Did he regret his actions in his final moments?
Did he regret his actions in his final moments?
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Some say maybe.
Hard to say as Gouldstein and Aaron "Daddy beat me" Bowden are planning to retcon the end of the heresy.
Isn't there text claiming that he had a moment of clarity when the Chaos Gods fled his dying body?
Emps is going to laugh maniacally while fucking Sanguinius' lukewarm corpse (whom he killed for failing to kill Horus) and then Horus will understand that the Emperor was the true Horus Heresy the whole time.
>My only regret is that I have boneitis.
He's a fucking hack who was more interesting in making a name for himself than respecting the source material that gave him a job.
Old William King short story yes
But as has been pointed out they have explicitly said they are undoing King's stories
>if you'd like to quote me away from this forum, please provide appropriate context
kek. What an ass
And in that moment, behind blood choked airways, he wordlessly uttered: Fuck you, Lorgar.
As the God-Emperor released a torrent of energy that tore Horus asunder, he had but a single epiphany, a gasp, an echo within the darkness of the void.
>Traps are gay!
An ass to the end then
Wtf I'm a loyalist now
Well, at least the Alphas kept the space furries away from his body.
>reeeee why doesn't the Emperor love his science projects unconditionally
>being a bad father = subjecting the galaxy to holocaust and an eternity daemonic torment
Grow up.
Did he regret his actions in his final moments?
In the William King story, yes
He regretted not frying Horus' stupid ass sooner
I never said any of that. Stop flinching at every little thing like some whipped dog.
Horus would have been better character if he hadnt fallen to chaos until just before the siege of Terra.
Having the mastermind behind the heresy fall because he got shanked in the side and prayed over is just disappointing.
Think it was like this:
>The Chaos Gods being driven away by what is essentially a glorified man
I am glad that got retconned. This isn't AoS, there is no mortal or a being of mortal origins in 40K that can directly challenge the might of gods that transcend the bounds of time and universe itself. We will have an actual fight between the Emperor and Horus with no one holding back. The Emperor will be the weaker side and he will be cast down.
(speculation) Horus will be liberated by Olly who will stab him with his god killing dagger. Severing his connection to the Chaos Gods long enough for the Emperor to unmake Horus.
Holy fuck the shitting chaos wank here.
>Glorified man
>Implying that's not exactly how Divinity works in 40k
>Implying Emps can't fight the four chaos gods at once
Wew lad. I'm a chaos player but at least I read the lore before posting shit
Then read the new lore.
No, he can't. It's established that the Emperor cannot directly fight the Chaos God in "Vengeful Spirit".
Also the Raven Guard Primarch and Sisters of Silence see the Emperor for what he really is without the glamours. His real form is a shrivelled up old brown man. Imagine a person sized raisin.
Also the divinity? No. The Emperor is not divine.
>reddit spacing
>MLA format
You mean when the emperor had to cheat and use a psychic limit break to take him down or when he got cloned and Abbadon beat him in single combat, chopped through worldbreaker like it was nothing and then emptied a comb-bolter directly into his spine?
The sisters of silence bit, while true, doesn't really prove my point wrong. Without the psychic warp shenanigans that make him into the god-emperor, he is indeed a shrivelled old man. However, it's been established time and time again that the veneration from countless humans is what makes him into what he is, a godlike being able to provide a 5+ invulnerable save to terminators through the rosarius, and that's not counting his already immense psyker powers.
I don't know about the Vengeful Spirit though. Was it before his "death" ? Since the globalised veneration became much more important after the heresy.
Wait when did that happen
Jesus Christ, that late 90s forum UI.
>Hide all Carnac posts
>Ignore all Carnac posters
>Do not reply any Carnac bait
In the novel Talon of Horus
Worship never worked like that 40K. It's just a meme. The Emperor is just a powerful psyker boosted further more by what he took from Molech
>I don't know about the Vengeful Spirit though.
After bargaining with the Chaos Gods to attain his power and then breaking his oath to them, it was said that the Emperor cannot draw near those whom he stole his powers from (Chaos Gods). If he did, then he would die.
And before you open your mouth, no. It wasn't said by a daemon but by a trusted source.
>Worship never worked like that in 40k
Stop it right there
Explain living saints.
