What goes on in a demon's head?
Imagine a demon at rest. What are they thinking about?
Is it just "evilevilevilevilevilevilevil"?
What goes on in a demon's head?
Imagine a demon at rest. What are they thinking about?
Is it just "evilevilevilevilevilevilevil"?
Other urls found in this thread:
75% dicks
20% evil
5% handholding self-insert wish-fulfillment
>succubus coming back home from tiring day
>removes bra, and changes to comfy clothes.
>grabs a cold drink from icebox(do you have any idea how hard it is to keep ice in hell?)
>relaxes on sofa and starts mumbling
>"fucking asmodeus who do he think he is, he wouldn't be able to even seduce a teenage girl - he is so old. Yet he gets biggest cut of our souls. Ugh tomorrow I'll have to be on call for summonings for the whole day. Damn Lilith, she probably lied about sick day. I bet that some yet another 'dark' mage will summon me. Why I can't get a nice paladin."
>puts on glasses, grand a book and reads to relax.
>thankfully she still has leftovers from yesterday for dinner.
> you will never summon a succubus in a simple tank top and running shorts, with reading glasses, a nice book, and some ice tea, who just wants to relax on the sofa and munch on some leftovers
Why even live.
>demons think exactly like women do
Or is that reversed?
>You will nevere summon a demon
Have you tried tho, user?
have you tried to ever summon a demon?
Did you do any research on how to do it?
You'll never know if you don't try user
From Christian and Christian based plot perspective: They absolutely hate God and Godlike beings-Humans. so they always try to shit in a soup for Humans (because they cannot harm Big-G).
From other perspectives: I dont know, it depends on plot.
Found the demon.
I tried once, fuckhead tried to possess me almost immediatly, I just wanted to ask him to help me solve a rubix cube and now he just breaks shit ;_;
considering that demons (in christian mythology) are fallen angels that sided with Lucifer, its not that they HATE humans but more that they disagree with how God handles them. Either that or Gods a dick and the devil is a real bro (doesn't feed the troll, the troll being god)
It probably depends on the demon. While the more intelligent one's thoughts are loaded with spite, envy, and malice to creatures that don't exist in eternal misery, I imagine that a look into say, an imp's "brain" would only yield high pitched, manic giggling.
Somebody post that one crop form Aoi Cast with "I hand nothing but lewd thoughts in my mind"
No user, that's the DM.
No, demons despise humans. And there are many reasons for this. A)they hate God and Humans, that are His imagebearers
B)Humans were created to dominate and rule over entire creation, including Angels (yes, paul says that) so perhaps it is slaves vs slavers too
C)Angels are ultraradical entities. They are either wholly good or wholly evil, their attitudes dont vary as human one
Pretty much, yeah.
They're bitter cunts that hate everyone. Not difficult to figure what they're thinking most of the time
>Humans were created to dominate and rule over entire creation
This is sometimes the reason Satan rebelled at all, depending on your myth. God commanded the angels to bow to man, as Humanity was his favored creation. Proud angels baulked at this.
In Yazidi, the chief angel Melek Taus, the Peacock angel rebels against God because he's too proud and because God originally told him to bow to nothing before God. God punishes Taus with exile, who is eventually contrite and seeks forgiveness and penance. This is why Taus is propitiated as the chief saint of the Yazidi religion as he represents the ultimate forgiveness of God. This, and Melek Taus' resemblance of Shaitan in other myths, is why Yazidi tend to be persecuted violently. They are literally accused of Satan worship.
Or is there any difference?
They literally cannot stop thinking about dicks
I want to fug cestree!
cestree is for cuddles, not for fuckingz
I'm actually working on some research which hopes to conclude that the concept of supernatural evil in mythology always stems from men being upset with women.
Demons think like us, but only of temptation. If something tempts them, that's it. They gain immense pleasure and satisfaction from following temptation. Different demons have different temptations, but the 7 deadly sins are the focal point.
