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and, for Vietnam.

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Panzerfunk, the /fowg/ podcast.
Panzerfunk questions: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOBxEJbNzS_Ec7I76zQmCU9P7o0C5bAgcXriKQ4bOWBp4QkA/viewform



flamesofwar.com/hobby.aspx?art_id=1949 the Azul Division: no longer linkable off the main page

Which army do you play the most?

What actual country are you from?

/fowg/ Approved Media list. Add your favourites!

docs.google.com/document/d/1JWmbvVANUraO9ILWJZduRgiI9w4ZC3ytNUQE8rK7Xrw/edit?usp=sharing an "i want to get a starter set" for late war.

Do you play TANKS? what is the local scene / meta like? (multi)

/fowg/ Discord

COMING SOON: TTS Module for FoW. See Discord for details.

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What is the cutest model of BMP?

Was halfway through recording the next episode of the Commissar 3000 when I realized that EW tankovy is too much to cover in one segment in an audio format. At least, I don't think it would be interesting to cover. I am currently in the process of finishing the script for a YouTube which will hopefully provide a humorous, but effective overview of EW Tankovy. Life is kinda kicking my ass right now, so release date is probably still a couple of weeks off.

Hello flames of war general! Wargames general is a TG and tabletop miniature game focused discord that'd love some more historical games players.

We promise not to make manlet jokes about your nazis.

We're too busy laughing at marinelets with the primaris release in 40k.


The PRP.

Jokes on you everyone here plays Hungarians


phil pls

ded gam

>We're too busy laughing at marinelets with the primaris release in 40k.

>Be GW
>finally release True Scale marines
>have to invent bullshit fluff that doesn't invalidate the old Marines
>everyone will by new Marines because GW Fanboys

Talk about being able to have their cake and eat it too...

But anyway, this isn't a GW thread.

Is there any news out of the US Team Yankee Nationals?

I know the sign-ups were supposedly 2/3rds NATO to 1/3 Warpac, with the NATO side heavily weighted towards West Germans.

Finally managed a spraying session.
A shoutout to everything and everyone getting in my way during it:
>my neighbours
>the setting sun
>sudden gusts of wind
>a fucking hare
>running out of spray
Clogging was the worst desu

>trying to matt spray some BMPs to get rid of that glossy varnish sheen
>immediately starts raining


What's your favorite list that you'll never build? For me it's probably the canuk armored cars from MG.
>Staghounds with assault bridges and some with 75mms for longer range duties
>a good sized pioneer platoon with jeep speed armored transports
>have all the wacky stuff like Archers, PIAT battery UCs, Land Mattress rockets
But everything is resin and metal. And armored car squadrons suck.

Why do people play TY in 15mm?

I love the idea of TY but people here play in 15 And it looks ridiculous.

It's because it's the official scale, and the official minis look pretty damn good.

That, and most gamers already think of 15mm as being absolutely tiny, espwhen they're mostly used to the 28mm scale of stuff like 40K.

Granted, 1980s Cold War arguably works better in 6mm, but Battlefront, PSC, and Zvezda all make models in 15mm.

The soviet fortified list from red beer.
I'm slowly building the required fortifications since that's my jam.
>too bad the list sucks
>and in V4 I might have to attack

I think it looks great.

>Be BF
>finally redo Mid War
>cant even be bothered to invent bullshit fluff that allows for Tiger and 17/25-pounders at El Alamein, but no Shermans.
>everyone will by new BF releases because BF Fanbois and you can't get the stats otherwise thanks to cards.


Oh God. I didn't realize till now that in V4 fortified companies might be forced to attack. That's just fucked up.

nobody forces you to play v4 with v4 mission selection rules.

to be fair, the Tigers are the least popular buys to hit the table in MW
i see them in Ost Colors or as KG Hummel fodder.

i think Crudaser Spam and Deutches Infantry Korps are the most sought after by the autists, while most thugs play Panzers or Grants

88's are sold easily...

I know, my group is making their own 3.5 ruleset, but it's still fucked up that that's a thing in V4.