The Emperor soul and body is established to feed on souls. Without them he would die. It's not worship that feeds him.
And Chaos Gods feed on emotion, not worship.
>The Emperor will be the weaker side and he will be cast down
In all honesty, whether or not the Chaos Gods are better then Emps\IoM or whatever, is irrelevant considering Orks, Tyranids, and the Necrons - all of which don't give a single fuck about Chaos
Actually, the Sisters of Silence look at the Emperor on the Golden Throne in Master of Mankind.
They see him as he truly is, without the psychic corona. While they DO see "only a man" it's also clear that it's 1) a man of the right physical size to sit on the Throne, and 2) that he was basically ageless and immortal, and the Throne has "begun to carve lines of age upon his eternal features" and shit.
So no, he was not a "shrivelled old man" to their sight, at least not before Magnus fucked everything six ways from Sunday. He only started to look aged afterwards, before that he would have looked human except huge, perfectly proportioned, and of Anatolian ancestry.
The Emperor granting a shard of his power to some chosen dude or dudette. Similar to how Chaos Gods create daemon princes but because the Emperor is not a god his version is shittier. Unlike Daemon Princes are truly immortal and can die a thousand time and rise a thousand times, Living Saints have limited set of deaths. Each time a Living Saint dies, he/she loses a part of their soul. Eventually, there will be nothing left for the Emperor to empower. Celestine is at her last lives.
Fabius Bile cloned Horus.
The clone was imperfect, but it seemed like he was beginning to develop memories and shit before Abaddon killed that fucker right quick. It would only have been a physical copy of Horus, because there was no soul, but even then Abaddon had to move fast, the imperfect clone still wrecked most/all of the boarding party that came after Fabulous Bile.
>at least not before Magnus fucked everything six ways from Sunday.
Actually, Gork and Mork are rallying the Orks because they are pretty much concerned about Chaos.
Necrons are watching the galaxy being torn asunder around them and are panicking. Their recent invasion were caused by the storms driving them out of their realms.
And Tyranids avoid warpstorms like a plague.
Vengeful Spirit was a mistake.
I mean, ADB was the bigger mistake, and Horus Heresy the biggest mistake of all, but still.
>The clone was imperfect
Everyone in the room including ISKANDOR KHAYON agreed that the clone was perfect in every way.
And clones have souls. Fabius's female clone ascended to become a daemon princess
I don't follow the Chaos side of the lore really... but are these assholes just cloning eachother for kicks? Do they fuck their clones?
It's just Fabius. Even CSM see cloning as distasteful.
I just want you to know, that while I have no issue with you as a person, I hate you.
If your bullshit is actually true, I will disregard it completely, because its the biggest pile of no fun allowed I've ever fucking read.
Stop responding to Carnac retard.
>I feel so trolled after talking to a troll
Wow really?
>for just citing the lore
Open Fall of Cadia and read Celestine's long ass inner monologue about how she is dying.
what the hell is a carnac?
Any user who discusses fluff that triggers people. I swear people just want to bury their heads in the sand and ignore the world around them.
>t. manlet
Well, from the perspective of a GM running RP with the FFG 40k books, fluff is whatever the fuck I want it to be, so I really don't care if some black library\GW writer thinks Chaos is the best thing ever
This is very interesting lore, but I still don't think it denies that the worship of Imperial citizen increases his psychic powers.
But since there's probably no way to agree beyond that we can probably settle this as a matter of interpretation and badly retconned lore.
Then don't shoot the messenger.
Anyways here is the text. It's worst than I remembered. Celestine soul parts are not just lost to the Warp as she is reborn again and again, they are devoured by DAEMONS. Eventually, all of her soul will belong to Chaos.
This is the sacrifice a Non-god asks of you.
This is probably for the best. I've been playing off and on for a long time, and it's kinda disappointing how seriously people take the fluff these days. I assume most people who take the lore with a grain of salt are the older crowd, and anyone too serious about it is probably a kid.
That's a technicality. People of Fenris created a divine warp entity simply with their belief, in Magnus' return
I'm intrigued by the talk of the peace she's earned. It sounds like there is options for mortal souls other than 'Eaten by demons' after death.
