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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Are there any perks that work for making an army of mundane humans stand up to Kaiju/Gods/Supers?
Posting best saber because I can't sleep
What are some good perks to keep your personality intact after hundreds of jumps and becoming a horrible eldritch abomination
Other than giving them lots of advanced technology?
I'd lick her strap sweat
More importantly, how would you people avoid the Omnipotence paradox in the Toaru-verse, if you were aiming to become Magic Gods?
IIRC there was a perk in the Asterix jump if you take the roman route that gives you a nice boost if you have strength in numbers, which is great for an army.
Otherwise you'd have to give this army some advanced tech like said
In the Marvel Magic jump, if i take "Elder God Hybrid" and "Skyfather". Do i stand a chance of one day reaching the might of my Elder God parent? Like if i take Chthon as my parent, do i one day become as powerful as him?
How dangerous is the animorphs jump?
I haven't read the books, so i no nothing about the setting except the stuff stated in the jump.
Is it safe to go to as your 2nd jump?
How dangerous are those aliens?
You can't because magic gods aren't onmipotent. Everything they do is a 'maybe they could, maybe they couldn't' situation, except when it isn't.
>Asterix jump
? I don't remember any jump by that name?
Just make judicious use of the fact that you heal when morphing and with a little luck you should only come out with pretty severe PTSD. If I recall only one of the protagonists dies and she was the most bloodthirsty.
Basically, you'll live if you play smart and hang with the main group of animorphs. Probably.
some user made it a couple of threads ago. It's still WIP
the perk i was talking about was different from what i remembered, but maybe still what you want:
>600 Strength in numbers: Rome was built on her Legions, on the many being greater than the
sum of their parts, and none exemplify this better than you. In battle you are the life of any
attacking army, jumper, being able to suffuse your compatriots and fellows with your own
strength and powers so that they may use them just as well as you. This includes magical
powers and technology and what have you, as long as you choose to share it, it gets spread
around. While the details of how you split these powers is up to you, by default everything you
deem ‘shareable’ is evenly split. So careful. And there is a limit, which is the point at which your
remaining abilities wouldn’t be enough to keep you functioning. You may revoke these granted
abilities at will.
Try My Hero Academia's Drop In capstone.
i see, thanks. Then it should be pretty easy to beat the aliens with chimera morphing and extreme morphing alone?
Especially since i could use those powers for copying my pokemon...
No. You'll be more likely to survive, though. Beating the aliens would take a hell of a lot more.
The aliens are holding back to not spoil the earth, and because the leader had kids in her host's body, so now she thinks of them as her kids. That's not to say she wouldn't sacrifice them if you tried to take them hostage, though. They could come in and wreck shit. When you up the power, they can retaliate in kind and sink the world into a long and bloody war.
Basically, you're the resistance made of a handful middle school students, not the military in a fair fight. You might not even be able to compare in a 1-on-1 fight with Visser Three with just those perks, user. Though you could put up a hell of a fight.
Jumpers, what is the cornerstone of your military tactics? And do you delegate these things to someone else, or prefer to lead yourself?
Awesome, I've wanted to Jump that one for a long time, but balancing the potion sounds like hell.
I hope we get a Twelve Tasks of Jumper drawback.
>Jumpers, what is the cornerstone of your military tactics? And do you delegate these things to someone else, or prefer to lead yourself?
I lead from the front when possible, but also as a leader I have capable commanders and troops so that I don't have to micro manage every battle. Also semi circles
Not super dangerous, but still enough that I wouldn't want to do it as a second jump. The Yeerks are holding back, so they're not going to glass continents or anything (though they can), but against your little group they will be as ruthless as possible. Let me put it this way: The most common Yeerk host body for soldiers is a seven foot tall lizardman covered in blades. The next most common is a twenty foot-long centipede that is so endlessly hungry that the Yeerks inside them can't actually control them when they go into a feeding frenzy. And the human hosts are armed with particle beam weapons. And that's before you get into all the crazy shit that Visser Three imports from space to fuck with you. Living fog from the moons of Saturn, ancient extinct ice monsters, some sort of super-fast centaur...Visser Three himself is no joke, either. He's the only Yerk capable of morphing, and he's used his prestige to travel the galaxy and acquire a ridiculous array of combat morphs. The first one we see is a fire-breathing space hydra, and it just goes up from there. And did I mention that Space God and the Space Devil will occasionally kidnap you and your friends to go through challenges, fighting to prove their respective philosophies? And against all this, all you have is the power to turn into a hyena. Do you think a hyena can effectively fight the Space Devil's lava men? I don't!
