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CYOA General. Clinical Depression Edition
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So the same edition as always?
I'll work on adding more companions for the next update.
If you guys got any ideas for companions, let me know.
Update 2.2.4:
>Added Hardcore option.
>Add bonus for half prize and longer stay in the basement.
>Mandy Muse now has an extra option.
>Desktop or Console now has an extra option.
>Fetish Room now has an extra option.
>Internet description changed.
I keep telling my psychiatrist that I don't feel depressed, and have no thoughts of hurting myself and others.
I really don't want to deal with it.
>Celestial Elf
>Teenager (on the cusp of puberty)
>Intricate Choker
>Possess Rune
>Stamina/Strength/Sorcerer Runes
>Working Drags
>Servant's Quarters
>Sorcery/Manual Labor/Carpentry/Guard
>Fine Jewelry/Warm Cloak/Free Time/Rare Candy
I wanna be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To break her is my real test,
To train her is my cause,
I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
Teach my elf to understand
The power that's inside!
Fighting Elves, (Gotta enslave them all) its you and me
I known its my destiny
Fighting Elves, oh, you're my best slave
You better not misbehave!
Every failure along the way
With beatings she will face
I will punish every day
To teach her rightful place,
Come with me, I'm always right
Forget self esteem
train and eat you'll win the fight
It's always been my dream!
Fighting Elves, (Gotta enslave them all) its you and me
I know its my destiny
Fighting Elves, oh, you're my best slave
You better not misbehave!
Fighting Elves
Put a choker on you.
Your strength will pull us through.
Obey me, I'll order you,
Fighting Elves
Gotta enslave them all!
Gotta enslave them all!
Fighting Elves
half my prize for 50 points to start with
full kitchen 7/50
loli 14/50
heat/ac 17/50
movies/tv shows 24/50
jacuzzi & sauna 27/50
library 31/50
workout room 38/50
skylight 39/50
medical care 41/50
lab research 48/50
old radio 49/50
Garden 50/50
I hope you do add more companions, it's lame that a kid is the only decent option for companionship. Oh well, child rearing is a full-time job so at least I won't be completely listless for the whole time I'm there.
Spend 10 years for 5M USD
Food : Full Kitchen. Cooking is a good way to kill time, learn a skill, and eat decently healthy. [43]
Companions: Loli. Most bearable and obedient. Definitely no ulterior motives here. [36]
Electronics : Instruments. Should be interesting to pick up as a skill. I'd have to learn how to read music sheets though . I can only read guitar. [31]
Side: Jacuzzi, Garden, Library, Fetish Room [13] Hygiene products are incredibly nice to have. I enjoy gardening. Library for books and educating the loli. Fetish room for.. educating the loli.
Entertainment: Skylight. It probably wouldnt be healthy if we didnt have sunlight. [12]
Services: Medical Care with birth control, Lab Research. Not dying is always good. [2]
2 points left over, let's actually drop the fetish room to reach [12] points. Instead lets get Old Radio [11] Healthy Food [6] and a Indoor Pool [0]
So my loli gains 5 extra loli years and I gain 25 years. We'll probably be really good at music stuff by the end. There will be lots of reading and gardening and teaching her and "teaching
her. And we'd get to try out a of of cooking and probably be pretty competent at it. All in all, shouldnt be too bad. Going to be a bit hard to teach her the internet and all that stuff once she's out with me though.
Why was there discussion about Pokemon Personified when PPP+ never came out.
Because some autistic moron keeps posting the image of Lugia/Ho-Oh which sparks the same exact 'discussion' every thread.
Will do... At least another row of companions for the next update.
I like your way of thinking. Also bonus points to you sir, for not complaining about something. Like most people do.
This is really cool, but I'm really high.
I'll get back to it in around ten to twelve hours. I need to sleep this off.
BC Kingfisher
Speed 6
Durability 5
Attack 5
Cargo Capacity 5
Crew Capacity 5
Cargo Hold Increase
Extra Room x2
Alexandria Torgue
Alain Rickman
Saint Thomas
Weapon Rack
Eraser 7
Ms. Alice
>Tfw I don't actually think you should continue doing something that you find no pleasure in.