You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend the world is not passing you by. But don't get pissy when people discuss the new lore and then try to shut it down. That's childish.
Worship does NOZING. Or else the Emperor wouldn't need souls to keep himself alive.
>Eventually, all of her soul will belong to Chaos.
I get the whole grimdark thing, but I refuse to buy into this shit, because that would mean the fap fantasies of assholes like torture-device are actually true.
So no, ftfy
>le Emperor think of his kids as mongrel dogs
>this is perfectly fine, ADB totally doesn't need a psychologist or something
Dissolution into the Warp is a form of peace.
The Wolf Spirit of Fenris origins are a mystery to everyone.
Honestly, as a SOB player I'm 100% ok with this. That's heroism beyond what most marines have ever shown, a willingness to spend not just your life but your very soul to save others.
Mind you, I'd also be very happy if there ended up a way to save her from that fate. Like, say, the Eldar god of death and rebirth that has shown a power over human souls (Undoing the thousand sons curse) and she fought alongside as an ally doing her a solid.
Don't be so easily offended kid. Like you said "new lore", just as likely to be overwritten and replaced like the old lore. Are you going to throw a fit when something comes along to contradict this stuff?
I wasn't even shutting you down, just noting that you're among a young, uptight crowd. And I was right.
>playing a hero and putting your immortal soul on the line should not have consequences
Get out of my 40K.
Carnac isn't a troll, he's a legitimately autistic/ aspergic retard that spends his day jerking off to villain sues
>Dissolution into the Warp is a form of peace.
I'm not sure that's the implication. But then, it's not a very covered part of the fluff.
It seems less 'Her soul will eventually belong to chaos' and more 'Eventually she'll have nothing left and will no longer exist'. Oblivion rather than being their prisoner or something. What with the 'torn to bits' fluff.
I am ancient as they come and I am happy with the changes and it will take decades for this fluff to change so we all have to live with it. If you were offended by the line about childish wankers and thought it was directed at you, then it's most likely that you engaged in that behaviour. Shame on you.
Carnac is a serial shitposter who can easily be recognized by the smug, and condescending posts that entire newfags(see your self) in replying until the thread autosages.
Carnac can also be identified through the predictable style of posting arguments. Generally relying on misquoted or tiny fluff pieces from Black Library novels that dont fit with the rest of the lore, Carnac asserts these as the ONLY pieces of lore that matter. Guaranteed replies from newfags.
When asked for proof of some of the more wild claims Carnac will often first demand that the user must promise to leave Veeky Forums for some specific period of time. Truly a bizarre experience to witness but it happens quite often.
Further more Carnac can be Identified by the serial shitposts that include any of these 3 names
>Iskandar Khayon
>Drach'nyen (Often written with AKA THE FISRYT MURDER afterwards)
These are often capitalized because they're copy-pasted off other websites.
Whenever you're thinking of responding to a Carnac post just remember youre feeding the troll and will immediately lose if you do so.
Anyway ow to watch this thread get bumped to 300 replies because Veeky Forums is the easiest board to bait.
Oh, I wasn't commenting on worship and/or psychic powers. Just the appearance of the Emperor, and any aspects of age are functionally the result of the damaged Throne wreaking havoc on his otherwise immortal and ageless form.
As far as being a god is concerned, Fulgrim remarks on it in Dark Imperium, and alleges to Guilliman that the Emperor was just a god in denial about his divinity. Which is itself a fairly reasonable way to approach it - you can see the logic in the Emperor's choice that way.
"I am not a god, merely an extremely powerful human psyker brimming with Warp energy. As such, giant Warp-parasites that feed off emotion aren't worth being called gods either."
The error lies in that the Emperor WAS a god, for all intents and purposes, and Guilliman has several arguments with himself about it in Dark Imperium (which tend towards "if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck"). He might not have seen himself as one or thought of himself as one though. From this his attitude develops, especially considering his remarks on how he sees/views "faith" as a concept in the 30K/40K setting, so of course he would not see himself as a god or want to be thought of as one. The core presumption is flawed (he IS a god encased in mortal flesh, he was always in denial about it), but the logic that results from that presumption is understandable.
