what went wrong?
What went wrong?
8th edition? Nothing, I think its great. Sure it may be too abstract and 'gamey' in some aspects but so far its miles ahead of 6th-7th ed, specially for casual games now that you can build a decent army out of your collection and win agaisnt a better army.
There's no more unbeatable OP armies and Apocalypse tier weaponry where entire units are invalidated.
Is that a Dark Angel? If so when the Imperium discovered Lion El'Jonson
With what? What's your issue?
Nothing. 8e is best edition.
A lot of the new models are pretty ugly. Other than that it's okay.
t. Only played 6th and 7th.
Wrong. I started in 4th. But I have tried editions as early as 2nd.
8e is best edition.
I started in third, first and second looked like total garbage, and I quit with sixth. 8th is the best edition in the games history right now. It might fall apart as unbalanced codexes are rushed out by shitty designers, but the game has the best core rule set its ever had and with a few tweaks to helps suspension of disbelief (like adding vehicle wrecks and terrain movement modifiers back in) it'll be even better.
It's not perfect by any stretch and some shit is still kinda amateur hour, but it's the first coherent ruleset that isn't lol randumb that the company has EVER produced for ANY of its games.
Well said.
I started with 3rd. 8th is the best.
been playing since rogue trader and still have every edition. 8th is best.
shitty indices and proofreading
the core mechanics are solid, we just need armies that use them well.
Been playing since 5th. 8 is best
The shilling in this thread is real, goddamn
Right, because it's not possible for people to genuinely like this game. They must be paid by GW to post anonymously on a Norwegian underwater basket weaving forum. It's the only explanation.
>people like a thing
user, you know people unironically like unredeemable complete shit sometimes, right? Never mind mixed editions of a wargame we've all bought heavily into.
>people unironically like what i perceive as unredeemable complete shit
Fixed that for you. No worries, people often mistake their own opinions for fact sometimes. It's a common mistake.
So, what exactly do people like about 8th compared to 3rd or 4th? I'm actually genuinely curious.
t. teens that need attention.
How about you put forward a case for your opinion?
So far only Primaris Marines and Death Guard have been released, and DG if anything are meant to be ugly. I'm guessing new models will be tied to codex releases in the early part of 8th Edition.
They had the perfect opportunity for introducing female Space Marines and blew it
asshurt demon player with 1000 blood letters and 100 blood thirsters detected
fuck off
To hell with this idea already, it's completely unreasonable to recon all SM creation fluff.
That's my point idiot. you wouldn't have to retcon it, just saw Cawl figured it out
But there are female space marines and they're big into musical theater
Give me one good reason to do female space marines other than "muh equality". Do it. I am waiting.
Retarded SJW that likely doesn't play Marines or even 40k.
This is the same fucking cunt from the SoB thread. He's a troll, ignore him.
No that troll claims it is actually happening. This guy said it should have happened already. Different trolls.
Ah right. Either way I suppose my sentiment stays the same!
On topic, I'm enjoying 8th immensely. Decided to take up Hawk Lords for the new edition and I've been having fun with a fluffy codex army.
>women being in combat roles
>fucking with the lore
>not being satisfied with sisters of battle
I'm just asking a question. 3rd and early 4th was the golden age of Chapter Approved, chapter traits, guard doctrines, Movie Marines, conversion guides, etc. Guard could take a *Pimp Cane* for the hell of it (a classic "Trademark item" being a Swagger stick). Hell, the 4e rulebook came with Kill Team and campaign rules stock, rather than them being paid standalones.
4th emphasized the game and the hobbu aspects of 40k. 8th removed Looted Wagons because GW "doesn't make a model for it."
I can't tell if they're being sarcastic, trolling, or are actually GW employees being paid to shill. Jesus Christ.
> War game
> Nonsensical rules for cover and objectives
Im loving 8th edition, not only because its great, but because the only people who are actually asshurt about it are the people who were abusing the game and running broken lists
Everytime they try and justify what they dont like about it it is obvious that they are mad they can no longer auto win by abusing the game.
>10 foot tall super humans manning automatic rpgs fly around the galaxy fighting and killing things even bigger than them, sometimes even demi gods, while having nowhere to store their ammunition.
>in the far future they also prefer close combat weapons because it makes them look cooler while they purge an entire planet of innocents because 10 of them worshipped chaos, all in the name for a semi-dead corpse who uses his brain magic to stop a literal portal to hell from opening up on earth.
>your problem with all this is the cover mechanics?
Literally just want five good reasons why 8e is THE WORST 40K EVER instead of calling everyone else shills.
Fuck off back to /v/.
I mean I'm not the guy you're responding to, but the answer is obviously yes, right?
Yes, final answer.