I haven't been on /x/ in years.
What the hey hey happened.
>Rev 5:10-12 suggests that the total number of angels created is around 100 million
>Rev 12:4 suggests that 1/3 of the angels joined Lucifer's rebellion
>33.3 million fallen angels
>They all have lived since the beginning of human history
>At any time, regardless of what they're doing, they could be summoned by a human, bound, and forced to do their bidding.
>Most of them have at some point, due to simple law of probability with how many humans have existed over the years.
>The more attractive fallen are forced to copulate with their masters
>Else, they are either called to torment or kill their master's enemies, spread misery and suffering, or drink the blood of other humans while being told what an honor it is for the human to force them into such depraved acts.
>A long time ago, the entire ruling caste was summoned and bound by a single human at once, chaos reigned in hell as warring factions tried to either claim power or stop usurpers from taking over their superiors' positions
>Every fallen angel lives in growing fear that a human will one day summon them, as the human population rises ever higher, increasing the chances that they'll be made into a slave until they somehow manage to escape.
>If they're summoned, they try to kill their summoner or otherwise escape before they can be enslaved.
>Most of them fail however, trapped in the magical circles that humans have taken to using.
I mean, when you put it that way, Lucifer may have had a point when he reacted so poorly to the prospect of serving humans.
Long ago /b/ came and never left. Now they walk around wearing /x/ like a meat suit.
sex , porn, sex ,porn... kill , kill, sex , porn.
All women are secretly demons.
The catholic church wants to hide this fact to support its corrupt, heterosexual agenda.
The Garden of Eden was originally a Bara paradise where sexy men could be found everywhere.
>>Rev 5:10-12 suggests that the total number of angels created is around 100 million
Only that it doesnt. Its a standard hyperbole. Literary styles are used in bible frequently.
N*colaites, pls go away
>And then we'd lie back and stare at the stars for a while and he'd reach out and take my hand and—
>NO! NO! NO! Where was I... entrails. Yes. Entrails. Ripping out entrails.
Thank you for this wisdom user
Fuck, that necromancer bitch I made a deal with is going to try to kill me, isn't she.
>The most perverted demon in the world
>Deeply ashamed of his fetish
>Is summoned to the mortal world, does demon stuff
>Meets impossibly positive, friendly, understanding girl
>Oh dark gods below, that smile could light up a room
>Can't smite. Rattle off some bullshit about how she can go and spread the terror that is to come
>She brought lunch?!
>Oh sweet flames of hell, she's HUGGING ME! WHAT DO I DO I CAN'T HANDLE THIS!
>Demon is gradually 'corrupted' by this goddamn anti-slut appealing to every single one of his fetishes
I'd have flipped the genders, but I know how Veeky Forums gets about redeemed succubi
I think you might have discarded all the times a supernatural evil has stemmed from male gods getting pissy/not keeping it in their pants.
There's also myths that are basically supernatural catfights, such as Ishtar's descent into the underworld; or Aphrodite's spat with Psyche.
>So why don't you just, I dunno, rip her head off?
>I DON'T KNOW! I keep thinking, "Alright, I'm gonna do it— just one good pull and this is all over" and then I'm, like, hugging her gently or something and I don't even know what happened!
Gods rarely can be "evil", and there was a firm understanding that rape, murder, and other villainous acts, when committed by a god, could not be judged by the standards of men.
Supernatural "evil", in the sense of otherwordly afflictions against mankind alongside mankind being inspired to harm itself/each other, almost always has some woman as its source, ranging from the birth of all demons, the source of all sin, and even the source of death or unhappiness.
>Demon blusters about how it is better to send a message and spread terror before their inexorable advance of evil
>Is secretly just REALLY getting off on holding hands, lying in a field and watching the sunset
>Gods get a free pass
Why though? Why 'must' gods be treated and judged different to humanity? Is it a question of power? If so, then why judge a king as you judge a peasant? We recognise that such a system where the mighty are treated differently to the lowly is unjust and wrong, so why do we allow the gods to be judged by another system?
