How would you Fluff the Vampire Counts to fit in 40k?
seeing as the Necrons are space Tomb Kings id say they should have some connection to the Crons.
How would you Fluff the Vampire Counts to fit in 40k?
seeing as the Necrons are space Tomb Kings id say they should have some connection to the Crons.
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Curze comes back from the dead and decides to bang Miriael Sabathiel and the Knight Lords finally become the losers they always wanted to be.
Haemonculus covens already exist.
I wouldn't, because the only thing gayer than vampires are the people who like them. Go suck the blood out of a dick, Count Fagula
Mutants, like they were in RT.
The Blood Angels already exist. And with the Dark Imperium shenanigans happening, who knows, maybe they go rogue.
Ever read Requiem, Vampire Chevalier? It's pretty much if 40k was in the DC bizzaro world with vampires and everyone goes to hell if they ever remotely sin once in life, becoming a rank of undead based on their sins, Vampires making up the higher classes.
I swear to fucking god I thought that was a ghost busters logo on the back of that rhino.
yes, but thats not a hard equivalent to Vampire Counts.
ha ha wow funny coment i rate 5 star sure showed me am i rit bee
>pic related
again, there vampire like, but not a hard equivalent but the idea of geneseed fucking up super Blood Angels turning them into bat like wulfen is amusing
not really the Aesthetic I was thinking about, but god the art is godly.
is the comic any good or is the art the only thing of worth there?
>Plenty of good options offered
>yeah nah lol
Sounds like you already know what you want, faghag. Stop being a cocktease and just post your idea so we can all get back to gobblin' our colletive dicks.
meant for
necron slaves who escaped but got mutated from being exposed to necron shit
thinking about it mutie vamps could be a neat thing to bring back for 40K vampire counts.
like being the 40k equivalent to the Strigoi.
>is the comic any good or is the art the only thing of worth there?
The worldbuilding is petty good, it's full of awesomely metal concepts and doesn't at all take itself seriously. The plot is sort of an afterthought, but it's there.
humans who have been fighting the necrons for so long that they decided "in order to beat the necrons they must become the necrons" so they became vampires
ok after looking at the art more I actually think it would be a good base for inspiration for the aesthetic of 40k VC.
it also looks like its 3rd edition 40K art, so thats a plus too.
Familiar with Shadowrun and VITAS? This idea is similar.
Vampires are infected by a (probably sorcerous in origin) plague that affects the blood, spawning millions of bacterium that affect the body on a cellular level and slowly rewrites the infectee's DNA
The Plague itself is actually sentient and wishes to spread to all life. It manifests as the 'beast' in the minds of infectee's.
Partially because of the desire to spread, partially because the infectee must feed, they seek out the blood of living creatures. When a Space Vampire feeds it's not just drinking blood but the creatures pyschic imprint on the Warp, AKA their souls. This is why sapient creatures are better food, and pyskers the best of all.
Theoretical Plague could be related to the Flayer Virus somehow, an unusual mutative strain that affects organics. Or it could be Necron in origin, created by some long forgotten Cryptek named Nag something or other as a weapon or tool of some kind
this is going to be stretching the fluff quite a bit, but what if the Mechanicus of Divisio Biologis reversed engineered Flayer Virus, or atleast made a crude replication of it and its "gone loose" in various hive citys?
There are vampires in Necromunda already.
Bring back the Paraiahs. The a wacky Cryptech tries to streamline the Pariah conversion and accidentally creates a techno-organic Pariah-virus. The majority of the people who are infected have their soul destroyed, and turned into little more than mindless cyber-zombies, but when it infects someone with the Blank Gene: the original target of the Pariah conversion, something else happens. Because they never experience the trauma of having their soul destroyed, they don't become mindless: if anything their minds are supercharged. However, the destruction of the soul fuels the cyber-virus, and because they have no soul themselves, they need a steady stream of soulstuff from mortals to stay active. Their enhanced cybernetic minds can actually take control of the mindless cryptech elements of a tomb-world (certain similar/shared units.)
The rogue Cryptech who created the virus has long since declared it a failure and fucked off before realizing the full extent/power of the virus, and when he came back to check on the status of his experiment, the few infected blanks had created a little kingdom, while stemming the virus long enough to create a source of souls to fuel the blanks and new labor. They killed the dormant sleeping necrons, and took over the Cryptech elements of the tomb-world. The Rogue Cryptech, rather that stopping this, saw it as an opportunity to overthrow his own dynastic leaders.
I'm not sure where to go from there.... probably the blanks on the first planet should be all female, because Lahmians, but I think it's a good jumping off point.
