im brand new at d&d help a brotha out tell me your ways
Im brand new at d&d help a brotha out tell me your ways
role play > roll play
Now that that's out of the way. Nigga don't play D&D. D&D is terrible and taints your TTRPG experience from then on.
ive played a few really small "campaigns" with a few friends, but it feels like were all bumbling idiots not fully grasping the game
Don't take it too seriously early on. The group needs time to have fun and get comfortable before drama can have any punch.
Also this
Play GURPS instead
This so much. Gurps costs just as much and you get some much more.
It has simple rules and wonderful martial options.
Just get GURPS
I'd agree. It encourages a lot of bad habits and views on roleplaying that really don't jibe with other games, or really good gaming in general. I've had way too many players who cut their teeth on 3.5 or 4th and they've consistently been kind of shitty and hard to engage because of that
Also what And Said.
Runequest/Mythras/BRP is a good , valid alternative to Gurps, and while it's not my system of choice you're a cool guy for suggesting it
Remember that while CRs are a good guideline for what will challenge a standard group of 4 players XP values will give a much better idea of what you are facing.
Some basic advice
>Remember that it's a social affair and you are not the only person at the table.
>You don't need to beat the DM or outplay him.
>If you're not having fun or you feel like the game is going a direction you don't like, say something.
>Try to play heroes instead of sociopaths.
>Watch videos or listen to podcasts of people playing RPGs, see how different people approach the game
>Play Fiasco or some other improv heavy games from time to time. It's a totally different experience, and you'll get better at coming up with ideas on the fly.
>Play lots of games! There are many different ways to play and run an RPG.
>Try to be consistent with your roleplaying, remember that there's a difference between what would be beneficial for your character, and what your character would actually do. Torturing an unarmed bandit for the location of their hideout might make sense from a gameplay perspective (no risk, high reward) but is it really something an honor bound hero would do?
>Speak to other players in character whenever you can, as if you were really living in this world with them. Don't say, "Hey, the rogue has the highest acrobatics so he should run across the tightrope" Instead, turn to the character playing the rogue and say "Thanos, you're the most nimble among us. Think you can vault it?" Making complex plans OOC is fine, depending on the DM, but try to avoid talking about mechanics outside of resolving actions and the like.
>Give your character a motivation. Why are they going out into the world and going on these adventures? Is someone after them? Are they chasing someone else?
>Make your characters motivations known to the DM, and act on them when you can. If your character is trying to unearth some forgotten arcane lore, then you should be going to the library often. When you enter the capital city, you should be telling the GM that your character makes a beeline for the College of Mana, hoping to find a lead.
Every character you make, DM or otherwise, should have at least one interesting trait or hobby. Don't rub it in the other players' faces constantly, but the point is that a Beekeeper who happens to be a Druid on an Adventure is more endearing than just a generic Druid.
Maybe use a hobby you know, or open a Wikipedia page for it, so you can fire off some jargon and make it more authentic.
I hear this all of the time but Ive yet to hear an argument as to why it is the case ?
What bad habits does D&D encourage and how does it encourage them?
How are other RPG's like GURPS for example any different?
Saved. This is genuinely good advice for first timers.
inb4 a rant about alignment and/or "normies"
"roleplay > rollplay" is an unhelpful piece of advice for someone playing such a mechanics-heavy game, learn to have fun doing BOTH or you're not going to have a good time.
>posts pepe
> mentioned D&D
hes trying ta bait ya Veeky Forums
>Play lots of games! There are many different ways to play and run an RPG.
That's why people say "Don't play D&D"
So many people start on D&D and then decide to never play any other system. And worse, try to force D&D to be every campaign they want to try, even when it completely doesn't fit. "We'll be playing a political Sci-Fi intrigue game using 5th edition."
Play monk, is the best class on top of being fun as hell, you're super mobile, you can FoB and run superfast, you can jump 10 meter in the air, you can do lots of stuff.
Actually I'm inclined to disagree. Pepe was originally the default image to post when you didn't have a relevant pic. It was kind of a newb signifier. I believe that this is one such case. Additionally, it's way too... not-/pol/ to feel like a Baitpost. I think user is just a new/b/ come to the board to learn our ways.
depends on the setting
I wish I had the image of the old dude with only one teeth explaining what Roleplaying GAMES are all about, ergo the Balance between Roleplay and rolling dice.
The system seems to breed "rollplayers" and powergamers, especially 3.5 is infamous for that.
More than anything else for me though, d&d doesn't feel right.
The mechanics, the entire math seems to run counter to what the game tries to convey. This is something you will realise after you've played other systems.
It's a system made to be usable for everything and fails exactly because it becomes Jack of all, Master of none.
Meanwhile, other systems were tailored for their setting and thus feel better to use for said system, see L5R in my case.
Don't get me wrong, 5e is fine, but make sure to try other stuff and don't get stuck on the village whore.
One thing would be that, if you have a shitty first group, you will adopt the nat. 20 can do ANYTHING mentality. Or the "You win so hard, you fail" mentality.
Another thing is: AC is actually bad. Like, what does a ray of fire care if you have armor or not, you are going to get hit with magic anyway. If you don't dodge it, it's gonna get hot.
Also, HP... meatpoints. "You fall the seven stories building and... are completely fine because you still have 20 HP"
This is bullshit and you know it.
Also, Casters are not supposed to be so much more powerful than martials, in a game that has levelling. That is not how degrees of Level work!!
One of my biggest gripes with DND is that some GMs describe our surroundings poorly and then expect us to find all the loot and plot points readily. I am probably the biggest treasure-hunter of our group, but even I have difficulties remembering where everything is, you know? And also, I am sick and tired of GMs telling me to roll for investigations when I tell them that I check a wardrobe or a drawer for valuable items. Just because 5e doesn't explicitly state that it has the Take 20 feature, that doesn't mean that I can't do that.
The last time I played 5e, the GM was like "Roll for investigation." so I rolled. Eight times, until I got a natural 20, because this -REALLY- grinds my gears. Glad I left that shitheel in the end though.
1) Pick a race, for example, dwarf, elf etc?
2) Pick a class, for example Fighter or a stinking ass Wizard?
3) Choose a background
4) Buy your equipment
5) Give your character a name, for example Connnorer MacGreggo or Lloyd Merryweather
6) ????
7) Profit!
So what if he is? The thread still produced
Polite "my game is best" banter
Genuinely good advice
An oft repeated truism that still could be useful to know for someone who is new.
This isn't tg at its best, but it's civil and productive, so who cares if OP is baiting, there are probably lurkers who appreciate reading the thread more than you shitting on it.
Fuck off, frogposter.
>Nigga don't play D&D.
What happens when the only D&D you've played is AD&D 1e. Also what's with all the frogposting hate? Is it really because of /pol/ and the flood of trumpfags from reddit?
You can actually tell how shitty a board is by the number of frogposters it has.
Frogposters are basically like 4chans inbred rednecks, idiots so miserable they need to spam a tired meme because they have no poersonality of their own.'
There's also never an excuse to frogpost, since there's an infinite number of actually relevant images.
Nononono, don't listen to this guy, Monk a trap option, he can't do what he says it can do.