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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Do you have any wod related guilty pleasures?
>5th editons cliffnotes
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
>Do you have any wod related guilty pleasures?
A vampire one, yes.
Just downloaded cWoD Sorcerers as Inspiration for myWoD where True mages don't exist and Sorceres take their place.
Stale bait.
If you ever get any concrete rules down you should share them.
Reminder that even Beasts and fan splats can be fun and engaging if you play your cards right. The only superior gameline is the one that works best for your whole group. Choosing one over the other is just a matter of opinion over something that is totally make believe. Don't take it too seriously, it's bad for your health.
>saying mages don't exist in myWoD
>muh bait
Fucking magefags. What bugs you about this.
Well i am just going to use hedge mages.
It's CoD, but...
I like Beast despite its MANY and MAJOR flaws. Sue me.
Dhampyr (the cringy ones from Kindred of the East) are easy to make fun of and I rationally recognize how snowflakey they are as a player character option, but deep down my inner weeaboo thinks they're cool.
Reminder that Mage is THE best thing to have ever happened to WoD, both old and new.
>mage supremacy
tbf, last two threads went to hell because of that.
Went to hell because of that.
Wtf i just dioscussed that stuff with some dudes and magefags came in whining.
No, Hunter is the best thing to happen to nWoD.
Please see .
Wraith was the best thing to happen to oWoD. It's too bad it's as dead as the characters you play.
>tfw you'll probably be a wraith IRL before wraith 20th comes out
I feel this way about Changeling 2e. Holy fuck the delays.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
O' Oracle of Mage Supremacy, is there anything to like about the Euthanatos? They just seem a bit crap and only there to appeal to edgelords.
Entropy is pretty cool though so there is that I guess.
As a mummyfag I kind of get you. Every night I can still feel them, the time we've lost the support we've lost. It won't stop hurting
Maybe Mummy 2e will come with the next Sothic Turn
>Sue me.
Aren't you full of Sues already?
I hold out hope someone will bite the bullet and write up a conversion to 2e like people have done with the Purified.
I feel the same way and it makes me feel unclean on the inside.
I like Mage, but going by how shitty this general is because of their mere existance, I'm going to have to disagree.
>general is shitty because of mages
I doubt it. It's not like all of this amazing, interesting discussion would be taking place if Mage never existed. And just look at the other sites for W/CofD. Arguably even more autistic, and yet a lot of them hate Mages.
>anons try developing sorcerers
>magefags come in
>interesting discussions about another splat
>dumb rule questions and stupid powerwank discussions killing quality discussion
It's not like the magefags are solely responsible for these messy threads.
Vampfags have been *at least* as autistic.
>>anons try developing sorcerers
Not what he was doing, or even his mission statement. His explicit goal was to nerf and revise Mages, and when it was pointed out that he basically was making buffed hedge magicians, he agreed. There was no talk about developing sorcerers, just how much he didn't like mages and and how he preferred them in his WoD.
>>dumb rule questions and stupid powerwank discussions killing quality discussion
Literally how? If you can't ignore posts and carry on your own discussions, that's on you. And what quality discussions? I barely ever see any.
Why use sorcerers over mages? It's already hard as balls trying to get magic(k) off.
Unless you cheese things, low Arete mages are kind of pushovers.
>Not what he was doing, or even his mission statement. His explicit goal was to nerf and revise Mages, and when it was pointed out that he basically was making buffed hedge magicians, he agreed. There was no talk about developing sorcerers, just how much he didn't like mages and and how he preferred them in his WoD.
Simply not true. It was said from the start that true mages don't exist. Magefags just sperged out because they were called mage and even run out of arguments when confronted with the fact that consensual reality is really shitty for non-mage games. Also the Sorcerers where developed further in the next thread after the mageposting stopped.
>And what quality discussions? I barely ever see any.
Well after trying revisionism in the sorcerers debate you seem to be part of the problem.
Nobody took the sorcerer nard seriously because he completely mistook what Ascension is about.
>hurr durr mages just wiggle their fingers to do magic, no occult lore or arcane knowledge hurr durr
Thats also gaslighting fagget.
