Stormcast Eternals Edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
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Stormcast Eternals Edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
Old thread:
TFW prosecutors are the best looking stormcast but have mediocre rules.
Stormcasts need exactly 0 new models, and exactly 3 more upgrade packs
Is it possible to make an army of trolls and giants? I'm not really interested in making a horde army or painting rank and file, but the idea of having a few big players seems cool. Sort of like Imperial Knights in 40k.
You can't in matched play. While the forgeworld troll hag fills the leader requirement, no trolls fulfill the battleline requirements. Would be cool if FW made it so the hag lets you take fellwater troggoths as battleline.
I'm a 40k player and I want to start a lizardmen army. It seems like the new 40k rules are like those of AoS, so I kinda get them. The question is, where do I start? I want a Saurus army with no Slann or Skinks, is it feasible? The start collecting box seems like a bargain with basically free Warriors and Knights. Which makes me wonder, can I build anything else besides an Old One?
Amd besides the Start Collecting, what other units should I buy?
I'm confused. I guess I need to go through the rules again. Can I just take something else as battle line? I kinda just wanted a troll army.
Really? I hate the models. I actually think the liberators and retributors are the best ones in the line, mostly cause they fit the tank/warrior stereotype the best.
Yes. If you want to focus on sauruses, you'll also want a Sunblood hero. You probably want a stegadon or bastilodon for shooting support.
People often suggest Temple guards for saurus armies, but I think they're just mortal wound bait for their price.
Nah dude, stormcasts are celestial sky-warriors. Nothing embodies that more than golden warriors on wings of light slamming into the enemy from above.
Dead in two ways ;)
There is no giant battleline. You have to pick other destruction unit that is not giant but is a battleline
Maybe you can fluff your dudes, sp that they have some goblins following them around, eating the scraps they leave behind and act almost like vultchers under their massive sizes, but in fear of being eaten themselves they will often scout ahead a form the literal meatshield for the giants and trolls. So just get 2 units of goblins and a hero and you are good to go
Why wouldn't I want Temple Guards? Aren't they just elites Warriors? True, their bodyguard skill won't be used without Slaans, is it all they're good for?
Take the troll hag from FW as hero. More thematic that way.
If you play using points ,they're expensive and have one wound each, which in a meta that has large number of mortal wounds (attacks that go through wound/save rolls) means they are no more durable than basic infantry.
Where can I find more information about greenskinz in current setting? Also is there a synergy between greenskinz and any grot faction? PDF-related is the only one I have found
Nice advice. I think I could roll with this. Cheers!
So while I love that idea turns out I need a lot of goblins to make that work. Not something I want to do. Trying to play AoS with as few models as possible just to get into it. Are there any smaller destruction battle line units?
Ogors might work? They could also fit into the big guys theme you want
Still got to have 15 orruks to get that battle line though right?
Whats cheaper in muniz to start with, Khorne bloodbound or Ghouls? I guess Khorne because the starter sets?
Khorne Ghouls
40k 8th edition sure flatlined this game
It's almost like sigmar was only popular because people didnt want to play the shitty 7th edition of 40k
it's sad
Nah, once GEE DUBZ makes more releases for AoS, peeps will get right back into it.
>It's almost like sigmar was only popular because people didnt want to play the shitty 7th edition of 40k
That's my story but even with new 40k rules I'm still gonna stick with AoS. I have played the 8e 40k but Sigmar feels so fuckin comfy
ded thread
ur a ded thred
i am.
Is it worth collecting AoS stuff just for the sake of painting it and putting on display?
Is it? I mean, do you need a random stranger's opinion on what you collect? If yes, i suggest picking up bug-chasing.
i just don't know anymore, i've lost control of my life.
I don't have anyone to play tabletop with
I know GWs already have the new Path to Glory books. Where the fuck are the leaks you bastards
The new start collectings are up on the NZ site. And they're exactly as predicted. Now where's that faggot who was arguing with me about the Fyreslayers one the other day??
