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Angry Norn Queen Edition

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Shit OP Edition


> fetish bait thread image
Starting off strong as usual I see.
HOW can it go wrong from here?

Everyone post lists

Everyone rate

Guys, did you know, that 200 lasguns do almost 3(!) wounds to a land raider?!

If you become a Watch-Captain are you ever going home?

>tfw npc xenos
>free codex buffs 2019, and more like """buffs"""

Why are tyranid so lewd?

By the time you join the rank of the DW, you aren't coming back.

But you'd be more likely to go DW and then come back to your legion to aspire command.

Home is where the Imperium needs you.

The Swarmlord is fine. Tyranids are weird and alien and dont have to conform to real logic.

So, would you give up Chapter Iconography?

The issue with Tyranids was that a hive mind doesn't really have a personality. So It becomes hard for GW to create special characters.

This is why the old ones were just...mutants. Weird aberrations that later were innovations to the hive.

No, the DW uniform is to include chapter icons on you from your parent chapter.

>hive mind doesn't really have a personality
Neither does most of Black Library writing.

WAAC players and tourney fags are cancer on the hobby
How do we purge them, besides never playing with them? People still watch their shitty youtube videos and visit clickbait 40k sites

*unless Blackshield

Even if you were hardcore into the DW, like in as a Captain or Master?

Post cool conversions

Noobs and retards are cancer on the hobby
How do we purge them, besides never playing with them? People still watch their shitty complaints on reddit and visit cuckbait anti-gaming sites

You don't. The only way to make WAAC fags tolerable is to make the general playability of units better.

If even the shittiest units are 8/10s, there would be less effect from hardcore powergaming. To bad a well optimized 1k list could probably beat many 1.5k lists filled with shit units.

Play any cool games recently user?

You need to post one first.

God I love Valhallans.

And I play Chaos.

Invite WAAC fags to tournaments and let them fight over the rules. Go back to playing casually.

Blackshields are a pretty specific case and less a traditional 'member' of the DW.
Did that Master come from a chapter? Then they'd keep their heraldry.

Only two loyalists in the Imperium shed their chapter honors: Blackshields, and the Knight Errant. I mean could be argued some regenades did, but their 'loyalist' title is pretty dubious.


Weird and alien is great.

Swarmlord doesn't give them a "weird and alien" feel, in fact it's just the opposite. That's why he's stupid.

>implying 8th wasn't the best thing to happen to Tyranids and Orks in years

>Did that Master come from a chapter? Then they'd keep their heraldry.
Thanks senpai

Nids and Orks will both be updated this year.

I have a confession to make anons

I've never played a game beyond the tutorial games with GW staff

I love warhammer, have collected on and off 40k, Fantasy and AoS for the last 8 years, but I've never played a real game


thats the trouble with nids, they are not weird or alien enough. Compared to Dark eldar shit they are disney tier

I'm going to run wyches as kroot!

I played a few last weekend that were great. Straken and Nork are my new favorite combo. Gonna put them, a priest and maybe an Inquisitor with 6 acolytes in a valkyrie and drop them into my opponents lines.

I was gonna have more games this weekend and more painting, but bad things went down so maybe next week I will game more. I love your army though. I found 2 meltas, 2 grenade launchers and a flamer model of those guys so I might have to order a squad of them and make some veterans.

Emperor's Children 2000pts
1x wings DP bolter+claws 189
3x havoc squads w/MLs 495
2x Sonic Dreadnoughts w/2x Blastmasters+Fist+Flamer 370

1 Chaos Lord w/combi-bolter+power maul 80
3x havoc squads w/MLs 495
2x Sonic Dreadnoughts w/2x Blastmasters+Fist+Flamer 370
1999pts 5CP

This is my favourite conversion.


A least try to have a coherent arugment user
I know you WAAC fags have trouble with rational thinking, but you shouldn't perpetuate the stereotype
Think of the children

But what about Eldar? GW needs to prioritize them more.

Is that a guard vs guard game? Do share.

So how is airborne guard in 8th edition? Is a fuckton of fliers viable?

Massively gay but definitely viable.

So get out there and fucking play. Unless you don't like playing the game, but then you wouldn't have to confess it.

Also you're in good company here, because most of the people in these threads don't actually play the game but still think they can trash talk other people for playing the game wrong.

Guise i think i have a problem .. halp!

i think i need a few knights. 2 of the vehicles on far left i will be repurposing into predators.

rebuilding/repainting/stripping. and updating.

Large demon behind the pink horrors is the old Mailorder troll Magnus the Red.

