thalia is CUTE!! edition
playan hatan etc
Playing, Hating etc
>Current Modern Metagame
thalia is CUTE!! edition
playan hatan etc
Playing, Hating etc
>Current Modern Metagame
1st for storm is balanced
2nd for ban storm.
3rd for Wurmcoil Engine.
4th for Utron when?
Reposting here since it's a new thread.
I want to build Sun & Moon but Chalice is too expensive.
Is it really core to the deck or can I just replace it with more interaction and still do fine ? I'm aiming at FNM level so it doesn't have to be perfect.
5th for Delver when?
Why would I play a 1 mana 3/2 when I could play a 1 mana 5/5?
3/2 with evasion friend.
Why evade when you can just beat through? Delver is also much easier to remove.
I don't know my dude, I just have a soft spot for it. It's such an elegant card.
It's an actual mistake though just like you
I wonder why noone even considers playing this guy, is it because of the double black?
What the fuck? That little shit is the opposite of elegant.
Yeah. Also the flying doesn't help that much, all things considered.
The flying doesn't really matter.
It's a shame, I like tombstalkers art.
Some of my favorite games I've played of Modern and Legacy have been games where Delver flips turn two and the rest of my hand guarantees that nothing the opponent does will matter for the rest of the game.
It's just a good feeling, man
Yeah, it's a great card and really efficient but not elegant.
>tfw you want to play 5 colour allies but you know its janky trash
Not sure if I should go with Rally the Ancestors or CoCo, Both seem really good in the deck
Is there a newer burn primer? One that deals with shadow variants and such?
How can you not know how to deal with it? Just hold up your spells as long as possible and blow him out in one go. Hell he's only running 4 Death's Shadow, you can probably win by just playing a normal game most of the time.
Why 5C instead of like... Naya?
Tribal flames
No uh, actually its for Brigand and Shapeshifter. The only Ally from BFZ I'm using is the goblin that gives haste.
Brigand is a strictly worse survivalist, but he grows at the same rate and I'm more concerned about getting big guys than giving them vigilance or something. I'm also memeing it up with hardened scales so allies that get +1/+1 counters are kinda nuts.
Also considering running pic related considering every Ally in the deck save for 1 of them is a human
Well, don't let your memes be dreams, I guess.
Allies/Humans feat Scales has actually done well on occasion, but usually it's GW/Naya.
I wouldn't recommend that card btw. Just saying.
I hear people talking about some "kira lite" merfolk from the Ixalan leaks. Where is it ? I can't be assed to find it.
Look harder next time, dingus.
Damn Ixalan actually looks like it'll be a good set. Probably void of character and flavour once again, but the cards will be good.
when will wizards unban mental misstep? i know everyone would run it, but having an answer, and then having that answer countered is better then having no answer at all.
God nailing a Goblin Guide with this thing would feel good.
>bite the bullet and try out MTGO
>spending new player points on the New to Magic events
>four events so far, have won 3 of my 7 games to AFKs
In response to that they just misstep your misstep. :^)
But I had 7 cards remaining in hand whereas they had 5. It's more likely that I have a Misstep than them. And please, run Misstep in Burn. PLEASE. The card is like Jace at this point; only autists think it should be banned.
I did not play back then but did jace and stoneforge even get a chance to be played in modern or were they just banned from the start?
>When is blue going to be good again so I can run Choke and Boil in my sideboards?
You know you could answer this by looking up a timeline of DCI bans and restrictions, right?
It's public information, made as readily available as possible to inform every single player of all intelligence levels.
>choosing to play on mtgo
You did this to yourself
>hating MTGO based on hearsay instead of doing your own testing
It's like you don't know how charge-backs work.
Yeah I see, sorry.
All good. Not enough people are in the habit of stopping to google anything they don't understand.
I blame public education teaching children to "use context clues" instead of just reaching for the dictionary when they see a new word.
is Magic too expensive?
No. I like my purchases to hold their value so I can resell them as necessary.
t. Wendy's Chef
God I miss when her face wasn't all fucked up from the lip work.
Looks like Wizards might have just broken Modern by accident again.
We've had Solemnity as a creature since 2011, newfag.
Except we literally didn't. The closest effect we've seen is Vizier and that wasn't too long ago.
He's talking about Melira but he's a baka
>shocking yourself to avoid two damage
>Goblin Guide only does two damage
Also you only have to shock if you're on the draw
Goddamn you're dumb.
These are the people who post in the Modern General.
Not an argument
>why can't every cardboard slinger be as superior as me
/r/ing trav telling me about those stairs bro
Do you play Spreading Algae to shit on black decks? It's fun when Shadow players read it.
I play that shit alongside Urborg for max fun
What's his name again?
men of class
>tfw you're playing a complete fucking pile of shit
Its fun sometimes
>Travis Woo
I respect the man for bringing us Living End but you seriously cannot expect me to watch something that combines two fucking horrible things and expect it to be good.
Melira doesn't hose Affinity, just Infect. She's also a Creature, so she dies to much more removal than Solemnity does, and since she's Legendary, you can't have multiple copies of her out.