Rust stalkers were basically invalidated. Haywire was the thing keeping them in and now they are luck based melee units that would get mowed down before they even get to the target.
It's funny because as an eldar player i LOVE the changes they made. Jetbikes fulfill a niche role as fast assaults with shuriken cannons, and everything feels fluffier while being more balanced. Pleased about the wraith knight nerf, its no longer taking 3-5 per 2000 point list.
How are Wraith Knights in a dark eldar list? I'm thinking of picking one up to convert
Im ok with 8th ed. Everything is cool and they nerfed the right things. My only problem is the stupid ass morale shit.
>We are spess muhreens! And we shall no know fear!
>Runs away after some of his friends dies like a guardsman
A personal one
>Skitarii are supposed to be basically fearless because someone's piloting them in orbit
>"Survival is nothing, data is all" built to literally gather data by dying
>Ld 7 on alphas
> Cover only works when the whole unit is standing in it
> Stops working when a single model is out
> Does not obstruct or limit shots through/over it
> Massively improves armoured units, irrelevant for light infantry
Yes, cover totally fucking sucks and it's supposed to be a core part of the game. It's inexcusably awful and fails in just about every aspect.
Wraithknights are functional on a DE list, though since there is no innate rulings for most wraith units, run your wraiths and DE in a ynnari detachment, and watch Yvraine as she makes everything not die.
By that i mean that wraith units dont get stuff like battle focus innately.
>Units do not need to bring their weapons to bare on the target, any part (i.e. antennae) will do even if a fraction is sticking out of cover.
Its like they fucked up one thing while fixing another. One step forward, one step back
Also your DE infantry benefitting from strength beyond death is absolutely stellar.
8th edition, best edition. Chess can fuck off. There's a new, more balanced boardgame in town, baby!
I haven't really looked at the Ynarri stuff so i miss out on using haemonculus coven stuff but what do i gain?
Really? We're down to that point of shitposting? Kill yourself OP. Argue for your point, don't meme like a bitchboy.
And 8th ed is great.
Then suck my shilling dick you retard.
See, I preferred 3.5/4th (early) by a long margin and can't imagine how someone who experienced the good years under the overlord Chambers could not? I was playing a slightly patched 4e through 6/7th so it's clear I'm a fan of four. Why do y'all prefer 8th? It feels like 3e BBB, but less robust in a lot of ways.
Started with the 3e BBB, have tried every edition, own RT.
Orks main here. Had Chaos a while, but that was no daemons anyhow. Have a small feral guard army that won't see the table except in 4th. Dunno about the other guy though.
You are the equivalent of that guy who continued to play a heavily houseruled version of 3.5 D&D forever, and claims it's the best because it's all he knows.
Play some games of 2e, then you will have some grounding to understand what has changed and why.
They already have them they're called Sisters of Battle. Deal with it.
I've played every edition. 2e less than some, but I've given the Ork Artillery Experience a spin, and battled for the farm, and it's a different game. Wouldn't make it my main game, but it's got hella charm.
I've tried 8e as well. Atm I don't have a retro group, so it's been all I've played since it hit. It's one of the better editions, but I don't think it's the best and am confused as to why people do.
They had all that and still managed to be worse games. I don't care how many party grab bags GW throws at me if the game is shit.
The fact that 3.5 was a fucking thing already shows why your earlier argument of 3E being better than 8E is full of shit.
There was more time between 3.0 and 3.5 than 8 has had (or given GW edition timing, might ever have). If we get through this year with less FAQ than core rules I'll be surprised.
>than 8 has had
No fucking shit it just came out you dipshit
They made the game good again and now no one will play shitty irrelevant games with me anymore because they all went back to 40k :(
I dont really like how Tau make no sense anymore but if the codex comes with a point balance then 8th will be the best edition i've played (started in 5th)
Yes, so using the fact that 3.5 was needed as a comparison is dumb since we don't know the shelf life of 8.0. But 3.0 also outlasted 7th edition, and was comparable to the editions before that.
I hope we get an 8.5 sooner rather than later, I feel that 8th needs a little additional material to smooth some odd things out and it'd be great. Tank shock and the like.
Sorry for the late response. Ynnari units have a rule called Strength from death. If any model in your unit kills an enemy model within 7" (i think that is the range) thry can take an extra move, shoot, charge or assault phase. Makes banshees wuth Jain zar and wraithblades all murderhobos on crack when you vomit them out of a wave serpent.
>"muh riptides" the post
3e was the only edition that needed a X.5
It's disingenuous and retarded to imply that we should "just wait" because "8e might need 8.5 too". No, bitch, GW has never done an X.5 after 3.5
did you take a picture of your computer screen?
