Tell me about your party, Veeky Forums.
Tell me about your party, Veeky Forums
Tell me about YOUR party, OP.
- Compulsive liar half-orc Paladin with a privileged background and a troubled past.
- Death Domain Priest played to be very kind and sweet for laughs.
- Elf Bard with good intentions who is just kind of a bum.
- Homebrew human variant Rouge who can enter other characters' dreams.
- Homebrew sentient vending machine, a Wizard.
They recently busted a soylent green kobold food plant (nobody cared too much that they were making food out of kobolds besides the party) and are currently helping the troubled football coach at the magical university
>Douchey Revenant Warlock/Rogue bent on wiping out the paladin order that betrayed him
>Outcast Goblin pugilist who wants to eventually genocide his own race
>Le ebin human monk who's just tagging along
>Bushbeard the Dwarf Ranger, has a blink dog for a pet read:fuckpuppet
>Smoothtalking Human Rogue
It's an evil campaign, in case you couldn't tell.
> A scheming, well-connected mentalist
> The non-super peak of human potential
> A stubborn dragon-in-human-form
> Disconnected, overconfident speedster
> Occultist bound to some Lovecraftian horror
Points to you if you can pick out who's who.
Aarakokra monk on a quest to avenge his fallen monk brothers.
Gnome rogue who loves nature and her animals...and nothing else.
Human wizard with a demon in his head and a burning passion for magical knowledge.
Air genasi with the attention span of a flee and a "solve every problem that comes up" sense of justice.
Elf bard with an affinity for cutting off dicks and crippling depression from the loss of all his friends (i.e. the previous characters of the party, he's basically the last original one)
And my character, an asshole warlock who worships an elder god and has a huge sense of ego, but deep down does care about his friends and wants to save the world because it's the right thing to do.
The speedsters the one in the wheelchair right?
This party looks like a CATastrophe.
God, I wish. Great concept for the future, though.
Here's your (You) and you deserve a lot more
>Evil Assassin who grew up in a Death Cult and is currently pretending to be a carney
>Wizard who bound his soul to the Prime Over-Deity of Evil on a drunken bet at his mage-college's frat party
>Ogre barbarian, who's just happy to be invited along on their heists, even if it's as a meat shield and distraction/sacrifice
This is gonna suuuuuuuuck.
>me, LG half-orc half-dwarf fighter looking for his mentors's stolen masterpiece
>NE Human druid who trying to figure out why he lost all his memories and why there is an elemental sealed in his soul.
>CN Tiefling bard who was sent to spy on a cult but turned out to be a lazy fuck
>CE Human Warlock who is the biggest reason why all our shit keeps failing but she's useful.
5th edition D&D group, as a heads up.
- Halfling Arcane Trickster. Playing him as a counterfeiting businessman who got roped into the current adventure, but is looking for angles during the game to make a bit of extra coin with his business dealings.
- Halfling Totem Barbarian. A person with tribal tattoos who engages in ancestors worship and is a blacksmith of some renown. Lately has begun to work on making and refining a flintlock barrel based on designs and images shown to her by other members in the party.
- Wood Elf Druid of the Moon. He's a rather stereotypical druid, but is being rather True Neutral about it, looking to find and root out any potential corruption of nature.
- Wood Elf Glamour Bard. A bit of an empty stomach, but is playing them as close to the Goblin King of David Bowie fame as possible.
- Tiefling Beastmaster Ranger (UA). A bit of a boozer, but loves nature and her wolf companion very much.
- Half-Elf Phoenix Sorcerer. A person trying to understand how their powers work, but when they go full power, get really rowdy and go all Human Torch like.
>Fat indian detective who is straight to the point and very judgemental.
>Crazy field medic turned cancer researcher that is stuck 100 years in the past, thinks he's 20 but is actually 60.
>The detective's robot maid.
-Human Monk who can see despite having his eyes closed 99.8% of the time
-Half Elf Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer/Eldritch Knight that tries her best to be One Punch Man
-Human Rogue that probably poison's the party's food while everyone is sleeping
-Horny Kobold Cleric who curses and drinks more than the average sailor
-Teenage Tiefling Warlock that is a soul slut, sells part of his soul for bread if given the chance
-Tiefling Paladin who's rays of sunlight could make the coldest person melt
-Changling Rogue whose luck is worse than a cleric exploring on their own. Seriously, this guy rolls more ones than a dealer rolls joints.
-(Dead) Human Fighter who would get stabbed in the chest, only to give a thumbs up to the party and say 'its nothing'
I've considered wheelchair bound characters in the past, but always shied away from it in the end. Can you tell me how it works out in play?
How do you goofballs get your party pics? Do you commission them or does one of your peeps put their art skills to the test?
dnd 5e, VERY lighthearted/non-serious campaign, for the record
>NG wood elf monk (my char): second son of a locally-renowned family sent off to a monastery due to some reckless behavior in his youth. strong sense of duty, but a bit passive and self-centered, and generally prefers to run damage control for the rest of the party than actively prevent them from mucking about.