Doesn't have to be the mechanicus, could be a rogue noble who himself is some sort of closet heretek. That would dovetail with Whats-His-Face the noble in WHFB discovering/rediscovering Vampricism
Some fool trying to blend heretical sorcerer and xenotech he can't hope to understand
what ever happened to pariahs anyway? did they all die off or did GW just forgot about them?
left in the dust with oldcron lore
even as a Newcron fag im still pissed that nearly all the old fluff for crons are virtually gone.
Well wouldn't making Pariahs the Cryptech-Experiment space-vampires of 40k be a cool way to bring them back in a way that's consistent with newcron lore?
thinking about it Cryptechs would be the perfect way to explain Pariahs.
why the fuck isnt GW capitalizing off of this?
Lets please turn this discussion around back to making 40K VC, lets just say for the sake of convinence that Pariahs are a thing that still exists
ok So far for "Vampyre" lore we have
>possible imperial noble/Mechanicus/general heretek messing with Sorcery and Flayer Virus and Pariahs
>virus itself destroys the Soul, or at least horribly fucks up the soul horribly enought to make the victum horribly mutates into undead thralls/mutants.
>blanks are ok and turn into semi Pariahs that probably lead the infected thralls.
>also the virus itself might be Nano machine bassed
shit I think we might be onto something here.
Considering 8th edition 40K is just Age of Shitmar now basically just straight port them.
The fluff has all gone to meaningless shit so is basically irrelevant and your Age of Shit warscrolls are compatible with 8th edition.
so what do you think is a better way to make Pariahs into Vampires? Straight-up retrcon Pariahs into Vampires, or make them some sort of variant?
I liked my cyber-plague idea, because it allows for the creation of zombies (a Vampire Count staple.) However, you could also spin something about how a flaw in their code allows them to "hack" a tomb-world, and control the truly mindless elements (I.E. the Spyders, Wraiths, Scarabs, and Warriors, but nothing as sapient as an Immortal) could also work.
I like it so far.
i forgot to add "in modern 40k/Newcrons"
but i think that Pariahs should have a connection to the Cyber Vampyrs in one way or another. its just i didnt want the thread to spiral into a "newcron vs oldcron" shitshow.
and yea Cyberplague sounds good. probally make it Nano based too.
OK, so a Pariah Nano-Plague. Mind-Blanks you unless you're already a Blank, then it makes you a Space-Vampire.
It's clear how something like that could take over a single planet. First planet is planet Lahmia or some shit. How does it spread past the first planet, because that's when it becomes a galactic threat that allows you to make "your dudes."
again, Mechanicus is putting very select strains in Hives to see the effect it has.
Also for the sake of convenience Cyber Vampyre can make infect people with strains that wont mutate them to shit, basically making Demi Vampires.
think kinda how Genestealer cult works. you can controll it in early stages if you keep your eye on it, but if kept unchecked it can snowball out of control.
[this sounds dumb but we can work out the kinks later
Bassically, normal humanoids are top of the hiarchy,
than there's the cybergenetic fuck ups like pic related
than theres Mass Effect esq husk thralls.
Just read Blindsigh you fucko.
Also what should be the guys name who started this all? I don't think it should be a straight one for one expy of Nagash, that would be too on the nose for my taste.
make me fggt
ok but serious I just looked it up on Wiki and it seems interesting.
is there anything from it that could be used as for inspiration for Cyber Vampyrs?
Hey user, where you pulling all RCV art from? Got a link?
Maybe not cyber vampires, but it's definitely one of the best examples of using them in sf setting.
Ok look if they are vampire they have to suck on something. So do they suck psykers?
Have any examples to give?
just give use examples of how there handled in the book, just don't go cruayzee with the spoilers plz
This is actually a thing we need to work on.
Anyone have any suggestions?
I would have them be a dedicated slannesh faction made of Imperial nobles who found chaos artifacts started a huge cult and ran off when the inquisition came calling. They have elite units and slave armies with monsters and mutants as well. I want this because I think it fits but also because I really want more slannesh stuff that isn't just "lol rock and roll drugs into my eye's!" I know the nature of chaos is to take everything to the furthest extreme. I just wish Slannesh was more interesting.
If the Virus was made by the Dark Mechanicus than Mabye.
Hell, thinking about it you could probably very easily make everything about this Virus connected to every chaos god in one way or another.
again this is still being developed so it could go anywhere
Iirc they were warp beasts of some sort, not mutants at all. I remembered them being mentioned with those creepy warp wasps.
Well shit, this is embarrassing.
Oh well, at least our misunderstanding of old lore gave us some inperation for Cyber Vampyres.
I would fluff a chaos corrupted Blood Angels successor.
Use some Night Lords bitz, use furies and various other daemons as your big monsters.
A rogue Knight Household that managed to attain immortality several millennia ago with an artificial virus of some kind, be it intentionally or through the machinations of Nurgle.
