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>How to Jumpchain
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>We Don't Talk About OldBee Edition
That's a shame, OldBee could suck start Ar Tonelico
So Ricrod 2 questions about Log Horizon.
So which class would be best for Iaijutsu?
Also what would happen if we take Lord of Monsters for any other origin?
That's right we don't. . .
I meant Lord of the Dungeon.
That face looks ugly.
Yes, it does.
Well, Anons, what alignment do you take for those jumps that require it?
>even without further upgrade charms.
Would you be willing to rule that the text explicitly saying charms to enter your world can be made be enough to keep them from being counted as custom charms and let you learn them?
>Not sure about changing its urge, it's usually an inextricable part of such Relics... But I'll think on it. Might be fun.
Yes, but The Urge to destroy the wielder doesn't seem like a natural urge. The Scorn mentioned above isn't against the wielder directly, and in fact sounds like Adorjans idea of a perfect weapon. Or a stormbringer like weapon that just thirsts to slay, and if you aren't using it enough will try to kill anything around the wielder until the wielder gets the point.
And with the ability to reassign Urges to akuma and green sun princes, Urges are not set in stone. But even if so, resetting to a less toxic urge once the jump ends (like hate what my master hates) should not be beyond the benefactor.
Question. We know Gods charms can actually change over the long term, to better suit their current needs and purpose. Do you think hellforged count do the same?
It looks like road kill desu. Now this is a face I am sure all will love much better.
OAA for the WoW 2.0 Jump, how you gonna handle Monks & their enchantments? They do a lot of kicks, punches, and WATCHA! Yet they only have a staff/fist weapon. Would your Fists Of Heaven also give you its power in a kick? Or elbow?
>30 Rock: Lawful Evil
Please. Boston Legal would have been a better choice by far
Is this the show itself, or the characters in it?
So... Just got to my favorite Archer Tesla in Grand Order. His power is basically being a better Misaka Mikoto.
No idea, just thought it would be more interesting than the usual alignment charts.
Neutral to Chaotic Good. But I don't want to call myself Chaotic Good. I'm not cool enough to be Chaotic Good (Even though I did a test and found that most of my jumpers were chaotic good, and the one jumper I thought would be chaotic is neutral good).
Hey OAA quick question but is there gonna be a chain Artifact anywhere? Just asking since I use one similar to Gilgamesh does with Enkidu by wrapping it around my arm but I use a spear instead.
If this is the same guy I made that post to, you've killed that face for me.
Will Wheaton self-identifies as Chaotic Good, Nika. You're better than him; I believe in you.
What kind of personality does your magic have?
Is it helpful? Mischievous? Nurturing? Aggressive?
Is it just a tool that does what you say when you say it?
There are no chain-based artifacts, or even weapons.
You're better off, if you use a spear, to import it into Talonclaw.
I do not know if we are thinking the same thing but, an user complained a while back when I posted that exact pic so now I just post it when I can to share the joy of Goku.
To actually answer your question. I usually go Neutral Good.
The Artifacts are based on those from Legion, that being said there are no chain-based or whip weapons in WoW period.
...What? When is that question even applicable outside of a few setting-specific magic systems?
Given that I, myself, am somewhere along the corner of True Neutral and Lawful Evil, I find it easiest to simply opt for the Tyrant when I have to pick.
>There are no chain-based artifacts, or even weapons.
> there are no chain-based or whip weapons in WoW period.
My hopes and dreams are gone, or atleast for WoW now. Thanks for answering you two, atleast my spear will be upgraded but my chain will fall behind now.
I thought I was Neutral Good for a while until I really started to see the good side of Lawful Good. Pic related and slowly coming to terms that having a consistent set of morals and internal rules on right and wrong helped me come to that decision I think.
Some flavor of Good, always.
Mischievous. More friendly clown and Persona 5 Trickster than deity of chaos and uncaring RNG, most of the time.
I tend to use chaos magic for the fuck of it, even in systems that have no such thing as a formal subset.
Intermission: Dear You
No one is invited to the Witch's Tea Party anymore. No admissions allowed.
No problem, user.
