled.
I think you are right. There is no way any same man can follow this train of logic
I can't wait til you guys see what I've seen. Either this board will fall in love with them on sight, or GW will be finished.
Did you hear that from your uncle who works at nintendo, your kickboxing girlfriend who is also a model and she goes to a different school so no we can't meet her, or from the homeless man who lives in your shed?
I had to draft a blog post announcing them
Why would GW be finished? Even though you're totally trolling, I'd like to know why femarines would cause the implosion of GW.
>I can't wait til you guys see what I've seen.
Seen what? Stuff you have shown us in this thread, or are you claiming you have seen actual sprues or design documents.
>or GW will be finished.
Ah yes, more prophetic doomsaying. The same predictions that have been made for decades now with nothing to show for them.
Does your mother know you post lies on the internet, user? You're making the baby jesus cry.
You guys will probably reply to this one too.
But seriously, femaris marines are coming. Expect rumour engine soon.
>But seriously, femaris marines are coming. Expect rumour engine soon.
Unless that rumor engine is boob plate in primaris style armor, I don't see how it's going to suggest anything.
14 (You)'s is my record. Please going more.
Or what it has to do with sisters, who are explicitly not marines.
Damnit, I cocked it up. Sorry bro.
>this thread
itt: everyone takes the bait
it's not bait if a legitimate mong retroactively decides he was le trolle all along.
I want to believe
Take the top right panel and put it in the bottom comic and you've got the gist of it.
It basically derailed the thread.
That's okay with me. They're a cool idea but I never really liked their armor much. Maybe they'll return in a better incarnation some time.
Mostly kawaii fan art that made me want to start the army and their being expensive old ladies is what made me make the thread.
They're not dead, but they're clearly low priority. With the edition change that means it'll be a looong time before they get any love.
I wouldn't start right now. The old models are in the proper scale, which is no longer the scale 40k is using. Here, old Sisters of Battle compared to a new Sisters of Silence model...
Sisters of Silence only get attention because someone at GW has a fetish for baldness.
Man I love those helmets, I would shell out the cash honestly if all the sisters had those helmets.
Yea I think their gaudy in general and the bald except for a lil bit is really ugly.
I get the feeling all the hype for SoB that GW is 'stupidly ignoring' comes from their rarity and GW's negligence or them itself. If they were and had been a full army, I wonder how interested people actually would be.
I've been doing fine with 1500-2000 points of sisters with guard allies.
Faith points are pretty good and celestine is really good.
I think they're good.
I play Eldar but if they released them again I would totally make an army of them.
They're mary sue fap bait and deserve to be squatted.
>b..b.but my waifus
Not only are Sisters not dead, they're probably in the best place they've been in since their initial release rules-wise. As for the metal model problem:
Nah, don't mistake a shitposter from a genuine troll. Trolling means gas-lighting an argument into a flame war with one or two posts and letting everyone else flame on. Said troll has to actually be smart.
Shitposting, like femmarines faggot here, involves posting harder, not smarter with multiple low-effort posts.
Thanks for the replies
False, they're being repackaged into Sisters of Silence
This. Only people who don't play or keep up with the game would think Sisters are dead.
>>b-but muh models
People who are desperate enough to own a bolter bitch army have quite a few avenues to acquire them (in addition to the chink solution). Of course it will cost a pretty penny, but why the fuck would you want to own a sisters army if you weren't prepared to spend dosh?
>Ugly bald bitches
I've literally never seen a sisters army fielded at my lgs.
I know bait when I see it but...
Research the following:
educate thyself you swine.
Way to miss the fucking point
Considering they don't exist anymore, seems like a poor argument.
This is really just all the more reason for me to like them. No they're not the optimal choice for their job. Yes women aren't well suited for frontline roles,but they're the closest thing to a standing army the ecclesiarchy gets to have without violating the "no standing army of 'men' at arms" rule. They're stuck having to do a job they aren't naturally suited for, they will just have to rise above that. Just like everyone else in in the Imperium really. It fits within the internal logic of the setting, and the thought process of the Imperium.
>get BTFO by crazy sandniggers unless they have literally half of the world supporting them
they're doing something relevant for the resource they have
unlike you
I m certain this is old news, but i just poped over to the geedubs site and I couldn't find SoB. I know they were folded into the Inquisition, but the weren't there. And manual search did turn them up, but what are they listed under on the sidebar? Are they listed at all?
kek shitsters blown the fuck out
Not sure if weak bait or actually stupid.
Imperium Index 2.
They are under Adeptus Ministorum.
Ah, thank you! Appreciate it.
I am BTFO faggots on Veeky Forums. Seems relevant to me.