>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
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How high or low fantasy is too high or low fantasy for you?
>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
>Resources Pastebin:
>Previous thread:
How high or low fantasy is too high or low fantasy for you?
>How high or low fantasy is too high or low fantasy for you?
Medieval society better be built on the ruins of ANCIENT TECHNOLOGICAL CIVILIZATION or feature a crashed spaceship somewhere or I walk.
Banning Lore Wizard is too low fantasy
Aka the Ancient Aliens effect
'Bout time.
>last session
>our Paladin has a Blink Dagger
>effect banishes target to Aetherial Plane on a 20 or him on a 1
>run into homebrew beast DM wanted to test
>he attacks
>thing disappears
>fight another custom blood beast DM wanted to test later
>he attacks
>thing disappears
>defeat quest arc's boss
>go into his tower's basement
>some monsters left down there
>Polymorph one of them into a worm to take care off once the room is cleared
>Paladin and Barbarian prepare a simultaneous strike on the worm
>Paladin rolls a 20
>worm disappears
The number of times this fucking thing has just blinked shit out of existence over the 10 or so sessions he's started actually using it is fucking hilarious and we were laughing our asses off so fucking much that session because of it. Saved ourselves so much time due to that dagger that we finished 1.5 sessions worth of content in a single one and finished what was supposed to be a 4 sessions arc in about 2 and a half sessions.
That thing really should just cast Plane Shift to the Aetherial Plane on a 20 instead of just deleting shit without even allowing a save.
Fuck the haters, mystic is a great class because it lets me grapple someone with advantage, bring them to the top of a staircase and power bomb them back into the floor while taking no fall damage myself, then cut a promo about how lame they are and make them receive penalties
It's gonna be funny when the DM drops them all back on you at the same time.
5% chance of being effectively an insta-kill definitely is OP
>powerbombing them when you could toss them off, Nomad teleport underneath them, set up a psychic spear, and walk away as they land on it
I was just about to say, trying to solve problems by throwing them into alternate dimensions rarely works out in the long-term.
Powerbomb lets me jump off the staircase using psi points to make the fall do even more damage, although your idea is great too.
I hope your DM makes you fight nothing but phase spiders
Holy shit OP you had one fucking job. Were you too busy choking on cock to post the new, non-404'd mega?
Yeah, we ourselves even said that he should make it all spew out if the dagger ever gets destroyed and that he should generally nerf it in some way.
As hilarious as it seems, it's a bit of a buzzkill when the big, single-enemy encounters end in a single attack. He almost also blinked away the actual boss of the arc if our Barbarian hadn't killed him before our Paladin got a chance to attack, as he rolled one for shits and giggles and actually would've landed another 20.
The self-banish isn't even a huge downside as he's the personal champion and former fuck-buddy of a newly-ascended goddess usually residing in the Aetherial Plane that doesn't have the poison immunities and shit Pala usually has but instead is unaffected by magical/artificial aging, including due to the Plane. So he'd just have to sit it out until she finds his location there.
Still looking for advice
"I need to look after this, until it can be destroyed, please let me do so."
Then pretend to destroy it
>going crazy trying to find a decent program to make battlemaps with
>everything's got shit documentation, a terrible UI, lacking useful features for map-building, has fuck-all for resources, and the resources that are there don't have matching graphical styles
>about to give up and make blue line battlemaps like it's fucking first edition
>remember RPG Maker
>it actually fucking works
How did the Japs figure this shit out before we did
Got my hands on a magical item the other day after killing an artifact hoarding boss.
Monkey Paw
requires attunement
+1 AC; advantage on acrobatics checks; disadvantage against spell saving throws; you become deafened if the paw is more than 10ft away from you; allows use of 1 7th level spell: plane shift 1/day; cannot be un-attuned unless the paw is returned to its owner.
Now, knowing my japanese fairy tails and shit, attuning to this will obviously trigger a quest to get that thing back to its original owner (most likely a demon I'd assume).
My char is a level 11 Wizard currently sitting at 52 HP, 9 AC (+1 in sunlight) and is a Rock Gnome.
He's also an undead and is prone to attaching new limbs when he finds an interesting or better one to what he currently uses, so he'd sure as fuck sew that thing onto his arm trying to use it as his new hand.
I am REALLY fucking tempted to just use it, since those spell saves are honestly relatively rare, I'd still not have disadvantage against most of them due to Gnomish Cunning and Plane Shift is sweet as fuck (as is +1 AC).