>image of Lugia/Ho-Oh
>Is it wrong for Pasille to take the dick of the guy she loves despite being married.
>Arios did nothing wrong and was trying to stop her wife from being an unfaithful whore.
They were both in the wrong. Sad considering there's more interesting characters than those two. Nice PP has characterization for companions though.
But you should still make waifu cyoas for me
Literally nobody has ever said the later. The guy who posts the former just characterizes anyone trying to criticize Pasille as saying it to farm (You)s.
Eh what am I going to do. Make a better thing and prove you inferior?
Besides it's kinda nostalgic to have these kinda old school stuck in a basement ones. We dont get many new/decent ones of these these days. It would be fun if more people decided to do those and maybe made some more expansive ones.
The Holy Grail
Magic Artifact
Magical Leyline
Strength 3
Immortality 2
Element 0 (sound)
Form 3
Breath 0
Scales 3
Extras: Tail, Wings, Claws
Unrest level 1 (negated)
Josaiah Jofag
Sir Lancelot
The Wizard
Jew Crew
Saber automatically counters one level 2 threat per week. That means Lancelot is dead week 1 and I only have to hope that the Jew Crew and The Wizard don't decide to show up on the same week, otherwise I have to take them myself. I can probably take them myself if it comes to that, the Jew Crew is effectively harmless, though The Wizard might be a worthy foe.
That leaves Josiah Jofag. I SHOULD be strong enough to win, but if I'm not he doesn't actually kill me or take anything from me (not even the Magic Artifact) so it's not the end of the world. I'm also more resistant to sound, for what it's worth.
Debating a 5th horde. Either Library of Liberandia with THE WALL, mostly so that I can have the chance to KNOCK HIM DOWN with my immense strength, or Really Bitchin' Fitness Course with the smug AI. Both of them could make things interesting, or just more annoying.
>Clinical Depression Edition.
What makes you sad OP?
Oh, just the existential dread that I've come to gain once I realize how many wasted opportunities I've let slip and the fact that I have done nothing with my life.
Ya know?
Italics being Nasu.
You know what, I'll give my time to work on a cyoa, not for honor but for (You)s.
What makes me feel better about stuff like that is that once enough time passes after I've died, nobody will remember or know I existed anyway. Nobody will give a shit if you were a failure who squandered his opportunities, because no one will know about you.
If it were not the fact that this is probably common place here i would suspect that you are (former)Trap user Regardless of that. If you are still alive you still have the chance to do something if you wanted to, i mean there is always opportunities available as long you keep breathing right?
Healthy Food
That leaves me with 10 unused points, so I'll donate them to user who has more desires than me.
I appreciate you user. That may not mean much, but our interactions here are something I value and look forward to.
And if you truly feel like you should be "doing something" then that is what you must do. The details are unimportant. You're in a better position than many, by the nature of knowing what you want. All it takes is the effort.
I can't wait for this image to get updated when PPP+ comes out.
Reposting from last thread in case you missed it
Food- Healthy
Companion-Mandy Muse
Electronics-Heat/AC, All Instruments+Recording, Radio
Side Room-Workout Room, Library +Comics, Jacuzzi, Garden +Weed
Services- Med Care +Birth Control, Lab Research
Bonus- Half Prize
Suggestions & Criticism-
Add a row for prizes, start with the 60(?), add cool prize options (longevity and the $10M would move there)
Unify how the bonuses are written, half are +N and half are add N
Spell out what the "basic amenities" are, at least a bit.
Without Health Care, even probably w Skylight, wouldn't your health suffer from lack of sun? And lack of nutrition (not just >muh fat) with fast food or lower?
I picked Jacuzzi mainly for the Hygiene products. I suggest at least adding the same to pool or something.
Climate control should be 2 IMO
No [ TG other than built-into-table games ], non-music art, or aesthetic customization options? Perhaps an aesthetic row?