>CN tiefling rogue: born to a noble family and makes sure everyone knows it. flaunts his wealth a bit too much but has useful connections and a talent for sniffing out where there might be gold to be made.
>CG dragonborn paladin: good but erratically so; tends towards grandiose displays and trickery as a result of his time spent as a sailor and the bad habits he picked up. fairly clever, but very self-sacrificing in a fight.
>TN wood elf bard: good at persuading and deceiving others, but frightens easily and is nigh useless in a fight unless snugly nestled in the backline. [the guy who plays him is fucking hilarious, so he makes for some good RP scenarios w/ NPCs]
>CN half-orc barb: VERY eccentric, has a penchant for drinking whatever liquid substance he comes across (incl. leftovers from a doppelganger). has absolutely HORRENDOUS luck (almost never rolls above a nat 10)
>NG merwoman wizard: joined the party after her previous traveling partner was killed. specializes in fire spells despite being a merperson. generally very trusting (high INT, low WIS) and perhaps a bit naive. scary good in a fight.
I tried to put my art skills to the test once, but then stuff kept rearranging too quickly for me to care.
two of our members usually get commissions for their own characters, but when it comes to group pics its usually between them to actually draw one.
Like this one for example when we all compared our characters to the cast of ZTD, one of our members doodled it. It just helps out and improves our style I guess.
-a doofy dragonborn monk, may be the chosen one, but still fangirls over the NPC of the week everytime
-a human paladin, the serious one, so serious that her seriousness is a source of comedy, battlescarred and tough she prefers the simple solutions
-a human wizard, a skilled necromancer and businessman, he has become the bankroller of the party and often only the sane person in the room
-a dwarf fighter, mercenary and no-nonsense, the only thing he likes more than fighting and roughhousing is money
their goal is to stop an evil dragon from conquering the land, and they have all banded to together for a common goal, although some of them expect a big paycheck for it, to the consternation of the paladin
She's the one that's tied to an eldritch abomination. Her being in a wheelchair doesn't effect her too much, seeing as she teleports, and is more often than not invisible. It doesn't really manifest much in-game considering she has command of nine enormous invisible tentacles with which to fight, just keeps her off the front line more often than not. From a roleplaying perspective she doesn't get treated any differently because of it, at least not by the rest of the party.
>DMGF half-elf sorcerer who should've played a wizard but liked the sorcerer fluff more who tries to be nice to everyone
>female wood elf ranger torn between a barbarian waifu they met earlier and a werewolf husbandu they haven't met yet but have been told of
>male wood elf druid who's a useless shit that spends his time meditating and/or crawling under trees
>male human pirate who's drunk 85% of the time and doesn't really care about anyone beyond leveling up his magic sword and stealing a boat
they're fighting an aboleth, and are about to get arrested after being betrayed by the town wizard.
I feel bad for that dwarf and human.
Dark Heresy group
Alroy MacReady - Sleeper agent Inquisitor from Ordo Xenos. Big fat dude with an irish accent. Set up a fake salvaging business to attract some goons willing to salvage tech from a dangerous areas of an underhive. in reality, he knew there was a genestealer cult on planet that he was tasked with weeding out. Absolute madman in combat. Usually dropps some slaught then goes to town with his chainsword.
Jericho Swain - Scout/Tracker/Biologist. Likes to perform xenos autopsies whenever possible, uses a sniper rifle with lots of different specialist ammo.
Cricket - Medic/Chemist. She makes Alroy's combat drugs, and works with jericho to come up with a batch of new poisons everytime they go out to hunt nids. since they gain immunity to stuff that killed them previously. Her kleptomania can sometimes get the party into trouble.
Galen - Mutant that's able to phase through walls. Has a habit of phasing out of trouble after leaving a bomb next to whoever was giving him shit.
Malik - Ex guardsman that managed to avoid purges of his old regiment that was deemed heretical. he's buddy-buddy with Jericho as they both share a love of fancy guns and gadgets.
I want someone to go through this thread and judge all these parties with snarky commentary
Be the dick you want to see in the world.
I can't, I posted a party already, it wouldn't be fair.
Judge yours too then. Surely you harbor at least a modicum of resentment or at least disdain for your fellow players. Or would you take masochistic joy in being unfairly judged by strangers in public?
That makes it much easier on her I imagine, not much of a limitation under the circumstances I suppose, more an interesting quirk or even social disadvantage than physical.
-Gnome Eccentric maid shadowmonk/warlock Forest
-Human Mage Hunter Battlemaster, has a thing against arcane magic users only approves primal and celestial magic .
-Human Life Cleric - Raises zombies often for a life cleric
-Tiefling Vengence Pally (me) - Make sure the rest of the pally don't act like complete murder hobos gets smite happy when innocents are harmed.
Our de facto leader, literally born and raised to be the very best, one of eight iirc, despite being one of the smartest and strongest in the group, he's also incredibly lazy, and shonen anime tier dense.
The moral compass of the party, raised on the streets, at some point taken in by some very sketchy people, she could be one of the most dangerous people in the world if she weren't a bit slow.
The squad medic, goes between crippling self doubt and weaponised smug, the smartest of the group, but he hides it well by making stupid desicions. Likes to stick his nose where it doesn't belong, and makes deals with terrorists.