Good, but not good enough in this case
No, standard is a sub $100 investment until rotation. Modern can be a sub $300 investment and still be competitive. Commander can obviously be done sub $100 and still produce a decent result. The only people magic is too expensive for is the people who buy how wizards wants you to, in packs.
How many times are you going to post this with people telling you its shit? Coco deck - coco is not as good every time
then dont cry when you get knee arthritis from stairing wrong
He tried to warn you about those stairs bro
I love allies, preferred route being Excavator mill with Rally/Ranks etc
Keep up the good fight!
>titanshift player bolts himself to counter his opponents timely reinforcements
L e l
In some cases that would be a good play.
Don't need to spend money on something just to charge-back when I could just play for free on xmage, friendo
I'm not sure what this nigger was trying to do, but I fucking sat there with only one land for like 5 turns
300$ is expensive to me at least.
Get a job.
t. Wendy's chef
>standard is a sub $100 investment until rotation
Since when?
I agree with you but let's not give people false hope.
You probably own a phone worth more than that.
God damn whats it like being 17
>Impliying a phone isn't more useful or fun than mtg
God daaaaaaaaaamn
This is going in my BUG Loam Pox pile of jank so fast
Chinamen fakes are the solution to your problems
I think we just played lol. I was the Skred guy you got flooded against.
How does your deck win?
A tiered modern deck(barring a ban)will last you just as long as a phone.
Very briefly, stonegorge I think had two months, and was banned just because they were scared of what it did in standard.
Original user, i could flame you like everyone else did but seriously. If you can't scrape together $300 in a couple months of savings you should find a better job desu. Try pauper, i hear tell its cheap
I played a guy on xmage whos room said "fast play plz", he proceeded to ensnaring bridge me two out of three games. The irony amazes me
i've had the same phone for like 15 years or something. old samsung flip made out of the same shit they made brick gameboys out of.
It wins by actually drawing creatures, something that didn't happen that game. The general plan is to go insane with +1/+1 counters on your guys. Now that I think about it, it might be good to run a metalic mimic or two in the list...
That's not ironic. You know what he means.
Never played beatdown allies, but Mimic is a really underrated card, could be sweet to test it. One game I drew running Mimics and just curved them out, game was won solely by Kaladesh jank.
That card bumped illusion tribal all the way up to tier 6
alright you kekolds time for another stupid fucking blogpost
3-0-1 FNM tonight playing RG Titanshift
>Round 1 vs. Titan-breach (2-0)
>he's on the play but I drew more ramp than he did and scapeshift the win, nice and easy
>game 2 I start with leyline of sanctity and fuck his plans up
>he breaches a titan to hit me for 6 and nuke the fuck out of my courser of kruphix, then dies to scapeshift the next turn
>Round 2 vs. jeskai control (2-0)
>I throw a titan into a counterspell
>summoner's pact another titan he has to bolt-snap-bolt, hinting the lack of counterspell?
>untap, pay for pact, top deck scapeshift and he scoops
>game 2 I know he's bringing in more counters so I play conservatively
>throw chandra and scapeshift into counterspells, resolve a titan, it eats helix and bolt breakfast
>top deck another titan and slam it
>end up with most of my mountains and 3 valakuts in play, scapeshift for 3 lands just to finish him off
>Round 3 vs. bant humans (2-0)
>G1 I keep a hand of 5 lands and 2 ramp spells
>he goes on the champion of the parish beat down
>I get fucked up and dropped to ~5 life
>keep drawing lands, flooding out
>top deck scapeshift at the last possible turn and slap it down
>go to game 2
>keep a hand with 2 bolts, which keeps him from facefucking me
>find a prime time and get it down, send valakut triggers at his dudes fearing a critical mass/group blocks
>swing and he cocos into double mirran crusader to block prime time
>we argue for a moment about if prime time can trample over them (he can)
>prime time dies, summoner's pact and slap another one down sending valakut triggers to the crusaders to clear his board again
>he draws a card then packs his stuff up without saying a word
>Round 4 vs. affinity
>Opponent says he has to leave, asks very nicely for ID
>don't mind being friendly, take ID even though I kind of wanted to try the match.
Matches aren't really blogpost desu. They're pretty informative as to how matchups can play out.
hooo boy
your chalice is gonna be in the side anyway
at fnm level just replace chalice with sideboard targeted matchups, dragons claw for storm and burn etc
>falling for the meme
The absolute madman
Chinaman fakes arent cheap either, that chink would probably charge me 200 dollars for all the important pieces of E tron
Damn titanshift sounds easy
If I wanna play tokens on a semi budget,should I buy the precon and upgrade as I go or just toss together a budget list?
What happened here?
i wouldn't say it's 'easy' so much as it is consistent. the jund of combo decks, if you will.
never a bad choice and completely punishes loose play by the opponent.
i said something to the effect of 'you know you're dead to flickerwisp hitting unlife, right?' while i drawstep thoughtknot displacer him with an untapped aether vial on 3. he conceded G2 and the match on partial information from my bluff.
the joke is that mike long once bluffed a pro tour in a similar fashion, threatening pros-bloom drain life while having sideboarded out his only copy of drain life. he begins the combo, goes through it and the opponent concedes without ever actually having SEEN the win condition.
>lying just to win when nothing is on the line