Let me hear your Veeky Forums confessions.
I'll start.
I really only like to shitpost about femarines to make people mad, but I also would buy femarines if they were released.
Let me hear your Veeky Forums confessions.
I'll start.
I really only like to shitpost about femarines to make people mad, but I also would buy femarines if they were released.
Other urls found in this thread:
I secretly get really excited when I think I'm about to kill a player. I sometimes fantasise about cool ways to kill players as I'm falling asleep and subtly goad them towards their deaths in session.
I'm a complete prude, who starts loudly complaining whenever sexual content comes up in the game. My characters also tend to be super religious, often with vows of chastity, or some other reason why they behave like sexless robots.
Privately, however, it's a whole other business. I even wrote a short story about the rest of PCs raping and dominating my paladin and turning her into a sex slave. Nobody would ever look at me the same, if they ever read it.
I know that half the party is actively breaking rules in combat, though I expect none of them realize they're fucking it up.
I deliberately haven't mentioned it because it's helping with balance
Furthermore, one of those rules errors is the result of me getting the rules wrong, and I deliberately haven't bothered to correct myself on it since it's making the OP character less OP.
I ditched a game without saying a word on roll 20, I was the GM, I just didn't feel like putting in the work for prep anymore
>prude paladin girl that secretly wants to get fucked
All of my stories are from 1999 or earlier. I haven't played an actual tabletop game for almost 18 years. Every time I try to get into a game, I get annoyed by the other players, who at least in my very probably rose tinted perceptions, don't stack up to the group I used to play with back in the day.
I get involved in edition wars and martial vs caster threads. There's nothing new involved, but I get a visceral pleasure in letting loose on people over petty differences and feel pointlessly superior for holding my opinions over the opinions of others, despite knowing rationally that they're all equally valid.
i see nothing wrong with relationships forming within gaming groups.
I deliberately shat up a game of Traveller so that my group would get back to playing D&D 5e because I don't like sci-fi. I pretended to get rules wrong and bickered about the GM's (correct) interpretation, made shit characters just to complain about the broken system, lolsorandumbed down all the time, manufactured IC disputes with other PCs and wasted a lot of time on them, and successfully diverted the party away from many of the GM's plothooks. We are now playing 5e again, and I will use these tactics in future if the group tries to play another system.
>I really only like to shitpost about femarines to make people mad, but I also would buy femarines if they were released.
You are a sociopath and the world would be better without you.
You should consider suicide deeply and at length.
This applies to most of the internet.
This made me irrationally angry, if this is bait congratulations, nothing has made me this angry in a long time
>despite knowing rationally that they're all equally valid.
This is the most unforgivable retardation in your post. KYS, relativist hipster.
You did nothing wrong, and I would do the same in your shoes.
I know that feel user.
I keep my ERP / magical realm shit out of game and where it belongs, like MMOs.
Honestly? I think the god emperor is a huge asshole and would willingly help chaos if I figured out a way to make the positive emotions the dominant factor of the universe. Frankly, golden era or not, the entire Imperium just feels like what would happen if a crazy supervillian took over the world and it was about as shitty as expected as far as the long term goes, imperial truth or God emperor state religion in charge.I also don't have a problem with fem-marines, I just hate it when people make genuinely try to make it some kind of gender inequality issue.
The irl group I'm currently playing with thinks I'm an expert roleplayer. Before meeting them, I have played 5 or 6 sessions of Exalted and an half-hearted one of VtM, and that was years ago.
wow, what a jerk desu. have a (you)
I despise Veeky Forums's obsession with balance and rational explanation. I hate endless worldbuilding. I would take a dozen animu and stock characters over a single subdued one because I find them inoffensive, unmemorable, and boring.
I have no friends and am a social cripple. Since I've liked reading fantasy and sci-fi novels I took to this board years ago and ive done enough reading on games and what not that i can hold my own in a conversation but I've never played a tabletop game in my entire life.
Don't be a huge pussy next time and just say "I'm not a fan of sci-fi, can we try something else?"