Wait we have an asterix and obelix jump?
>Jumpers, what is the cornerstone of your military tactics
See if I can beat the situation alone. If not I go to plan B which is drown the enemy in undead and robots.
My tactics are based on good old high-speed response and targeting of critical enemy assets. It's a strategy that works very well when you've got a fully-integrated cybertelepathic link between your forces. There's that whole "netrocentric" buzzword in modern military theory, but it has nothing on what cyborgs can do.
Uh...that's. Hard to say, what with Marvel powerlevels fluctuating wildly (i.e. I'm not sure how Elder Gods compare to Galactus) and our only real example of both being Thor. Who's basically Marvel's Superman, which means he has a LOT of shounen protagonist-like qualities.
Judging by how Old King Thor turned out, it seems as though you'll never BE an Elder God straight up, but you might barely approach being comparatively STRONG in other areas.
I'm mainly thinking of how after winning his battle with a little help from the Necrosword, his spilt blood rejuvenated the entire Earth's ecosystem. Previously Thor had a little geokinesis from his descent from Gaia, so it seems as though he had some potential all along. He just never really got round to cultivating it more.
Territory control and assymetrical warfare taken to extremes. Memetic killcodes and living viruses released into the networks. Nanite clouds to infiltrate and disassemble enemy assets. Brute force leyline control to terraform a battlefield.
I have a lot of companions who specialised in this stuff, but it's such a broad approach I do a fair bit of it myself. Ideally, we coordinate together; nothing good ever comes out of halfassing a war you're involved in.
I want to point out that Visser Three is a beast of a personal melee fighter and used to be brutally cunning, but frequent defeat by plucky teenagers and the power going to his head after he got put in charge of the invasion fleet make him a terrible strategist.
...he's actually really similar to Megatron from Transformers Prime, but meaner. If only because unlike Megatron, he has no best friend from his gladiator days.
Also to take into account: This setting doesn't shy away from how harsh and terrifying this stuff can be. The instincts that come with morphing make it so that being a simple being is so much worse than being a complex one, so you'll need to think twice before becoming a bug or something. They have to sacrifice the entire B-Team, that's death not capture, in order to have a shot at victory. The allies that come from space are pretty ambivalent to Earth's survival. The heroes induct a psychopath that tries to murder them all on the grounds that it doesn't count when they're not human, so they trap him as a rat and leave him on the island of the rats. This isn't some teenagers save the world on their lonesome setting.
To be honest, turning into a regular animal is extra lame compared to most superpowers.
What Esper ability did you take in the raildex jump, and what kind of stuff can you do with it at Level 5?
God of Motion is such a shitty description, I've got no clue if it means "manipulate atoms, particles, and energy to your whim", "hit really hard with telekinetic force", or anything in between
Don't forget-Space Satan takes a personal interest in the kids lives! Enough to ressurect said psychopath that one time, and then pit him against the team action girl on a death planet.
And there's nothing anyone can do about Space Satan (Crayak).
And Space Satan was driven out of his home galaxy by someone more powerful.
And there is a none-zero chance the Animorphs may have ended their lives by ramming that being after it took over their friend.
And that's STILL arguably better than what the kids in Everworld or Remnants went through.
Pyrokinesis. Building blocks out of fire! Plasma tennis! That thing Combustion Man does but without an easily bappable forehead chakra eye!
>Jumpers, what is the cornerstone of your military tactics? And do you delegate these things to someone else, or prefer to lead yourself?
Depends, in most fantasy jumps I'm leading from the front charging in like a conquering warlord and limiting my power to around the level of the most powerful of my current adversaries so I can have an entertaining fight
In space my tactics can be summed up with nothing but the word Drones. I shit autonomous drones out of my command ship thanks to Supreme Commander tech and then sit back and blast things with superlasers, macro batteries, quantum torpedoes and lance fire
I am the best troll with sticky notes.
I left it behind and hit Level 6.
