If a friend of yours fucked with you in a RPG, would you be pissed with him outside the table?
If a friend of yours fucked with you in a RPG, would you be pissed with him outside the table?
Not really. Though calling my gaming acquaintances friends is pushing it.
Would probably fuck his girlfriend again as revenge. So he learned better now.
Depends on the context, but in general no. Keeping IC and OOC disconnected is a very important skill.
It would entirely depend on what they were doing. If they're legitimately pursuing their characters interest, I wouldn't mind. If I'm under the impression that they're torpedoing the game for shits and giggles I'll say something about it.
Generally no, but if they fucked with me at a moment where I really did not want to be fucked with (something important storywise or to my character that I'd been building up to for a while), or messed around enough that actually fucking with me just broke the last straw, I'd get mad.
But I'm not going to get mad like I've seen some people get mad - when they weren't helped by another character because their player had a different strategy in mind and they weren't really working together at that moment.
Why would I?
I predict this will become a new common Veeky Forums meme inside a month. Tough guy posting
What happens at the table stays at the table.
Is he being a dick or is he playing a dick? The latter is excusable, even expected, the first is just being a dick.
No, it's me.
A friend of mine got a powerful magical item in the game and since I'm chaotic neutral I killed him while he slept. Now he is being quite salty outside the game, even through he rolled a new character.
I roleplayed it correctly through. My character wasn't friend with his and we both went together on a dungeon. He got wounded in battle and was damaged, so I took advantage when he camped to finish him off. When I returned to the party I said that he didn't make it, another party member tried to sense if I was lying but I'm a very good bluffer. They brought that he died fighting and we honored him afterwards.
Well, I don't think It's healthy for PC's be killing each other, unless you're playing an intrigue based, Wich don't seem to be the case.
I'm sorry, but simply being chaotic neutral is not a good enough excuse for killing an Allie and lying to the others. That's some CE behavior.
I would ask forgiveness to your friend and ask your GM if he is down to let you play an evil character with lust for power.
but if he's fucking you doesn't that mean you're his girlfriend now?
You may have in-character motivations and roleplayed it correctly, but it's still a dick move. RPGs are supposed to be social things.
I love how you say 'he's salty even though he rolled a new character.' It reminds me of a guy I played with who did not understand why the barbarian wanted his sword back after he stole it, even after he'd gotten a new weapon. It's almost as if you think that his character is something he had no investment in and that he doesn't mind replacing it because you wanted an imaginary item - ignoring any emotional attachments he had to the character, it's a bit of work to put together a new one.
>Chaotic Neutral
>Kills someone for selfish reasons
Textbook chaotic Evil
One wicked act doesn't justify alignment shift towards evil, just like one virtuous act doesn't make shift towards good.
Nah, man, they're casual, no strings attached.
Seriously though, fucked how? It really depends whether they were intentionally assholes and doing something full well knowing it's a, pun warning, a dick move (if we talk about literal fucking) or not.
If he's just That Guy I may be disappointed and annoyed because he's disrupting things making it worse for others but if he's smart about it, I can play along. I confess that I did so once myself.
If it's literal fucking, I may be annoyed but also eager to make him realize he acted like a cringy perv enough to ruin his fun before leaving him in the shitfest he's in. Certainly I'd avoid playing with him if fucking everything is how his unsatisfied, permavirgin life (or at leat that would be my accusation) pushed him.
If it's a disruptive asshole trying to shit the game up intentionally then yes.
If it's a moron who can't into playing well with others then I'd only be irritated if they got all pissy and defensive when players politely tried to point out their problems.
If it's a game where dickery is to be expected then no.
This. Failure to grasp this = autism.
And of course:
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but it's what muh character wud do XD
doesn't justify it. A player is a cunt for playing that character in the first place.
I am a petulant child who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, so yes.
>killing party members in their sleep
This should be banned behavior at any D&D type game
Maybe you shouldn't sleep near untrustworth people?
It was not just the killing, but the motivations and the lying to allies about it.
And I suggested the alignment change to soothe the table. He wasn't killing the PC because he was a dick, he was building character.
Then he could play it evil but smart, not being a dick to other players, you know?