The wild card of the party, his motives are currently unclear, seems to have a fascinaton with rings and older women, a danger to himself and everyone else.
>the rest of the party
>everyone is Sir Johnathan
>a mute half elf fighter who wants to save his wife.Fairly optimistic
>a cripple gnome wizard that lives in the fighter's backpack. He's been maimed by animals,betrayed by thieves and pirates all because they want to fuck his mom. All the wizard wants to do is live,learn and steal. His greatest enemy is just some fucking goose
>a mountain elf ranger who wants to spread communism and put an end to a cult
>a mountain dwarf paladin who wishes to smite undead and spread the word of his swole God
>a hill dwarf fighter 1 wizard(necromancer) 6 who likes raising the dead because everyone in his village died and grew a fascination with death. Rather chipper
>human warlock who used to be a paladin that tries to be good but fucks up because of his own racist ignorance or his impulsive attitude.The party blames him for most of their problems.
>a human sorcerer wild Mage who wants to learn more about his powers.
>human paladin that wants to kill demons
Former members
>a half orc fighter that served the voice of reason. He left to become a pit fighter and try to get a party a house to stay in
>half Orc barbarian who's village was burned down by a demon. Never stated why he left but he bullied some human nerd to be his replacement
>a skeleton monk who seemed very apathetic to most situations. He was an elf in life and resurrected along with 12 others to stop a great evil. He decided to ditch the party to find the other ones resurrected but he paid off a paladin to fill in.
>Tough, gruff, old V. Human Fighter bastard who didn't get that way being easy to kill, he's seen and done it all but he's not going to retire
>Overly neurotic scholarly V. Human Warlock who MUST find a way to break the pact even if it kills him
>Amoral V. Human Rogue who fucking loves cocaine, fluffed as a half-elf but he has no idea that he's not human, best sailor around
>Goliath Ranger who chose to leave the mountains and travel the world, the warlock hasn't figured out the Goliath is a she, the other two humans like to think she's the mascot
What's a Vee Human? Humvee?
>Playing a necromancer wizard focused on doctoring and researching manipulation of positive and negative energy because fuck the church.
>Gnome artificer with a list of gadgets and such he can possibly create through dicerolls, made me and the sorcerer some nifty staffs so thats cool, also dresses like a wow gnome.
>Amazonian half nymph half goliath daughter of artemis who makes up for their fairly bloated stats and an int score of 8 by actually not being real cringy during the games and generally makes for a competent fighter, currently on necrowizard's payroll getting a cut of his pay to be his personal bodyguard.
>Water gnasi blue dragon blood sorcerer who has yet to bring in their characters backstory and went the first few sessions without a name until they cobbled one together out of memes, also their first time dnding so can't really fault em considering they ain't been a shitter.
Halfling rogue who only actually showed up to the games last session and had been played by a friend who enjoyed dnd and happened to walk in one day while we were playing. The one time he was in almost started combat between helpful npcs and the party because they were so many sessions out of it they had no idea what was going on.
Everyone's either chaotic neutral, myself included, or lawful neutral, we just helped a bunch of furbolgs save their forest, and we all got letters we're getting brought in for treason, so as the pseudo party face I'm attempting to cobble together a court case, part of which might involve a devil summoning because we worked with an abyssal tiefling warlock to save the forest, and apparently they were wanted for treason. Gonna argue a bunch of other stuff about their character being miles ahead of our party to argue our innocence, and the devil is to help reaffirm said teiflings pension for trickery as their infernal lineage may or may not trace back to Graz'zt. Basically im arguing innocence by way of illustrating how outclassed we were.
I went to a drawthread to get pic related for a campaign once, tried to keep it simple because lord knows the Character requests there can get bloated as hell.
I'm currently in two different games:
Game A (Shadowrun):
>Jetstream Sam
>Laughing Man from GITS
>Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series
>Musashi Miyamoto (me)
Game B (Apocalypse World):
>Giorgio Armani
>Alma Wade
>Heinrich Himmler
>The Monk
Player: Effectively my DMing mentor. He's stuck through the game for the long haul, but he feels like he needs to end his character's story.
Character: Snake had a a hard life. This guy could basically write his biography with the phrase, "And just when it was starting to look up, it got worse." He's lost at least five friends, a few of them permanently. He's also undoubtedly the strongest member of the party, pound for pound. Apparently suffering + quiet determination = unstoppable badass.
>The Ranger (#1)
Player: Not super active, but pretty good.
Character: His characterization focuses around justice, but he's sort of quiet as well. He seems to collect interesting weapons. All around a pretty cool low-key hero of justice.
>The Ranger (#2)
Player: She's pretty cool, a good player, and in one of my other games.
Character. Drunken noblewoman turned bounty hunter due to mommy issues. Yes, really. Has interesting rapport with party druid due to them being half-siblings.
>The Druid
Player: Same as the ranger, except he's a dude, and I think they're related IRL (I forget at this hour)
Character: Pretty decent, often impulsive, sort of moody when his dead girlfriend gets brought up. Uses his druid powers to brute force through nearly everything.