Yeah, Animorphs was fucking hardcore for a series marketed towards kids. I mean, maybe it was meant to be in the Young Adult market and aimed at thirteen to fifteen year-olds, but it was at my elementary school's little Scholastic book fair thing (Anyone else had those?). This shit was being read by seven year-olds. And then when the series ended Applegate (or at least, the name, Applegate has admitted to being just the face with ghost writers contributing to a lot of the stories) put out Remnants, and that was just horrific. Fucking eyeless alien babies that eat human flesh so they can grow strong enough to use their psychic powers to enslave an artificial reality made out of Hieronymus Bosch paintings.
Never got to read much of either of those. But animorphs is nightmare fuel for the teen/preteen reading level.
And the ending was a cliffhanger.
>Jumpers, what is the cornerstone of your military tactics?
rods from God that turn into robot factories and
teleporting robots of various sizes that can be anywhere at any time combined with teleporting entire command structures into the sun at once
>And do you delegate these things to someone else, or prefer to lead yourself?
Tyrion Lannister is my general/Minister of war so I delegate actual war to him
Not really what I was looking for. That's honestly just a really bad power sharing perk, and what I'm looking for is a way to make bigger armies relevant at higher power levels.
>school's little Scholastic book fair thing (Anyone else had those?
They were my favorite things in school.
And the eyeless alien baby is terrified of what humans can evolve into. Straight up calls a braindamaged recluse of a psychic "The Ancient Enemy" like the thing saw the Devil
After a while it's really like the X-Men if it was written by HP Lovecraft.
It really is, a lot of the kids wind up mutating and so very few of the mutations are pleasant. This is a story where "sudden spontaneous accidental cannibalism" happens more than once.
Mind explaining how you did that? I've only watched both anime, so I don't really know all that much about stuff like that.
You know what I'm wondering? How does animorphing bullshit even begin to help in the face of all the stuff about space satan that's getting brought up right now? What is the technology even good for?
From the front, normally in a tank
They were given a useless power. As a joke.
Its good for shadowruns and gorilla warfare.
Space Satan and Space God are playing a game with entire civilizations as pieces on the board. They don't directly intervene outside of certain rules I can't really remember. Against the Yeerk it's mostly infiltration and melee combat.
Not to mention that Space God chose who the Animorphs were, and may have stacked the deck somewhat in his favor.
I prefer to delegate.
Supposedly I have enough tactics and mental processing perks that I'm actually a tactical genius. That Drop-In capstone from the one Fire Emblem jump and Overlord's Golden Mind come to mind. I have those.
But god damn, you'd never know it, because I prefer to just leave some Beastmen in charge of tactics, or maybe an AI, and when I do have to get involved I like to smash indiscriminately with huge fireballs.
I leave the complicated stuff to the people I put in charge of it, and I don't like to be bothered. In terms of army direction, it's seriously like I'm channeling Lordgenome.
Geez, I remember reading those books as a kid, and the craziest shit that happened was when Cassie turned into a yeerk to convince another yeerk to defect, or when Jake got possessed by one and they had to capture him and make it starve to death.
But I lost all my books shortly after that and never picked it back up again. So whenever everyone is like, "This series gets DARK as FUUUUUCK", it's always so weird to me. It sounds like I really missed out on some shit.
Oh, don't worry, Crayak will never directly harm you. He can't, it's part of the rules of his deal with the Elimist. Nor can he rig the game, any of his challenges have to be something you can in theory win. So he's not actually a huge threat. I mean, getting thrown to an alien world to fight lava men isn't going to be fun, but it's honestly not that much worse than your day-to-day as an Animorph, once you figure out the trick to fighting the lava men (hint: the alien world you're on is one that has memory-sharing technology, and the lava men have a hive mind). Also, I'm being a bit deceptive here, they're not really lava men. They just look like they are, their body temperature is only a bit above normal.
As for what morphing is good for? Guerilla tactics and asymmetrical warfare. Having access to animal forms means it's very hard to keep you out of a place, and once you're in there you can start rampaging around as an elephant. In a straight fight against the Yeerks you're going to lose, so never make it a straight fight. Sabotage their operations, kill their leaders, destroy their infrastructure, and make them jump at shadows. They think that because they're brain parasites that they're the best at infiltrating and subverting their enemies. Show them that they're wrong.
Not that guy, but you could probably get there just by getting gud.