Well, they give you options. Rolling for it is only one option

so, /fowtg/ if you are playing V4:

what list are you playing?
call it my need to know....

a bunch of D.A.K. Panzer 3's, it would be a swarm if i didn't have a few infantry and 88's

Anyone have much experience with the TANKS game? Would it be a good game to approach the X-Wing guys in my group?

Eh. On one hand, it's pretty similar, with cards and a pretty similar stat system. On the other, the movement is much more freeform and the models need to be assembled and painted, which increases the up-front time investment before playing and decreases the time till they hit the skill ceiling for the game. Easy to get into, hard to master, is a really addicting formula. Medium to get into easy to master is not.

It might work, but it also might make them think it's just a shitty X-wing ripoff. Which it totally is

So far, it's only been my LW US Paratroopers, but I do have plans for a Panzer III list if I ever get into playing mid-war.

I know none of my local X-wing pls would even think of touching it, but that's purely because they fall firmly into the "history is boring" mindset, and kinda like the fact that everything for X-wing is pre-assembled and pre-painted to a very good standard.

Oh, TANKS is unashamedly an X-Wing rip-off, but so is Star Trek Attack Wing, and that has it's fair share of players. Even if the game is utterly broken.

The funny thing is, if you're going to basically make X-Wing, but for WWII, the mechanics are meant for fighters. Star Wars space combat is heavily based on WWII fighter combat.

It would have been the perfect time for something like "Flames in the Skies, a game of World War II air combat".

>It would have been the perfect time for something like "Flames in the Skies, a game of World War II air combat".
Damnit, now I want this, especially if they can work ground attack missions into it so there's a reason to use all the FoW ground attack planes in it (besides as cheap fodder for proper fighters).

TANKS seems fun enough if you are playing with friends and have a lot of wargaming terrain to build interesting tables with. You really need terrain to make it interesting.

Like Eagles said it's an X-Wing rip off, but movement isn't near as interesting. You can pretty much zip your tank around in whatever direction. In my opinion TANKS needs some improvement to maneuvering for vehicles, so you can't always just dart behind whatever cover.

The other frustrating part is that they dumbed down the way armor works from Flames and overall it's a less robust system. Everything has hit points now and bigger guns give more attack dice. In my opinion they should have had some system that modeled penetration and gave advantages for angling armor.

Basically movement is way too easy without tons of terrain and I wish it were more complex. Half the beauty of X-wing is that you don't need a complicated table to have fun.

The few games I have had have been with Hero Tankovy since they actually suck less now.

Finishing up what was supposed to be a German Ausbildungs company from Desperate measures, but wow stormtrooper is really good this version, so I may also run them as veteran panzers.

Personally I went full crazy and play Cold War at 3mm. That way I can have platoon bases and the ranges don't look absurd.

Pretty sure Attack Wing is actually licensed though.

It is.

The actual mechanics of Attack Wing are almost exactly the same as X-wing, although there are a few small differences.

Hero Tankovy benefited a lot from the switch over to 4th Ed. The Veteran-like status they have got a lot more useful in the new rule set.

Yeah, but you have zero detail on any of the units at 3mm scale. Even 6mm has some detail issues.

On the other hand, if they HAD that detail, you wouldn't be able to see it. So if you just look at detail relative to size it's fine.

But you can have more..
It is a non-debate, of course you have less detail on a smaller scale. But if that is the issue, why doesn't everybody use 28mm or 54mm or Action Man?

Beutepanzer. Even if I got them from the cheapest casters I'd be dropping over $120 on a dumb gimmick.

Red Thunder mega.nz/#!L04hTTxQ!BgnL_UBPWCrId9zAM5xaU2Qr8T42NuyXl6LCuJ7MFPo

i gonna build a TY soviet army, for starters is best mech platoon or tank ones?. We are speaking at 50 points army.

Are tigers not good? I was going to run a tiger with a pz iii company and a rifle platoon.

The official minis are good but 30 tanks a side at 15mm looks fucking dumb as shit.

German players complain that their nigh invulnerable super tank is too expensive.

It might be. It's shit to play against, though

I feel you. I want to get a Tetrach company, but only BF makes them in scale, and 18 at $11.7 each (10% off) is over $210. It's absurd.