>The Paladin
Player: Honestly not all sure, pretty quiet with regards to things that are not the game.
Character: Well-meaning and righteous follower of Bahamut, a little lacking in the field of planning. Still pretty nice. I need to give her more character-specific interactions.
I tried commissioning my entire party once. Artist never finished after I paid her.
I've been hesitant to commission shit ever since
-Aasimer druid/witch on a quest to find her parents after being banished from her village. Ripped off one of her tiddies and burnt down a guy's house after he lead her on. Resembles a porcelain doll.
-Tabaxi rogue. Steals because he can. Angered a crime lord in Waterdeep and can never return because of it. Afraid of water.
-Half-orc barbarian with a penchant for nudity and incredible violence. Sort of a herculean goofball. Very direct, often to his own detriment. Can identify any wine based on taste alone. Speaks to animals.
-Aasimer warlock/fighter. Plays second banana to a distant storm giant king. Scouting the area for a future invasion. Has his name embossed on his armor in the shape of a "Hello, My Name is..." sticker branded onto the metal itself. Carries a sentient sword with the voice of Danny DeVito.
I forgot one person.
-Half-elf bard. Former murder-for-hire elevated to a noble status. Huge lesbian. Has a wimpy squire she forces to pull around a full wardrobe of different clothes for her. Has an aversion to dirt in any form. Currently in a girl feud with the druid.
They all died, except me. Well actually I died too, but I got to come back as an undead slave.
An assassin who was hitting targets of opportunity for his government for several years before being reassigned. In it because the pay is good and he doesn't mind killing people.
A mage trying to piece together enough of his sensei's research to decipher a string of ancient prophecies -- pressed into service with a promise of access to a secret government library.
A human monk who is mostly in it because he never found anything he liked in life and the job the government offered seemed easy enough.
A human fighter who was happily serving in a city guard until after a chance encounter with the party he discovered that he has natural aptitude for high-stakes dangerous situations. In it because he can't imagine going back to the boredom.
Together they are on a deep recon mission inside a neighboring nation trying to reach a site of a rumored large scale magical construction project.
party dead but it was a cute drawing
>Wrestling champion, strong silent type, always accompanied by energetic hypeman manager. I am told they are based on Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman but I have only passing knowledge of who that is. Setting is a modern world with fantasy elements but the PCs traveled to another planet that is still traditional medieval fantasy. As such every time the wrestler's 'deeds' are hyped the populace believes he's a legendary hero, when he's really just a wrestler. Basically Mr Satan.
>Powerful wizard college student sent to the other planet by her mentor to study the indigenous and make some friends as she is a total autistic sperg. Based heavily on a certain purple cartoon horse that shall not be mentioned. Also party white mage.
>Janitor/maintenance worker for a Not-Chinese restaurant, has Special Eyes that let him see all an opponent's stats just by looking at them. Big fan of Not-Arthurian legend, trying to become a hero and/or make his life meaningful. Brought his car to the other planet, keeps it in his hat. Powers revolve around pulling objects out of his hat.
>Ghost girl high school student who got hit by a taxi and is now trying to find a way back to life, agreed to be taken to the other planet on word there was someone there who could help. She fights with ethereal sports equipment like soccer and basketballs, with plans to develop more Bleach-inspired swordfighting later on. Keeps noclipping through objects to bypass things, party scout and highest damage dealer.
One Piece RPG
>A wandering holyman who descended from the White Sea, uses Mantra.
>Mercenary in black armor who is super strict about contracts and will never break one (but he can return the money).
>Hyperactive kid who wants to be a pirate captain, with the Speed-Speed fruit.
>Female ultra-flexible stealth expert who's so full of herself she hands out signed photos.
>Unassuming business man with the Dial-Dial fruit, which he doesn't understand.
>-Teenage Tiefling Warlock that is a soul slut, sells part of his soul for bread if given the chance
>-Human Monk who can see despite having his eyes closed 99.8% of the time
>-Tiefling Paladin who's rays of sunlight could make the coldest person melt
>Human Rogue that probably poison's the party's food while everyone is sleeping
>-Horny Kobold Cleric who curses and drinks more than the average sailor
Tell me more.
Parties where the majority race isn't humans are always kind of weird.
Ork heavy gunner and muscle, huge workout freak, lives with her dad and has a gun for a boyfriend.
Blind technomancer elf, lives with the ork and her dad. Owns a police mandrone she installed a dildo on, we give her nothing but shit for it.
Coward Elf ex-olympic medalist face, uses their sexuality for everything, can't fight for shit and usually tries to make up terrible plans on the fly.
Old jew mage. Thanks to a rumor started by the face, might have a huge dick, we don't know. Cool old dude, very much a nice man, 10/10 want him as my grandpa. May carry hard candy to bribe guards with. Also is in a gang of metalworkers, so he's ripped.
Human Rigger. Or driver. Probably driver, he is the straight man of the crew and drives a sick ass sedan in a city of Latas. Very much not a hanger, but does do some smuggling work.