Esper powers apparently can be made better by improving the body, and the Coffin experiments were done with the cooperation of the Magic Side in an attempt to create a body that could serve as a vessel for a Level 6 ability or God. It probably would have worked, weirdly enough, since the only reason the experiment stopped was because they pissed Accelerator off.
So, just improve your body until you can handle the pressure of transforming into SYSTEM. Which is harder than it sounds, because the only demonstrated example of a Level 6 Shift attempt would have collapsed into a Dwarf Star after only a few percent of the way towards the goal. Like, even if you succeed, like how Accelerator might because of the nature of his power holding him together, it would probably be with the world as a casualty.
I think the Andalites actually used it to put on plays and performances and stuff. It's just the only thing Elfangor had on hand to try to help. That the Ellimist set the whole thing up should show you that you stand a chance with it, so long as, like others have said, you fight smart, not strong.
>And Space Satan was driven out of his home galaxy by someone more powerful.
Remember that at that point Crayak wasn't Space Satan, he was just a living planet robot ship thing.
>because the only demonstrated example of a Level 6 Shift attempt would have collapsed into a Dwarf Star after only a few percent of the way towards the goal
Not true. Actual quote from the wiki
>Kihara Gensei later comments that Accelerator is the only one who can achieve Level 6 and remain stable. As he explains to Misaki, his forced attempt in creating a level 6 involves sending Mikoto's power out of control. At 53% of the theoretical limit her mind would transform into something from a different dimension, and at 100% her mind and body would be destroyed having exceeded their limit. In the brief moment of reaching that transcended state she would melt down either like the compression of a white dwarf or an exploding supernova, the resulting effect whatever it be would completely annihilate Academy City. Despite the fact that he would die in this result, he believed that some form of progress would come from it.
>seven foot tall lizardman covered in blades
>twenty foot-long centipede
>fire-breathing space hydra
that sounds just like the aliens giving the animorphs ammuntion in terms what they can morph into.
What's keeping me from simply aquiring this DNA, increase the morphs various strenghts 10 fold with extreme morophing and chimera morph it all together to become Über-alien?
With the exception of the space God/Devil stuff this seems rather beatable with all the perks in the jump.
Nothing except alien space ships with laser canons.
The only reason they dont glass most of earth from orbit is they want as many human slaves as possible and therefore are being sneaky aliens.
The armies with space lasers and space ships with big guns, and troops who will, if forced, just give up stealth and invade with full force.
Because, if you push the aliens too far they'll stop playing one-on-one and glass the seaboard.
i see. So keep it simple and small, aquire morphs, but don't piss the aliens off
>despite the fact that he would die in this result, he believed that some form of progress would come from it
...did Crowley breed the Kiharas from only the finest mad scientist pedigrees or were they always like that?
At least don't piss the aliens off before the Andalites arrive and start working with humans. At the point, go for the throat. I found this quote on Tumblr while looking for that twitter post. It should become a mantra of sorts.
>“People don’t understand the word ruthless. They think it means ‘mean.’ It’s not about being mean. It’s about seeing the bright, clear line that leads from A to B. The line that goes from motive to means. Beginning to end. It’s about seeing that bright, clear line and not caring about anything but the beautiful fact that you can see the solution. Not caring about anything else but the perfection of it.”
>- Marco, Book #30: The Reunion, pg. 71 (by K.A. Applegate)
Pretty much.
Despite being ostensibly low power, and fully survivable as an early jump, Animorphs is definitely a setting to play it safe in early game.
You know what's even more fucked? It seems like they've found a way to avoid Crowley's surveillance and go behind his back. As far as anyone can tell, none of that bullshit was part of his plans, he doesn't even know it happened. Crowley, planner and schemer extraordinaire, mimetic Keikaku master.
What happens if I take the hogyoku and import it as my steven universe gem?
Speaking of which, do we have perks to fuse powerful artifacts somewhere in the chain?
There is one in chocobo dungeon, the witches pot. You toss in two items and they get combined into one item, though it does cause each to have a slight loss of power.
If you copy them a bunch of times and toss the copies in it should even out again, at least in my opinion. Could be wrong I guess.
I don't get CYOA.
Is this free form rpg?
Or are you guys just day dreaming?
Help me understand how and why you guys play this, please.
Does Portamancy from Shadow Ops allow for travel between two locations in the same dimension, or does it only work between two different dimensions?
