This is total shit. I was so into Black Library books and 40k lore in general. Now it's all just going to get shit on like what happened to Fantasy.
40k timeline no longer linear
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Chaos and the warp have always fucked with time. Of course a bigass warprift would cause chaos
Travel through the warp takes an inconsistent amount of time, and it's possible to arrive somewhere before you actually depart.
But if the well established time fuckery has you autistic, fluff it as some dreads were put through the procedure and it worked
Fuck off autistic fluff faggot we want to sell models and ten year olds don't.give a fuck about the games established lore.
I could write a ten paragraph rant about why having a real time universe to balance out the non linear time chaos universe was very important to giving consistency to a huge amount of interconnected lore tidbits and books that run back 20+ years, but who even cares.
>Now it's all just going to get shit on like what happened to Fantasy.
We told you it would to happen to you too.
>I could write a ten paragraph rant about something that isn't true
you're here too faggot
The Tau were already implied to have this happen to them. When warp storms and other anomalies fuck with reality that includes time.
THE actual answer to that pics question is that the Indomitus crusade lasted an entire century and that's plenty of time to get some veterans worth putting in a dread.
And frankly I prefer the timeline to be flexible rather than to have everything take place in the last month of the last year of M41
>How do Primaris Marines have Dreadnoughts
This is the dumbest fucking question and I see it constantly.
Primaris Marines have been fighting and dying for 100 years now.
Is it so hard to believe that in one of the battles across the last 100 years, a incredibly grievously wounded Primaris Marine was interred in one of Cawl's new Dreadnoughts? How does this not cross their tiny pea brains?
This is not fucking canon.
Yeah okay then the dread makes sense. It still seems like a step down to just make the timeline random instead of building on different progressing timelines like they did with the HH and The Beast Arises. What is even going to happen now? Is it going to be like the Age of Darkness again? And is wanting a little bit of consistency really autistic? Even the big BL writers went on strike because they didn't like the direction GW had taken the lore.
>Even the big BL writers went on strike because they didn't like the direction GW had taken the lore
When was this?
The Tau were isolated for thousands of years by a warp storm, which protected them from the Imperium and allowed them to grow into a technologically advanced interstellar empire. As far as we know, it was thousands of years on both sides of the storm, which makes sense because they weren't actually in the Warp during the storm.
Yeah, and they got the Ordo Chronos to put everyone into quarantine.
I can hardly believe people are butthurt about primaris dreads, tho. Just put a regular dread through the process, or remove a primaris' limbs. No need to involve warp fuckery.
I think you're over reacting to a facebook comment and should read the one novel released that takes place in this time period, Dark Imperium.
Its also pretty decent all on its own but it goes into detail about how time keeping in the Imperium has gone to shit in 10,000 years and may be up to a century off by the time Guilliman wakes up, the Ordo Chronos of the Inquisition ended up deleting themselves from history in a civil war over it.
Girlyman actually ends up making units of commando historians to raid old libraries and find out what the hell has been happening since he was gone.
What consistency issue are you even talking about? The warp has always been utterly fucked before and pretending it's fine now after the largest warpstorm fuckery since the Age of Strife instead of getting worse would be inconsistent.
>I could blog my opinion
No thanks, blog yourself a noose
it was in an alternate timeline, time is no longer linear in the Galaxy of the 3rd millenium
Shills are out in full force today. Neat!
So nothing has changed?
That's how warp influence and warp travel have always had a chance to work
>muh shill.
Get out of here.
Shut the fuck up, asshat shill liar fuck. This is NOT how things were established - did you even read OP's pic?? Geedubs ADMITTED this!
Fucking kids are fucking retards....
Learn how to quote, senpai desu.
>Guilliman's big thing is that he fixes shit
The draw of 40k to me was the tongue in cheek portrayal of the Administratum and their struggle to juat function, I am finding it harder and harder to enjoy the setting the more him or the bigger sin Cawl fixes things.
>Primaris Marines have been fighting and dying for 100 years now.
so which established characters have died in 100 years?
"I-If I call everyone a shill, my whining will look less retarded, right? Right?"
Welcome to the Age of Shitmar 40k!!! And the kids will gladly eat it up, never knowing how shitty their game is.
shut up cuck
>having a linear timeline is important to a universe where significant events are often set millions of lightyeras and decades if not centuries apart
>ad hominem
Oh, kid! You're adorably stupid!! I-is that all you got?
>Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! the post
>Millions of light years...centuries apart
Uh, user - the galaxy ain't that big, and 'centuries apart' means linearity.....y-you seem confused.........
