Is Jedi vs Sith a duel between good and evil or law and chaos?
Is Jedi vs Sith a duel between good and evil or law and chaos?
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Good vs evil in the original trilogy, law vs evil in the prequels, expanded universe varies.
Eh, it could have swung either way but nowadays it's just a clusterfuck.
given that luke, ben, and yoda were depicted as good while vader and sheev were evil, this should be an easy question
not to mention that vader only becomes good when dies and becomes anakin the jedi, it seems even more likely
also, luke himself was not particularly lawful
Far more the former than the latter. A jedi can handle both order and chaos, the sith will lash out at either, refusing any law but his own fickle will. Though that fickleness matched with the powers they have results in chaos, while the balance and self-insight the jedi should have will tend to create a alrge degree of stability and order.
It is actually law vs normal human behaivour,
>normal human behaivour
In a mental asylum, sure.
Palpatine would be Lawful Evil, no? Took down the jedi through manipulation of the rules, turned the galaxy against their protectors and engineered their downfall from within. Old sith before the rule of two and the old jedi are chaos vs law respectedly, but later sith are very structured and its more good vs evil.
Star Wars is a shitty franchise created by a hack bastardizing eastern religions.
Considering all the Darths have names like Maul, Sidious and Plagueis, I'll go with Good and Evil
>normal human behaivour
If you're a complete psychopath, then yeah
Essentially, neither. So many different writers have worked on Star Wars, and put so many different spins on it, that there's really not an over-arching "right answer."
After the latest bunch got done, it's full bore Blue and Orange morality. Both sides have such differing (and frequently unsupportable) ideas about the very meanings of good and evil and law and chaos that there's really no easy way to split them evenly to begin with.
more like Machiavellians vs pseudo pacifists
Hey look it's more marxist moral relativism. Every single thing that was indisputably evil and/or wrong now needs to be pitched as a valid choice.
You fail to understand what the sith code is. That's probably because most portrayals of sith characters suck since they're the token cartoon villain.
That sounds more like Vader then Sheev. I personaly think Sheev is Neutral/Evil.
The real question is, what's the best portrayal of the Jedi and Sith?
>You fail to understand what the sith code is.
So do literally every Sith, barring a slim number of notable exceptions.
When virtually all examples of association with the Sith use the code as an excuse to hurt others to make themselves feel in charge of things, it sort of invalidates the 'appeal to our better nature' argument.
Doesn't really help that the ones that are supposed to be in change their names to being sinister and threatening for no reason.
It's idiots on even bigger idiots
Sith- Marka Ragnos
Jedi- Obi wan Kenobi
It's a shame there's little way to insert a third neutral party to not be total idiots.
"Hey so we've got magical powers. That's pretty cool. We don't want to fuck over the normies just because they haven't got magical powers though, some of my best friends are normies. So we'll just use them without rocking the boat."
It's actually about alpha vs beta. Proactive vs reactive. Agresive vs. passive. The Dark Side is all about using so called "negative" emotions like anger, hate and so on to fuel powers that dominate others. Wether through the ability to cause direct harm or just plain old mind fucks
The Light Side of the Force is concerned with...nothing. It's the stoned hippy on the couch. It's passive. It only does shit when you poke it with a sharp stick. If it seeks anything at all, that is the propogation of life, since the Force cannot exist without life. Hence the Light side being good at healing.
So the FORCE is Yin and Yang, neither good nor evil. It gives no shits WHAT you do, only what you feel like when you do it. Hence Mace Windu is a stone cold killing machine, yet a "good guy" while other people might not be able to kill the Emperor without being so angry they risk letting the Dark Side get it's grubby paws on them.
Now, the Jedi and the Sith are another story. They're idiots. Both of them, but it's not really their fault. A Force Sensitive just lives in a different world than a non Force Sensitive. And I don't mean the flip the light switch without walking across the room force tricks either. Some hobo walks up to you and asks for money. You tell him to fuck off and go on your way. No big deal. A Force Sensitive who is annoyed by that Hobo, and then says fuck off because he's pissed, is flirting with the Dark Side. Basically, a Force Sensitve goes through their lives with a metaphorical GM leaning over their shoulder checking everything they do, based on how they fucking FEEL when they do it, against an alignment chart.
And it's not like you can just Keira around it either. It's not unreasonable someone may come to the same conclusion she did, but her solution is just not possible in universe. No human has a 1-100 bar they can double check their actions against to make sure they never go to far one way or the other. People don't work like that.
Furthermore, gaining power and proficency in using the Force is a matter of becoming more in tune with it. Therefore, the longer you use the Force, the more you reinforce the stereotypical actions of whichever side you're using, both the good and the bad. It doesn't matter if you 're using Force Lightinging to kill a wave of Storm Troopers hell bent on blowing up an orphanage, you're still using the Dark Side, you're still making yourself more angry and aggressive.