You just gotta tell yourself ''how can I afford this'' not always complain about prices.

X-wing wasn't based pretty much in the concept of Wings of War?

Well the simple truth is, I can't. I can't afford to spend $210 on a 850 point "for the hell of it" force that might see play 3 times. I could get a decent sized Hungarian army set up for that cost, which would be a much better and more commonly used target of my money.

It is expensive, it is boring in north africa and i am kind of mad that they buffed its pen

What vallejo or citadel paint should I use for DAK?



>You just gotta tell yourself ''how can I afford this'' not always complain about prices.
Why do you hate free speech?

discuss how cheers willl it be?

Any look at the inside?

Doesn't look hardback to me. Looks magazine sized.

it's the just the front cover art the jokers at wwpd have gotten hold off

Are they going to re-release the rules not that the included lists are outdated?

Also do we have Red Thunder yet?

Have you tried looking in the thread?

>Also do we have Red Thunder yet?
Have you tried scrolling up?

I actually did but I couldn't find it, I just saw Red Bear (revised), Rising Sun etc.?

Oh right here it is.

Three cheers for the scanons!

Up thread as others have noted.

I'll be a few days getting it into the Database since I'm visiting family and don't have my laptop with me.


Oh boy we are going to get 3+ Morale, 3+ Assault US Meme Corps with Leo 1s, but better.

Are the Songster missiles pretty much an auto include at this point? I mean it seems to be 2 points whether it's 3 tanks or 10 right?

Yeah it's 2 points no matter what. The only time I wouldn't take them is if I was doing babby sized platoons.

What do you guys think comes after Red Thunder?


The US and the Eyeties will more than likely be released together.

Can confirm having played WoWar also same creator if i'm not mistaken.
>fuck giving soviets skill
>just give them a direct fire artillery bombardment.

So well. was expecting some updates for the T-72, at least T-64 seen much better.

Now i am genuinely scared about Stripes and how in the future all the USA player saying how realistic those M60+LAV raping soviets will be.

What, the Krasnopol shots? Yeah, they're garbage - hitting on 4+ or worse with AT4 vs TA isn't a better deal than the normal shit sandwich barrage, especially when those points could have gone towards Shturms or Spandrels that can actually penetrate armor.

Speaking of which, I see the SP ATGMs still can't retain GtG like the ITV can, despite roof mounted launchers.

>updates for the T-72
They couldn't even get the fact that the T-72A was better protected than the T-64B right to begin with.

Did you really think they'd buff the T-72 and tacitly admit they fucked up?

Pulled from WWPD's FB page.

>Unfortunately we can't share any more details at this time, but this MW book is what everyone wanted for V4
Really? I'm surprised they managed to put the russians, aircraft revamp, assault revamp, sane unit stats, the missing british/german units, replacement errata for the cards, and EW/LW points re-balancing in such a small book.

Though I guess it could say "just play V3" inside.

Somebody's salty.

Post that on the facebook. I want to see the BF shills freak out.

I'm more interested in what will come after stripes for TY.

Are they going to go over all the books again and update the two German and British books or are we going to get a new force like France or possibly another Warsaw army.

I hope to fuck that the new US book for WWII has everything in it, none of this parcelling stuff out shit. I get an awful feeling the desert Germans and Brits will just be left to languish as they move on to the Eastern mid-war.

I think the left out stuff will be added with card addons

Wholesalers already have new plastic kits for TANKS in preorder. So the coresponding tanks for Mid War US are already done

Absolutely cor' blimey.

this. . i want a FoW aircraft game...rather badly.

TANKS needs a reverse gear stick....
they didn't cap guns, but they capped defense. what the fuck?
TANKS needs a v2 like mad

fuck yes. you get a drink and a whore!

fuck superheavies. any german player that has experience knows you want bigger mediums, not heavies. This is why the tiger is a Late War tank in my eyes.

....do want!
it'll be retarded levels of cheers. still worth buying.....


you are right. one should not make broad statements about V4.
V4 will survive off it's eventual build, not one book of salvation.

>sorry for spam replies!

they stated on their website recently that they may be stuck in 1985 for a bit. go look, it's their most recent post, circa July 14.

something else most likely dammit.