They don't have to be directly connected to Chaos, so they will basically be like other Imperial Knights, except vampirey
Ok so how did this stuff start out? Like who's the guy who started the nano virus and why did he do it?
Is he a weird Mechanicus Magos? Was he ordered by a Inquisitor? What is there names?
Also, for where this Virus came from specifically was a Phariah that got infected with The Flayer Virus, explaining why a Necon based desies/virus is effecting humans in the first place.
An ambitious non-Magos Tech-Priest on Mars with a bad case of impatience and high ambition, who comes into contact with a Rogue Cryptech hiding in the wylds of mars, and together they come up with an idea. First they experiment on the wastes, and once they have what they're looking for, they set their larger plans into motion.
One of them should have a name that sounds similar to Nagash, and the other should have a name similar to Neferata
i also feel like there should be a bit of Borg thown in for the Thralls as well, because why not.
and Magos Nerata?
Tech Priest Mekash, and Cryptech Nefrah
just swap the rolls and you have yourself a deal
Ok, so regardless of which one is the Mechanicus, and which one is the Cryptech, what is their initial endgame plan, and how do they epicly cock it up, leading to fractured vampire-virus-worlds everywhere?
Cryptech Mekash, and Tech-Priest Nefrah/Nerata. Makes sense, because Nagash was the Tomb-King, and Neferata was the mortal queen.
what where the endgame of the Vampire counts in WHFB? its been a while since iv read up on them, but thats a good starting point.
dis goi gets it
I could be wrong but basically it was to have the mortal world ,,,still,,mostly mortal but now ruled by a VCunt aristorcracy , so like Sylvania but everywhere
ok so thats boring.
maybe its a radical idea that the Magos has to starve out Chaos. if eveyone are mindless thralls than Chaos gets no soul power.
>our misunderstanding of old lore gave us some inperation
That does seem to be GW's modus operandi these days anyhow.
so on a scale to 1 to 10 how hard would the Impirum as a whole found out about this plan?
Because this whole thing seems like it would make another Mechanicus civil war if infomation leaked out. and god only knows how Guiliman and the Inquisition would handle this news.
pic did'nt upload
*how hard would the Impirum shit it'self as a whole
Maybe instead of starving chaos, it could be more about quieting warpspace, to make FTL easier. "Defeating Chaos" could just be a fringe benefit that they really don't give a shit about.
No what goes wrong?
did you mean "Now what goes wrong"
Everything to do with Nagash in WH, always looks like a great idea at the start, but winds up blowing up in the faces of everyone, often inclusing Nagash.
I assume they begin sending infected people to various planets, strategically in ways intended to quiet the warp. WHat blows up in their faces, turning this from a brilliant plan, to something that's uncovered and actively fought against by the other factions.
oh, this one is going to take a few trows at the wall before we get something good.
mabey C'tan fuckery somehow? other Necrons find out and say "fuck you were not making rape babies with those human things"
Necron Tech dosnt mesh well with anything with a connection with the Warp? thats why Blanks are the only ones who dont turn into The Thrall?
You could always make up some fluff about a bunch of feudal worlds where the decadent, sadistic nobility were afflicted with a Slaneeshi curse or some sort of necron artifact that makes them hunger for blood.
Then combine it with some industrial necromancy (they use primitive necron-like technology to make sure that their dead serfs keep working) and there you go.
>Necron Tech dosnt mesh well with anything with a connection with the Warp? thats why Blanks are the only ones who dont turn into The Thrall?
There's something to this. Maybe the technology doesn't react well to Psykers. At first, it seemed fine: it just ate their souls to power the machinery, like usual, but the collective souls of the devoured psykers didn't completely lose their sapience when distributed within the nano-power-net the same way that regular mortals did. With a few psykers, this wasn't a problem, but when they assimilated an entire hive-world, creating a critical mass of psyker-soul within the nano-neural-net, and something goes horribly wrong (Maybe that's how you get 40k Strogoi or 40k Vargheists)
Mabye for planets Cyber Vampyrs have, but from the fluff we've come up with so far that's probably rarely going to happen.
I do like the idea of Primitive Necron tech though. That's a mainstay
I once sat down and sorta wrote out a rough outline for a 40k vampire cunts army. Went something like this.