Oh boi, my body is ready
got a link?
don't matter got myself there
Gonna link the new start collecting
So whats everyone's thoughts?
No "you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer 40,000!" part on Slaanesh SC site is what concerns me
>Tfw once again beastclaw is bestclaw
Fag factions BTFO for easily the best army.
ain't that good for both games?
Point is that they're full melee. Slaanesh is also objectively the weakest chaos army in 40k.
fair enough. never played 40k.
do you think you can build the stonehorn as a thundertusk?
Guys, let's talk about the Path to Glory
>Contained in the 88-page softback:
>- Warband Tables – these are the rules used to determine the champion, followers and rewards for your warbands. Included are tables for the following factions:
>Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Beasts of Chaos, Skaven, Clans Pestilens,
>Kharadron Overlords, Stormcast Eternals, Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth, Seraphon, Order (chosen from Human, Aelf and Duardin models),
>Ironjawz, Beastclaw Raiders, Bonesplitterz, Destruction (chosen from Orruk, Grot and Ogor models),
>Flesh-Eater Courts and Death;
So each GA has some factions clearly promoted and some are clearly degraded like Greenskinz not even mentioned as a faction
>New Dwarf Start Collecting Box.
>Not for the best Dwarfs.
Damn it, the Overlords are the reason I gave AoS a chance. I don't want to buy a frigate then discover a month down the line I could of gotten a free unit of Arkanuts with it.
desu mate there probably wont be a start collecting for them for a long ass time but you never know.
>No Slaves to Darkness
I'm not surprised, but still I ree.
Currently there isn't much other than the small splashes of info in the warscrolls and in the Destruction grand alliance book. There is a synergy with the Orc Bully and the grot warmachines but you will need to use the Compendium rules for it.
Hello, looking to get into very small scale low budget wargaming but was sad to think the old world warhammer discontinued, until I saw Age of Sigmar
Is the game beginner friendly and if so, what would be the best starter race to roll with? I kinda like the dicky arrogant elves though, or dicky arrogant dwarves.
actually everyone is a dick and arrogant in the warhammer universe
Irrelevant. You don't need Slann for the bonus. It says Seraphon HERO not Seraphon SLANN. So...
If you take Saurus Guards in groups of x3 with a Eternity Warden you end up with 2+ armour save and D3 damage with your 3 attacks if you stay still.
Saurus Warriors are a load of shit because they're way too expensive for what they do. They have worse armour save than a Freeguild Swordsmen and they do less damage too.
Many armies struggle with Mortal Wounds, so it's worthwhile taking Saurus Guard anyway, even if it's just to take Mortal Wounds. 15 Saurus Guard + Eternity Warden means 15 2+ guys able to dish out some damage.
Honestly I'd just spam Bastillidons as I rate Solar Gem as higher than the snake since chances are it'll ignore most units saves.
>>No Slaves to Darkness
Huh, how could I miss that. I thought that GW treats them like a "real" faction desu.
I still can not believe we have no scans of GA books. I know they are not this expensive but on the other hand they cost as much as a basic unit box
>Is the game beginner friendly
Yup, it's designed to be your first wargaming pick
> what would be the best starter race to roll with?
Like everyone desu. Some have more support and some have less but most of them is playable. If you like elves you can pick a Spire of Dawn box and sell the Skaven half and square bases. If you like dwarves you should pick the new Fyreslayers start collecting box - it has great value
Start Collecting! Warbands – if you’re itching to get going, but don’t have the right models for a warband (or just fancy a new one…) then these are the rules for you – they’re designed to work with the Start Collecting! boxes of Warhammer Age of Sigmar models. Simply pick up a box, assemble the miniatures and you’re good to go – these rules have been fine-tuned to offer immediacy and balance.
So they just quasi-squatted few factions but made rulesets for their start collecting boxes?
Looks like they're melding the absurly splintered old world factions into larger block a they should have been forever ago.
>Bone Monger
>guy challenges you with unpainted warband
what do?