(Obsolete) Internet is useless on its own yet costs 10? and only works w one other option? this is really stupid
The companions are pretty bad, even setting aside UB & alone, only Pet & Mandy are worth (Though I would likely be able to get along with & befriend HG better than most of you). I suggest making minor improvements to HG, replacing UB with a creepy dude with a less zoomed in portrait so I can actually stay on that row, replacing loli with a cool dude (optionally gay, maybe for +1)
And on that note
JFC I'm not cool with loli options in general but yours is creepy as fuck, like almost as bad as Lolita (Which was, yknow, intentionally a horrific story veiled by flawed perspective)
I agree on the loli stuff. I don't mind the "1000 year old dragon" thing some people do, as it atleast implies maturity but this option is straight up just a impressionable child.
Whoops. I forgot to actually put in the build before hitting submit. This was a really cute CYOA though.
1960s Batman
El Muariachi
Awesome Soundtrack (as stereotypical as possible, plus Spanish guitar for fights)
Clean Fights
Best Bros (or not)
You know that's real heckin' neat you posted that. I was just going to do that then it tells me it was a duplicate image.
>really cute CYOA though
Thanks a bunch!
>Half prize to 5 mill (50)
That's 500k per year for being a NEET. Only downside is only finishing my education in ten years.
>Full kitchen (43)
>Pupper (40)
Gonna need a small one that won't go mental from being locked up.
>Old radio (39)
>Heat/AC (36)
>Garden (35)
>Library (31)
>Gym (26)
>Skylight (25)
>Workshop (21)
>Medical care (19)
>Internet (9)
Nothing more I could want or need. Let's drop the Garden and get 10 mill instead.
5 million
Food - Full Kitchen (7/50)
Companions - Loli (14/50)
Electronics - All TV shows and Movies, Desktop +1 point (32/50)
Side Room - Library (36/50)
Entertainment - Skylight (37/50)
Services: Medical Care and Internet (49/50)
Every once in a while I'll post the only cyoa I'm proud of to have made, even though its terrible.
Its just less terrible than the rest.
oh and by the way i hid some secret code in (like normal) but didn't set up an imgur like in my other cyoa's by accident so I'll just post the secret as a mystery box you can take or ignore.
>Grey - Become apathetic to anything
I already have this 'power'
Long ago I was making a cyoa about monster-boys, then SDA instantly did it better in like 5 minutes and literally no one wanted it.
So I naturally tried for something bigger, got frustrated and gave up.
So if you too want to make cyoa's, try to stay within the fun zone of doing them or you'll burn out.
Mystery box.
Also, if you do a mystery box, make absolutely sure you don't like it more than the rest of your cyoa. A lot of people never find my imgur links i hide in my cyoas.
EnlightenedNEET would be okay but I'm bad at self-motivation.
>2 lv 1 enemies
>7 Dragon blood
>5 minimum hoard
>Money (lv 2 enemy)
>Ultimate fig collection (lv 0 enemy)
It's too funny. I can see it. People talking about a dragon with a hoard of anime figures. Nerds and weebs trying to break into my house to get the coveted Waifu In Gold Thong-figurine.
God this is great to read. "Eating normal food makes you feel vaguely bad and headachy, the way that instant ramen might to a healthy person"
>Cornucopia (+1 Public unrest)
>Holy Grail (Sir Lancelot)
+1 boon, +1 dragon blood (temp)
>The Princess (the Prince)
I'm gonna take the Princess on a holiday retreat away from the Prince and his psycho friend sir Lancelot.
I'mma go full Big Daddy - Big Daddragon?
>The Bastard
The Princess needs a friend. Also I'm a fan of the whole "goes tsun if you don't give her (him) enough attention". It's cute.
>/k/ stash (Muh libruls)
Can't be a Big Daddy without all of the guns
>This collection of uniforms (...) and ovens
Jesus christ this is good. Thank you. Jesus.
>GRRM chained up (+1 Public unrest)
I'm taking he who shall not be named and saying he can smugpost only when he finishes a cyoa.