Perhaps if the Crusade had worked, if Horus hadn't fallen, if somebody had executed Erebus and Kor Phaeron and Lorgar, if the human Webway had been finished properly, if Magnus had been on the Throne to let Emps fix what was fucked, if, if, if.
>it's not a very covered part of the fluff.
It is. The 3th ED Eldar codex presents the fate of non-psyker humans not eaten by daemons. Their souls/egos are not strong enough to endure in the Warp. They dissolve into the nothingness of the Warp. Basically ceasing to be.
>ems less 'Her soul will eventually belong to chaos' and more 'Eventually she'll have nothing left and will no longer exist'.
It says her soul parts will be feasts for the damned.
It's a shame since the William King story is a classic and the original description of the battle between Horus and the Emperor, and about the only story set during the Heresy before we got the HH series. It would make more sense to use the characterization we're given in that story and written the new HH fluff to be consistent with it, but that probably wouldn't have fit into ADB's vision of "Horus Heresy: Demonic Possession and Daddy Issues".
My only hope is that since Abnett is writing the last book; he'll manage to salvage it
>not cutting up your post into easily digestible pieces of information for the slow anons out there and there are alot of them
Is he really a troll if he believes his drivel?
Is Abnett the one who sees the Emperor as "human but flawed", "inhuman monster but only chance for humanity", or "daddy who doesn't love his kids"?
>newfags(see your self)
I guess that applies. I don't play the table top, I don't read black library, my lore info comes from lexicanum and 1d4chan, and I only stick to the RPG's.
I also generally don't post in 40k threads because 40k is serious business on Veeky Forums.
But really, if the thrust of the lore is "chaos wins everything ever because chaos is literally the best thing ever" then what the fuck? how is this ok? its the same shit as space marine wank, just turned completely around
>replying to an obvious memepost
Has it ever mattered if a troll is trolling or just a crazy person?
If the Emperor is a god, then he could have preserved Celestine's soul instead of leaving it as a patchwork mess with a single remaining shred of humanity.
That's the incompetent work of a human sorcerer. Compare it to the perfect of the Daemon Princes.
If you look enough, you can probably find bits of the lore that are pure wank for every army. But right now the big push is Imperium vs. Chaos, even the first few codexes will keep that focus. So expect everyone else to have to wait out this tide.
He hasn't written about him yet, but his strongest point is that when he writes a legion both the bad and good aides are presented (Luna Wolves are very capable but also too proud, Wolves are more clever than they look but also hypocrites, Guilliman is well meaning but also power hungry)
so I presume the first
>implying replying to memeposts isn't fun
"Daddy who doesn't love his kids" is ADB's version. Not really sure how Abnett views him. I think it's more along the lines of "human but flawed" (or more like "godlike but flawed"; the Emperor has tremendous power but is still blinded by his own hubris which why he didn't see the shit going down until it was too late to stop it).
>But right now
You mean always and forever.
>That's the incompetent work of a human sorcerer.
What human sorcerer has ever done that?
>just a crazy person
It's not crazy if you are proven right again and again and again. We shall await your tears when the final fight gets released in two years or less.
Does Magnus count? His shard of nobility and loyalty merged with a dying Thousand Son and created Janus.
>Implying fun was ever the point
It's not quite the same as producing an constantly reviving superhuman from a human. Though I'll admit I don't know Janus too well.
Just occurred to me how stupid some people can be. To think that the Emperor would be equal to Horus acting as vessel of the Four when the Emperor wasn't a match for the End of Empires which was some daemon of Chaos Undivided and not a god. It was something beyond the Emperor's ability to destroy.
Yeah, to think that some people would think that Emperor is stronger than retcons only a few months old.
5-6 months passed. That's like half a year. Get with the times already.
New is always good, right?
Not really. The Newcron retcons were awful.
This is the Emperor vs End of Empires. Consider it a test-run for the fight against Horus.
The Emperor and Custards were winning the war against the daemons until...It arrived. Look how the Emperor was awed by its purity of being, look at how doubt crept at the Emperor before he engaged it.
See for yourself how easily it overpowered the Emperor and was killing him, sucking out his soul. See that assholish thing the Emperor did to survive the encounter.
The Horus vs Emperor fight will be much much worse for the Emperor. He cannot pull that trick on Horus.