Now, where the Jedi REALLY fuck up is when they decide to become Civil Servants. They know how hard it is to seperate yourself from your emotions. That's why they do all the weird shit like take kids at a young age, largely forbid marriage, land live like ascetic fucking monks. But in order to avoid persecution from your friendly neighborhood Witch Hunter they decide to become the police/diplomatic corps of the Republic. So the Jedi split their attentions from just becoming more in tune with the Force to now paying attention to Law v. Chaos complicating their lives immensely for the sake of people who rarely see them and understand them even less.
No it's not. Dark Side is literally evil in the only canon that matters. Dark Side is the imbalance in the force.
>everyone else
No one cares what neutralcucks think.
Normies should just stick to /b/.
The OT.
Personally, I think the best portrayal is the Dark Forces Vidyas/I, Jedi novel. I think the hook that works is that this is just after the fall of the Emperor when it's become abundantly clear that going balls-out as an extremist for either side is a really stupid idea, so there's this idea of re-drawing the lines. So you have characters like Kyle Katarn and Corran Horn who are able to show that some of the Old-Order Jedi's rules of thumb weren't written in stone, but then you also have characters like Kyp Durron who are showing that it's not all sunshine and rainbows and if you start to go in a dark way the Force will wreck your shit. It really forced the writers working in that area of the EU to try to really build a substantive philosophy behind it.
I think that's partially why I wasn't as shattered by the prequels as a lot of the fandom. That portion of the EU goes a long way towards saying "The Old-Order Jedi were arrogant and intellectually lazy and that's why there are no more Old-Order Jedi" so watching the "legendary" Jedi make stupid decision after stupid decision and pay for it isn't really that surprising.
Seeing as jedies break rules more often the Titus does the Codex
I'd say it pretty straighforward
Corellian Jedi. You're thinking of Corellian Jedi.
>You fail to understand what the sith code is.
It isn't g canon or whatever its called, sith code is EU only, and not only that, but phased out by disney canon
as a person who loves star wars, this
I never read any of the EU, on a scale of "who?" to "never heard of it", how much do they appear or matter?
user, he literally linked to the Disney-canon page for the Sith code. It's a canon thing.
"marxist moral relativism"? sounds pretty spooky
Even Kreia preferred Jedi, didn't she? There's nothing good about Sith. As much as some fans want them to be a legit alternative and "grayness", the Sith are just crazed evil assholes at the end of the day.
They're a huge part of Stackpole's I, Jedi/Rogue Squadron and appear in SW:ToR. They mostly serve as a foil to point out that the Jedi High Council's idea that the only way to be a "peaceful," "light" force user is to be a celibate armed vagrant who never knew any concept of family or home might be a weeeeee bit counterproductive.
Jehova's Witnesses vs. ISIS.
Palpatine is Neutral Evil. He has no loyalty to any being, any underling will be sacrificed the moment it benefits him. He doesn't really follow the Rule of Two either, beginning to train his own apprentice before killing his master. Even the Force itself is just a tool to him.
Vader is Lawful Evil. He's also a religious fanatic. His strength comes from his faith in the Force. It's his real master who's will he follows, come what may. This is the difference between Ani-Vader and Darth Vader: the former is the center of the universe, the latter merely the instrument of its will. This, also, is ultimately why Vader can break free and overcome Palpatine: destiny calls, Vader answers, even if that means admitting he was wrong about many things.
The old Jedi Order strived to be Lawful and Good, but failed to synthesize these into true Lawful Good. The organization itself became Lawful Neutral, while individual Jedi varied between any combination of Lawful, Neutral and Good. Chaotic Good were pushed to the margins and Chaotic Neutral beyond them. To its credit, even the latter-day dogmatic Order rejected Evil alignments as of the Dark Side, which of course they are. Unfortunately, neutral alignment left the Jedi with only a pale shadow of the Light Side which was not enough to defeat a powerful Darksider like Palpatine, hence the Order fell.
>Some hobo walks up to you and asks for money. You tell him to fuck off and go on your way. No big deal. A Force Sensitive who is annoyed by that Hobo, and then says fuck off because he's pissed, is flirting with the Dark Side.
user, the muggle is flirting with the Dark Side too, in Star Wars or IRL. It simply manifests in evil acts that don't require magic to perform. "Dark Side will forever dominate your destiny" is also known as "it gets easier every time".
More like passive vs active.
Luke won because he choose NOT to strike the emperor, or his father.
His father then actively threw the emps down the gantries.
It must be something vs. evil, because from my point of view, the Jedi are evil.
Harmony vs Discord. It's not Yin and Yang. It's Yin and Yang vs too much of either.
It's kind of evil vs evil, one side is like a creepy New Age cult that does weird things with children and the other is edgy Satanists who actually do the things they talk about doing.