It's not the trouble with nids, it's the trouble with modern Cruddace nids.

Oldnids were fucking perfection and still had room to be expanded upon while keeping the cosmic horror tone. They were the freakish lovechild of Giger and Lovecraft.

Nunids are generic zergs/starship trooper bugs/space locusts because Crud is a fucking faggot.

If they get Phil Kelly writing them again, which I am pretty certain they are, we might finally see an improvement back to the old days and can forget most of that horrid shit we had to put up with.

my fav ork conversion:

I'll just assume you're trolling and leave you to it.

Tropes sell more than you will ever buy.

That looks badass

That's not true at all, nid sales dropped because they got shitty codexes. You can literally line up GWs profits spiking downwards each time a Cruddace nid Codex was released.

No m8. Knights are the last thing you need.

What you need is to sit down on your arse and fucking paint some of that.

I thought it was supposed to be marines and marines.

So what exactly what done for conversion there, aside from marine props.

It does, doesn't it? Unfortunately, painting like that takes some real fucking skill that I don't possess. But that doesn't change the fact that these are some rad awesome models.

user what the fucks up with all the shit tier jewelry stuff in the pic

The painting is awesome. The face conversion is lazy as fuck though and ruins it


Source is GW has already said they're prioritizing the armies that havent been updated in the longest time.

CSM and Grey Knights are among the first four releases because they are the oldest codexes, not because they're marines.

Vanilla SM and Death Guard are among the first four releases only because they're in the starter set.

After that it will be Chaos Daemons, Tyranids, IG, and Orks, in some rough order, and then two more before Christmas.

We've already seen hints on the Rumour Mill that many people have put the smart money on to be new Ork models, and Tyranids are very easy to update because their model line is almost 100% fine, they just need solid rules and maybe a single new big kit.

Those guys would make great conversion material for a slaaneshi daemon prince.

Looks like homemade stuff, probably the wife or girlfriend who makes it for fun or sells it. It's in the same room so they can hobby together.

As I understand it, there's a sort of 'power structure' inside the Hive Mind itself.

Every Hive Ship has what's called a 'Norn Queen', responsible for what that individual ship/support vessels do does (what type of nids are deployed, what evolutionary routes are used to defeat the planet's natives, etc).

Norn Queens "answer" to the Hivemind itself. This way the Hivemind isn't micromanaging every single tyranid organism in the galaxy at once.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but iirc there can only be 1 Swarmlord in the galaxy at a time. This indicates (to me at least) that it's "creation"/"deployment" (which occurs at Norn Queen level) has to go through the Nids 'psychic neural network' and be approved by the Hivemind.

Basically Swarmy is the entity the Hivemind relies on to deal with 'key planets that are providing a very high level of resistance' like Macragge or Octarius. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for the Swarmlord to be 'semi-independent' from the rest of the collective consciousness that is the Hivemind (Zoats used to be a thing at one point) in order to have a better perspective of what's happening on the battlefield and deploy forces more efficiently, since the majority of most Norn Queen strategies seem to revolve around throwing more gaunts at the problem until it dies.

None of my friends play, and I was fairly actively mocked for getting involved

I live in Plymouth UK, there's a small GW and a very minor gaming group called Dark Star and I've been to both several times, felt a bit weird because I didn't know anyone and couldn't ever get anything going

The irony is my job requires me to be competent socially and confident and I'm good at that, but I can't seem to find the cajones to get properly involved

I got the Dark Imperium box and some extras painted up and I think I can finally get involved with the edition change. Does anyone else get retarded like this?

My thoughts exactly. That's why for mine I cut off the damn ears and shaved down the faces so those masks fucking fit.

I can live with gay, I just like planes.

Nah. Those are Fantasy Crypt Horrors with Talos parts glued on. The Talos parts are fantastic for Slaanesh, but the Horrors are barely taller than a Primaris Marine and would be way too tiny for a Daemon Prince. Using Talos parts and a Daemon Prince kit, though, that works and people have done that already.


Oh, nice. Thanks for the info!

Do those war buggies have models? Those look damn good.

If that was the case, SoB's would need to be front and center. Then Guard. Then Daemons. Orks actually had a 7th codex so they can't complain too much unlike SoBs, so they can wait.
Then marines for the rest of the slots cause of course.