My problem with Lawful Good is that I'm not certain I qualify. Probably due to idolizing the concept of LG.
>for those jumps that require it
Such as?
Submissive and loyal to me, dominant otherwise. Slightly more lewd than strictly necessary.
Probably with DnD where alignment can matter for certain spells.
Conjoined Conjures / Abyss of Magic / I Cheat can do weird things, user.
Magic has a personality?
I would assume mine is hardworking and industrious, considering I mostly use it for enchantment and making things run just perfectly.
Whats wrong with Will Wheaton?
>Some flavor of Good, always
Hey, YJ,
You _do_ realize it's your turn to drop a new jump or WIP this thread, right?
How's Batman Beyond looking?
He's Wil Wheaton.
I'm pretty sure Beyond was KOTOR's.
Careful and precise at low power, blunt and violent at high power.
Hush you!
YJ might not know that yet, and he makes awesome DC jumps.
And KOTOR is being mean and not offering a power stipend.
Ugh, what an entitled, annoying little bitch. Probably a fucking SBer. Were you the one harping on him about not allowing you to go to other jumps with giant monsters? Also, you'll notice that YJ_user doesn't offer a stipend in either EMH, YJ, or BtAS.
True Neutral, of the Neutral Hungry variety.
Do the DnD jumps other than the Forgotten Realms jump use a specific edition or set of game mechanics like the Forgotten Realms jump?
Or can I choose what edition the abilities are based on?
I have people to make my Jumps for me. Just ask
Bad user. No jumpmaker bullying.
That's how we get unions. No more Worm bullying once that falls through.
Dragonlance and Order Of The Stick are both 3.5, not sure about Ravenloft, I think it's 2e. Is Dark Sun 3.5, too?
Pretty and ethereal typically, or loud and garish when I'm hyped the fuck up. Sometimes it resembles the bright hope that shines in all magical girls. Most of all, though, it's under my command. It also takes the form of moths sometimes. Like I teleport in a shower of pink moths and my blasts are moths.
For Zephie, it is a glaring, harsh pink light in times of chaos. A dizzying whirl of light that leaves an impression in your eyes, as if you were staring the sun for too long.
For Doctor's Companion, it is a sliding, gentle rain of sunmotes that's comforting, but also mischievous and will play harmless tricks on you if you don't keep an eye on it.
For Writer Nika, it resembles curling ribbons that turn to sparkles. Just like a magical girl's powers. Here is where the moth usuage shifts into overdrive. This compared to the other Nikas use moths the most. Moths almost everywhere.
Aria's magic (when I get around to getting her unique magic shit) is neat and orderly. It shimmers like a mirror reflecting sunlight and curls like the flourish found in baroque architecture and artwork frames.
Hey OAA, I was looking through the professions in the latest WIP and you forgot about First Aid. Are you planning to add that?
Speaking of rich men, expect another set of Fables perks mostly based off of this guy sometime tomorrow.
True Neutral, because I dislike "alignment systems" for various reasons, and I don't see any reason to alienate potential allies by choosing for my background to have made poor choices under a shitty alignment system.
>not knowing first aid without CP
Meh. We already have a Once Upon a Time jump.
Prince Charming looks like an asshole.
So? I don't see how this a reasonable response.
Meh. We already have people in real life.
He looks like a dongus. Can't wait to be just like him.
I know, it's great that we can finally get a similar experience but with better writing.
He is. He's still a fairy tail hero, though, so while he's casually dickish most of the time he every so often steps up and does something really noble and heroic. Just makes his usual behavior all the more annoying.
>That's how we get unions.
But I thought we already had the Worm Farm!
That's a union, right? Aren't more things like the Worm Farm objectively better?
>Prince Charming looks like an asshole.
Prince Charming look like Archer from Archer.
>Worm Farm
No we don't. The closest thing we have is the Fate Stay Night jump
What's the most forgettable jump on the drive?
I would tell you, but I've forgotten it.
If we knew that, it wouldn't be forgettable.
I can't think of any. Sorry.
SB jumps
Preface: This is my opinion. On the internet, this makes it objective fact.