Zombies and skellingtons rolled into one unit with FNP and slow and purposeful. One melee weapon and standard, with option to give them lasguns/autoguns and flamers, heavy stubbers, autocannons, missile launcher, heavy bolter, and mortars like IG infantry squads. 10-30 or 10-50 size blobs. Generic IFVish vehicle with generic enough stats and options to be suitably converted from rhinos, razorbacks, trukks, goliath trucks, tauroxes, whatever. Corrupted, restless or whatever wraith constructs. Some sort flesh golem, flesh construct, abomination thing, monstrous creature and mounstrous infantry options. Psykers that are basically just necromancers. Vampires of course. Come in regular, monster and space marine flavours for HQs, all of which get the option to be psykers. Lesser vampires, and beefy as fuck lesser vampire space marines basically blood dragons. Reanimated space marines, basically grave guards. Human servants, sorta like cultists, moving on a sliding scale towards ghouls, with a sort of sneaky/fast ghoul cultist hybrid with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. vibes. Maybe some sort of half way techpriest, half way haemonculus or necromancer psyker HQ that mixes the flesh monsters with cybernetics or some such.
Throw in some rules for haemonculi allies.
Sounds good.
Originally though the Space Strigoi probably came from Underhive mutants but this is a more interesting concept
Any ideas for the best of both worlds?
Also post more Bio Mechanical body horror
The Headless Haunter returns and may very well be Curze. Smaller warbands flock to it.
I fluffed my Chaos Space Marines (Blood Wraiths) to be basically "Vampire Counts in Space".
They are basically super hedonistic vampires who only live for blood, slaughter and all the pleasures they can get their hands on. Marble power armor with gold trim and purple as a spot colour.
As for the necromancy; never really got an idea of how to do it in a non-nurgley way unfortunately. I instead went with massed cloned troops; living blood bags for my marines to sup on when the battle is done.
I would post a picture, but 'Im currently away and don't have any pics on me unfortunately.
You could also do something with the irony of the fact that, their culture is, in-fact, functionally warp-proof, and if people would stop getting in their way, they could in-fact make the galaxy a better place.
Ok this is going to sound marry sueish, but can we find a way to fluff both of these in somehow?
Like Mabye the Psycher overload mentioned probably made a weird non warp... warp? entitie that might be Curze.
And due to the rumors small nightlord warbands allied themselves to Cyber Vampyres. Like as Auxiliary units or something
anyone still here?
I am ( I started the Cryptech Nano-Virus idea) but I'm about to go to bed
Nidey night
>Cyber Vampyrs
Fluff: Feudal agrarian world, the nobility discovered necron artifacts and kept it a secret. They used it to reanimate dead serfs and keep them working. Eventually, the radiation from the technology caused them to suffer from terrible anemia, and they began feeding on the living serfs to keep their blood iron levels normal. Eventually, they started replacing their failing physical bodies with cybernetic augments. However, unlike the necrons, they did not give up their individuality or physical pleasure, but built their new bodies around maximizing these traits. Oh, and efficient extraction of blood, which has become sort of like a delicacy to the nobles that they've aquired a taste for.
They had their chance and fucked it up with the Ynnari.
A faction of undying elves, replete with defected dark eldar, bringing dark eldar regenerative technology? A literal god of death that allows psykers to raise the dead? A mix of dark eldar sadism and eldar stoicism?
Literally could've been the 40k version of the Vampire Counts.
Superpowerful beings that can magic like a Fateweaver, kill like a Bloodthirster, and are immune to Chaos but can be resurrected by devoted enough servants?
Nothing in 40k is that strong.
Vampires need to be predatory former humans though to maintain the theme.
Depends on the Bloodline.
Lahmians already secretly rule the world, they want to maintain status quo.
Von Carsteins want to openly rule the world and use humans as cattle, so they need to conquer.
Necrarchs want to increase their personal power, but also worship Nagash as a god and their master.
Strigoi are kind of insane. They wanted a peaceful vampire empire with humans having rights, but the Lahmians saw them as a threat and fucked it all up. Now they just wander looking to sate their appetites and building up bands of Ghouls in tattered clothing which they delude themselves into thinking is their empire. Also they help out Gypsies.
Blood Dragons want to free themselves from the vampire bloodlust by defeating the strongest beings they can and eating hearts. After they achieve that they just kind of become paladins.
Jade-Blooded want to rule China, basically Von Carsteins obsessed with paperwork and tradition.
Mahtmassi want to defeat and consume Nurgle and turn the whole world into a charnel pit full of insects to fuck and gorge themselves in, but are also fedora-tippers who revere women.
Lustrian Vampires just kind of exist and have no goals. They're a bit crazy too.
Kemmler serves Chaos, and most Wights just kind of GETOFFMYLAWN against the living when not working for stronger undead or Necromancers.
Nagash wants to destroy and consume Chaos to become the omnipotent death god.
Why? This isn't a 1 to 1 translation.
Then it isn't Vampire Counts. Its Vampire Elves.
Putting on airs is one of the army themes. It'd be like Fantasy Space Marines being mercenaries instead of Emperor-revering.
Please don't bring the shitfest that is 8th edition into this thread please,