What if the Tyranids got a book/box set like the Eldar/Space Marines/Humans did?
Gathering Storm: The Splintering of the Swarm
>Through some BS circumstances, the Hive Mind is fractured into the different fleets, each becoming a seperate chunk of the Hive Mind
>New Swarmlord Mini, wants to unite the Swarms into a new Hive Mind
>New OOE that wants to stay feral, seeing it has the best way to test fitness OR New Doom of Malantai that wants to become the new hive mind
>New Genestealer Hybrid, ala Kerrigan, who represents the Genecults. Her goal is to totally incorporate Humanity, Tyranids and Genestealers into one race.
>The book shows each seperate characters escapades and the reason for the Hivemind being broken.
>They eventually psychically commune, and discover the only way to truly re-unite the Tyranids, and to bring humanity into the fold, is to devour the God Emperor's soul, using it as a catalyst to fix the swarm. It would also automatically bring all of humanity into the Hivemind as well, allowing it to finally overpower, and consume the Chaos Gods as well.

>We've already seen hints on the Rumour Mill that many people have put the smart money on to be new Ork models
My bet is on IG and Orks being released at the same time, a new Armageddon global campaign and plastic Steel Legion. Optimistic I know.

yeah me as well, but my favourite part of the hobby is painting/collecting and the races I like always have low tier trash rules so not playing doesn't hurt that much.

started a few days ago on the deathguard contents. i've had to stop a few times. i think i should finish painting the nurgle stuff then kitbash the 2 predators and fix the old one on the right. paint the defiler after that..

I can't decide if i want to revert the spartan back to a land raider or keep it as a spartan. (probably will revert)

guessed right. i get 1 table.. she gets the rest of the room lol sokay.. tv in the room. laptop for other streaming movies/music.

Are Vulcans still the bullshit they used to be? Because I always liked the idea of man-sized explosive rounds shot at FUCK YOU shots per second.

Yep, although the smaller one has been discontinued for the foreseeable future.

Would you consider 40k a form of art? I think modeling and painting takes an artists touch.

>What if
I would burn my Tyranids army, that's what.
No I wouldn't. I would buy that box and aggressively ignore the fluff that comes with it

Please kill yourself all these ideas are retarded. In particular Old One Eye, he is literally an unintelligent animal.

You mean an form of art?

So I freshly stripped about 70 sisters models that I used to own

But im rather stumped as to how I want to paint them.

I'd like to do something...yellowish. Almost like Imperial fist sisters. But I'd do to do a robe and armor color. What goes with yellow apart from like, purple or black?

Black armor and yellow seems (or vice versa) seems rather lame. Althought it could look okay.


old fluff used to have two norn queens meeting resulting in them attacking each other.
Can't remember the fluff on what the Hive minds role in that was. Mainly because I was so overwhelmed by the statement that "the winner consumes the loser, so nothing is lose by these fights".

Energy is expended, matter isn't lost when human armies fight either, stuff is lost because it blown into less useful forms and energy is needed to reform it. Being biological does not get it.

Of course then I get into nids wanting to eat biological matter for "biomass" as if it's some magical substance, rather than fairly common atoms+chemical potential energy+information.
Nope, energy and information aren't important, it's the mass.

Yes I mad

Yellow robes, all else is heresy

You post this kerrigan shit tier Idea in every other thread,
I would drop Nids and GSC so hard if that ever happened pls kys

Anyone know what's on preorder today?

Yes, although that doesn't necessarily mean it's good. There are better model companies out there.

>trying to turn Nids into Wardian Necrons


Depends what level you're operating on. I don't think someone following a Duncan tutorial to complete their shitty stripy sworded guilliman can really be considered art, but there are some people that insert real creativity into it.

Thanks for the info.
Damn that thing would look fine with some weathering on it.

Heavy 30 S6 Ap-2 D2
Heavy 6 S5 Ap-1 D1
Heavy 9 S4 Ap0 D1

350ish points..idk, looks good.

Oh, and take a trojan nearby so you reroll ALL THE TO-HIT ROLL

So what is happening in 40k now?
That new edition, are there any new models to support it or just standard space marines being shitted out non-stop?

That is really cool

I'm assuming the new Dreadnought considering how hard they've pushed it today, but I'm not sure. I just hope the other new Primaris stuff drops tonight as well. I don't want to wait for months on end for the new Death Guard stuff.

Smaller one? i thought there was only 1 venator model with 2 different turrets.

You can find all the new 8th edition rules in the OP. New models are dropping, right now a new wave of space marines in bigger armor, and Death Guard stuff.

That's what I imagine. Could even use Duncans lazy imperial fist technique.

new plague marines truescale marines, followed soon by more elite psyker marines and then new spikey marines

Nice. That'll mow down whatever needs mowing down.