Together, they are the Gopnik Squad.
it's a great game
I remember playing a game where there were no humans in the party. 2 elves, an eladrin, a shifter, and a half orc. it played fine, but it ws planescape setting so weird is the standard.
I played another planescape game where everyone was human, also fine.
That's because non-humans used to matter.
I want to go on adventures with your party.
>Commando Elf Ranger that acts as the party's brains and leader. Always wishes to do the right thing. Has a knack for getting the party into dangerous situations, but always guides them out. Has a deep hatred for dragons. The Head of the group.
>Oath of the Guardian Dwarf Paladin that serves as the main protector for the party's damage dealers. Has a close friendship with the Ranger due to a life debt that he wishes to repay. Will always come to the need of a comrade in danger, risking his own body so that others may live. The Backbone of the group.
>Half Orc Bear Totem Barbarian that hits like a ton of bricks, but is as smart as one. Has a soft spot for fuzzy creatures and acts like a child when not in combat. Always wishes to be in the heart of the battle and kill as much as possible. The Arms of the group.
>Human Eldritch Knight that is just a regular guy that got thrust into the life he is in. Is trying to come to terms with his newfound responsibilities, while also exploring his strengths. Is also not that bad a coming up with clever plans. Drinks heavily to relieve himself of the pressures that weigh upon him. The Heart of the Group.
>Loxodon Life Cleric who is the learned scholar and primary healer of the group. Has a thirst for knowledge that sometimes leads him into danger. Has a firm trust in his companions that is not easily damaged. The Soul of the Group.
- Tiefling Martial Arts master with a prosthetic arm on a mission to expose who's been killing her former students.
- Bard-out-of-retirement that settled down and started a family, only to have their peaceful life uprooted when his daughter started showing latent necromantic powers and attracted the attention of a death-obsessed cult.
- Shortstack druid that just wants to help Bard live a peaceful life and still find time to creep on a boy-next-door NPC cleric.
- Mute and slightly crazy elven wizard with a life's work revolving around studying and poking new holes in reality.
- Bard's wife. Former mortician turned adventurer by necessity, Mama Bear type and extremely scary.
Yihau - Fast talking, gun slinging eclipse caste. Kind of a sober jack sparrow. economically sabotaged the slave trade in the southern territories.
Hygia - Dawn caste dragoon wrecking ball. her badass moment was responding to a pirate boarding party by throwing an anchor through the side of their hull.
Bai Jing - Ex immaculate monk turned dawn caste. will try and end every fight bloodlessly if possible, and therefore favous grappling over striking.
Taban jing - Bai jing's weedy brother. Sidreal chosen of secrets. party buff monkey. tends to overplan and hates having to react spontaneously. dab hand with throwing daggers.
Mahzuk al-farid - Night caste assassain. An arabic jason bourne crossed with the punisher. wears an iron wolf mask when messily killing criminals and slavers with his bare hands.
We're all scum in Russia, friend.
I want to go on adventures with your communist party.
Party 1
>Paladin of Justice and general camaraderie out to put an end to a local neceomancer
>Half-Orc Barbarian who doesn't have a clear goal but likes animals and being strong and well-off
>Goliath Fighter who literally just fell off of his mountain and then got arrested for loitering
>Piece of shit Human Bard who is putting off getting his family out of jail in favor of gambling and flirting
>Halfling Rogue who doesn't have a clear goal except for being a dipstick
Party 2
>Aarakocra monk venturing out of his monastery for the first time to see the world and gain wisdom and eat good things
>Half-Elf sorceress just out to get some laughs and show off her wild magical power
>Dwarf fighter who thinks she is a hedgehog and was booted away from home because of that
>Half-Orc Barbarian who is a renowned gourmet chef. On a pilgrimage to enjoy the feasts of the world and add to his cookbook.
>Wood Elf Ranger looking for those that burned down his village. Friends with the Half-Orc for years.
>Dwarven Cleric who just died ;_;7
Her social disadvantage mostly comes from the fact that being tied to a Lovecraftian entity gives her an aura that makes people uncomfortable when they stray too close. It also gives her a horribly muddled sense of right and wrong which extends to social interactions, which is honestly roleplayed fantastically. The wheelchair, for the most part, is barely relevant to her character a lot of the time, there's only been a little bit of issue caused by it.
> "Hurry up Belinda!"
> "I can't, you just ran up a flight of stairs"
> "So..?"
> "You forgot about the wheelchair, didn't you?"
>Dick ass High Elf noble that is slowly turning into the moral compass of the party. Accidentally started a forest fire with irresponsible use of magic five minutes after lecturing everyone on the importance of using magic responsibly.
>Bodyguard for aforementioned noble. Surprisingly competent at keeping noble alive, and rest of the party as well by extension. Really seems to enjoy throwing nets at stuff.
>Overly keen kobold that will apparently do just about anything if it makes someone else in the group happy. Describes self as a "lizard wizard", despite being a warlock.
>Suspicious maybe-a-tiefling who mostly keeps to himself. Kind of comes across as being all business, as he doesn't talk much, but does a fairly good job of stabbing things up. Most of the party thinks he's hiding something, especially...
