Ok, Veeky Forums, what's the dumbest thing you've done or seen done in your group?
Bonus points if they're not That Guy and just happened to have amazing lack of judgement that one time
Ok, Veeky Forums, what's the dumbest thing you've done or seen done in your group?
Bonus points if they're not That Guy and just happened to have amazing lack of judgement that one time
Opening a portal underwater
>In a campaign where every character was supposed to be a paragon of a different religion in the end of the world.
>We had to work together to prevent any one sect from winning so that none of us became annihilated from reality conceptually.
>Except for the one character who was designed as the one who believed in nothing but will to power.
>His goal was openly stated to kill all the gods.
>We prevented every paradise in hopes things would balance out and by the end game will man was the last one standing.
We traded all of reality for a pretty cool pvp boss battle. We lost.
Waring Spoilers for white plume mountain
>Guy shows up to session
>I'm running white plume mountain
>Wants to play Chaotic Evil Sorcerer
>Doesn't understand what Chaotic Evil means
>Thinks it means "stupidly aggressive, constantly running ahead even though he has no hitpoints
>Other adventurers are shadowmonk and fighter/barbarian
>Sorcerer immediately banishes sphinx when they come to her. Other heroes stunned. Shadowmonk teleports to other side of wall of force Sphinx was guarding.
>Sphinx comes back and bellows at Monk to get back on other side of the wall and answer the damn riddle
>Sphinx anxiously waits in a foot of stagnant water while dumb heroes struggle to answer riddle. Eventually they get it, she cheers and drops wall of force. As Sphinx rushes past them, wooping with joy, to go outside again Sorcerer tries to take a shot at her but I rule she gets out first.
>Sorcerer, without waiting to talk to his fellow adventurers, then sprints down middle path because "I'm chaotic Evil." Charges into room with Selkies. Immediately fails test and jumps into the water. Starts to drown.
>Cue clusterfuck of combat where the other adventurers rush in to save him. Both fail a save at least once but save each other two.
>After that Sorcerer realises its probably a bad idea to charge around blindly
>Rest of adventure goes well. Sorcerer thinks creatively and does good rping.
>Finishes session alive
>Later says he had fun but wishes he'd been able to "play his character as Chaotic Evil"
>making new characters
>buying gear
>"How much does a cloak cost? Like a regular nonmagical cloak"
>we don't know, sort of interested in finding answer
>combing through rules to find
>start getting fed up
>"How much money do you have, dude?"
>"like 2k left"
>"why don't you just buy a cloak of resistance and be done with it"
>"I already have a cloak of resistance."
unfortunately no bonus points from me, since this was our That Guy to the nth degree, with eldritch thievery abilities irl
we all got up and left the room, so he'd stew in his own stupid.
Sadly, while I have loads of stories of idiocy, I think I've told them all on Veeky Forums Probably the dumbest was when they blew themselves up trying to put too much power into a teleporter as part of a spite/scorched earth retreat tactic.
He's not that guy all the time. Mostly he just doesn't understand the world/lore and does something stupid. Like the time we played Dark Heresy, he fucked around and spammed his psychic powers and the other acolytes tranqued him and left him chained to a toilet u-bend.
Not a roleplaying game example, but a wargaming one.
>Playing this hex and chit WW2 game called World in Flames
>Playing long, long marathon session over college holiday, often having the game go on until 4 in the morning.
>Germany can align Turkey to their side under certain circumstances (Very good)
>However, to do so, you need to have 4 corps sized units on the Soviet-Turkish border, which is really hard to get, and way farther than the Germans ever historically got. If you're using the foot in the door method, it's more of a sign that you've won than something that will help you win, as if you can press that far, you've probably broken the USSR's help even without the turks
>Looking for way to finesse it.
>Don't want to try a strike up through Iraq and Iran, too hard to stay in supply.
>Could try to do amphibious invasions in the Black Sea, but the Romanian navy isn't up to the task.
>Come up with the following "plan", whose only defense I can come up with is that it was like 4 in the morning and I had been short of sleep for days on end.
>Declare war on Turkey
>Seize Istanbul
>This allows the Italian fleet to get into the Black, they have plenty of sealift
>Invade across the Black Sea
>Get my four corps on the Turkish border
>Realize that I forever burned that bridge by attacking the Turks for no reason and facepalm hard.
There was the time they cast Enlarge on a chain devil because they thought it would get too big for the chains and shatter them. The chain devil proceeded to murder the monk.
You reminded me of this nugget:
>I was running a d20 Modern game set in the Marvel universe.
>The players broke into one of the Punisher's weapon caches and found some of his war journals. The whole party just started looting guns and grenades and one of them read all the journals and was like
>He then proceeded to write him a letter that was basically along the lines of "Dear Mr. Punisher, I'm sorry about your dead wife and kids. My friends stole your guns and grenades even though I told them not to, please don't be mad at us. Sorry!" and signed it and everything.
>Probably the dumbest was when they blew themselves up trying to put too much power into a teleporter as part of a spite/scorched earth retreat tactic.
Ah yeah, kinda remember that one.
Decent quality stupidity there.
Napalm bomb your own position, thus killing all of your minions.
when I was in highschool my buddy the DM sprayed a can of deodorant into his own eyes on a dare. He didn't even stop after it started hurting, he wanted to prove he wasn't a pussy so he just kept spraying and trying to keep his eyes open while screaming. it was in the middle of a game too
oh wait you probably meant the dumbest thing in-character
Well, at least you got the four corps on the Turko-Soviet border so I'd say your plan was halfway successful.
The entirety of my time playing an assault marine in deathwatch, but the dice smiled on me. Soon my catchphrase became "There are no consequences for my actions!"
