40k: There is a Slaanesh and 2 other armies getting start collecting boxes very soon. Heard this from some GW staff.
40k: There is a Slaanesh and 2 other armies getting start collecting boxes very soon. Heard this from some GW staff
Khorne and Tzeentch?
Nah I don't so. I would have remembered those names if they said it, but apparently this will be ready to pre order for tomorrow
Probably GSC and primaris marines.
Obviously Sisters of battle
Fyreslayers for AoS are getting one too.
I have proof though.
Awww fuck it's going to be slaanesh demons huh
pls be GSC
OP here, I know it might be hard to believe but I promise I'm not bamboozling you guys. Screenshot if you want
It's just going to be slaanesh demons though right, I mean it makes sense as they don't have a box yet and and all GW has to do is put them in new packaging.
Apparently one of them has a unit worth £65
Interesting. I suppose it could be a herald on an exalted seeker chariot or something. Not even keeper of secrets costs 65 pounds on it's own
Is there a death guard version of these
What would make fitting background for a nurglite? Walmart? National flag of India?
A pic of ine of those brown Chineese rivers with an entire junkyard of trash floating in it.
an Indian street
Picture of Mexico.
It's just Kharadon Overlords, Beastfangs or whatever beastmen are called nowadays, and slaanesh.
No, it's been confirmed it's slaanesh, fyreslayers and beast claw raiders, not beastmen
I just imagine a slaanesh start collecting box as a giant ball made of tits.
Eh, if it's happening so soon I'm willing to give an user the benefit of the doubt. Thanks fampai.
Then you got it wrong
Polluted swamp maybe?
Nurgle is life
Not polluted, but maybe infested with fungus, parasites and disease. The more life the merrier, co-existing.
Imagine a Nurgle influenced area having so many airborne spores that it resembles a fine mist, clouds of insects flying through the air planting their eggs in any available exposed flesh. Your lungs becoming internal gardens for the mold spores in the air. Your blood turning into nesting grounds for the worms in the water that eat their way through your skin.
But you won't die, never that. You will live, becoming a hive, a walking ecosystem.
And you will love it.
Real Slaanesh or Soccer-Mom Approved™ Slaanesh?
Does herald of Slaanesh effect marines with mark of Slaanesh? The keyword thing is confusing me a bit.
only ones with the demon and slaanesh keyword, so chaos lord on steed of slaanesh or slaanesh obliterators or whatever but not marines without the daemon keyword