>I'm more interested in what will come after stripes for TY.
>Are they going to go over all the books again and update the two German and British books or are we going to get a new force like France or possibly another Warsaw army.

I'm hoping they properly flesh out the 1985 theatre with France (maybe Benelux and Italy) + other NSWP before they move on to prototypes and rushed production shit everyone seems to be clamoring for.

100 points of new Soviets, how does it look?

T-64 Tank Battalion

1x T-64 Tank Battalion HQ - 6

6x T-64 Tank Company - 31
Songster Missiles - 2

6x T-64 Tank Company - 31
Songster Missiles - 2

Medium BMP-2 Motor Rifle Company - 18

2x BRDM-2 Recon Platoon - 1

2x Gopher SAM Platoon - 2

Divisional Support

2x Hind Assault Helicopter Company - 5

Small Hind Assault Landing Company - 2

Total: 100

I would prefer this as well, I think missing out France and Italy would be a shame, Britain should also get their Challangers and Falkland marines and paratroopers. I think after that pretty much all of Western Europe is done, you can make Belgian, Dutch and Commonwealth forces with what we already have.

Seconding this as well.

Also, a few other Warpact forces that aren't USSR or DDR would be nice.

you know Challengers will be 20pts. a tank and easily will be the KT's of 1985....

Marines and Para's would be good.
would the Para's have Lynx's? i don't know, would have to google.

>before they move on to prototypes and rushed production shit everyone seems to be clamoring for.
Already in game.

The trouble is they apparently don't want to add the basic T-55A (which I can understand, in fairness, since they made the T-55AM2B junk, so T-55 spam would likely be even worse), so what would that even add? You might as well just run your DDR as czechslovaks or poles.

you have a point

Yeah the para's were trained to deploy from helicopters and would have been used like this, but since BF didn't have any models for them they just made the highlanders and the light infantry the rapid force instead, which would be unlikely to happen. So I can only assume they plan on adding them.

Of the stuff they could include, what would it really change? BTR-50 is the only thing that'd be meaningfully different (being a BTR-60 with tracks and no gun or just an AA gun), but a vehicle that's even more useless is going to be irrelevant. T-55As barely matter compared to the T-55AM2B, which is already the bottom-feeder tank in the game. The Merida would get the same treatment. There's just not really anything extra to include.

Why is that? It'd be the same gun as a leo2 and maybe 1 more point of front armor.

so, i went all autist and made a gaming add so i can actually convert stuff to V4 without utter list-scrabble bullshit.

this is in essence, blank cards for FoW V4

i hope they work.

>i hope they work.
They work, but the dark blue makes the black text really hard to read. Use white text for those areas.

>Dana SPG
>2S7 Pion
>OT-62 and OT-64 APCs
>PT-76 with AGTM upgrade
>Bastion ATGMs for the Merida and T-55AM
>Mi-2 Salamadra
>All the mad max shit the Romanians were working on

The Merida would be really easy to do as well, use the same kit as the T-55AM but give it slightly improved stats the same way they've done the T-72A and T-72M and add the ATGM.

Yeah they'll just be Leo 2's with 19 armour and the same movement as an Abrams, hardly game breaking.

Would be a T-55AM2B
>>Dana SPG
Wheeled DDR stat Acacia
S7 Pion
kind of out of game scale, would have a ton of problems that BF is going to make sure it gets, and would also be functionally similar to acacia
DDR Grad
>>OT-62 and OT-64 APCs
DDR BTR-60 stats
worse BTR
>>PT-76 with AGTM upgrade
actually a reasonable option but would probably only show up with a naval infantry supplement
>>Bastion ATGMs for the Merida and T-55AM
never going to happen
>>Mi-2 Salamadra
another actual option, cheapo attack helicopter might be interesting but the AT-3 is bad. Maybe there to keep AA honest?
>>All the mad max shit the Romanians were working on
Can you imagine the spam? But, that might actually make it too.

Merida didn't have the laser system to fire the Bastion, it had a better gun-computer instead.

We also need BMP1P and the Mi-8 for fallschirmjaeger and vysadkari.