To put it simpy
>Solo slap fought an ork warboss on session one while everyone else dealt with an accidental demon prince cementing my role as fearless leader
>Attempted to wrangle a carnifex (would have succeed if people didn't keep shooting it)
>Used jump pack to move in all circumstances it was possible. Which was all of the time sans that one where I broke it through repeated crashing.
>Knock knock pizza delivery the group's way into a chaos temple
>My fists were the only lockpicks I needed
>Saved a guardsmen who proceeded to ride me like a mount desperately attempting to hold my sword
>Bit into the corrupted engine of a space hulk in order to learn its structural weaknesses through consumption
>Tried to beat a chaos something with a lead pipe as to make it wranglable
I'm sure there's more but that campaign was a while ago
Post final session session everyone make a librarian and exclusively pushed their powers, 5 minutes and just as many demon princes the sole survivor met his first grey knight
I was in a Wild Talents campaign and one of the players got his character arrested for public indecency.
The team was in Brussels trying to foil a villain who was planning to make a bomb out of some particle accelerators and were headed to an abandoned soccer stadium where we believed the bomb to be. One of the players, who had already shown a tendency for lapses in judgment, had his character take a different path from everyone else and did something to attract the attention of the local superheroine. This character could speak neither French nor Dutch and therefore decided to resolve the confrontation with violence, and got his shit pushed in for his trouble, largely by getting blinded early on. At this point he retreated and, surmising that he would be recognized by his costume, took it off, and had neglected the fact that he wasn't wearing anything underneath it.
I would almost respect this if he was 100% certain it wouldn't permanently damage his eyes, which I'm sure he wasn't.
Reminds me of that scene in some comedy where the main character is asking a store employee about some mace and accidentally sprays him in the eyes, so he sprays himself too, to be fair and as an apology.
Which in turn reminds me of the scene in School for Scoundrels where a guy maces his cuffed prisoner for kicks... in a closed elevator.
Dumbest thing in character I can think of was the time my low level cleric used Turn Undead on the undead sacrificial goat in a barrow, desecrating it and enraging every damn thing.
I just figured they wouldn't want an undead goat milling about their tomb..
>He then proceeded to write him a letter that was basically along the lines of "Dear Mr. Punisher, I'm sorry about your dead wife and kids. My friends stole your guns and grenades even though I told them not to, please don't be mad at us. Sorry!" and signed it and everything.
That's so adorably stupid that I can't even be mad at it
That image is litterally from the original thread the story is from, your shitty rerecording of the event is unnecessary.
You mean metaphorically, right?
Figuratively speaking.
>Savage Worlds, but with the world of The Dark Eye
>Lizardgirl mercenary with compulsive behaviour as a negative trait (however the fuck you call that in SW again)
>Has the uncontrollable urge to lick everything that piques her interest
>She plays it pretty well, and she can allways roll for INT to supress her urges
>Does a lot of really dumb shit while in ancient ruins, which monumentally pisses of archeologist mcfailateverything
>Always rolls perfectly to avoid all consequences
>Come across ancient trash chute.
>It's just a shaft leading down into a seamingly endless abyss
>She starts climbing up and across because she wants to lick an ancient deformed spoon
>She literally risks her life to lick a spoon in an ancient trash chute.
>Aces all of the many climbing checks
>Entering old ass tomb
>There is a gold coin in the mouth of the skeleton
>I immediately see her eyes light up
>Before anyone can say anything, she, without doing a check to resist, declares "I. LICK. IT"
>Angry ancestral ghost immediately murders the shit out of her
>It also almost downs the knight
>He gets hit really hard while defeating it
>Archeologist seriously ponders to just see this as darwinism in action and let her miserably bleed to death
>He is so so close to letting her die, but then heals her anyways
>Fucks up the healing and then ponders some more if he really wants to waste his last benny for a retry
>You can see the lust for her death in his eyes, but does it anyways
>Declares to her in character that he will never again even just give her a bandage
>It's the closest I have ever gotten a group of mine to a TPK
I didn't know. Sorry.
Go be a pedant elsewhere, you filthy nigger.
>Desecrating Frank Castle's family's grave
That's not a lapse in judgment, bro. That's setting yourself on fire and throwing yourself into a sausage grinder.
Dumbest thing I ever did was while playing Deathwatch. Ultramarines Apothecary Tyrannic War Veteran. We were doing one of the permafrost adventures, but I can't remember which one. I'm questioning the paranoid planetary governor's right hand woman, down in the morgue. Something's fishy with her answers, but I can't pin it down or get her to be truthful. Somewhere, the plan evolved to "fuck it, roofie the bitch," and I used my Nartheciun to inject some sort of drug that might make her more tired and truthful. That made her more tired, so I added a quick stimm to wake her back up. Repeat a few times, with no luck, until we're all pretty sure she's dead. At this point, my Raven Guard lookout warns me somebody is coming. Not wanting it to look like the space marine killed her, I had the bright idea to prop her up in her chair, put her sunglasses on, Weekend at Bernies style, and hope for the best. Then I hid in the freezer. My big helmet sticking out the window watching my plan unfold.
So... my Shadowrunner character sometimes does this. She makes sure it's untraceable, of course, and doesn't give a lot of details, but she will say "Hey, I'm sorry for stealing your stuff," or "You need better cybersecurity. Usually she does this on places/people before the actual run, like on outside cameras or small businesses with vantage points.
My party spent two in game months tracking and shadowing a NPCs tjat were working for and towards the goal of the BBEG. The party followed them to waterdeep and were instantly dazzled by shops and went about trying acquire magic items and other stuff causing them to more or less instantly lose track of thethe NPCs that they spent absouloutely forever following. It was pretty dumb