>How do you do, here's my character guys.
>He is going to be a paladin. I hope you don't mind as the party didn't have one already.
What do?
>How do you do, here's my character guys.
>He is going to be a paladin. I hope you don't mind as the party didn't have one already.
What do?
suck his dick
Nothing, since the picture fits the anime aesthetics for the campaign we agreed upon beforehand.
Roll to seduce (Strength)
Astolfo is actually a pretty cool Rider. I found it weird at first, since the historical figure wasn't, you know, trans, but hey, this is the franchise that said Medb is a Rider because she's a slut, so whatevs.
based asanagi
Something seems familiar about this OP. Can't put my finger on it though.
Even I have better taste than this.
>this is the franchise that said Medb is a Rider because she's a slut
This is hilarious
>He doesn't like his boys having poofy cheeks
If anything he is too good for you.
yeah you're gonna have to try harder man, my dick doesn't respond to that anymore
Bullshit man, you made that character for a group with eleven other paladins.
Nasuverse Roland looks even dumber.
Maybe if Asanagi could draw more than one face I would care if that was a boy or a girl. As far as I'm concerned it's just the same generic chick that will get mindbroken exactly 6 pages into the story just like the rest.
Are those supposed to be sideburns or locks of hair?
Really? I thought it was lazy. Allegedly, she was supposed to be a Saber, to counter Lancer Cu Chulain like in mythology, but they had too many Sabers already so she outright says "I'm a Rider because I ride men. Sexually." And then, her original creator just went on with her Saber interpretation story anyway, like having her get shipped with Scathach and it all just reeks of unprofessionalism.
I have to agree with you there. I like it when they are much more tsun about things rather than their pupils immediately turning into hearts.
is that fucking Ernest Borgnine?
Heart eyes are perfectly acceptable, it's just the mind break meme that's getting tiring. Every dime a dozen h-doujin has mindbreak.
Yes. Though to be fair Kancolle doujins have a lot of interesting cameos in the first place.
Let's be real here. Asanagi can tell one story and one story only. Take the closest thing to a dominating female in any given setting. Than have her lose to the cock as quickly as possible. They will always be as close to loli as he can get it otherwise they get raped offscreen.
He's a meme tier artist and a mediocre writer. 4/10 I will keep drinking tonight.
Okay, but you can't play a crossdressing faggot.
Am I more or less autistic than you for not knowing specific artists despite consuming copious amounts of doujins?
Probably not autistic, just retarded or at least extremely inattentive.
Blame the translator
I mean I'm exaggerating when I say I don't know any of the artists, I only know a few though of the top of my head I can only name Date, Shindol, Mizuri Kei, and Marui Maru
"The party didn't have one already"
That's fine then, if you knew literally zero artists, then you'd be a retard.
thats fine because magic is heresy
Deus Vult
You aren't at an autistic level until you find yourself saying "who the fuck is x?"
I reckonize a few art styles but none of the names, loli isn't my thing though
I was just using it as an example, I don't have any other artist lists.
Remind me again why TG should be a blue board?
Because if it wasn't it would be magical /d/
Forbidden fruit tastes sweeter
Because then we'd be redundant with /d/ being around.
Being blue gives us a different focus, with the occasional dip elsewhere.
I throw a performative tantrum about a narrow range of things which are acceptable in my game in order to demonstrate to the people around me that I do in fact belong in their subculture as a substitute for having my own views, opinions, and meaningful social relationships.
until the occasional dip is banned and deleted, that is
"What are his thoughts on marriage? Eh, nevermind."
best girl tamamo is.
Best girl tamamo.
what a fat wife
And she comes in multiple flavors!
Not unusual, when asked about "what does the Riding skill apply to" in the past, I'm pretty sure the answer is "everything, yes, including sex".
Oh my.
Medb being a rider is kind of an on-the-nose joke. The real reason she's a rider is she 'rides' men to achieve her goals. She isn't the only individual to function under this rule, because of his generalship Alexander is summonable as a Rider. It's a metaphorical thing
On the other hand, it's absolutely true and a nudge and a wink thing that Mebd often secured her power and influence with sex. But so did Semiramis, and she's an Assassin type.
>when asked about "what does the Riding skill apply to" in the past, I'm pretty sure the answer is "everything, yes, including sex".
Also: Friendly reminder, Saint Martha has riding EX
>implying EX ranked Riding doesn't just mean she'd be incredible at it but is a virgin and never has, resulting in Schrodinger's skill
Martha is EX-rank because Riding doesn't allow you to ride Dragons but she can. The exception is why it's EX-rank.
anime picture character wat do thread 10000001 complete
THrough years of fapping and absorbing which artists I like and which ones cause me to ramble when inebriated, I have just compiled a list and can recognize artists by their styles. You just need to pay more attention to your intake and it will develop over time.
>Is powerful rider
>falls off something
What did he mean by this?