It's one measly sentence.
Play a roll20 game with Veeky Forumsfags desu.
Thats so gay!!!!
My magical realm is to make everything lewd or porno. No special fetish or full porn, just infusing it with kinky, lewd or romantic shipping
Kicked a few players for this BS. Won't ever hesitate.
I don't really like roleplaying, despite loving fantasy, sci-fi, eletronic games and whatever. I just play to hang out with my friends
I only like the basic gist of lore in 40k, and usually fluff my dudes in a way that doesn't fit. For example, blue and red skinned orks, or broken down Necron, or a female marine chapter
I'm that guy
Shit taste.
Literally 99% of Veeky Forums
See though, that's not even a dark confession, that's a legitimate complaint
I've been on /tg for a total of about 4 hours now and I'm beginning to suspect that this place sucks.
I have been GMing games for maybe about two years now and I am suffering from a heavy dose of fatigue. It is a mystery/investigation based game so prep ends up being a lot of work, especially since I've run through a lot of published scenarios and have had to start making my own. When I start working on the next scenario I just feel panicked and unprepared, even though some of the most bare boned things I have thrown at my players have been tons of fun. The worry that I disappoint my players as we head up to the end on a built up plot point just eats me up inside and makes me feel completely inadequate. I really don't know what to do about it, since the players seem to want to keep playing by all accounts.
>When I start working on the next scenario I just feel panicked and unprepared, even though some of the most bare boned things I have thrown at my players have been tons of fun.
This is where you should find your strength, user. Making shit up on the fly on top of a bare bones idea is standard procedure, and Players will actually do a lot of the work for you.
Diagnosed with gender identity disorder* (back in 1987 under the DSM-iii, from 3 different doctors to be sure of the diagnosis); my parents chose to put their "non-broken kid" through athletic and academic camps rather than put me through any sort of therapy and treatment, since I was clearly a lost cause anyway.
So now I RP almost exclusively as a girl so I can live - for a little while - as the gender I was supposed to be.
>*I guess it's "gender dysphoria" now
When my best friend is the GM I'm paranoid that he's actively dicking my character over or shooting down my ideas to avoid showing me favoritism, which generally leaves me feeling completely unfulfilled after any session he's running.
When I GM I almost always end up accidentally turning my favorite character concept that a player presented me with into the de facto main character of the game.
When I'm a player I can turn into a massive rulesfaggot if I'm not paying attention to the mood of the game.
I don't play tabletop games at all. I just come here because the board has interesting discussions
This post makes me sad. I hope you feel better user
>t. human white male fighter with brown hair and brown eyes that nobody will ever remember or care about
I actually know a lot of trans people who are into RPing, almost exclusively as their preferred gender. It's kinda sad, but I'm happy that it can provide a little relief, for a time. I just hope eventually the technology gets to the point you and others like you can live the lives you deserve.
>Diagnosed with gender identity disorder* (back in 1987
M8, if you got diagnosed with that back in the fucking 1980s, then that diagnosis actually fucking MEANS something. It's not like today where anyone can ask to get HRT if they have a bad week at school. A GID diagnosis from back then was worse than getting an AIDS diagnosis, socially speaking.
You have my sincere sympathies, and you go right ahead and keep playing a girl.
Just gotta find the threads that aren't shit.
Don't use the catalogue it hides the most recent posts and threads here derail regularly; instead, browse the first few pages and read the most recent posts to see if the line of conversation and basic topic interest you.
Your kitsune mizukami who dual wields sentient katanas and rides around on a demisexual panda while flashing her pantsu in combat isn't nearly as super-interesting as you think it is, weebflake.
I have the same dreams, only I'm the player. Nothing excites me more than describing how hideous my character's wounds are or how they're crying for their mother as their viscera ooze out of gaping sword cuts.
>M8, if you got diagnosed with that back in the fucking 1980s, then that diagnosis actually fucking MEANS something.
