Should elves be a numerous, savage people with no empathy or should they have smaller, older, magic-literate civilizations in a setting?
Should elves be a numerous, savage people with no empathy or should they have smaller, older...
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elves are lobotomies!
elves are keeping as dumb, drooling pets and daughters!
elves are at their best after you've stuck a stick in their frontal lobe!
That's a rude way to look at them, user.
Man, Veeky Forums's really gone into the shitter.
Current game has swapped things around. Elves are the young, up and coming species (They fuck like Catholic rabbits, and live at most 250 years) and Humans are the older, less numerous, highly advanced race.
Why not both?
They're a savage people with no empathy who are simply LARPing as an ancient civilization of magically-inclined supersoldiers.
You know, like Germans.
hmm, should elves have nothing to do with traditional or mythical elves or should they at least be slightly similar to such elves? tough choice.
make a better shitpost for your fries elf image next time.
Elves are almost never seen. Not because they are dying, but because they are dealing with more important things.
Your quest starts off with an Elf telling you that if you don't stop some douchebag, the world will end. You have to quest for months to collect the wards of power so you can fight this insane wizard on equal footing.
And if you should fail in the final battle, the very same elf who set you out on your quest drops in, meats the villain soundly without wards or assistance, and then apologizes to you.
"Sorry, humans." He will say. "I was sure you could handle this. I guess you're not ready for this sort of thing yet."
The continued existence of the world is only of low priority to the elves. The world has ended nearly a dozen times before. Its scary the first time, but its not as bad as it sounds. The gods always rebuild it after. And hey, they even used the last one to introduce humans! Maybe the next world will have something cool too.
Nah, opposite.
Ancient, higher cultured civilization that has groups of people that get SUPER bored and go join the Wild Hunt for a century or two. Just really let yourself loose, get in touch with nature, and do terrible things to people.
Its like taking a mental health day, except you hunt humans for sport.
Of course, if you join the Hunt you have to play by hunt rules. If the humans cut open your meat body, you have to play dead until they die. It makes them feel like they accomplished something, and as long as they continue to think the meat matters they don't bother researching ways to actually hurt us.
Besides, its more fun if you have a lose condition for the game.
>mfw you stole the gimmick of my Elven civilization in my Original Donut Steel setting
Fucking hell, you even got my idea that the vicious soldiers of the Wild Hunt are the Elven equivalent of bored hooligans, assholes, and the rare (and exceptionally dangerous) ambitious types who saw it as a way to power.
Elf-san wa Yaserarenai
Its a good idea.
Germans work better as Orcs.
>barbarians who always declare war on everybody and get kicked
>hate everybody especially themselves
>speak a guttural angry sounding language
You could even work in the LARPing thing if you go with "orcs as a corruption/mockery of elves" much as the "HRE" was to the roman empire.
What does that make Angelos? They are Germans LARPing as Romans and Frenchmen
>Hard working or industrious in anything other than LotR
Nigger you missed the most German trait of all, along with their insane perfectionism.
Fucking Kraut Space Wizards
I worked out a way to square this circle:
Elves are fucking drug addicts for magic.
Now the upperclass, "high" or noble elves got the dosh to get their regular fix, lower class elves are savage crackheads always just on the edge of withdrawal due to not being able to get their regular fix of magic.
Boom, small society of decadent and ancient High Elves, large society of empathiless savages who live in trees and try to cook magic out of wooden spoons.
One Elven race, two flavors.
WoW lore with a dash of Southernor
So Blood Elves.
Don't know WoW lore, last time I had any knowledge of Warcraft lore was Warcraft 2 era when elves were a really minor part of anything (and basically just "good" trolls in the sense that they were the cheap ranged units of the anti-orc side of things)
TLDR:The Elves from Warcraft 2 are "High Elves", they had of well of pure magic called the "Sunwell", an asshole named Arthas used their Sunwell to raise an insanely powerful Lich, leaving them without a source of magic. Turns out they are magic addicts, and renamed themselves "Blood Elves" for all of their kin killed by Arthas, some of them went to worship Demons for their magic.
Also it turns out you are kinda right about them being "good" trolls. Since they revealed Elves are descended from Trolls, due to exposure to an entirely different magical well over generations.
Oh lad.
Do we have a clusterfuck to explain to you
Funny you should say GOOD trolls since that's what they actually were/are
Trolls were the original race. Elves evolved/degenerated/depends on your view from them due to exposure to magic, which to elves was highly addictive (mostly due to the fact it was an inherently corrupting power put there by mega satan or something)
So the original elves were the Night Elves (who were again, descended from trolls), introduced in WC3, who were purple/blue amazonian jungle elves who had an ancient and decadent civilization built on huffing magic out of the eternity well. Think late period Eldar, down to their back to nature hippy nature types leading what amounted to a schism. The lower class, led by the Druids, sought to shake the tyranical rule of their queen and the magic monkey off their back, led a rebellion, there was a lot of drama and betrayal and a love triangle (we aren't even going to fucking get into Illidain) but the night elf nobility was driven off. Some stole a small fraction of the Eternity Well which they used to create the Sun Well, these becoming the Elves you see in WC3. Some, mostly the nobility and the empress, went under the sea to become naga, mutating into crazed titan worshipping sea serpent people. The Night Elves planted a giant tree on top of the eternity well to free their people from it's addictive power, and went on to be tree hugging hippy amazons.