They did get a tad overnerfed though
3 without a .5 lasted about as long or longer than every other edition. Implying that they represent a bigger failing than skipping to a new edition is dumb. I mean, if you call it 9 instead of 8.5, I'm not sure you're doing much better.
Frankly 8 could use an 8.5. It's mostly solid but has failings in the core that will require core rule tweaks to fix.
The core rules are fine. It's the datasheets that all need the tweaks. The problems exist with unclear rule conflicts and vague descriptions.
And no, those stupid image macros are not arguments. The core rules are fine.
The only thing shitty about it is Primaris marines.
The lore is dumb but man the models look great.
>Frankly 8 could use an 8.5. It's mostly solid but has failings in the core that will require core rule tweaks to fix.
No it doesn't. Outside of a few things that can easily be handled in an FAQ, the core rules are fine. Stupid shit like "flamers are the best anti-flyer" are only spouted by people who haven't actually played the game
Cover does suck but this is a great description of 40k
The ability to block vehicles with a line of grots/throwaway infantry isn't great. There's a few oddities around vehicles that some small changes would help with. Making it so vehicles can also fire after falling back would help some. Returning tank shock in some form would help more.
Skorchas buggies are better anti-air than Traktor guns in my experience. That's as much to do with Traktor's sucking at their job as anything else though.
IDK why they couldn't have just said "Guidoman found a way to juice up space marines and make the process safer/faster" and just have all Primaris literally be old'rines who've gotten these experimental upgrades and armor
"Why would manlet marines still exist then!?" you ask
Because no fucking army in the history of ever has ever properly supplied it's entire forces with the shiny new gear it's supposed to have. Scarcity and logistical problems are a perennial IoM problem, dating back to the crusades.
So they introduce Primaris as a new limited edition special unit being produced enmasse to reinforce Chapters, and then as time goes on everyone/thing gets upgraded because we KNOW that's where things are headed.
Flamethrowers being anti-air really needs to get patched out, it's pretty hilarious
well, the basic marine models/heroes look great
the new stuff is kind of shit
I dunno about third or fourth (started in fifth), but.....
>>Splitting the turn up into rounds to keeping the game moving
>>AP is more interactive and isn't all or nothing depending on the relative strengths of the units
>>Al(most all) rules are included on each unit's profile
>>Detachment super flexible for army composition
>>Progressive vehicle damage
>>Movement characteristic instead of six or seven different movement types based on the unit class, plus random USR modifiers
>>To hit and wounding made a little simpler and _much_ clearer
>>Roll modifiers easier mechanically
>>Leadership changes
>>Have you seen those motherfucking orks?
>>Don't have to roll for psychic powers
>>Only random tables are D3 or D6 attacks
>>Deep Strikes much easier for to aforementioned lack of USR
>>Much Eldar will be given a run for their money instead of being annoyingly op
All guns can shoot at different targets
What? No, read again.
When a unit you own dies, other units within a few inches get a free action of some kind. You don't get to chain together killing sprees, you get an extra action of whatever type you want each time you lose a unit. Triggers everything in range, so it encourages massing units
>>>Tfw they fix one of the most annoying, pants on head retarded limitations
haywire weapons are now pretty much useless across the board.
I thought Primaris couldnt fall to chaos?
They really shouldn't be able to outside Lucious shenanigans, Chaos being old and busted marines primarily is part of its identity.
I can't tell if you're trolling or stupid
Elf slave wat do
...what? I thought we were just saying random Veeky Forums-only memes.
>It might fall apart as unbalanced codexes are rushed out by shitty designers
well, then we'll just have index tourneys
i put 1st and 8th on equal terms but for very different reasons
nobody field 600 of them irl tho.
they'll also loose the keyword in their codex so next and they wont be worth anything anymore
Not to mention the Infiltrator nerf in the FAQ that nobody asked for.
>>We are spess muhreens! And we shall no know fear!
>>Runs away after some of his friends dies like a guardsman
Worse is the exemple in the rulebook where 5plague marines shoot & charge 5 primaris marines killing 4 of them.
The last primaris kill one of the five plagues marines. Then one of the four plagues marines flee the battle
> Stops working when a single model is out
They FAQ'd this already, only the models outside of cover don't get the bonus to saves.
>8th removed Looted Wagons because GW "doesn't make a model for it."
OMG, this editions sucks! thanks for opening my eyes, user. it's literally nothing
I hate fucking retards that whine about conscripts.
Yeah if some dude actually come with 200 of them then I say he deserves they are actually good
I probably hate the community more than anything atm. Either 8th is literally Satan and ruined the game or 8th is a perfect ruleset and disliking any portion of it means you should go and sell all of your models.
save modifiers >>> AP, for starters
most significantly: nearly every army is viable