Most people actually roasted magefags for beeing autistic over the word mage and autism over other peoples WoD.
You'd think Changeling fans could bot their way up the 33 votes they need to win
Yes. Take a peak at their trad books. The Euthanatoi are, like, the council of socially responsible necromancers. One hand kills, the other heals
>guy didn't actually know anything about mage fluff and how it works in the game and yet kept bashing it
>insisted on calling his sorcerers mages when they weren't, and said things like "mages in my wod are low-powered and helpless because mages as is are just too boring and strong"
Right, he's totally innocent and was perfectly clear and concise.
That word doesn't mean what you think it means. I'm strawmanning, if anything. Misrepresenting someone else's argument, which is what I assume you mean. If I were trying to revise, I would be changing my own stance.
>muh gaslightin'
No. That's actually just paraphrasing what he said.
>guy didn't actually know anything about mage fluff and how it works in the game and yet kept bashing it
I don't like consensual reality, paradox and the highpowered nature of true mages should be more than enough to justify not using mages.
>insisted on calling his sorcerers mages
Oh noo plz don't call the people using magical powers mages cause the magefags will be triggered.
>mages in my wod are low-powered and helpless
He said they work more like Hunters.
>because mages as is are just too boring and strong"
Wtf. Your reading comprehension is really bad.
It simply isn't.
Ok... Tell us again why you prefer sorcerers over mages?
Not him,but good god, can you read?
>I don't like consensual reality, paradox and the highpowered nature of true mages should be more than enough to justify not using mages.
Not that, thematically speaking.
Sources of their power, comparative functionality etc.
>I don't like consensual reality, paradox and the highpowered nature of true mages should be more than enough to justify not using mages.
Not what I was talking about, but whatever.
>>Oh noo plz don't call the people using magical powers mages cause the magefags will be triggered.
>missing the point this hard
>He said they work more like Hunters.
He also literally said that Mages were boring to him, and that in his WoD they were low-powered and "helpless against the beasts that stalk the WoD".
>Wtf. Your reading comprehension is really bad.
Those are things that he said. Go back and read them.
>It simply isn't.
user, it literally is. One of his biggest things that he went on about what how he was going to make mages all mystic and with arcane knowledge methods because he didn't like the "ebin spheres". One of his examples was doing a ritual and forging a dagger on a lunar eclipse that you would have to stab into a werewolf's heart to change them back, and he put emphasis on the fact that you would have to do it against a vicious feral beast and that you would most likely die anyway.
Ffs the argument always was for myWoD, my chronic etc.
Personally i would play in a techno campaign because i don't like the traditions.
>"helpless against the beasts that stalk the WoD".
In direct combat just like a hunter. Again reading comprehension senpai.
>One of his examples was doing a ritual and forging a dagger on a lunar eclipse that you would have to stab into a werewolf's heart to change them back, and he put emphasis on the fact that you would have to do it against a vicious feral beast and that you would most likely die anyway.
If you go up against a wolf in crinos. How would a hunter do it? Stab him when he still is human.
Its really not that hard if you aren't a magefag hellbent on fuckign with everyone not using mage.
>In direct combat just like a hunter. Again reading comprehension senpai.
Not what he said. Go back and read it.
>How would a hunter do it? Stab him when he still is human.
Then you wouldn't even need magic. Just silver at best.
>Not what he said. Go back and read it.
He later even clarified how a vampire hutn would work. You just have a negative bias.
>Then you wouldn't even need magic. Just silver at best
Really depends. The dagger was supposed to prevent transformation. If you stab him wis silver and he survives you have a BIG problem. The argument just was a mage as i see him should get his ass handed in close combat.
>You just have a negative bias.
No, that's literally what he said. He only said that they would "operate similarly" to hunters later.
>The dagger was supposed to prevent transformation
No, it was supposed to revert it. He chose this as an example because earlier in the thread somebody said you could use Life to force a werewolf to change back to human.
Go back and read the thread. You don't know what you're talking about.
>He chose this as an example because earlier in the thread somebody said you could use Life to force a werewolf to change back to human
So a Sorcerer shouldn't have the ability to just retransform a raging werewolf as easily. Thus its really risky and he shouldn't risk direct confrontation ?
