Playing, Hating etc
>Current Modern Metagame
Playing, Hating etc
>Current Modern Metagame
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best card in blue edition
*blocks your path*
Criticize into the ground, please.
I am probably going to remove remand for other things.
Cool. I'll just use all that red mana to cast this.
is the Montana autismo still in this thread?
Anticipate is pretty much strictly better than Telling Time except in the rare occurrence where one of the cards you see with it is a temporal mastery.
He's not even from Montana, he's some cornfucker from Nebraska.
That's at least one third of all games.
Also, the card is useful not just for getting a card I want in hand and another away from me, it also sets up my land drops which I absolutely cannot miss. Anticipate does not do this.
May it bring as many keks as the last modern general.
Maybe I'll go back to brewing UW Martyr Proc. I have an irrational love for that deck.
I have an irrational love for sky hussar.
why do fedoras always play Blue
It was mono-U Martyr in Legacy that made me want to try Hussar in Modern. Martyr Proc seemed like the best way to do it.
Also nothing beats the feeling of killing your opponent with Squadron Hawks, recurred by Mistveil Plains.
>blue represents mind
>"my superior intellect crushed you"
gee i wonder
Most fedoras play little creature brews, usually dual colored.
you are going back to missoula montana
I never see anybody play this! It's one of my favorite blue cards, and I love it in tempo decks.
Currently playing Mardu Nahiri, just ordered the rest of my burn deck. I've really been digging red lately.
Honestly hating Taking Turns. I only play against it online, but fuck decks that make me sit around for more than half the game.
Just go watch porn while you wait for them to fizzle or kill you. If they're gonna jack off to pictures on a computer, you might as well do the same.
I'm . It's only time consuming online. Playing in person goes pretty quick once the combo starts unless all win cons are on the bottom of the deck.
I've only played long games against one guy who got infinite life very early several games and I had to mill him out.
Burn is awesome user, good choice. Can I ask what iteration you went with?
Probably because they are bad and they think taking forever to decide whether or not to respond is actually them being more strategic.
Honestly this: Most people don't actually hate blue, they hate bad blue players, the people who would take five minutes spinning their top (and subsequently got top banned), who will spend five minutes with your turn 2 play on the stack pretending they're deciding whether to spell snare it or not, who will drag games out to 30 turns because just winning isn't enough they must ensure the game is unlosable before they'll take the offensive.
Solemnity combo decks maybe a real deal.
Blue is my favorite color to play and you're exactly right. Control players on the whole think that taking a long time to think = pressuring your opponent. Don't take forever to respond to shit, just play the counters when you want. If you have to think over countering something, you probably shouldn't waste a counter
>who will drag games out to 30 turns because just winning isn't enough they must ensure the game is unlosable before they'll take the offensive.
Well, to be fair I do that sometimes, but I watch the clock to make sure I have enough time to play safe. I just don't want to throw the game.
Some time ago I was pretty bad though. Kept drawing due to time playing U-Tron in paper. That's when I learned I needed to start playing faster.
I played against this dreck with a GW Deploy the Gatewatch Tron shitbrew
Its trash senpai
The only reason the abzan version is good is because it runs collected company. Since you're trying to hit an enchantment that won't fly. Plus the abzan version has better wincons. Although i do like the idea of sac'ing geralf's messenger over and playing zur in modern. But it's still much less competitive than the abzan company deck
GW or Abzan with Vizier is just better due to it's instant speed ways to assemble the combo pieces.
Maybe there's a way to use Solemnity to good effect but time will tell.
I'm fine with some mind games, like even if you know you have nothing to counter a spell take a moment and check you hand then pass, that's fine in my book. It's when you get this exaggerated humming and hawing over a spell, shuffling your hand, fake counting mana, shuffling your hand again, then passing that people start to get irritated. Like come on, Magic is not so intricate that you have to put on this show every time a spell goes on the stack.
>yet another possible deck asks the question "is this better with CoCo?" and finds itself inferior.
>Not "CoCo needs to gogo"
Slight disappointment.
Enchantment CoCo when?
Exactly, I like to ask what kind of spell it is or leaving mana up to make them think i have a counter spell in hand. That kind of shit doesn't take up game time. Sitting there and dick shuffling your hand over and over doesn't make me think your going to do much
Make it white and i'd be thrilled. I've wanted to make zur commander forever.