This is not the 6th century BC anymore. We have no reason to fear the wrath of the gods. Nor is it the 11th century AD. We have no reason to bow to the assertions of perfection and ineffability of a single divine overlord. Examine the character of the gods and goddesses and those they interact with in the same manner you would any other characters.
>We recognise that such a system where the mighty are treated differently to the lowly is unjust and wrong, so why do we allow the gods to be judged by another system?
That only works among men. "All men are created equal" doesn't apply to gods, because by and large the gods are genuinely superior to men.
There's actually a lot of material about why ancient gods got a free pass for committing what we would consider atrocities, be it gods committing widespread genocide, performing petty actions like killing a mortal that peeped on them, or just raping and killing purely on whim.
For the most part, gods and their ways are largely supposed to be incomprehensible and mysterious, and they might rape a woman today in order to sire a hero that will save the country some years down the road (as a bit of an interesting note, whenever a god slept with anyone, a child was always conceived, without exception). With Gods being able to look into the future and having infinite lifespans to see long term plans come into fruition, what may initially appear as petty cruelty may actually be something with grand designs for the future.
Another important thing is that a lot of the more human and evil attributes to gods were not always ascribed to them by actual devotees. Mythology taken from plays and festival poems often presented somewhat distorted versions of deities, often with exaggerated traits for comedic or dramatic effect.
Is this from that time where there was a botnet that posted images on /b/ describing how to download the botnet as though it was something else and so more people downloaded it and in turn more of the images were posted until it was overrun with nothing but bots posting about how to become a bot and everyone had to leave /b/ for other boards?
People are always trying to summon demons in fantasy, why do good people never summon angels?
The only time I've seen a game come close to that was WoW, and that was by a bunch of assholes who just wanted to enslave and drain it's power.
>tfw no cult that worships me
>I need to find more souls to eat and get fit
>boss told me to find someone to burn that church in 2 weeks max and 9 days already passed, fuck me sideways
>*kicks some lesser demon* VOLARE VIA WEAKLING HAHAHA
>I wonder how do good humans think
I love this picture
Dick Wizard: I summon ye so that my perverse desires can be sated via magical brute force
OK but I get your soul
No, that is wicked, renounce your depravity!
In my setting they do and angels will trade sex for favors, generally good behavior. They gradually over time train people to be good with this gentle dom behavior. This isn't magical realm because I didn't even get into the willing chastity.
Not that user, but let break this down for you:
If Good and Evil can exist objectively, then a god committing an Evil act does not make it less Evil. The act remains as intrinsically evil as it ever was, only our perception of it has changed.
If Good and Evil only exist subjectively, all Good and Evil is subjective and meaninglessly dependent upon viewpoint, as is your discussion of it.
Any conclusions you arrive at through your research can be instantly dismissed as your subjective opinion.
So any attempt to dismiss cases of supernatural evil that is unrelated to "men being upset with women" by classifying it as “not Evil because a god did it”, is fundamentally flawed and doomed to failure.
>Supernatural "evil", in the sense of otherwordly afflictions against mankind alongside mankind being inspired to harm itself/each other, almost always has some woman as its source, ranging from the birth of all demons, the source of all sin, and even the source of death or unhappiness.
Technically, you can source any aspect of humanity whatsoever to “some woman” as everybody except Adam had a mother. So if you feel like it, you can cite women from Eve on down as the cause of whatever you want, if that’s what you’re into.
Personally, I don’t see the point.