Should I do it?
Can you save your map as an image and then print it?
What is the Trove being taken down for?
Not from the program. If I were printing, I'd just take screencaps and stitch it together in Paint, then print.
I'm using it for Roll20 though so I just screencap, resize it so each tile is 70x70 to match the Roll20 spacing, and throw it up there.
Use it as soon as you can, nothing bad could possibly happen user.
RPG maker truly is the ultimate redpill. I've been using it for the past year and it's pretty good desu.
Yeah, people have been getting some pretty good mileage out of that program series for battlemaps.
While you're at it, you should replace your other hand with the hand from
Take a fucking guess.
>monkey paw
>makes you more acrobatic
>but not if you want to dodge a fireball
makes sense
Gee, I dunno. Maybe because it has loads of copyrighted stuff and it's only a matter of time until a faggot reports it.
It's pretty great for online games because I can scale the map to be grid-accurate, but make separate images of all the little doodads and shit like barrels, trees, outhouses that can be uploaded as their own thing and dropped on the map to be moved around or added as necessary.
>player laughs after everything he says
>none of his jokes are funny
Oh God, help me Veeky Forums. I can't take the cringe. How do I make him stop?
Anons? Hopefully simple question: way back in the late 80s/early 90s, we had two lizardfolk offshoot races called the Gurrash and the Cayma.
Long story short, you think a 5e conversion of either would be viable? Caymas are kind of like a cross between a Small Lizardfolk and a Kobold, whilst Gurrash seem to mesh up so well with the standard Lizardfolk stats I can't really see 'em as anything other than a reskin.
ask him to explain the joke, every time
>Using Race based tension in your setting
>Not using Class based tension
>maybe it has loads of copyrighted stuff
Yeah, but what specifically? This wasn't happening before.
Right, because there's a ton of conflict based on your job IRL
>not using both
We totally have sterotypes based on jobs, people don't people who work in food service etc
He meant class as in commieshit, not class as in Fighter vs. Ranger.
>proletariat can overthrow the bourgeois
>Mystara lore
Always great.
Plus, it's pretty easy to add custom stuff if you're handy with spritework.
>he doesn't know that race warfare was invented by the rich to distract the proles from rising up in class warfare
Good goy.
Are the Barbarian UA's any good? I like the idea of the spirit tanky one.
No i mostly talking about the castyfolk
Just seize the means of production
Oh. Shit premise, magocracy is a shit theme, don't bring the caster vs. martial shit into this thread
>everyone in the Herathian Empire was either a genetically engineered slave or a shapeshifting were-tarantula
the fuck
Sure it was, this was the second or third trove since I started posting on /5eg/.
"Class" isn't a thing that exists in-universe. It's a prepackaged list of abilities because the game isn't point-buy, but in-universe two people can both have the same exact job but have two different classes (barbarian and fighter, rogue and ranger, etc.).
NPCs don't know your "class" because it's not a concept they understand.
That would explain a few things.
Nah think about this, Wizards hate Sorcerers because they had to study and work for what this guy can do because grandma got some Bad Dragon, and Warlocks just ask demons for shit
Is it possible to do a throwing weapon character that doesn't suck? I like the idea of a Rogue specialized in Throwing Daggers instead of a Bow, but it seems so mechanically inferior that I wonder what the point would even be.
That isn't entirely true for every class in-lore. Clerics and especially Paladins are usually heavily defined by their class above most other things.
NPCs also know that there is a difference between how a Wizard gains access to magic compared to how Warlocks or Sorcerers do it, given that the NPC has knowledge of magic, of course.
Hey, I got my powers by sacrificing somebody to Cthulhu
>"Class" isn't a thing that exists in-universe.
it could be if you wanted it.
Get your DM to waive weapon draw restrictions and allow Archery Fighting Style to apply to ranged weapons, then play a Battlemaster.
Heh, true. Aranea, Lupin, Diabolus, Rakasta... I can find so many uses for 5e renditions of Mystaran races.
Hmm... I wonder if I could make the 5e Gurrash worthwhile by mixing together elements of Lizardfolk and Half-Orc. Maybe give them a sort of budget version of Berserker Rage.
Caymas... Small sized Dex/Int lizardfolk seems good, but what to give them for traits? And should I give them an analogue to Builder's Curse, where they get Disadvantage on Int checks made in relation to architecture or engineering?
Technically it'd be a tarantula-were; they're spiders that turn into humanoids, not the other way around.