Homebrew at its finest
This image is fucking retarded. First of all including the math behind coco shows it requires a serious deck building constraint, so no you're not going "is it better with Coco" in every green deck. Second of all all cards aren't banned for being played a lot, especially cards that only slot into certain decks like Coco. Thirdly comparing it to GSZ is fucking retarded since that card actually goes into just about every green deck and homogenizes them at the same time since it encourages a toolbox approach. Birthing pod pod was banned due to being dominant at a tournament level and providing too much value, consistency and power with all the bullshit they were printing and continue to print, so it's not very comparable to Coco in that regard.
Inb4 epic t. coco player memes
coco needs to gogo
In all fairness, any deck running 25 or more creatures does need to consider CoCo, which may mean cutting some CMC 4+ creatures.
It is a strong card, stronger than the other green "engines" like Eldritch Evolution or Evolutionary Leap wew and it does impose limitations on deck building in order to run it efficiently.
It is not a well designed card. Small wonder since it was supposedly intended as a junk rare.
CoCo decks have traditionally only been able to run a single playset of another non-creature spell. Usually either Chord or Vial. So it does limit the decks CoCo can reasonably go in.
It's still arguably the best card advantage in Modern right now though, unfortunately.
What that image does show is that Thoughtseize is the real problem. It obviously has to go.
t. Storm player
>Fatal Push run in 32% of decks, at an average of 3.2 copies
This explains why people are suddenly complaining about being unable to kill Tasigur or Angler.
The thing about thoughtsieze is that it's really the ONLY catch-all answer in modern. Legacy has force as a safety valve on whatever rando nonsense pops up in round 2 of the GP (looking at you, belcher). In modern, T1 thoughtseize is as close as we get, and it's much worse. I agree it sucks to get seized, and have your fun synergy deck get picked apart, but without discard spells or free counters, it's really just a goldfish race to see who can assemble their janky combo that attacks from a weird, uninteractable angle. I don't really like thoughtseize either, but I think it's necessary evil in order to have something even resembling a reasonable format.
I gotta say I fondly remember when Jace was in Standard. That's disgusting I know but we haven't had a proper counterwar for a while. I guess RTR with Sphinx's Rev was somewhat like that.
We had all the tools:
- Doom Blade
- Inquisition
- Preordain
- Mana Leak
- Negate
- Big Jace
- Baby Jace
- Sea Gate Oracle
- Gravy Train
- Cranial Extraction
- Darkslick Shores
- Creeping Tar Pit
- Tectonic Edge
It was perfect. You had a Grave Titan tokens that could be managed by the Oracles if you dealt with the Titan. There was a retarded rock/paper/scissors of Frost/Grave/Wurmcoil that got stupidly weird when you threw Jace into the mix. Then there was Tar Pit who just ate opposing Jaces. The mana was fantastic.
Cawblade was a eventually sure but the above list was something else.
It was a time for Control that will never come again. We were fucking casting Cruel Ultimatum and played four fucking copies of it.
In the span of two years, RDW, Midrange, Ramp, and Control were expressed in their strongest iterations in the entire history of Standard. It was the last time uncommons and commons were actually good enough to go toe-to-toe against Mythics, which were also at their strongest.
Sometimes, Bituminous Blast was Collected Company; sometimes, it was Wrath of God.
Fuck the pros, they just played the format to death. To the rest of us who could only play at FNM, it was the most batshit insane thing on the planet.
Thoughtsieze costs less than Force of Will, though.
One mana and two life vs one life and a card. The card you lose to Force is worth more than the entire cost of Thoughtsieze.
Force is a nuanced card and, despite being more powerful than Thoughtsieze, also is a more fair card.
Dismember is actually better then Fatal Push
depends on if you're playing death's shadow or not
4 life is a lot to spend
What are you guys playing tomorrow? What are you going to spend your winnings on?
Here's my 75. Trying out dog-mom, think the upside on her is crazy good.
Trying to slowly save up for Chalices but I feel like by the time I can afford them they'll be reprinted.
Dismember will not reliably kill goyf.
They're both situational removal. Terminate is optimal if you have a minimum of flex slots and the right colors.
My problem with 'Seize is how it makes your mulligans almost pointless. If you manage to have an opening hand with hate for DS get ready to have that shit 'Seized. It's just frustrating.
Terminate costs twice as much as oush. There's a reason GDS runs 4 push and 2-3 terminate.
So what do you guys think of HOU?
It looks like a set made for EDH.
Bear in mind that GDS is also the main deck that runs Tasigur/Angler, so they're not really worried about Push failing except in the mirror.
Looks more like a set meant to "fix" standard. Bunch of hate cards that should have been printed in the sets they were needed. Very belated.
So play a deck with enough redundancy and selection that your hand doesn't fall apart if 1 piece is gone, or you can find that piece again later. They can't thoughtseize the top of your deck.