I've always seen the Law vs Chaos divide as more of a Society vs Individual. Someone on the chaos side is more concerned with the individual impact of choices and events, whereas someone on the law side is more concerned with how those same choices and events impact a larger group.
Good and Evil is more "benefit others at expense of self" vs "benefit self at expense of others."
Thus, Lawful Good is essentially a "The Greater Good" view: Individuals are less important than the whole, sacrifice of self to better the whole.
Remember Me
...I'll see myself out
>The Greater Good" view:
I would argue that view is usually Lawful Evil if anything, since people who argue about sacrifices "for the greater good" are almost never the ones making the sacrifices.
The difference is that LG actually believes in it and acts on it, even at their own expense.
Lawful Evil would argue it, but expect others to pay the price.
Both still view the group as more important than individual members (other than themselves, whether for self benefit or self sacrifice.)
My point was that LG goes out and sacrifices for it, LE is the one who actually calls it "the greater good" most of the time, and use it to try and explain away their actions.
>Thus, Lawful Good is essentially a "The Greater Good" view: Individuals are less important than the whole, sacrifice of self to better the whole.
I tend to think of it instead as being more about belief in law and order as positive tools to shape the world. That you don't have to sacrifice the individual to benefit the group, if the laws that govern the group are properly made. Lawful Neutral is the one that goes for the Greater Good, it's about pragmatism and doing what works rather than what we'd like to work. Lawful Good is the idealist that insists that you can have law and order without having to sacrifice the individual, if we just all chip in and do our best to help each other.
>The Greater Good
I find that the people who usually justify their actions as "the Greater Good" tend to be either huge jerks about it or are not the ones making the sacrifices.
Of course there are always exceptions and circumstances.
I need somebody to explain to a retard that retard being me exactly what in the undying fuck occurs in Umineko.
I can get the gist of Murders. That part's seeming okay, seems peachy, I'm comprehending it kind've.
Catbox is where my brain just quits reality.
I suppose that's one way of looking at it, and it does make sense from certain points of view.
My way of looking at Law vs Chaos is Consistency/Order vs Variability/Freedom. A Lawful person in my way of thinking is someone with a consistent, established set of views and opinions or someone trying to establish/maintain order in their environment. They're comfortable with how they are or have ways of doing things that they like and stick to them.
Meanwhile, a Chaotic person is either someone always growing and changing (for better or worse) or someone actively resisting established lines of thought or rules that they view as having some sort of weight. Chaotic people tend to be more emotional just because their gut instincts and feelings dictate their actions more than concrete internal logic most of the time.
I'd like to say I have different views on the concepts of Good vs Evil, but they're a lot harder to express. Like, I don't think those who are Good normally feel like they're giving anything up to be good, and I don't think they have too. Evil people don't necessarily have to sacrifice anyone or benefit at the expense of others either even if they have that option.
If I had to describe it, I guess my view of good is marked by Sympathy/Empathy, while my view of Evil is Sadism/Apathy? Not quite sure if Sadism is the right word for this but ah well.
So in summation, I think my version of Lawful Good is "Someone with internally consistent and established logic and empathy for others." or something of that nature.
Warm. Like a candle flame, it flickers about a bit, before turning into a roaring blaze when I get angry.
Otherwise it just heats up or brightens slightly, but not much these days actually strains it. Rage is one of the few things that actually make it stand up and take notice.
As well you should!
I giggled.
Think of the Catbox as Battler trying to make sense of what the fuck happened on Rokkenjima Island and him tackling with "witches were behind it/witches weren't behind it". Think of it as a "meta" perspective. It's also all meant to trick the viewer, too.
The main reason I prefaced my view with the "my opinion" statement was because I'm well aware of where I fall: my views are rather self centered and derisive of "self sacrifice."
As such, I can be found around the corner of Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, True Neutral and Neutral Evil.
I've always seen it as a tool, an incredibly complex and powerful tool, but a tool nonetheless
Eldritch Neutral.
Give me a few minutes I'll see if I can get Heaven's storytime explanation.
Precise and exacting in its craft, more suited to being used as a lever than a bludgeon.