And not, not everyone; there's a huge population of normal people who have no idea the spider-weres are really running the show.
And everyone hates Mystics because how can mind powers even be real but shitposting aside they'd be fucking despised because you could never ever trust them
oh, like that? Yeah, that's an alright thing, I thought you meant like wizard governments. That's a pretty good thing even if it should be on a personal level.
Not all priests are clerics, and not all clerics are priests.
That said, paladin and warlock have the most fluff tied into them.
As for wizards/sorcerers, they still represent a pretty wide array of character types, especially sorcerers. A sorcerer could be a descendant of a dragon, someone who was born with a weird quirk that links him to a plane of existence, someone marked by storm energy for no particular reason, even someone who made a deal for power that's different from the warlock's.
Wizards represent all sorts of studies - scholarly/academic, naturalistic/intuitive, etc.
And in-universe, you can bet anything 99.9% of people can't tell the difference between the two classes.
Anyone who runs Tomb of Annihilation in Chult instead of placing it in the Savage Coast of Mystara is doing this all fucking wrong.
>Paladins, Druids, and Wizards hate each other
>Largest cities are made up of exclusively of each of these types
>common folk are split on which one is better (Or most tolerable)
>Paladins and Paladin enforced towns are have low crime rate, but people always on edge, for even the smallest offense will have you pay a hefty fine and doing some hard labor
>Druids are the best farmers, but also hardcore believers
>must devote your entire lifestyle around their own to live amongst them in their cities
>Wizards are number one safest from outside aggression due to wards and shit, but the most costly, and general misconduct ending up with some form of property damage
>people who live here must live with extremely high insurance rates
>not placing it in the accursed jungles of Xen'drik in Eberron
Fucking pleb, user. Get out.
>all of them will fall before the might of the secretive Battlemaster Collective's colossal flying Ark
Friendly reminder.
Go read up on the Savage Coast and Legacies, then get back to us.
You know hand crossbows were totally a thing historically, right? That's where pistol stocks come from.
Surprised to see the Mystara fans show up here. I don't suppose any user's would be interested in helping me cook up some 5e translations of classic Mystaran races?
Y'know, the Diabolus, the Lupin, the Aranea, the Cayma, the Gurrash, the Nagpa, the Tabi, the Faenare, the N'djatwa, the Phanaton, the Hutaakan, the Kubbit, the Enduk, the Manscorpion, whatever else I might have missed?
Wouldn't the Hollow World of Mystara make more sense?
Crossbow user is almost getting his fingers mangled.
Are hand crossbows really that popular among painted lizard ladies?
you talkin shit about Sanctum Knights? Blasting niggas with your half crossbow/half DARK BEAD RAPE CANNON was my favorite build.
of course when you get their hand crossbow it's the size of a normal one to you but that's because the niggas are like 12 feet tall
Only if you want dinosaurs. You can replace them with anything. Manscorpions, giant lizardmen, Herathian voats, and any other number of crazy fucking monsters hanging out in the Savage Coast.
What's neat about SC is everyone who sits there long enough magically mutates and gets saddled with some cursed superpower. Also it's got guns.
>Not living in the Bard Party City
>too low fantasy
No magic and no non-humans. I play a non-magical human in real life. I need a break.
>too high fantasy
Where anything non-magical is utterly useless. I want to beable to punch people in the face and still be relevant.
mah nigga
So... nobody interested in some 5e Mystara stuff? Because I gotta say that I, personally, am sick to death of the Forgotten Realms, and whilst I love the Nentir Vale first and foremost, Mystara is a very close second in my heart.
>Mardi Gras everyday, complete with gumbo
I don't really know all that much about Mystara. What would you say are the interesting bits about it?
Have you ever played a character who doesn't understand much/any common?
what about a Beastmaster that talks like Rolf.
I'll one-up that with my feral Orc Barbarian who understood no languages at all.
It was pretty fun, since I managed to hide it from everyone for a good session and a half.
>monkey paw
>no granting wishes
into the trash it goes.
The fact it's actually closer to the pre-Tolkien "weird fantasy" of the 70s and 80s than to the more "grounded" neo-Medieval/faux-Tolkienian popularized by Greyhawk.
It was literally D&D's first ever kitchen sink setting, full of fantasy and wonder.
The planet is hollow, with an interior filled with preserved samples of species and civilizations made extinct on the surface.
There's a flying city built by competent tinker gnomes orbiting the planet, and it's implied that they actually all originated there.
