Filename thread

"it's not witty, but we'll still laugh at it" edition

Other urls found in this thread:






needs a Veeky Forums-related name




I got one. Where's-the-rest-of-his-goddamn-face?



Over here, over there, and up there


Shit, lads, Dagoth Ur's awake.

The fuck happened to him, anyway? Flesh eating disease?

for those unaware, that's supposedly his mom he's making out with

also, I need a better filename



I know that fungus could make you loose a part of your face as an emergency procedure.

As for the green stuff, I don't think it's rotten as much as it's likely to be some balm or some shit like that.








>they kept making the Simo Hayha as a girl manga and now fucking Carlos Hathcock is in it


>Carlos Hathcock?
Well then? Does he really have a cock in this manga?


Can I have some sauce on this? For research.

can't be her mom

Simo and Carlos are both males. Carlos is a quasi cock in this.



I dun gettit

you only need to open any one of the locks for it to be opened

DC5 means an easy skill check roll.

Open the upper left and that's it.

Yeah but wouldn't that require a normal dc? 5 seems like you'd just had to pull on it in a specific direction

I could also open lock 18, doesn't matter. DC 5 just seemed ridiculously easy, not pick one lock easy.

I think it was for the sake of hyperbole. It's still picking a lock; but compared to the monstrosity in front of you it's comparatively easier

"Laughter" is a strong word...

more like nat 1 sense motive

I've definitely failed my grit test


Its a poor man's lock out kit. Meaning any one lock can be opened and you can get in. The point is so that anyone with the key to any of those locks can get in.

Usually its a work site or trades thing. Basically you want to have anyone who needs to get in, and is allowed to enter, to be able to open it at any time, but you also want to be able to identify who opened it, in case they're a fuck up

Sengoku Basara is such a sweet game. Why don't more people like these games, the recent berserk one is fantastic?

They're pretty mindless. Even the hardest difficulties don't have a lot of strategy behind them. Mash your attack buttons to kill thousands of doods.

I find them hilariously fun, but I can see why others don't

Berserk is Koei, SB is Capcom

I think they're both women

It's not, they're both just members of the cosplay community.


I wish he would have done more with this

>can't be her mom
Oh my dick is confused

What the hell is this?

I like the filename. Can't think of any alternatives, though.

Isn't there a whole comic with it?







What the fuck dude

>Simo Hayha
>using optics

WTF is this horseshite.


>Clothing bonus for Intimidate


Don't forget

this is Veeky Forums there are some exceptionally pathetic men on this board


>Archduke Ferdinand is driving instead of being in the backseat
>He's not wearing his plumed parade hat
>his wife and driver aren't present
>Gavrilo Princip isn't even aiming at him so it looks like someone else shot the archduke

Seriously someone needs to research their stuff better before they WHO THE FUCK IS THAT YIFFTARDED CREATURE BACK THERE WITH ITS DICK BARELY OUT OF VIEW


Seriously, what is wrong with those thugs?

>implying some of them aren't summer kiddies who think they're so grown up shitposting on a Korean Tortilla-Rolling board

You're right

Should've said males


I don't understand. Spoon-feed me, user?



I don't understand why so many furfags don't know how to design their fursona, something they're going to waste thousands of dollars of commissions on.

It's always neon shit, wings, a digimon rip-off or worse. There's this artist who knows his shit, but his boyfriend doesn't. He's a white and blue arctic fox with glow-in-the-dark green paw pads, dick, tongue, etc.


It's all redundant, anyways. Posting on Veeky Forums is exceptionally pathetic already, except relatively speaking.

truly he is the bestest planewalker


>I don't understand why so many furfags don't know how to design their fursona
They're trying to be a special snowflake in a sub-culture of special snowflakes. So they try to be specialist snowflake, which means eye catchingly garish color schemes.


I guess that makes sense. I mean, we see this level of retardation with bronies, animeniacs, and more. I used to think heterochromia was cool until every fucking person designed their own character with it. So something rare and neat became cheap and needlessly abundant.

you did a good job user


when everyone's special, no one is

what 17's alive?


He has been, he was saved from Cell when 18 was. He's spent the years working as a park ranger.

>eclipse phase

It's also because they see having multiple tacked-on "unique" physical attributes to be the same thing as developing an interesting character with a non-cliched personality, but instead they look like ugly coloring book characters with uninspired personalities.

It's a visual representation of the 'Echo Chamber' effect. Marginalization of media.

A normal-looking anthropomorphic character, like, say, someone from the cast of Zootopia, would look mind-numbingly drab in the face of a cast of furry characters.

Conversely, a Furry character looks dementedly garish in a normal setting.

that is so gay

good for him


Okay this is clever as fuck
Sauce for those who don't get it