It means he should kill himself and should have done it years ago to save his parents the trouble of raising a failure of a human being.
>Don't use your imagination when playing pretend.
Damn. Watch out for the edges.
More than anything else, I wish I could defecate in your PC's towercase.
That's you. You're a faggot.
You guys know that there's an entire range of character concepts between brown-haired city guard and panty-flashing, dual wielding, fox god magical girl, right?
that actually sounds pretty interesting
Good GMing! Sort of.
>I've been on /tg for a total of about 4 hours now and I'm beginning to suspect that this place sucks.
It's a dung heap, user. A dung heap with occasional treasures in it, but a dung heap nonetheless.
>worry that I disappoint my players
>feel completely inadequate
>some of the most bare boned things I have thrown at my players have been tons of fun
>players seem to want to keep
Artist Syndrome, pic related. Just keep flailing, you're bringing joy to the world.
I'm shitposting on Veeky Forums instead of running games for people. People like my games. They're eager to play my games. I'm running behind in planning out my games. Instead I'm shrieking at 3eaboos because
Stupid motherfucker
>I even wrote a short story about the rest of PCs raping and dominating my paladin and turning her into a sex slave.
Would allow it, I love trashy ecchi shows and haremshit.
Whenever I gm, while I'd prefer interplayer cooperation, I can never help but smile with glee when they start to massively squabble over an overall inocuous situation.
Bonus points, it's often because the players did so well in combat they take a captive, but then argue what to do with the prisoner.
Wouldn't you be happier on ?
>Good GMing! Sort of.
Well, if I were the GM it'd be "good" GMing. I'm just a player who occasionally reads the rulebook.
Shill the Alexandrian while you shriek at them.
If they resign themselves to 3e, they might as well do it well.
I think this is more your speed, friend
I miss quests
me too
We push foreverGM to run some Anima because of the six million ways to make this or that character.
He decides to keep it simple, going for an Ogre Battle style game with us as the heros of the revolution. Only thing he keeps from the standard setting is the nephilim, and them being opressed scapegoats.
I show up with Grimdark, Lord of Edges. Dukzarist Warlock, uses Magic Weapon and Merge with Body to have an Able Nightroad bloodsythe, bought extra martial knowledge for Nemisis ki powers (I move like Ring Girl and have a cold aura) use the rest of my magical potential to learn necormancy and that King in Yellow subpath that lets you drive people insane and control the actions of crazy people.
We open in City A, trade hub with nephelim ghetto whose mayor is secretly sympathetic to the plight of the Nephelim, and was intended to be our Fredreik Analogue (Ogre Battle 64 reference)
I am Grimdark, Lord of Edges.
I place a curse on the Mayor's house, making it unsetling. Forever. This slowely drives the mayor insane, destablising the city. Then I terroize a few random civies so badly they fall under my King in Yellow magic, and I then set them to rioting and burning, screaming "DEATH TO THE OPRRESORS! NEPHILIM RIGHTS NOW!"
The actual nephelim have no fucking clue what's going on, until the city gaurd show up and start asking questions. After the gaurds leave I kill them and raise them as zombies, then send them out to attack their old barracks.
So, I drove the decent man who was supposed to lead the revolution insane and started a bloody race war by engineering a massacre of innocent people, all while spouting the most ridiculous tumblr teir bullshit about racism and oppression to justify my actions.
Stop being reasonable, you should only strawman, you... indecisive fence-sitter!
I bet you play a bisexual half-human half-kitsune wielding a western but sentient sword riding a demisexual horse.
>western... sword
>he doesn't like kitsunes
lol what a fucking faggot
>western but sentient sword
>not folded one thousand times
I've got a game next week with a new group and I rolled a bard, how should I avoid magical realm stuff?
I just want to play a guy who just wants to drink, play music and adventure
You're right, it should be middle eastern.
Sorry, only 5 hundred times.
You're a chaste and somewhat stuffy scholar of literature who has an obsession with the the finer things in life like poetry, the beauty of nature, and being an all around scholar and gentlemen
I'll say I don't want my characters to suffer but really it is one of the most relieving and cathartic things I have experienced.