>Tactless warforged who serves as the broken moral compass of the party. Has some sort of firearm which he uses to solve almost every problem he comes across. Really suspicious of the maybe-a-tiefling, seems determined to make a lackey out of the kobold, and will probably come into conflict with the elf and bodyguard eventually.
Yeah, no criticism intended there, just thinking of it "out loud" I guess, as I find it an interesting character flavor, even if it isn't a substantial drawback most of the time.
I'm used to GURPS so such disadvantages are worth points, but that gets complicated when you have powers to mitigate the problems ("I can't walk, but can teleport").
It's a neat character point though, always nice to see something difference.
>Player 1
A grizzled old man from before the bombs dropped, experienced with the wasteland, but still bitter at all he's lost in his life. Accrues debts to drinking and gambling in every town, trying to remember or forget, depending on the day. Deep hatred for the old world's waste and decadence.
>Player 2
A raider who follows the Player 1 religiously in repayment for saving his life at one point. Built like an incarnation of the brick shithouse god and uses a demolition saw in close combat. So full of drugs he's legally considered a pharmacy. Secretly an aspiring artist who hides this fact from the party in case they think him weaker for it. Also a slight Momma's boy.
>Player 3
A scrapper and nomad, familiar with the old world's technology. Reminds Player 1 of the daughter he lost during the war. Party face, openly cheerful, but despite her successes with technology the subject only depresses her as time goes on. So much has been lost. BFFs with the GMPC, slowly activating more of its functions.
A prewar infantry drone, missing its "motivation drive" and thus refusing to participate in combat. Massively resilient, occasionally picked up and used as a shield by Player 2. Otherwise offers some capability the party lacks (electrical light, limited power, setting lore.) Claims to have deleted all violent functions in its code to make room for humanity to hit rock bottom. Shares a bro relationship with Player 1 as they are both "old soldiers."
>Me, a Paladin who hates Orcs with a burning passion and will actively hunt them to extinguish the world of their presence
>A human Wizard that comes along for the hunt
>Milk-loving Ranger that gets kind of broody and morally grey about our genocide
Did I mention my character is a half-orc?
Our Exalted Circle is nonsense.
Our Eclipse's don't like convincing people.
Our Night's make themselves obvious by killing everything and pressing all the buttons.
Our Twighlight doesn't make things.
One of our Zenith's explicitly thought he wasn't meant to lead people.
Our Dawns spend most of their time doing paperwork or diplomacy.
This was the party from our recent JoJo campaign. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the full party.
>David Williamson
Wimpy guy that prefers to stay as far away from combat as possible. Most normal person out of the group.
>「Walk the Dinosaur」
Weird crossbreed between a person and 10 different types of dinosaur. Has the power to open doors, force people to get on floors, and make people think that they are dinosaurs. Also can talk independent of its user's wishes, which it uses to talk smack to anyone nearby.
>Dynamo Copperstone
A Large, jolly, Russian man that dresses like Aladdin for some reason. He is an out of work street performer that started living with the other PCs to escape his nagging mother. Lives in a tent outside the dorms where the other PCs live. Prefers to solve problems by using his stand repeatedly until something good happens, to the chagrin of his friends.
>「Two of Hearts」
A deck of many things with the serial numbers filed off. Like an idiot, Dynamo does not look at the cards when he draws them. The best and worst outcomes both look identical; a neatly wrapped present with something inside it. The object inside is either exactly what Dynamo wanted at that time, or a bomb that goes off whenever the box is jostled or opened.
>Yung Mann
Skinny guy that dresses like a reject from the Village People. Is an avid music fan and spends much of his time dancing. (Even during combat) His eyes are able to detect UV light for some reason, but can easily get overwhelmed by too much input. He wears sunglasses constantly as he can be completely blinded even on a partially sunny day. Unanimously voted most likely to be gay. (Is not gay)
Technicolor punchghost that also looks like a reject from the Village People. Can split itself and other object into four "color channels": red, green, blue, and "ultraviolet"
>3 brothers all of various divine classes
One is a paladin, another a cleric and the oldest a inquisitor
>a gunslinger named Tallahassee
He's the first time I've gm'd a group with one. I think I'm lucky cause the player is a cool guy and made the character fun
>a psionic
The build name escapes me atm but basically is the groups heal and buffbot
>halfling rogue who throws knives
It's his first time gaming and he loves this shit
>magus kensei build.
Local that guy but I'm getting used to finding ways around his power build horseshit
Acts like the groups bazooka and just fireballs things all the time.
We also have a hunter but she never shows up cause of work anymore.
I think my only actual problem I have anymore is that my group is fuckin huge
Well dressed individual that always looks... Off. Speaks in an off putting monotone, regardless of the situation. Excellent at manipulating people into doing what he wants, but refuses to convince someone to directly hurt them self. Unanimously voted most likely to be not gay. (Is actually gay)
>「Cut the Cord 」
Can only be summoned once Zac has touched two points with his hands. Appears as a cable of some sort that connects the two points touched. The cable can be an elastic bungee cord, a rigid steel cable, or an incredibly painful barbed wire.
