Codex Protoss?

Continuation of this thread

As much as I admire your digits, you've gotta post some content if you want to continue the thread.

what has been made so far

M6'' WS4+ BS4+ S4 T4 W1(1) A1 Ld8 Sv4+

the sentry has access to its own psionic abilities

Force field: Warp charge 6
if manifested you may place a force field onto the battlefield, it is a circle 3'' in diameter and 3 inches high
it cannot be targeted, blocks line of sight for the purposes of aiming weapons, and it impedes the movement of all units that cannot FLY
the force field is instantly destroyed if a TITANIC unit is within 1'' of it
the force field is removed at the start of your next turn

Guardian Shield: Warp Charge 7
if manifested all units within 6'' of the sentry add +1 to their save against all attacks

Hallucination: Warp Charge 6
If manifested target a friendly unit within 12". Shooting attacks against that unit suffer -2 to hit

Disruption beam
Assault 2 18'', S4 AP0 D1, this weapon automatically hits its target

This unit has shields, represented by a second wound score. These wounds are lost before base wounds, ignored by Mortal Wounds and the model regains a single wound of shields at the start of each turn.

armor upgrade:
unit gains a 3+ save

shield upgrade
unit gains a 6+ invulnerable save

M8'' WS3+ BS3+ S4 T6 W3(2) A2 Ld8 Sv4+

immortal phase disruptors
heavy 1 , 24'', S8 AP-3 D1+d3

hardened shields
This unit has shields, represented by a second wound score. These wounds are lost before base wounds, ignored by Mortal Wounds and the model regains a single wound of shields at the start of each turn.
attacks against this units shield that would remove more than one wound instead remove just one wound

armor upgrade:
unit gains a 3+ save

shield upgrade
unit gains a 6+ invulnerable save

an immortal may replace its hardened shield for a barrier
This unit has shields, represented by a second wound score. These wounds are lost before base wounds, ignored by Mortal Wounds and the model regains a single wound of shields at the start of each turn.
once per turn, you may increase the total number wounds on its shield by two for a single phase

M8'' WS3+ BS3+ S4 T5 W3(2) A2 Ld8 Sv4+

phase disruptors
assault 2 ,30'', S7 AP-2 Dd3, add 1 to hit against targets that can fly

This unit has shields, represented by a second wound score. These wounds are lost before base wounds, ignored by Mortal Wounds and the model regains a single wound of shields at the start of each turn.

armor upgrade:
unit gains a 3+ save

shield upgrade
unit gains a 6+ invulnerable save

dragoons and stalkers arent supposed to be like battlecannons, they are more like autocannons with more AP

M8'' WS3+ BS3+ S4 T5 W2(2) A2 Ld8 Sv4+

particle disruptors
assault 2 ,24'', S6 AP-2 D1, add 1 to hit against targets that can fly

This unit has shields, represented by a second wound score. These wounds are lost before base wounds, ignored by Mortal Wounds and the model regains a single wound of shields at the start of each turn.

armor upgrade:
unit gains a 3+ save

shield upgrade
unit gains a 6+ invulnerable save

at the start of your movement phase, you may remove this unit from the battlefield and place it anywhere within 24'' of its original position and more than 1'' from any enemy models
this unit counts as having moved and advanced for the purposes of the rules

I take no credit fr these

Khala: I dunno maybe something like a unit within 12" of a character can use its LD for moral checks?

Plasma Shields: Maybe something like: Units with Plasma shields add 1 to their Toughness until they lose their first wound. Or maybe something along the lines of Void Shields where they have starting wounds that can come back.

Zealot: M 8" BS 4+ WS 3+ S 4 T 4 W 2 1 A 2 LD 8 SV 4+
Psi blade: S User AP -2 D 1 Each time the bearer fights it can make one additional attack with this weapon(If you want to get crazy you could say you get two attacks for every attack with this weapon instead)

Khala: see above

Plasma Shields: see above

Cybernetic Leg Enhancements: You may re-roll one die for failed charge rolls.

How about this
High Templar is an HQ choice and knows the Protoss Psionics Psychic discipline.

Psi-Storm: Warp Charge 8
If manifested target an enemy unit within 18" of the High Templar. Roll a D6 for each model in that unit. For each 4+ that unit suffers a mortal wound (might need to be a 5+ but in lore Psi Storm is supposed to be devastating).

Feedback: Warp Charge 6
If manifested target an enemy psyker within 24". That model takes 1 mortal wound and subtracts (some amount, lets start with 3) from their psychic tests until your next psychic phase.

Hallucination: Warp Charge 6
If manifested target a friendly unit within 12". Shooting attacks against that unit suffer -2 to hit (might need to be -3).

M 6" WS 2+ BS 4+ S 4 T 4 W 5 A 3 LD 9 SV 4+

Khala: see above

Plasma Shields: see above

Psi Powered Strikes: Successful wounds dealt by this model in the fight phase deal 2 damage.

Don't know how many powers to give them. Though 2 would be appropriate but that might be too strong.
Also how did I do with the Zealot?

the shield rule is fucking retarded.

the shield and armor upgrade are also retarded. You shouldn't have to autism fit in every single gameplay mechanic.

Give immortals a "this model treats the first unsaved wound against it as damage 1 each phase" and give it 2 more wounds. For any other unit, just give it the 6+ fnp roll for shields and a wound or two. Stop trying to shove multi wound tracks onto everyone.

fucking this

well I wasn't the writer, I was just porting over what had been made, I don't know shit about balance

Let this meme die

Let you die.


So on a fluff standpoint, if we're doing this, how do they end up in 40k, is it going to be like the covenant where they travel from their reality to this one, or is it to be more in that they were in an isolated part of the galaxy?