>playing amateur basketball
>be on the bench
>get brought on in the last quarter
>get the ball
>bros are calling for a pass
>start comedy-dribbling back towards my own basket, then throw the ball of the court
>teammates are all "WTF?!"
>me: "Games are for fun. This is how I have fun. Fun is personal and subjective so you have no argument"
>they're hurling abuse
>me: "Why so mad? It's only a game guys!"
I'd try not to be. Depending on how it went over, I might in fact be pissed with him, but that would be a failing on my end.
Maybe a little, but I'm mature enough to know that it's not worth it so I won't act in consequence (outside the table).
Now if he's fucking me "in" a RPG but he's really also fucking with me irl I confront the cunt.
Yeah - if your character would kill another player's character, don't do it. You can justify it as the character thinking that it's too much risk or whatever, but if you go through it with, it's not the character making the choice, it's you.
I'd be disappointed if they didn't fuck with me. Intra-party conflict can be great fun. I'm not stupid enough to take it personally.
Evil basically means selfish in D&D. Your act was extremely selfish.
Intra party conflict is quite different from intra party murder.
There was no chance for conflict, or character development.
depends on if it was meant as just a roleplay thing, as in if its something his character would do, or if it was done purely to mess with me.
the severity of how much they fucked me over would also factor in, to a certain degree. but again, if it was done for roleplay purposes i won't get upset nearly as much as if it was done just to fuck with me.
Slightly inadequate since most roleplaying games are not team-based competitive games.
I mean yeah, both are examples of a cunt but there's different kinds of cunts.
>One wicked act doesn't justify alignment shift towards
Yes it can and does. Especially for CN. You are in the alignment with the least wiggle room for fucking around. One way or the other, one significant act can slip you into a different alignment. Murdering someone who was supposed to be your friend to steal his shit, especially when there alternatives to killing him.
That was a pretty dick move. A chaotic neutral sure will realize that losing a potential ally and risking his own life at the hands of the rest of the team is too much risk for a simple magical item. Was it the setting equivalent to the One Ring, the Silmarils or something?
OP here.
He wasn't my "friend". In RL he is, but on game he was like a random hired hand.
Yeah, that was a dick move. Party conflict is fine, but you could have done about a million different things that would have been way more interesting and fun than "kill party member in his sleep."
You could have tried replacing it with a fake, you could have swiped it the day he was attempting to sell it, leading to a dramatic chase or a game of cat and mouse. You could convince the other party members that he's not to be trusted with it, and that you would be a much better caretaker.
You went with chaotic stupid instead.
No. You're a Dumb Faggit.
Only exception is if the fuckery actually harms the RP; your character is the focus of a compelling story everyone is into, and your character's death/disablement kills the story/mood/momentum.
But, that applies to just about any character action.
More interesting perhaps. But my character calculated that was the option with lowest risk. The mission was complete, the guy was severely weakened, the place was risky and dangerous... and we were completely alone. It was literally a murder scene.
>plays chaotic neutral
>kills off other party members for loot
>doesn't understand what could possibly be terrible about such an action and blames his friend for being "salty"
yep, checks out, you're definitely That Guy and should seriously consider never playing a ttrpg again
user, part of being an adult is realizing when you've done something wrong, owing up to it, and doing better in the future. At the time you may have felt that it was a good idea, but it really wasn't, and it didn't add anything to the story or the characters.
Like I said earlier, conflict is totally fine, but the difference between good conflict and bad conflict largely comes down to tact.
But user, my character wasn't interested in creating conflict, he was interested in quickly increasing his skills while avoiding conflict.
>but its what my character would do!
you made a shitty character. if you can't figure that out you're doomed to be That Guy forever.
I disagree. A shitty character goes against the plot. The plot advanced just fine, I just didn't gave his character an extra thought.
>I disagree.
Your opinion is objectively wrong, sorry. Might want to work on fixing that.
If you have an argument, sure.
Good players play to their character while also thinking about ways to make the game/story more interesting. A good chaotic neutral character would not jump to murder as their first solution, and a good player would realize that killing someone in their sleep is the direct opposite of fun.
You're not going to burst into flames if you admit you did someone wrong, and your friend certainly isn't going to get angrier at you for owing up to it.