>Regular human warrior who always threat people even the ones who made us their prisoners, tried to bang a priest NPC
>Elf ranger trying to tame a wolf and try to kill everyone, even us
>Human sorcercer who likes to put things on fire, almost burned us several times
>Halfing paladin, we rarely see him, forgot to take his weapon during an underwater dungeon
>Halfing rogue, ugly as fuck, great Rp player
>Me, Pelor priest trying to damage control with this team of fucks and likes to help peasants
Chelish minor nobility, working for the Imperial Museum like a nebbish Indiana Jones, enjoys fieldwork as an excuse to get away from the infernal empire. Definitely not a cultist.
Evil werewolf-aboo druid trying to convince everyone else to become a werewolf. [left group]
Cleric of weeaboo kitsune god who replaced druid. Looking for his kitsune waifus reincarnation. Used to be a pirate, but she helped him find religion and he's a Better Person now. His backstory for meeting her is horrifyingly weeb.
Halfelf bard and seer, native to the jungle. Exiled after being framed for killing her mentor. Tagging along with the chelishman because her visions have been obscured by the shadows of black tentacles moving against distant stars, and even moreso in his company; she swears he's responsible, he swears she's a sham.
Human rogue, ex pirate, (not that he ever had strong feelings one way or the other beyond 'oh god don't kill me') who stole something from the wrong person and wound up traipsing through the jungle with the party. May secretly be working for cultists interested in the mcguffin. Has a familiar, despite being a rogue.Alignment is Greedy Neutral.
Tiefling warlock who's head over heels for the chelish nobleman (despite hating Cheliax) and working closely with her infernal superiors (the most immediate of which she thinks is her great-to-the-Nth grandmother). Highest charisma in the party but somehow almost everyone winds up hating her. Plays the privilege card and wonders why people find her annoying. Tried to kill the bard last session. (To be fair, Bard said she would have done the same thing if their positions were reversed.)
DnD 5e. Party Leader Victor Somethingorother is a Witch Hunter from WHFB, uses the Ranger rules and has the best dramatic challenges. Currently hunting down the people who are opening portals all over our city to summon daemons, trying out his new upgraded Pistols and grinning a LOT.
Cleric with a hard-on for Thunderwave who's a young Dwarf looking to obtain some "Ancient Relic Weapons" worth a damn to prove he's worth Temple membership (despite kicking more ass than most of the High Priests he's a little ADHD because of being a PC, obviously).
Rogue we busted from some bandits who's working with us entirely for a Watch pardon and because Vic will shoot him if he doesn't (Player is a friend from the Continent, only here for three sessions so temp char.)
Apprentice Mage with a t-shirt collection she keeps looting people for, wants all the Tomes of Eldritch Lore due to being a fairly naive Gnome and not really knowing that the usual warning signs.
Me, a Human Engineer who is painfully aware of his short lifespan compared to everyone else and determined to find SOME method of immortality (which for him isn't a Class Feature, dammit). Leading the second team at the moment, recently started a gang war from driving his wagon through the wrong part of town and decided to stay and clean up the city. Also coveting the Watch Captain Lady's Power Fist gauntlets and fairly sure she's some kind of League of Legends character, since the DM likes those. Maintained and upgraded the Watch armoury and is now defending their base from a massive horde of daemons and hoping the others would hurry up with the Portal.
New campaign is looking pretty good so far, although I wish that I'd been able to do more than upgrade a big pile of gunpowder weapons, play what's basically Bloons against the Daemon horde and use my one decent trick to throw fire everywhere. Such is the life of a skill monkey and Dex build, I guess.
Space-opera game (System and setting is Fragged Empire)
- Corporate Acheologist: Found a brain in a jar in a derelict spaceship that he is using to research how to give himself psychic powers. Considers himself the leader and none of the other characters want the job enough to disagree with him.
- Kaltoran sniper and pathfinder: On some of mission of revenge. Character has a serious mouth and whenever he talks he manages to say the exact thing that will get us into even more trouble
- Nephilim Engineer: Extremely disgusting creature with obscene bodily functions even by Nephilim standards, think of Rigel the sixteenth from Farscape and you are most of the way there. Very small and finds a hole to crawl in to whenever combat starts. Provides technical support.
- Legion mercenary: Cautious to a fault, probably the biggest reason we haven't all died horribly yet. Backstory is still a big mystery.
My character is a Nephilim who was initially grown to be used as a test subject for experimental weapons. Managed to escape and has since become obsessed with augmentations.
Anima: Beyond Fantasy
The Party
>Neph Sylvain Warlock, Creation/Earth/Essence paths, party Enchanter. Has all the Nemesis/Bloodline Advantages to make him near-immune to death. Has still died three times. Is in a semi-serious relationship with the dragon equivalent of the Baba Yaga. Often works in the background as he's technically the GMPC
>Nephilim Ebudan Warrior Summoner. Non-Christian priestess in a very Christian society. Still idolized by the masses for being an Empress-certified badass. Mother was a huldra, so her prophetic dreams are more her chatting with the essence of the heroes she incarnates than vague images. Almost all of her powers are lightning-based, and she has a pact with the Grand-daddy of all Storm Elementals. In a saccharin-sweet lesbian relationship with the dragon of LOVE, CUDDLES, JOY, AND LOVE!