Look up the Bloodclaw battalion from the Grand Alliance Order book. Saurus are cool, but you need some objective control or shoity support, and skink units fill those roles exclusively. Lustria Online has a list that can be played with two SC's and 5 units of chameleon skinks.
Would n army of all castellants and doggos work? Gryphon hounds have 3 wounds and get lots of attacks of an enemy is near a castellant. What would the ideal ratio of dogs to castellants be?
>three min strength battle line tax squads of libs
>five castellants
>thirty dogs
2000 points
You play him. If he turns out to be a cunt never play him again. If he turns out an okay guy, offer painting tips.
You never know when it's just a poorfag who is alright but just hasn't gotten to the painting stepyet
Of course, I am a hopeless optimist and just assume most people aren't malicious dickwagons
Ded thread ded gayme
You guys want to know when the steam dwarfs get a SC box?
Simply take the time frame between fyreslayers getting released and this SC
>Kharadron Overlods get a Start Collecting box set
>It is a Grunstock Gunhauler, Arkanaut Company and a Navigator
Be careful what you wish for.
Its obviously going to be the least sold ship and least sold infantry unit
So Daemons of Slaanesh are now their own army huh?
Or take Throgg, the Troll King.
I'm kinda motivated to play Slaves to Darkness because they seem pretty solid, and I prefer Undivided over any of the specific Chaos gods, but they seem like one of the armies that GW has no intention of supporting.
Subjective. Might be to you, might not be to others.
Do it fagget.
Then you can play blades of khorne or disciples of tzeentch just by changing keywords if you ever get bored.
Because archaon and the varanguard aren't undivided?
>Blood Blood
Bone stoker ;)
Yeah, I thought about that. One thing that's nice about Chaos, or at least Slaves to Darkness, is how you can shift things around a bit more easily than other grand alliances.
Everchosen are two units.
>Discontent Hobbyist
Yeah, that about sums this game up pretty well.
Throgg is chaos and chaos trolls aren't as fun as Destruction's trolls
beastclaw and fyreslayer packs looks nice.
the shitty Slaanesh models can fuck off
>using doggos to fight when a single doggo lets your 6 attack bolt duders totally wreck anyone trying to summon or special deploy
Not the same guy
>Only range of Chaos Deamon that have common "female" demons. (look more like a tranny)
>God of pleasure, perfection, blah blah...
>But everything look ugly as fuck : saggy tits, crab claw, hooves, ugly face,.. But because "lol Slaanesh magic make you love it anyway"
>Meanwhile Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch laugh at how ugly everything in the Slaanesh range is.
Hopefully the rare-chance of Slaanesh cultist release will look good. Many people would probably buy it but mostly for conversion.
How well does a shooty stormcast army go?
Didn't think there are any rules for chaos trolls?
You can't say they're not supporting them when they had new and recent fluff and models. That's the definition of support, however small it may be.
Warriors of Chaos used to be able to take Chaos Trolls and Chaos Ogres. If the army was lead by Throgg, they became Core (Battleline) choices.
what bothers me the most is how terrible the poses are.
instead of looking agile as fuck they are static like a bunch of lumpy potatoes.
even the seekers poses looks terrible to the old models
Judicators are SCE battleline and rock solid
Both flavors of vanguard-raptor pack some serious firepower
Knight-venator is pretty cool, though no command ability so ymmv
Lord aquillor lets you move around your shooty units really fast
I meant that Slaves to Darkness seem like they won't be getting any future support.
That's aether-duardin to you, lore-heathen.
Aren't slaves to darkness just chaos with ability to pick and mix? Wouldn't all new chaos releases contribute to them then?
That's good to know. I'm a sucker for ranged armies (Used to play Wood Elves).
"Slaanesh was a mistake" - t. Games Workshop
>new Slaanesh release
>All models look like they belong in gachi or porn.
The future is looking bright lads
Slaughter Smith
That's cool I guess
Jesus, that guy was a piece of shit.
Skull reaper? This is league of legends character tier edgy
Prolly trolling on /whfb/, he seems to move.