A tragic romance here
A broken dream there
Maybe my character raises his dead brother's daughter.
Feels are more satisfying for me than masturbation.
>middle eastern
Give Arab sword, he turns it into a knife.
I play monster races because I think they're cooler than the standard races.
I come here for 40K stuff, and sometimes I feel /v/ of all places is more chill when discussing about fluff.
Also, I come from a leftist family (and proud of it) yet our favorite tabletop is Monopoly.
>I've been on /tg for a total of about 4 hours now and I'm beginning to suspect that this place sucks.
Oh it's too late, son. You posted, so you're one of us now.
I play AD&D with my parents because they're the only people I can actually stand. I fucking hate other people and my parents really are my only actually friends. Surprisingly, I'm happy about this.
Why is it not legal to shoot people like you on sight?
I don't think I could handle playing any role playing game with my parents. Too many things you can do with friends that you can't do with parents.
I don't care about the games I run (not completely, though), for me it's just a way to validate my previous life choices because I blame other people for creating a situation where I couldn't do better. Don't really understand the point of make-believe when you can just improve your real life skills, develop contacts, do something that changes _real_ life.
friends low effort make up everything on the fly calvin ball horseshit campaign is dying because I shit talk him behind his back with the other players and they agreed with me, but now they want me to dm because I seem to have the most rules knowledge but I'm afraid I'll be just as terrible a DM even if I tried my best.
This kind of inferiority complex will only bring you misery, user. Be happy in the moment and in what you do, and don't waste time trying to climb some imaginary ladder of merit.
I'm actually enjoying being a waifu stealing bard, much to the detriment of one of the other players.
The few "friends" I have are assholes that would rather be "LOLZ I KILL HIM!!! ;^)" and interject their poltics/fetishes in my damn games. Either they fuck up my games by being disruptive, or when I'm a player they're retards and most of them can't DM/GM and the only one who can is a fucking vorefag that pushes his fetish into the game. With my parents, I can joke with them and yet everything doesn't derail. I trust them when they DM/GM because I know they're not going to do something stupid, and same as players. Sorry, I really hate my so called friends. This is why I'm becoming a hermit
I miss quests.
I want to play in an ERP campaign. Not just regular ERP, I want it to be a RPG. I'm too scared to look for one, for a variety of reasons. Mostly due to social anxiety.
I was in one that was some japanese hentai simulator that was surprisingly mechanically sound.
It was actually pretty fun until it wasn't.
I felt like I was doing the same thing, but more out of OOC spite. Then I did some introspection and realized that the other players were mostly just massive fuckheads that deserved everything they got. Nobody was happy in the end.
The majority of my time as a player is thinking on how to fuck the plot over, not how to game the system on getting OP stuff, just...
>This object is the key to free the archmage.
>I break it, deliberately.
>But then you won't be able to find the king!
>The quests can't continue!
lul wat a queermo
You know there are discords for that sort of shit. And websites (F-list) where you can find said discords.
Holy shit, antediluvian tranny!
It doesn't have to be over the top sex all the time, just a game where Magical Realm isn't something to be avoided at all costs. I just want to play a character that gets into perilous situations and has to deal with the possibly lewd ramifications of those situations.
I guess I feel sex is a lot more interesting when there's... non-sexual things happening to give it context? I don't know how to explain it. Maybe I just want things to seem more natural.
Read up on the roles, get GM advice from the thread that is relevant to your game and some YouTube videos and then stage a coup and vive la revolution. If the streets of your city aren't running red with the blood of traitors and monarchists you are doing something wrong.
Yeah, that's exactly what it was. Had specific mechanics for pantyshots, clothing damage, when you could activate lewd acts for EXP, battle conditions for activating your chosen lewd acts, all sorts of neat shit.
It was all in all pretty silly and fun again, until it wasn't. I probably wouldn't do it ever again if given the chance.
if only murder was legal