Also, avoid the organization known as the Sharing. It's a forced recruitment drive posing as a wildly successful support group for people of all ages.
That quote has stuck with me for years. Marco always seemed like the one who really understood the gravity of the war.
Its basically guided daydreaming and such though some people (I do this) use it as a writing prompt.
However my writing is so terrible nobody will ever see it.
What jumps allow import of all companions? Is there like a list for it, because I really want to boost my magical girl army.
So far I got:
World of Warcraft
Is it Wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?
The Gamer
and Generic Xianxia jump
In setting it requires you to make a stop in the other side of the portal first.
So if you want to go to dc but you are in texas you have to hop over to the other world and open a portal to dc from there.
Portomancy is super useful in other ways though as well because its basically a cut anything blade when you get good with it.
What do you fucking think happens? God, I hate these "what happens if I take Power Source X and make it part of me" questions. If you know enough about it to want it inside of you, you probably can guess what it would do and don't need to bother other people. Are you that frightened of being considered a powerwanker that you need thread approval on the most obvious plans?
It's pure, unfiltered autism. Either you'll get it or you won't. If you don't, congratulations you're mentally well-adjusted.
Basically, each prompt gives you points to buy abilities and gear, then drops you into a fictional universe for ten years. Once that's done, you get to go to another fictional universe and repeat the process. Some people write about what they do in each place they visit, but it's not strictly necessary.
Chin up, user! Everybody starts somewhere, and your writing will only get better with time.
It's an RPG where you play with yourself and then discuss it with an internet forum where they yell at you for not twisting a bit on your way to the tip, and then some guy chimes in he goes underhand because he likes the challenge and the rest of you aren't challenging yourself.
Forgotten Realms, as the capstone for nobles, I think.
My problem is I know how the hogyoku works but not how steven universe works user. Not everyone has seen the show.
killing floor.
Crystal Gems are alien sentient rocks that can project a magic space lesbian body. Being rocks, they're pretty much indestructible, and being lesbians, their kryptonite is inter-lesbian drama.
Soul Eater comes to mind.
Hmm. Do you think taking Raw Power + Incredible Control would do away with that?
I can't seem to decide between Portamancy and Negramancy for my second school. Considering you seem to know about the setting, what's the scope and scale of Negramancy? I know about the portal trick, but can it affect magic, the air itself, or is it possible to just surround yourself with an "aura" so to speak that makes anything crumble to dust that enters it?
>Crystal Gems are alien sentient rocks that can project a magic space lesbian body. Being rocks, they're pretty much indestructible, and being lesbians, their kryptonite is inter-lesbian drama.
I have watched every episode of this show and that is like 90% accurate.
Um, I'm the guy making the Generic Steampunk Jump. I'm only halfway through the perks so I'm really sorry if you're disappointed.
>what's the scope and scale of Negramancy? I know about the portal trick, but can it affect magic, the air itself, or is it possible to just surround yourself with an "aura" so to speak that makes anything crumble to dust that enters it?
The one who uses it in setting does exactly that, when she escapes she just walks i to the jungle melting (rotting) literally everything in her path. Though its more like most things rot into slime.
Negramancy is some really really potent stuff.
1. The rock Lesbians aren't necessarily alien,a good hundred at least are from Earth.
2. They are only a bit more durable than the rock that forms There "core"
3.at least one of them Was bisexual
4.they are very very emotional if they haven't spent centuries building upwalls So yes relationship drama is quite effective Against them.
To add she also has fine enough control to rot a tiny bomb inside a persons heart safetly enough to not harm the peraon while destroying the bomb, whether thats true or not it is what she claims.
In fact they never really beat her, she committed suicide at the end.
And just like that Portamancy wins. I don't need no slimy stuff, even if it's only the things I destroy.
Could you add a setting that really is just magitech-steampunk, instead of the one you currently have, or just as an addition?
Imagine the Gems in Steven Universe as basically being living lantern rings that identify as women only they're mass produced and not as powerful. They have hard light bodies with similar color pallets as their gem projected from their gem core, have minor shapeshifting because of this, can make various constructs via the same means (normally just the stuff they're familiar with, like a weapon or simple minded clones) and usually have some form of ability based on the type of Gem they are.
Rubies apparently do stuff with fire, Sapphires do stuff with cold and so on. Higher quality gems are usually bigger, stronger and higher ranked in their society. (Not sure how the system works entirely, but Diamonds are at the top, gigantic and super strong.)