The moon is home to samurai catfolk who ride flying sabertoothed tigers to battle.
Few races are entirely evil; Mystara all but invented the Monster Adventurer as far as D&D is concerned, with orcs, gnolls, goblinoids, kobolds, ogres, trolls and others all being playable races.
The native gods - or Immortals - are actually all epic tier adventurers who sought out and made themselves divinely powerful, giving them a vested interest in interacting with the mortal world.
One of the most powerful nations in the world is actually secretly controlled by spellcasting, talking, sapient giant spiders who can shapeshift into human form, and whose evil master plan is typically... to get along with their neighbors, enjoy a nice venison pie for dinner, and quietly brush up on their magic studies before taking their wife out on a date.
Sorry, but I actually don't know all that much about the setting other than bits and pieces. I mostly know it for its races.
In 4th I rolled an elf that spoke everything exoect Common, too bad the actual game went nowhere
user, you need to think of the whole picture.
DM already said that attuning to that will absolutely trigger a lengthy quest. Wishes are always an option as a quest reward.
>wish as a reward
>the fucked up wish is the whole reason we're ON this god forsaken quest
I casually tossed in that having a sentient item in the group would be hilarious when we started the quest that got us that paw.
DM only chuckled smuggly back then.
Have my hopes up that it's going to be more than just a stat boosting item.
There's the thrice-cursed swashbuckling coast where everyone gets a mutant superpower but has to wear items made of metal to not die,
The secret God City on the moon where all the Immortals hang out and talk play out soap operas using the lives of mortals down below as pawns in their games of intrigue,
The ancient spaceship that crashed there millions of years ago and (relatively recently) went supernova, causing a large-scale catastrophe that nearly fucked the Hollow World,
The continent of space wizard eugenics,
Half the shit people think makes Eberron unique,
And two competent side-scrolling beat-em-up arcade games.
So I had a problem today while DM'ing:
A group of goblins, a wolf and a bugbear were hiding from my PCs and the wolf got spotted since his stealth roll wasn't high enough, while the others stayed hidden.
How would you handle this would the others get a surprise round or not?
>Druid cities
wait what?
Though, to head off any fucking pedants,
>there is no surprise round
>it's just that anyone not hidden is Surprised and can take no action or reaction that round
So, here's a 1st draft Nagpa; opinions?
Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Vision: Normal
Magic Is Everything: You have Proficiency in Arcana and know 1 Wizard cantrip of your choice, which uses Intelligence as its ability casting score.
Cursed Never To Rest: If you die, then you will automatically return to life 1 year and 1 day after the day of your death. You will revive at the spot where you were killed, or within 1 mile of that spot if your body was destroyed or rendered unsalvagable (for example, entombed in solid rock or at the bottom of a lake). If your equipment was destroyed or stolen, you do not regain it. Additionally, you are immune to aging.
I Hear My Name: You automatically become aware of any person who speaks your name when within 10 times your Int modifier miles (minimum of 10 miles) of you. You do not hear what they say, but you can sense exactly where they are and how far they are from you.
Nagpa Staff: As part of a long rest, you can construct a nagpa staff. This is a quarterstaff that, when wielded by you, gives you Advantage on Concentration checks and can strike creatures that normally require magical attacks to harm. It has no special benefits in the hands of anyone else.
>As you move through [area], [pc name] hears the sound of some kind of animal quietly growling somewhere nearby. (If they passed the check by 10 or more, they'd hear a muffled "shh" from the wolf's master)
>What do?
If the PCs keep walking and ignore it, they get surprised.
If they get ready for an attack, normal initiative.
If they pretend they didn't hear it and have some way to notice what's going on/communicate an amush to the rest of the party without giving away they know, they could potentially surprise the would-be ambushers.
However generally speaking when rolling for a group you'd roll the lot of them and use the average, or use whatever's lowest.
Rules as written:
>Any character or monster that doesn't
notice a threat is surprised at the start of the encounter.
If all the PCs spotted the wolf, no surprise. If only some of the PCs spotted the wolf, surprise happens for the low perception PCs.
I guess which I forgot to mention was that the monster where in another room which made the whole being surprised a bit weird, since the PC's spotted the wolf from another room.
Don't worry about it.
>buildings in trees
>trees on buildings
>smaller structures buit into hills like hobbit homes
>acequia / levadas everywhere
Mystara-related question; apparently they have guns. Where is this written and detailed?