Guardian Shield should only work against shooting attacks, no?

It'd probably make more sense if they just inhabited an isolated part of the galaxy like perhaps the Ghoul Stars. It'd make sense on why every crusade into the region always fails horribly.

In the actual Starcraft lore the Protoss even before the massive assault on their homeworld by the Zerg didn't have that many worlds. For the most part they were limited to the Koprulu sector, which is just a small section of the galaxy.

Could even sneek a reference to koprulu style terrans and a creepy insectoid race not unlike the tyranids

Lets focus on the toss before we think of spinoff codices

At one point there was a Tyranid invasion in the Ghoul Stars that the Red Talons and a titan legion had to defeat on a Sentinel World.

Lore-wise I see two things going here. Either 1. if we ever make a Zerg codex we use them as the things that assaulted Aiur like in Starcraft, or 2. we instead make it the Tyranids from that invasion fleet that invaded Aiur.

Page nine save

As well, I remember when I read about the Ghoul Stars at one point a large majority of the human-populated planets in the sector were basically glassed by some unknown force. Perhaps it was the Protoss glassing them due to Zerg infestation?

Holy shit it lines up too well

>sc2 protoss
>not BW toss
wtf, you're doing this based on lore, use the good lore.

the event you're thinking of is the Pale wasting, they haven't said what it was but I prefer to think of it as plague.

The Ghoul Stars are way off in the ass end of nowhere, lore-wise. Angelis is the closest thing to a major story hub and that's only because of Gorkamorka. Desperation is a literally who planet. It's also not completely awash in Chaos, since there's a healthy distance from the surrounding warp storms.

Perfect place to put a handful of frontiers-y human pocket kingdoms and their xenos antagonists.

Protoss look better with symmetrical hands and it bothers me that Blizzard stopped depicting them that way.

The Koprulu sector in Starcraft was also pretty similar. Reportedly compared to the other sectors it had lower than usual amounts of habitable planets. That and the fact that it's just out of the way probably was the reason why the UED decided to make it their version of Australia.

However, one resident that is sort-of well-known in the Ghoul Stars is Valgul the Fallen Lord. He's the one Necron Lord that has control over an entire planet's worth of Flayed Ones because for some reason he's immune to their virus. He's known for whenever his Flayed Ones begin to run out of things to tear up and pretend to eat to launch these "Times of Bounty" where he packs them all up into their banana-ships and proceed to raid nearby worlds to "feed" his Flayed Ones.

Perhaps we could fit this in where somewhere in the sector this region of space belonging to Valgul is their equivalent of a Bermuda Triangle, and whatever tries to settle the nearby worlds, be it human or Protoss, always end up getting butchered around every century or so.

They do but no longer with consistancy

Given that Protoss and Necrons both rock a space Egyptian aesthetic, I love the idea of them being antagonistic towards each other. Sort of, "who wore it best."

Tal'darim would make great Necron fighters. They're both evil and intensely egotistical.

>Alarak and Immotek have a big pyramid dick waving contest
Oh god yes!

Shouldn't the Disruption Beam be S2? Even your basic Marine has better DPS than a Disruption Beam.

The regenerating shield thing is unwieldy. Just give them an invulnerable save.
Havocs/Sentries/Energizers should be attachable to units. The Energizer grants a +1 bonus to WS and M but has no castable abilities. The Havoc grants a +12" range bonus to units, it's ability is to create Force Fields and Target Lock. Target Lock is a Warp Charge 7 spell that causes all attacks against an enemy unit to gain a +1 To Hit bonus. Remove Guardian Shield from Sentries. They instead grant +1 to saves as a passive bonus. Havoc's have no weapons, I would also drop the Disruption Beam to being Assault 1 S3. They are support units, not damage dealers.
Hardened shields should instead make it that Immortals can only suffer one wound at a time. They should also be able to replace their Hardened Shields and Phase Disruptors with Fusion Mortars (Heavy 2D6, 24", S4, AP-1, D1), or replace their Hardened Shields with a Shadow Cannon (Heavy 1, 48", S10, AP-5 D2+d6).
Dragoon Phase Disruptors should be Assault 1. They have a slightly longer cooldown to their attacks than Stalkers. Theirs are meant to deal single target damage while Stalkers go after groups.
Stalkers could be Jet Pack Infantry and their Particle Disruptors should be S5 AP-1. The only other unit that operates via teleportation I know of are Warp Spiders and they are Jet Pack Infantry.
I would give Zealots weapon options to represent the three variants. Sentinels and Centurions both have two Psi Blades, Sentinels have Feel No Pain (or whatever the 8th Edition equivalent is) and Centurions have Hammer of Wrath. Aiur Zealots wield great blades (the same stats as Relic Blades used by Space Marines).

High Templars should have a low WS and high BS. They should have a Psionic Blast by default that is Assault 1, 30", S5, AP-1 D1.

And we haven't even getting to the ranged infantry, adepts

Maybe we ought, before the thread archives.

Nobody cares about SC2 garbage, OG Protoss only

Adepts have great tits, though.


What are these, xenos tiddies for ants?

Well on that one it's robo tittys

Feels like rigid bag of sand

>No orifices or breasts
>They slap scultped tits on their armor anyways
Activision Blizzard at its finest.

at least it has proper symmetrical hands

Protoss have had huge tits since at least 2002 and no orifices is some sex-negative rated-T-for-teen bullshit from a special edition feely.

You should apply at GW, I'm sure they'll hire you right away with those qualifications.

Protoss are cute! CUTE!

>W-we are not!

So kawaii!