>set decades apart
Weren't the last few months of M41 so clogged with events that major characters might have to jump vast swathes of the galaxy in days if not hours to rush through Big Event, and then do it again, all the while literally thousands of years are left barren? IIRC a few characters were in multiple places at once due to the crowding.
>centuries apart means linearity
no it doesn't you dunce, it means they're centuries apart. 2001 is centuries from 1501, just like 1301 is centuries apart from 1501.
well yes - but its not like nonlinearity caused those events to happen in the wrong order.
The way GW is describing it isnt doctor who time travel bullshit, it's just that the perspective of certain lore events will be from a different time frame. They still happened. But the time they happened relative to the rest of the galaxy is different. I really dont see the problem here.
Lets say a cool battle happened on the planet Drague VI, which is inside the maledictum- and it features in a black library book. It still happened. It's still canon. But the space marines that fought there, though they might have arrived in M39, will possibly find that it's only been a few days outside, or find that their battle brothers assumed them dead or destroyed centuries ago.
It's actually rather interesting, and a neat plot point.
I should also add that the GW facebook posters are probably retarded, and don't know what nonlinear means. They probably meant non-uniform or something. Not even they are retarded enough to have things happen nonlinearly - like somehow the horus heresy happening in a section of the maledictum, because that would be ridiculous, it appeared far after that millenium.
what exatly is a shill ?
Have a (You) and grow a pair you whiny little bitch.
>it means they're centuries apart. 2001 is centuries from 1501, just like 1301 is centuries apart from 1501.
Yeah - that's 'linearity', user. Try harder next time.
Are you an idiot?
We have Waaaghs! Crusades, Eldar fleets and other bullshit that came out of linear.
A stupid term invented in /v/. It originally meant someone who gets paid by promoting stuff as a normal poster, but now it means "someone liking something I don't like".
>It's actually rather interesting, and a neat plot point.
>neat plot point
Erm, user: without linearity, without logic, you can't have plot. Plot is a logical progression, by definition. I don't think you know what you're talking about.
Thanks for explaining m8
I agree with you, it is indeed a stupid term
hahahaha xd lol, u are so funny
Nice try, shill. You are indeed a stupid shill.
Why are they so retarded?
Primaris dreadnoughts could have been primaris marines recently dismembered
Or retooled kits for older dreadnoughts.
But instead they had to fuck up the lore.
>the games established lore which we only established to convince autistic neckbeards to buy plastic models and paint
Please stop pretending like the lore to 40k is intrinsically important to the product. Most people just want to paint minis or roll dice with their friends, and don't need some ego-tripping justification in terrible writing beyond the desire to collect things or play a game. Please stop pretending like you lorefags who lose your spaghetti every time GW makes another inconsistent, silly change to a setting that has been nothing more than a justification to sell models for nearly 30 years and has always been inconsistent and silly.
you are stuuupid
pic related, its you
Are you just now being introduced to 40K lore? "The Warp" has always been an answer for crazy time shit. You could arrive in a system before you even left, and nothing about that would be too out of the ordinary.
Chapter Master Smitty.
He was amazing. And beloved.
The first Primaris to reach the rank of Chapter Master.
Sadly was killed before his rules could be published in the codex, so we'll probably never be seeing him.
Pour one out for him, Veeky Forums.
Shut the fuck up you shill, take your disgusting ads and shove them up your dick.
Don't give up yet, anons! I'm not done laughing at you. Tell us moar about how awesome 8th is. Tell us moar about how this all makes sense, and isn't some asspull to sell shildren new cheap toys.
Moar, faget.
also this : 8e is pretty cool. Not as good as 3.5 or 5, but definitly better than 6e and 7e.
It was never anything else than asspull to sell shildren new cheap toys. The new asspull isnt worse than the old ones at least in my opinion
dont rush me, im doing my best as fast as i can
Anyway, why dont you two just leave ?
i just wanted to be as stupid as you and it seems i succeded
>Cawl and Girlyman try to unfuck the imperial bureaucracy
>"I'm afraid you'll need permit A38 for this, Lord Commander.
Non-linear: Not happening in the same order
Non-Uniform: Not happening at the same pace
Non-uniform would be fine and is what is describing. Non-linear is Doctor Who timey-wimey bullshit.
Who's the more foolish - the fool, or the fool who follows it?
Answer: the follower is more foolish, fool
But what if the first fool starts following the follower, does that make him an even bigger fool ?
What if one of the fools ( or maybe even both ) only pretended to be fools ?
>A stupid term invented in /v/
a person who poses as a customer in order to decoy others into participating, as at a gambling house, auction, confidence game, etc.
a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.