And hey, if my mom gets laid I'm happy for her. I never got why "I had sex with your mom" is an insult. That's an insult to yourself.
He who shall not be named needs it.
>Really bitchin' fitness course (any lv 0 enemy)
>Library of Liberandia (lv 1 enemy)
>Immortality 1 (6)
Taking anything more implies that you think you can be killed and that you're afraid.
>Strength 2 (4)
>Element 0 - Sound
>Form 1 (3)
>Breath 0
>Scales 2 (1)
>Extras - claws 1 (0)
>Holy grail: Extras - Real Dragon form
Looks like garbage, whats soo hard about looking at other peoples cyoas and taking inspiration on their layouts for use on your own, soo many cyoas would be better if people took alittle time to research and plan some more.
Excellent, another waifu for my waifu collection.
I did, i changed it multiple times from people suggestions. if you don't like it go enjoy a different adventure.
show us how its done user, whats your latest OC?
Shit on him
I mean just having consistently sized images, Not soo jarring background colours, consistent length text descriptions or atleast a coloured box for them to be placed in. Just alittle more structure overall would be nice, you know, the basic tried and texted cyoa layout.
>Shit on him
what did he mean by this
The designated ugly bitch and loli options have been a part of all the survival/trapped CYOAs since we were on /b/
I don't need to show you how it's done, looking at some other cyoas and you'll see consistencies in them which make them look appealing and easy to read and you should take something from them atleast if it's your first time making oc.
But here is my latest OC anyway.
Yeah but those weren't fun, most of my cyoa's are an experiment. Gimp and photoshop were over my head so I worked with what i had.
For example, I quickly figured out why no one does gif cyoa's.
Gif cyoas are actually an amazing idea, I'd love to see some well done ones.
d-do I pick from all four pages
too large, thats 6 MB's for 3 gifs i had to cut frames out of.
Would webm work?
Kit is that you?
You know what's even more amazing? Interactive HTML CYOAs
>he thought the other anons CYOA was badly designed
Well, you've certainly shown us something.
No, I've also been mistaken for SDA. I'm just a nameless OC maker slowly losing hope in my trade. Please rekindle my hopes and motivation with waifus.
It's not the best example of what I'm talking about, but you asked for oc and I was going to post this today anyway.
>Mistaken for SDA
Nonsense. You ARE SDA.
>No, I've also been mistaken for SDA.
that seems unlikely given how you post
>2x Public unrest
>1x lv 2 enemy
>1x lv 1 enemy
>2x lv 0 enemy
>The Prince
>Muh libruls
>+1 boon
Yeah... Lots to protect my Little Sis-I mean, the Princess from.
I'm lazy. He who shall not be named is a prisoner and she will not answer to him.
I'm understand the "No effect from level 1 Public unrest" as meaning level 2 now counts as level 1. If not I don't know what it means.
It would be boring for the Princess to live in a fortified castle.
I don't see why not.
"minus 1 level 2 enemy"
Level 0 enemies:
>Muh libruls
Oh man injecting the Smug AI to cover up two options is cool.
>Smug AI
Really well written, I like it. The mix between what she says and the description is nice.
I can't be mean to Harold. Even if my komododoragon and butler could get him to leave I jsut don't have the heart for it.
Level 1 enemies:
>The Prince
I'll use the Batman treatment. Just break his knees and shoulders and every rib, maybe paralyze him or something. It's not murder if I make him a vegetable.
I'm gonna use the power of friendship. She can't beat that. I don't want to hurt someone with mental issues that just needs a friend. She can play with the Princess and the Trap if she promises to behave.
I'm sure I can afford an extra set of dolls she can have.
Level 2 enemies:
>Jew Crew
Easiest to beat.
Oh neat, his weakness is Sound. He only has human speed, I can literally just stun him and take his sword away and lock it up. He can either play nice or leave. He's not getting his frisbee back. I don't care how many times I have to tell him, he can't have it back.
Yania is sad too but I can't have her think I'm cheating on her by playing with the Princess.