Not if its something his character would actually do.
Do you have an agruement? Everyone else seems to be making decent points about how you shouldn't be a dick to other people when you're playing pretend and you keeps circling back to
>but muh character!
so if you're actually interested in discussing the subject, then maybe stop plugging your ears and screaming the same thing over and over like an autist.
>If you have an argument, sure.
For one, your character is Chaotic Neutral. Huge red flag right there just to start off with, as its an alignment usually played by antisocial edgelords who gladly jump to murder as the first solution to anything and everything. You proved yourself following this rule by murdering a party member for no other reason than to get a piece of loot.
Also, and this was already mentioned but bears repeating, your character straight up murdered a party member. For a really shitty reason. It's a usually frowned upon thing for PCs to be killing each other even if they actually have serious RP reasons to do so. You had no reason whatsoever except for loot.
Your character is like the most stereotypical That Guy character ever, and you are almost the most stereotypical That Guy.
The story is interesting. True it wasn't fun for him, but it was fun for me to act in a way that was very chaotic.
And it wasn't my first solution, that would be chaotic stupid. I actually thought of plenty of other ways, I just decided that as the safest route.
The lesson here is actually to don't show a valuable artifact to someone who you don't know to be trustworth, then immediately show weakness in a place where there wouldn't be consequences. No way I would have done that if we were on a city or near other party members.
>True it wasn't fun for him, but it was fun for me to act in a way that was very chaotic.
This is the problem.
>True it wasn't fun for him
you seem to have forgotten that RPGs are collaborative experiences and the only one your That Guy behavior satisfied was yourself
Why didn't the guy that wanted a magic ring just steal it in his sleep? Why did he have to kill his party member?
You ignored the rest of the argument. The problem is that you are only seeing it as a game.
Dying in a RPG is never fun, but can happen in any encounter. The only way to stop it is being smart about it. The same way you should be careful when near other characters. You should never expect that just because you are friend with a player his character will be your friend or even like you. Of course as a collaborative game we need to work together, because that's the only way to beat the dungeons, but just because we are sharing a room doesn't mean you should leave your wallet unattended.
Yes unless it was justified.
If I stole the ring, the first thing he would ask is: who stole the magic ring that I was using in battle like yesterday?
Then he would look at me, who am the only other person in the room. Who by the way is a thief. Does that seem smart?
It does, because otherwise you make the game boring. This means you either ensure the group has no reason to be stupid with each other, or you suspend your disbelief and just don't be stupid with each other.
>chaotic neutral
>who murders party members for loot
we did it folks, a perfect three strikes
congratulations to you, user. you are officially That Guy.
You could have hidden it. I'm sure you can think of good ways to hide something as small as a ring, thieves are meant to be clever.
He's memeing/baiting you fool.
>This means you either ensure the group has no reason to be stupid with each other
This is actually the best solution. Just don't paint yourself as a victim.
You are literally implying that the other player is retarded, because only someone like that wouldn't put 1+1 together.
But the main problem is... why risk it?
>Just don't paint yourself as a victim.
>But the main problem is... why risk it?
CN != psychopathy
The rogue in my party tried to steal from the fighter and got KO'd by the fighter and the barbarian (who sided with the fighter) it was a good feeling
No, you just lack the creativity and imagination necessary to do anything other than murder. People have already come up with suggestions. You just decided that your fun was more important than anyone else's. You literally admitted to it.
>True it wasn't fun for him, but it was fun for me to act in a way that was very chaotic.
As a DM, I'm telling you, I could have turned stealing that ring into an adventure of it's own if you gave me something to work with other than murder. Something that would have been fun for you and him.
You're just an indolent child.
Would you show an artifact for a thief who isn't your friend, while you are alone and clearly handicapped?
Psychopathy would imply that I go murderhoboing. I don't. I only kill when it's improves the act.
No, user, non-psychopaths are actually very reluctant to kill people in cold blood.
You think psychopaths are real life orcs or something? They only kill when they think they can get away with it. Like you.
Not every case of robbery followed by murder was done by a psycho.
No? But killing people in their sleep...