>Go back and read the thread. You don't know what you're talking about.
I suggest you just drop it, go outside for a bit and cool off.
How would you stat Nemesis the Warlock? What about Tomas de Torquemada?
Why bot though? Like I'm sad changeling won't win, but that's no reason to cheat and provide material for A) A game thats out and B) A game that has even less content than FUCKING BEAST.
Man seriously, Geist got fucked in the ass for content.
I honestly expected you were going to be posting a page of Requiem: Vampire Knight. That's okay I guess too?
Pat Millis fit perfectly with WoD
Shut up, deviant!
>So a Sorcerer shouldn't have the ability to just retransform a raging werewolf as easily. Thus its really risky and he shouldn't risk direct confrontation ?
Ok? Wasn't really the point, but whatever.
>I suggest you just drop it, go outside for a bit and cool off.
I'm not mad, user. You just don't know what you're talking about. In fact, ironically, you're 'revising' more than anyone else here, and you consistently miss points.
sexual deviants get out reeeee
So, what's everyone favourite X or Y splat? AKA not the splat on the whole (vampire, mage, werewolf) but the main defining one (Auspice, Lineage, 1e Seeming)
You're a mage, and you have a pile of rocks. Your goal is to turn that pile of rocks into a nuclear warhead. What spells (or at least practices) are needed, besides knowing the basic physics and detonator requirements as a character?
Matter, Forces and a bunch of components because matter ain't really the best for MAKING a machine. Forces for the power to set the thing off, I guess, but you'd need Matter 4 to be doing anything like uranium or whatever.
Fun fact, Prometheans are able to make nuclear weapons as well with one of their almbeics
>tfw Urban Shadows does everything WoD does better than WoD over the course of a single rulebook
>The Vessel manages to do everything Promethean sets out to accomplish in five fucking pages
I'll use fate to enchant the rocks destinies and then use them to break into a nuclear missile silo.
Hard to say. You would need Transubstantiation (Matter 4) in order to physically change the material, but it specifies "inert" substances, as in, chemically inactive, so I don't know if you would need Forces 5 Create Energy in order to make it radioactive.
>Urban Shadows
How do mages work?
All you actually need is Forces and Matter, and maybe not even that many dots. Space would be nice if you plan on detonating it from a distance though.
The simplest "gun" type device is actually quite simple, with one "bullet" of enriched material impacting a larger ball of less-enriched material to cause the explosion. A small primer charge shoots the "bullet" and that's the only real moving part.
How long is the pirate poll going to be open?
I mean hemisphere actually, not ball.
There's a playbook for The Wizard, but The Oracle and The Hallowed both touch on similar spaces as well.
Until the stretch goal is hit.
So basically Matter 4 and an adequate understanding of engineering and physics to get the right amount of material and make the 'gun' warhead?
Pretty much, you're best of making the detonator/rigging/whatever yourself, like you can use matter to make the materials and enhance your tools, but making it ALL with spells is going to take a LOT of time since you'll have to make them all high duration along with various reaches.
Can we get some links? cause those are both some massive "Literally who?" for me.
Honestly this was mostly a thought experiment, since I joked about the Umbrella solution to something in my game earlier today and was wondering how hard it would be as a mage to enact.
Urban Shadows is a PbtA urban fantasy game. The Vessel is a playbook in it.
Some playbooks linked
Matter to make the uranium, Forces to manipulate its radioactivity, Prime to make it remove the template of everything the radiation touches :^)
so now that atamajakki has quit CofD, who the fuck is gonna buy Mummy 2e
Did they ACTUALLY quit CofD now or are you talking about the time she said she was quiting when hill quit?
He might need prime to make it 'nuclear' energy considering the sheer scope of power, but that's more of a opnion level. So yeah, Matter 4 to create uranium from anything and Forces 4 to make an electrically charged (or heated, whatever, some form of energy charged) piece of Uranium into enriched uranium.
I'm sorry, PbtA? I have zero idea what that could even mean.