>Nephilim Daimah Mentalist, Electromagnetism/Teleportation Spec. Son of a Hellenian noble family with deep connections to the Magus Order. Autistic as fuck, avoids social situations like the plague. His dice are as autistic as him, and often cause him to annihilate strong foes in a single railgun. Has a strong hatred of the paperwork that's expected of a noble to fill out, made worse by all the collateral damage he causes when he drinks. Best bros with twin dragons of Freedom and Chaos.
>Nephilim Jayan Weaponmaster. A Big Girl.
Broke from the party to seek a pact with a demon, wound up soul-fusing with a War Oni. Wants to murder the others for the sake of it, but wants them strong enough to give her a worthwhile fight. Capital E Evil in combat, essentially less-lesbian Koumori Kuroko from Murcielago combined with Hisoka from HxH. Pacted to the dragon of MAD GAINS, BRUH!
The Party's pets.
>The Warlock's Familiar: Darkness Fairy, malicious little shit, fucking LOVES her master, and will fuck hard with people who cross master, including making pepper mint tea with pure capsaicin extract. can transform into an invisible nightmare of blades and death if she so wishes.
>The Warrior Summoner's Familiars: Essence Fairy and Illusion Fairy. Essence is almost textbook tsundere, but gets flustered as fuck when shown affection. Illusion is True Fae, and loves the hell out of pranking everything she can. Essence also has a habit of going DOOMGUY against demons, courtesy of the dice gods.
>Warrior Summoner's Pet Snake: California Red-Sided Garter Snake. Docile, mostly there for warms and boops.
>Warrior Summoner's Totem Animal: a Stoat. A Dire Ghost Stoat. Little bastard cannot sit still, and will run off and attack whatever woodland creatures he can get his teeth into. Is a guided missile with teeth, respects only those things that are as killy as he is, and hates, hates, HATES horses for being so incredibly stupid.
>The Mentalist's Horse. An Ilona(read, Clydesdale that links psychically with one person for it's entire life). Considers itself the Toppest of horses, unless one of the Empress' Ilona are about, then he's Second Toppest. Has a habit of getting into ale barrels, accidentally eating birds, sucking on fenceposts, and generally being difficult for everyone but the Mentalist. Unaware of the Ghost Stoat, but still causes it no end of anger by merely existing.
>The Mentalist's Caith Flidais(aka Thorn Cat): Hangs around the party's house, has an inexplicable desire to try to eat the Warlock. Other than that, fairly chill.
>The Weaponmaster's companion: Pure Daimah child. The Hinako to her Kuroko. Sweet, cheerful, and friendly. An incarnation Summoner who favors Eiko, Oni Princess above all the others. DO NOT injure her, though. She goes berserk when injured, and has wiped a village in one of her rages.
>the elf is a pyromaniac that starts shit with everyone we meet
>the troll knows how to shoot a gun but not much else
>the human is a gigantic pervert but is also really good at being stealthy so we put up with her
>the lolipire is the only competent, rational person in the mix oh god someone send help save me
>Halfling Artificer with low CHA played by a short dude with low CHA
>Tiefling Wild Magic Sorceror played by the guy who only plays Sorceror
>Half-Elf Hexblade/Fiend Homebrew Warlock played by me
>Half-Elf Ranger with a huge snake pet played by the token girl
>Goliath Barbarian played by her IRL boyfriend
The party also has several NPCs:
>Barbarian's Stockholm Syndrome Goblin buddy
>My pet sloth, Dave
>Ranger's Dragonborn husband who critically failed the "What are we" talk despite being a reincarnating beacon of badassery that the DM puts in all of his campaigns
>Wheelchairs are lovecraftian horrors
I don't think this really works.
>That gnome wizard
I wanna fuck his mom
Rogue Trader Abadal Malon Horatio Brunt - One of the most devious, manipulative bastards outside the Eye of Terror. So your average Rogue Trader.
Seneschal Quark - Brunt's trusted right hand man and a dab hand at diplomacy. May be trying to kill his boss.
Magos Tanatar - A techpriest obsessed with the science of combat and a close combat monster. Imagine General Grievous if he had 6 arms and OCD about how he slices you in half.
[Unpronounceable Eldar Name] aka Wych - A dark eldar wych taken in after encountering the remnants of a failed dark eldar raid and the resulting swindles born of it. Rumored to be "fond" of Magos Tanatar and has taken to "dueling" with him in private. The bit about dueling may not be a euphemism, given the participants the line between sex and attempted murder is a bit hazy.
>Wheelchair lady's sternum goes right into her thighs.
You're not looking close enough, or you refuse to believe.
>female wood elf Druid of the Moon with little to no back story as of yet
>male human Ranger heavily inspired by Aragorn of LotR but also the film Princess Mononoke
>female tiefling warlock in a pact with Graz'zt to basically go do whatever she wants then eventually go to the Abyss and be his fuck toy
>And then one guy who's not chosen yet but we may pressure into being a Paladin or Fighter
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