Keep in mind I was having a mental breakdown due to having flashbacks of Umineko, and some of my information is only partially processed or slightly inaccurate.
Also, help.
Yeah, I was offering my own opinions too since you offered yours, that's all. S'alright user.
Eldritch Neutral is pretty cool too. I love crazy monsters with alien abominable mindsets in fiction.
Many people forgot that night because of the fucking trauma.
I'm just going to spoil this whole thing: The Catbox is, depending on your perspective, one of two things: One interpretation is that none of it's real, that it's just a bunch of murder mystery novels that Battler is writing in the future in an attempt to figure out what happened on Rokkenjima. He has brain damage from oxygen deprivation when he nearly drowned getting off the island, so his memory is fuzzy and he's having trouble discerning reality from his nightmares and half-remembered novel plots (That's why Bernkastel is Rika's evil side, Higurashi is a novel series in Umineko's world). It's just him exorcising his demons through writing therapy.
The second interpretation is that it really happened. This interpretation doesn't necessarily contradict the first interpretation, though. The Voyager Witches are capable of interacting with reality as if it was driven by narrative rather than causality, and as such all the various worlds of the Meta-Worlde can be simultaneously real alongside physical reality. Reality is just another story, and if that story references the fantastic version of events as being a fiction within it...well, stories within stories are a known literary technique. So the witches have made a game of it, exploring all these possible explanations of the murders as if they were real worlds and in the process doing this big metacommentary on mystery novels and what it means to be the "audience" of a story. They go through all these bizarre narratives, and if sometimes they introduce plot points that make no sense that's just them brainstorming ideas.
As for who actually, factually is responsible for the murders outside of Meta-World shenaigans? It's Rudolph and Kyrie. Yasu is actually completely innocent, she was going for psychological torment and her scheme wouldn't have actually hurt anyone.
Jumpers, what gimmicks does your chain have?
Currently my Gimmick is biker gang Jesus from space returned to forcibly liberate humanity from its own Self-destructive tendencies with a race of alabaster Skinned super Monkeys
Hey, could I ask you for a few clarifications on the Solar's perk 'Heart of the Sun'? (I'm not sure if that was you or Wukong, but I don't like my chances of finding Wukong posting).
- Does the virtue boost extend to the same absolute perfection as the UCS (or the willpower boost?
- Does the willpower boost mandate you having some or all of the virtue boosts turned on, or is it a semi-serious thing (so I could purposefully turn off all my short-circuits without worrying about mind control and the like)?
- How broad is the "willpower" that's being boosted in the perk? Presumably it lets you power through pain as well as more explicit controlling effects, but does it extend to cover being able to trivially extend the mental effort/focus/energy needed to use Sorcery, and all the other "willpower" mechanics in the game?
- Does it let you resist th Games of Divinity without the need for charms removing unnatural mental influence (which is apparently a thing that Exalted can do)... Actually, if you can, could you spreading with the capstone boosted version? It'd be a hell of a thing to walk into the JPD with.
- When picking virtues to boost, can you pick things that aren't typically "virtuous", per say? Like, idk, your ability to enjoy the suffering of others. (Which actually kind of makes sense to me, given that Exalted explicitly doesn't have any sort of inbuilt morality metaphysics, although on the other hand the UCS is not about that at all)
- Similarly, what does the capstone boost count "unholy" as? In setting it's just whoever the UCS says is on his shit list, so in future jumps do we just assume he's watching over our shoulder? Does it just fall in line with existing metaphysics?
Fairies, Monsters, Weapons, Monsters, Technology, Monsters, Love and Monsters.
>forcibly liberate
I hope you understand why others would oppose this.
The Gathering of the Reviled. I'm collecting companions that are considered monsters, either for what they are or for what they've done (sometimes both.)
Probably a Gauntlet (or maybe a QuickSilver jump), by virtue of the fact that they're kept in a different folder from everything else and therefore not looked at as frequently.
Divine sin, unreasonably large harems, reaching heaven through violence, mindless rebellion, granting equal opportunity for others to achieve any of the previous without depending on me.