I'm boycotting their products going forward, but sometimes yell at people on the forums and shitpost here when all my other sites are really, really slow.
And PbtA is Powered by the Apocalypse, a large subset of games running off the ruleset in Apocalypse World.
Atamajakki is a girl?
Can I fuck her?
Oh it's monster hearts shit and you're shilling it, nah, fuck off.
Also me, the boy that owns all Mummy books because he likes the lore
They're a girl, yes, but they have a penis so... I mean yeah you can fuck her if you want, but I think she has a boyfriend???
I don't believe you're Jakki. Way to boycott their products with your continued active involvement in Scion's community.
>, but I think she has a boyfriend???
The hottest feature in potential conquests.
Never mind then. The only tranny I'm willing to fuck is Sarina Valentina.
But it's literally not Monsterhearts, that's made by someone else entirely (who is lovely).
Literally all I do on the Scion forum is bitch about how they said they'd rewrite the Netjer eight months ago and still haven't. They already got my money for that Kickstarter ages ago.
>They're a girl, yes, but they have a penis so... I mean yeah you can fuck her if you want, but I think she has a boyfriend??
Mummy fags take comfort wherever they find it.
Me, I will. Write it, too, God willing.
Knowing the dev, the delay is literally that there's so much shit going on in his day to day it never gets submitted for a preview and he doesn't prioritize it.
I can assure you that the mechanics are done at least, but playtesters didn't have access to the fluff which is probably what the giant holdup for both previews and publishing are.
Aw man I don't want cuckolding in my WoD too.
Nah I know it isn't, but they use the same system, never heard any indication of any of them having any lore so I have no interest.
>Aw man I don't want cuckolding in my WoD too.
Money's in the case, user.
That's beyond my understanding of a scene I don't wanna get into user, sorry.
I've seen the mechanics and they're serviceable, but they're selling this book at least partly based on lore and I was super letdown by how they previewed that Pantheon.
Monsterhearts and Urban Shadows are both setting-lite, but essentially just set in our world that happens to have some monsters in it. Plenty of other PbtA games have lore; Night Witches is set in strictly historical WW2, while Blades in the Dark has this whole elaborate industrial fantasy setting.
Buying from Magpie Games kind of puts a bad taste in my mouth in light of We Eat Blood and its fallout, but that's just me. Urban Shadows is the go-to game for WoD-style crossover, and it's pretty good. Touhoufriend approved, too.
I was botching a reference to GLOW with that honestly. I do not seek to fuck Jakki or other people in relationships.
Own those last two, but setting lite gives me even less reason to try it. If there's no lore, I got no interest in a bunch of rules.
Every other pantheon I've liked a lot so far, I suspect the Netjer thing was the author of that segment having a vision that was idosyncratic. Some of your complaints when it came out I agreed with but others I was in the draft's camp.
Would Mage the Awakening be balanced with the other splats if each of the five paths only got their two ruling arcana?
aaaah, never heard of the show until I googled it, ah well, at least you don't wanna be a Bull... Or vixen, I think that's what female bulls are called.
I feel like "one contributor to the brand wrote something in defense of a shitty person working for another company entirely" is enough degrees of separation for me to be comfortable with it, but it's a valid point. I wound up pulling my pledge to Monsterhearts 2 over it.
You could always just port over the WoD/CofD lore, you know.
I'm still so fucking mad about how bad that draft was.
>I've seen the mechanics and they're serviceable
What draft? They have had some major revisions, not that it answers your fluff question
A friend was a playtester, no clue how many revisions back. I'm honestly thinking about just slapping together a Scion PbtA hack at this point, or just using the rules from City of Mist.
God damn, I thought WoD had the market cornered on shitty art for their game.
Why would I do that? you said the books do WoD better than WoD, but it lacks the lore? I don't have any issue with the CoD system (WoD on the other hand... I'll just update to CoD or bare with it) And if there's almost no lore... Then how does it do it better?
We're only like a month or two past the original planned release date? I was figuring if we got it this year we'd be ahead of OPP's usual schedule.
Most places aren't 7th Sea who put shit out early and OPP is kind of notorious for delays. I always mentally add six months