Shit like this is why Wizards doesn't tell us specific meta builds anymore.
Dumbasses look to those lists and say "it must be right!" instead of looking at the facts.
Terminate is removal without a single condition. It will target any creature and kill creature barring interference. Dismember cannot say this, Push cannot say this, Decay cannot say this.
Terminate kills hard, harder than Murder.
All other removal is tweaked based on what needs to die. Terminate remains unless the mana is not optimal.
Run Dismember
>white CoCo for enchantments
>blue CoCo for artifacts
>black CoCo for any 2 3 CMC or less permanents and you lose life equal to the combined mana cost
>red CoCo for instants and sorceries
A man can dream.
There's still reality smashers and primeval titans and other GDS decks running around, unconditional removal clearly earns slots.
But really, your argument is "you don't need terminate over push because push hits most of the format already" which is exactly the point I was making in the first place. Terminate is good, but just because you CAN run it doesn't mean it's your first choice.
Sadly green is the only color that gets card advantage.
Black should say non-land permanents, obviously, otherwise you get two lands for no life loss.
Why run Dismember over Roast? To hit Colonnade? They both hit Angler, Tasigur, medium sized Goyfs.
I've drafted it on MTGO. Some of the cycling is alright.
Cards aren't powerful enough for Modern across the board however. The ones that are, are too much mana and belong in EDH.
Ammit Eternal is a waste. It's the perfect design to distract removal, without being the walking trouble machine Spellskite is. The problem is that it's 3 mana and only looks scary.
What a shame.
If you do not understand the benefit of costing 1 mana instead of 2 while still doing the exact same thing 85% of the time then you do not understand one of the core principals of competitive magic.
You are dealing with several limited resources in a game of magic: life points, cards, board position, and mana. Games are won and lost on factors like "can I cast my removal spell and also a creature this turn?" And that question is a lot easier to answer yes to when you're casting push instead of terminate.
Again, terminate has it's place, but is clearly second fiddle to push even in decks that can cast both.
they need to exert control over something because they cannot do so in their daily lives. teenage taco manager syndrome, yeah?
Instant > sorcery
1 mana > 2 mana
Burn got a legitimate utility land that gives reach.
That's about it.
There are a lot of nice low-powered Cube cards. I wish they had continued to do something with Cartouches and Trials but I guess no set can be perfect.
That cycling/discard golem is probably going to be good somewhere; I don't know if I can stand to deal with the idea of games decided by coin-flip T1 two 4/4s.
You're right. It makes me sad that the best cantrip we can get is Ancient Stirring.
Slight oversight on my part. But it's also never going to happen. It could. But it won't.
Pretty insane that a 3 mana 5/5 with situational upside isn't good enough for the game.
Kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if design didn't go completely overboard with creatures these past 8 years.
Card selection =/= card advantage
Ancient stirings is not card draw, it's a really good control (in the right deck)
My uncle works at Wizards, I emailed it to him. Watch out, errybody, it's happening.
Bear in mind that it's going to be at least a 4/4, if not 3/3, on the turn it swings.
That's why it's not good.
We're gambling on dealing damage to player in order to pop back up to 5/5 and become a worthwhile investment. Otherwise we're too close to the typical mana/stats curve.
It looks like a 5/5, but they get a full turn to cast spells and shrink it. It's just too much variation that's all left to your opponent. I agree that it's cool and I wish it were good, but at the end of the day it's just a dorky beater that's a little above curve and a little hard to block, and that's just not good enough.
Do you remember what a cantrip is? Also, card selection does equal card advantage, in a way. You are looking at 5 cards, selecting the best one, and putting it into your hand. The quality of that card outweighs that of your opponent, equaling a kind of "virtual card advantage".
>Kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if design didn't go completely overboard with creatures these past 8 years.
You may think that. But on the upper end of things they have not printed cards yet that will replace Elesh Norn, Iona, Gristlebrand, and the original Emrakul.
If we were able to cast 5-mana creatures in Modern I'm pretty sure nothing could crush more dick than Baneslayer.
True. Why play a 3 mana 5/5 when you can play a 1 mana 4/5, or a 1 mana 5/5, or a 1 mana 10/10.
Delve has proven itself to be quite the cancerous mechanic.
Dude, we've reached a point where Wild Nacatl was ban worthy, to a point where it barely sees any play at all.
user, you can't directly contradict the statements of two different posters and expect us to think that you're anything but pretending to be retarded.
That's not how you get any decent number of (You)s.