Sociopathic behavior doesn't equate to being a murderhobo, it's simply a lack of empathy for other people. There are plenty of functional sociopaths out there who have never killed anyone but also wouldn't feel bad about doing it either.
If his character had a good reason for fucking with my character, then no, I wouldn't.
Is there a single case in which a burglar entered a house to steal an object, and ended up murdering the family in their sleep for no reason, and he wasn't considered a nutjob?
Most robberies occur when the homeowners are at work, because even shitty criminals don't usually want to kill innocent people. The criminals who do hurt people usually have a history of violent and antisocial behavior.
Well over here in South Africa if you're getting robbed, chances are your getting raped too
>The criminals who do hurt people usually have a history of violent and antisocial behavior.
Depends on the kind of fuckery. If he was doing it to spite me and was being petty I'd be pretty annoyed. If it was !FUN! I'd be okay with it though.
Making me reroll a character is over the line in any case. You went from doing something interesting to making me waste a bunch of time. Fuck off with that.
Made me laugh
Depends on if he discussed it with me or not. If we talked about it, I'm fine, if it's out of the blue I'd be a little upset.
I guess the one caveat would be if they did it and it was clear it was all for fun, ya know?
Depends on if his character did that and it was enjoyable, or if he's being a dick.
Getting betrayed in a grand orchestra of subtle diplomacy can be a death sentence to your character but can be well done and won't fuck with your enjoyment of the game, but if a dickwad steals from his party while they sleep or runs away while there's combat going on while playing a galant knight... He's a dick.
Most people are shit at PvP, and there's gonna be hurt feefees at the table. Avoid PvP unless you have extremely experienced players (and even then, they might snap due to unforeseen real life shit that might be fucking them). Too risky.
OP, you're a dick. You don't punch your friend in the nuts and then blame him for leaving himself open. Children do that, and that's only because they're too short-sighted to see how dumb it is.
To be fair, if they go showing their nuts near you it's a good reason to punch them.
>The story is interesting. True it wasn't fun for him, but it was fun for me to act in a way that was very chaotic.
And this is why you're not a good player.
By roleplaying the alignment? Kek.
Call me back when I do something that doesn't fit the game.
I know you're baiting, but I'm bored so one last post.
I'm not going to argue whether you were playing your alignment well or not, because that kind of argument is impossible to prove.
But a good player would have found a way to roleplay their alignment that was fun for everyone at the table. You are only able to make it fun for yourself, which is why you're not a good player.
>it's your job to make the game fun for everyone
Nope, that's the GM. While that would be ideal, your main objective is to have fun yourself.
>Games are for fun.
>them: "This isn't fun for us and we outnumber you."
>they're hurling rocks
>you cry
>them: "Why so mad? It's only a game guy."
You played chaotic evil tho
Only if you're the only player at the table, though.
One evil action doesn't make evil. I will be CE when I become an orc.
Murdering in cold blood does make you evil though.
Not instantly. Plus there are other factors.
>if you get mad that i took something you put an investment on from you you're a petulant child
No you went too far. TTRPGs are social gatherings for people to have a good time.
If that player was enjoying that character, it is going too far to kill them just for a bit of loot. In my mind killing another PC is really only a good idea if you're both involved in some sort of rivalry/ongoing feud and are both aware that it could come to killing. And even then doing it in his sleep is a cunt move.
No it kinda does.
that may be generally true, but that doesn't mean that certain actions aren't weighted higher, and murdering a comrade in their sleep would be enough to provoke an alignment shift in my opinion, unless you've been acting good enough to be cresting towards chaotic good, but even then it's pushing it
either way, taking a cool magic item from your friend is cunty as fuck, because now he needs to not only roll a new character but watch you use his cool magical item he found. i'd be pissed as well
Except those other characters aren't just NPCs run by a computer who doesn't have any emotions, there's a player behind it that's also trying to enjoy the game and you've decided your enjoyment is worth much more then his and enforced a scenario that greatly fucks his fun over for yours.
I think you are giving his character a bigger value just because he is a PC.
Alignment doesn't work this way.
The problem is that he wasn't my comrade. My character didn't even like him, so...
Actions don't judge your alignment, your character does. And anyone whose moral character is okay with them casually killing a person who has shed blood with them is pretty much the definition of bastard.