>No enemy could be as bad as a job
Heh. Nice way to end it.
I think it was because my cyoa used a similar font or something that SDA used in one of his own.
All I'm seeing is a bunch of code here user.
Click download, save it as HTML, then open it in your browser.
Honestly I should have expected this level of retardation.
Light Armour (Free)
Armour Updrages:
Magboots 1k
Adhesive 2k
Servos 3k
Battery 2k
Capacitor 3k
Thruster Pack 3k
Jetpack 4k
Energy Shield 3k
Heavy Shield 5k
Adaptive Camouflage 2k
Active Cloaking 4k
Advanced Targeting 2k
Cyberwarfare Suit 3k
CQC-23 "Ghost" 7k
Bekenstein 5k
Going for the 'nothin personnel kid' cyberpunk ninja build.
I could never be you, I'd hate the attention. You can keep it.
>please hug me and kiss my existential booboos away
Than quit. If anything quitting will allow you to confront the issues in your life that is causing your depression, but you're probably the type of person that just spins any and all inaction and procrastination with stupid excuses. So in the end you can't help yourself and we can't help you.
They just said they were losing hoping in making OC you retard, not that they're having an emotional breakdown.
>that pic
Do not remind me of Charlotte. Please. It's too early.
No? I'm too dumb to think of background images, that line that gets thicker in the middle, having the images be croocked, and having the text at the bottom use a bigger font.
I'm basic as heck when it comes to graphics.
His cyoa did give me the idea for a super depressing Alcholism quest cyoa that would just be hammering on myself. I got all the notes for it but decided not to make it because, realll,y it would jsut make me sad and worry one or two people
O.K. user I'm a little more retarded than the average user but in my defense i did google this and found nothing.
How do i save it as an html? It just has open with and save as.
>option to promise yourself to not buy another bottle tonight
>next section acts like you did regardless of whether you picked that option
>because promises to yourself never work
Mad fuckery yo
Gonna make her go berserk (also musclegirls)
Just more fitting for an oni and a blooserker. Also more potential when the whole world isn't dead yet.
More fuckery yo
>Hipster girl
>Costs 5 points
It's obvious you've never known a single bipolar person in your life or even witnessed a single manic episode.
Fuck this piece of shit.
Save as, change the file extension to .html instead of .txt.
>this CYOA doesn't represent reality with complete perfection, its like its a fantasy scenario or something
oh no
Thank you.
Had to look up a guide on how to change file extensions but it worked.
No, hadn't thought of that, but there is a quitting section that features a "constant cycle of promising to quit then caving in a week" and another that was like "your friends and family are worried and are trying to help you.... oh who are you kidding, you don't have friends, and even if you did you've long since pushed them away with your toxic personality".
Stuff like that. Very depressing.
Also a way to "end" your addiction. In a permanent fashion.
So yeah, would worry one or two people.
>whats soo hard about looking at other peoples cyoas and taking inspiration on their layouts for use on your own
It's not hard it's just plebby. It's the kinda shit which leaves you making nothing worth making. Besides which, the layout's great.
Oh hey i remember this CYOA the idea of a secret code to access the box was quite neat NGGYPNGLYD
Man you're gonna be so embarrassed when you scroll down.
Addiction can only be beaten if you have a strong enough reason to stop. Words and promises are weak, even the knowledge of the bodily damage it causes is a weak motivator.
I've heard promising to give a friend money if you break your promise, it gives you an incentive to stop, if money and your life is worth anything to you atleast.
This is badly written, unless you were going for that poncy pretentious streak. It's definitely badly designed, because it looks ugly as sin (what were you thinking with those arrows?). The whole concept is pretty shit too.
I already told you that i am working on it just give me time ideas work slowly
Ughh, s-sorry if it feels like I'm rushing you. You'll make great waifus I'm sure! Take your time.
>great waifus
But you want waifu builders aka "pick the traits you want and build the same person everytime"
Not great waifus
An error in commutation. I like waifus and waifu builders, I love them and want them both.
I think the word you were going for might be "communication".