>blaming delve for DS cancer
c'mon now, let's be fair
the only problem with tassy and gurmag is that everyone runs a bunch of push, and that's their own fault for being baited into increasing aether revolt's EV
Oh no. You can't shill me on Terminate again. We just got past that.
Hey man, all I'm saying is you've got 2 delve cards tearing up the format while 2 others sit on the ban list. Become Immense was pretty banworthy too until Push killed infect.
It isn't storm level degenerate, but it's up there alongside phyrexian mana on things that shouldn't have happened.
I think Nacatl is in that special psychological place where nobody wants to fucking play it. It's less a point about efficiency and more to the fact the card is fucking boring.
It's not a bad card. Just nobody loves it. It's like Boggles, which is even less interactive than Burn. Like if someone came up to me and said they were playing Nactls or Boggles I'd seriously ask them if they hated themselves or something.
Card advantage is going up on cards. Cantrips do not do that. Contrips offer card selection, which adds consistency and improves your overall card quality, but does not improve the raw number of resources you have to work with. They are both valuable to have, and both affect the cards you have available to you, but they are different things much like burn spells and attacking creatures are different things even though they both pressure the opponents life total.
Now this is a better post. You're just wrong enough that people will reply to tell you that you're wrong.
Good, good.
Well, that or dismember.
Diversify your removal or get booty blasted by gurmag, your choice.
Or just ban gurmag.
>blue players are reptilian nephilim confirmed
Only if we can ban Affinity too.
Cost reduction mechanics are the devil's instruments.
Nah it's bad right now. I was on Naya burn for a long time because the cat gives such good goldfish rates against rando nonsense that was the marquee of modern for a long time after the twin ban, and it dumpsters classic tron, but now that the format has settled into decks that can produce good blockers (GDS, eldrazi tron, looking at you) and push is everywhere playing 1 drops without haste is a losing proposition. It's not that the power level of the card is too low, it's that the meta isn't friendly towards it. If everyone was on storm and ad nauseum and whatever titan build I'd put em back in, but that's not the format we live in right now.
and tasigur too you mean? he's only one less point of power, and still a good sized body on the board
but all this is moot because the real problem is that they are just degenerate enablers for death's shadow
>screaming children acting on emotion
Sure is American Politics in this thread.
The problem is that all the cards that actually say "affinity" on them kinda suck. Cost reduction mechanics are actually dangerous, and wizards did actually shit the bed on delve. Idk if they forgot that fetches and cantrips exist, or if they just said "8 cmc seems right" and never looked back, but cruise and dig are legit broken and tasigur and gurmag are close, but I'd argue okay
I spotted the mono U player, please enlighten us on these subjects, oh mighty one, so that our peanut sized brains might gain slight insight into the world of genius regarding this collectible trading card game.
I play BG Tron. Why are you witch hunting?
Am I the only non GDS player who thinks shadow is fine? I mean, ya, it's obviously a powerful deck with a ton of game against basically everything, but something has to be the best deck in the format and is rather have it be the guy casting undercosted fatties and removal spells than infect or GB tron or amulet titan, where either you pack 12 sideboard cards or just get bowled over. At least shadow is playing real magic, just with super undercosted creatures.
Someone never played with Artifact lands.
>In all fairness, any deck running 25 or more creatures does need to consider CoCo
To be fair not a lot of decks are like this and some of them have to ask themselves is it worth it to splash green for CoCo (merfolk is one of them). You also want at least ~28 creatures for CoCo not 25 or 26 since it starts getting inconsistent around those numbers since you almost always want to hit 2 creatures. Not saying it isn't a strong card because it obviously is really good.
>It is not a well designed card.
But it's hardly a bannable card which was the point of my post.
>CoCo decks have traditionally only been able to run a single playset of another non-creature spell. Usually either Chord or Vial. So it does limit the decks CoCo can reasonably go in.
I sort of addressed this in the serious deckbuilding constraint. It's a powerful card that can only be played in green decks that meet the constraint. Is that honestly bannable given previous criteria for bans? also
>Thoughtseize is the real problem
>t. Storm player
It checks out :^)
Nah. GDS/DSJ/etc. are fine. They're faster, but less enduring than things like Traditional Jund.
The real problem is that Eldrazi Tron preys on the slow, grindy decks.
>Tron degenerate acting high and mighty
If you're not interesting in actually adding to the conversation and instead desire to flaunt your intelligence in the most meaningless and unconvincing way possible, do everyone a favor and stop posting.
If you have truly intelligent comments to make, please just make them instead of calling everyone children.
It all goes back to Tron needing to get the boot. The format is being held hostage by three lands.