Gems also have the ability to fuse, combining into a new form with different abilities that's usually way stronger than the old one. Ruby + Sapphire = Garnet, a being who instead of fire or cold powers is much more physically powerful and has limited precog. The stability of the fusion is based on the compatibility of the gems and such.
Anyways, I only watched a bit at the beginning and things apparently progressed a bunch so I don't know the full story. My best bet in telling you what you could do is basically "Whatever the gem can already do, plus some unique ability based on the gem." since that seems to be the general scheme to things.
Gem powers and specializations are divided by caste. Sapphires are clairvoyant, Peridots are engineers, Bismuths are smiths, Pearls look pretty. But there isn't some all encompassing class designation system for them other than "This Gem = This Power". You don't, like, start seeing more high intellects in gems that are more prone to oxidation or anything.
There's some stuff about "gem mysticism", not in the show, but in real life, like garnets are supposed to represent unity and peridots enhance the mind, which are things real people believe and buy rocks for, and Steven Universe takes inspiration from that, but it plays pretty fast and loose with it. There's no big book of gemsona rules or anything like that. So.
If you import anything as your gem, your best bet for how that works is, "Now the powers of this gem are my powers, because it is my body/heart while in this altform." And that's it.
So, the Hogyoku. It causes evolution, right? That's probably your power. You may or may not have complete control over it, because the Hogyoku seemed pretty lax on direction even when Aizen had it, but that's basically up to fanwank.
You could maybe spin that as being like when Aizen imbedded the Hogyoku inside of himself, too, which gave him massive powerups and eventually bit him in the ass, but that is also fanwank. There aren't any rules for this in Steven Universe.
This is all pretty basic stuff you probably could have figured out yourself, hence why user is so salty.
Should I read Naruto fanfiction?
Aww... you sound really shy. We're friendly here
Unless your Jump is shit,
Yes, it is amusing to see you suffer.
I'm not going to act like we're better than the average fanfiction here, since most of us are too ashamed to actually share any writing we've done.
A better question is which Naruto fanfiction you should read, and which ones specifically you should consider for the fanfiction drawback in the Naruto jump.
If I managed to snatch a Silmaril and make it my SU Gem without killing myself in the process, could I develop a set of powers around being mesmerizingly attractive and burning evildoers?
Oh okay... I'm sorry, the combination roll is sort of for that but I understand if you don't want it to be random. I'm so stupid. I really am sorry. I'll complete some more perks to compensate, please forgive me.
I'm just not very used to contributing. What do you think of my Jump, I hope it's not completely terrible.
Speaking from experience, like 95% of it is pure fucking garbage with bash fics, crack pairings, mary sues, terrible grammar and trash plots galore. The other 5% is a mixed bag of okay, one shots, eternally unfinished stories and a small minority of legitimately of good stuff. That's basically fanfiction as a whole though, not really anything to do with Naruto as a series.
Good news and bad news though. Good news is that since Naruto was a starter anime and wildly popular there's fucking loads of stories meaning there's a decent sized pocket of okay to good stuff in that 5%. Bad news is that there's so much fucking garbage to sift through to find it since there are so many stories.
speaking of Naruto:
could use of the rinnegan prevent an Edo Tensei enemy from respawning If i use the Preta path?
Also: Does the rinnegan allow me to gain the outer path as well or is that prohibited?
Sure, sounds about right. Damned if I'd know where you'd find one though.
Don't worry too much. If people complain, just remember that whatever they're complaining about is easy to adjust, so it's not a big deal. Unless they're complaining about you, in which case they're a shitposter and you should ignore them. This is what I kept in mind when I made my first jump, and it allowed me to keep a level head after accidentally making the thread blow up.
1.Fantastical Age sort of just cuts off at the end
2.most of the time origins aren't limited to location roles I respect that your locations are very very different however, this might set a precedent
3.broken dreams is completely OP and needs to be drastically retooled
4.why no science perks?
You...might need to tone down some of that stuff you're offering. A lot of it feels both unrelated to the Steampunk theme and really, really strong.
I'm not really a fan of these automatic tasks for a given background. Do you think you could make them optional scenarios or drawbacks instead?
yes, with the side effect that you will plunge generations of mortals, half gods and gods into chaos and war, just because they lust for you