Origin of shill
1920-1925 First recorded in 1920-25; origin uncertain
Hilarious enough this is actually closer to real life then not. Given the Imperium is using FTL travel via the warp they should actually be fucking with the causality and having shit like meeting themselves a thousand years later happen a lot more often.
Your life sucks buddy.
1. utterly foolish or senseless
2. Psychology.(no longer in technical use; considered offensive) a person of the lowest order in a former and discarded classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25.
Shut the fuck up you fucking child.
t. user who knows nothing about physics.
Oh noes!
user's fee-fees got hurt!! Guess it's time to sperg out.
>Not realizing how light cones work.
Casual information only travels at the speed of light user. If you bypass that barrier you are capable of sending information back in time. Even if they aren't moving FTL via raw speed they are still fucking with the laws of causality and hard.
Effectively the moment 40K said FTL travel was possible causality got tossed out the window.
Oh, I know light cones, user; but you don't seem to - how, pray, does one meet one's 1000 year old self in your version of the universe?
I WARNED you 40kucks they were gonna do to your setting what they did to Fantasy, but you didn't listen!
It's okay user. You can proxy your peasants as ghouls. No one will blame you.
>anyone I don't agree with is a shill
wew lad
>he actually cares about the lore after 3rd edition at the latest
Nice strawman you're attacking there, fumbduck shill.
>those damn kids don't respect backstory of my toy soldiers!
God damn it, I love 40kfags
I love how the plebby nu-GW fanbase are actually defending this. Vindicates me dropping this shitfest back in 6th.
It actually fits the existing fluff, though. There's multiple examples of solar systems with impossible stellar features like asteroid fields dense enough to hide a planet inside as a result of low-level Warp contamination, and there are also other examples of Daemon Planets who have time run in strange fashions (e.g. the planet in the Screaming Vortex that's Prospero 3.0 and has been settled for hundreds of thousands of years as a result of time dilation). It makes sense that an increase in the galaxy's Warp contamination levels would also result in low-level temporal anomalies.
>vindicates me throwing a bitchfit about a game I haven't played for years
Yeah it's lazy, but this isn't new
While it's clearly a "fuck off kid we're selling mini's here" reply, Warp Fuckery has ALWAYS been a bandaid for wild lore inconsistencies. If I could only figure out a way to use it to explain the hackjob they did to everyones characterization in the HH novels i'd be happy
>If I could only figure out a way to use it to explain the hackjob they did to everyones characterization in the HH novels i'd be happy
>Horus Heresy
>the series that's literally about the seminal case of Chaos corruption
There you go.
>muh, chaos did it!
Sorry, but that excuse don't work - not by a long shot.
Nothing in that article splains how I meet my 1000 year old self.
The Imperium has completely forgotten how to build Dreadnought and Terminator armor. Everything we see is patched up and refurbished gear dating back to the days when the Emperor still walked.
This is not an issue of time and wars creating veterans. This is one fucking Tech Priest not only improving the Emperor's gene-research but pulling the fucking schematics for Dread armor at the same time?
It's an insult from the days of GamerGate.
Cawl is from the era when the Emperor still walked. I think it's perfectly feasible that he would be able to produce them.
If it wasn't for the fact that the Custodian Guard and Bjorn are still alive I would say that is the fucking dumbest plot-element justification ever.
Cawl has shown complete disregard for many of the doctrines of the AdMech. He's probably kept himself alive using forbidden, namely alien, technology.
Given that information I don't find it all that bad.
>implying it wouldn't be a new golden age with Guilliman doing nothing but accounting while Lion wakes up to be general
Imagine, he'll find entire planets and systems in rounding errors, throw trillions of fresh troops into the fight, and actually get the Imperial war machine functioning at something halfway approaching reasonably efficient.
And might finally get around to having Ciaphas Cain taken off the active duty roster.
Doesn't explain the loyalist fuckery.
>And might finally get around to having Ciaphas Cain taken off the active duty roster.
Please report to your nearest Commisar for... ice cream.
Anybody else hates how Cawl is now Tesla, Newton, Darwin and Einstein rolled into one?
I mean, he's an expert in war, biology, physics, engineering... Don't admech have divisions?
He's the Mechanicus equivalent of Trazyn but without being a hermit.
There was literally an ork waaagh that fought itself because they attempted to make a warp jump only to see them selves emerge from the rift before they could enter warpspace. The copies then fought each other Highlander style until there was only one of each left.
40k time has ALWAYS been like that. Hell in the 6th Ed book on the timeline they talk about a ship from the great crusade popping up around m35. Plenty of other materials talk about areas lost in warpstorms having time drastically slowed down/sped up.
If you're sperging out about this you're a newfag and your summer is showing.