So later, post WC2, Arthas - who was a prince of Lordoran - gets corrupted by an evil lich possessed sword and becomes a death knight, and leads a massive undead army into the Elf Lands and steals the power of their sun well and slaughters thousands of high elves. This kind of fucks over the High Elves who it turns out are physically dependent on the magical energy of the sunwell, and they start jonesing like crack addicts, looking for magic ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE. The broken remnants of the high elves eventually regroup, calling themselves the blood elves, and ironically join the Hoarde (as they felt the Alliance abandoned them)
The Blood Elves are basically pretty assholes. They're ruthless, literally kidnap what amount to angels in order to suck out their magic, and generally get their fix any way they can. Some even turned to worshiping demons in order to do so. They're magic vampires, kind of like how Dark Eldar are pain vampires.
Whatever way you like better faggot. In my setting elves are more or less people who mutate practically every generation and have a racial bias towards being autists.
>Some, mostly the nobility and the empress, went under the sea to become naga, mutating into crazed titan worshipping sea serpent people.
Wait, are you saying *murlocs* are elves?!
wut? no seriously, wut? I thought elves were just you know, elves. They had the night elves, and then there was the cataclism the first time the legion came around and some ended up under the sea and some stayed nocturnal and some found the sun well. Am i trippin balls here?
So are the hoofed elves a sub-group of the night elves?
Naga are unrelated to Murlocs. Naga are more like Snake-people, only they are fishy.
The men are super bestial, the women still look female for the most part.
Here is an image.
naga, not murlocs.
Remember the first Well of Eternity? The one that had the Legion show up the first time?
It was found by a tribe of Trolls, and slowly mutated them over generations and they became the Night Elves.
The Keepers of the Grove and the Dyrads? Yes/No/Kinda they are related to the goddess that the Night Elves worship, Elune. But the exact connection has not been made clear to my knowledge.
son of a bitch the lore really has gone to pot.
Also as this user said The High Elves didn't find the Sunwell, they made it intentionally.
Could be worse user. They keep Waffling on Arthas.
Remember how his story was originally just a classic "hero falls" story? First they released stuff saying we was always a power hungry asshole, so he had been evil from the beginning. Then in Wraith of the Lich King they revealed that Arthas has been holding back the Undead from destroying the entire world.
"gone to"? the elves-descended-from-trolls thing has been around since vanilla WoW back in 2004.
Which ones are Morrowind elves? I like Morrowind elves.
WoW in its entirety has always represented the lore going to pot. It was shit from the get go that killed an otherwise wonderful franchise in order to cannibalize it's corpse for money.
Numerous savage people with no empathy, and some magical talent.
Bosmer are just savage people with no empathy
Altmer are a great and powerful magical civilization, with no empathy.
Actually, I've had that idea.
In my (theoretical) setting, the Elves once had the usual high-magic, high-technology civilization- but then something went dreadfully wrong, mind-wiping all the elves, leaving them as immortal, drooling shells.
But, they still have legions of construct-servants carefully helping them eat, drink and use the utilities, so if you ever see a serene, high-minded elf stroll along the corridor- managing to spot the faint trail of spit dribbling from its mouth- run like hell, because a very over-protective 10-foot-tall metal monster will be right behind it.
It has turned a little bit into big daddy/little sister, I will admit.
>mfw not!HRE in my setting is a half orc empire because the human and orc barbarians that lived there just eventually ended up fucking
They even had their not!30 Years Wars.
okay so this should clear some stuff up
Did that for my very first DnD campaign, long ago - being middle-schoolers, nobody made a human, so I declared that humans were the dying elder race, and everything else was new.
This reminded me of a very ancient Jeff Rients blogpost...
He actually did several about the longevity of elves and fun implications thereof.
Why not boath? SoS says you don't have to choose.
Depends on the setting.
>The Elves are Orcs
>The Goblins are Elves
>The Orcs are Humans
>The Humans are Dwarves
>The Dwarves are Goblins
Best setting and no one can prove me otherwise.
>orcs are fucking everywhere
The rest is cool but that ruins it
Agree to you got shit taste?
We get it. I'm absolutely sick and tired of these people who have no personality outside they enjoy touching the same type of genitals as the ones they have.
0.5/10, almost as annoying and attention-seeking as Wayne.
Lorwyn elves are the best elves in popular fantasy.
0/10, not even the real Wayne, just being the Sycophant of an Attention-whore. A true Whore's Whore.
Elves are always the high magic, advanced society in my campaigns. Not necessarily technologically, but they're so adept with magic that they've managed to get far without a desperate need for tech. Low birthrates keep them from being anything than a loose confederation of city states though.
I would argue that started with WC3 which turned the Orcs into noble savages.
I would have liked to have seen more generational politics play out, rather than just Thrall vs Hellscream as NuOrc and OldOrc
I'd loose my confederation in her city state
Savage people with no empathy who irrationally hates orcs because they view them as savage people with no empathy.
A bit of both on my end. Most of my elves are ancient but have large populations. Even though my orcs are also elves, they're not really savage or without empathy, they just like militaries and getting warmer lands from the Slavs and Scandinavians
I suppose that's a fair point, however Warcraft 3 still had a coherent story line and introduced some interesting plot elements. Once we lost the chance for Warcraft 4 we lost any hope of a reasonable continuation and resolution to the story line. MMO's can't carry a story like an RTS can.