If there's an objective good, and a god is below it so to speak, and not it's creator, then you're correct. If, as I believe, God alone is good, the source of goodness itself and the measuring stick for how men are to be judged, then God's actions are definition good, and may serve purposes we don't immediately understand. That said, even lesser deities generally get away with quite a lot because men can't possibly enforce any judgements on them. They aren't above the law de jure but are above it de facto (until someone closer to capital G intervenes, which can be synonymous with the system of natural laws interfering in most cases, like someone committing patricide and then being replaced in a similar manner). "Evil" dieties are usually playing right into capital G's hand, like with Melkor and Eru, and are like a rebellious child acting well within the realm of expectations, unable to actually ruin the song. Men are on the other hand capable of genuine Evil because they are granted more freedom in their efforts: their choices are actually allowed to do more than create tragedy like a tornado: they make suffering with will and intent, unfettered, so they might give love freely in an equal and opposite measure. Lesser deities, even personified as they are, are limited by their spheres: Zeus can't suddenly develop a liking for spreading fires and hand holding, he can only transform into animals to rape people and hurl lightning bolts like the man/storm he is. They're less capable of being genuinely evil as a result.
Alternatively, it's not enough to say murder is evil, we must ask why it is evil. If a man who kills another is evil because he took something that was not his much the same as a thief, he took something that was lent by God, then when God "kills", he's taking back something he himself had lent out. Some deities are Mythologically described as functioning similarly.
You're right about evil and the sexes though.
Well said response to my post.
I agree.
>They aren't above the law de jure but are above it de facto
True enough.
However, when attempting to conclude that "supernatural evil in mythology always stems from men being upset with women" and therefore trying to discount the Evil acts of gods, "because they can get away with it" does nothing to discount them as Evil acts.
Whereas if God the Good committed an Evil act, it makes no sense.
Anytime something makes no sense, it's because you believe something is true that is not true.
In this case, either God the Good didn't do the Evil act, or what we believed was an Evil act was not an Evil act. (Or God can do Evil, but that violates our premise)
In my setting, demons are beings of chaos who oppose the godly order.
Depending on their rank, they may have their own ideas on how to best spread chaos, but that's about it.
>i believe
Stopped reading there.
Belief has no place when discussing values. You analyze all viewpoints, and do not asking a value to any of them based on belief. Do you even scientific method bro?
nah, just joking. I read it all. Just assaid - the part about making no sense.
They only sound argument in there is that gods are limited to their spheres(personification of nature). And can nature be evil? Can something without free will be evil?
Asking = assign
Bloody phoneposting, but what else man can do on Toilet?
They spend a lot of time thinking about the tyranny that is YHWH.
Sorry I wasn't clear but it's just alternatives and possibility. Plus I'm living in a continuous 100 degree F oven room since the AC went out so I'm not totally coherent right now
The correct answer to the bottom of , with God the Good is simple since, evil itself originates as the rejection of that Good from God. For most, that God won't do evil is sufficient: to speak of can or can't is difficult. "Can God make a rock he can't lift?" and "Can God reject his own Good" are almost the same question; for both I think he could but won't since it would defy a logic he himself established and It doesn't seem like an unchanging being above time is going to change their mind about the nature of everything and their role in it. If there is a different concept of good and evil that god does, we find we're dealing more with lower case g and this becomes untenable, meaning we were mistaken. Two plus two can equal two if you do your math in a ring: the answer depends on the assumptions you use so there's an element of "belief" in a way.
Who would call Zeus evil for killing, or even raping people he crafted as in Hesiod's Five Ages, where the natural order is his having them made and destroying them for their flaws? Would anyone consider evil the craftsman who discards of the work he deems a failure?
If there is an external Good above them, where is it from?
>pic related
You've got to keep in mind that the definition of "evil" that is being used is the one used by the culture that originated the myth.
As much as you'd want to say that a god is evil, to say something like Zeus was a vile rapist or that he was too harsh with Prometheus, an ancient Greek would condemn you for saying that about the God of Justice, with an important point being that Prometheus only became sympathetic rather late in the cycles of myths and largely due to playwrights. Our contemporary values and opinions, and even those of older but still later writers, don't really matter in regards to how the actual originators of the myth attempted to define and describe the origination of evils.
I imagine in the off time, they're just constantly playing over some sort of power fantasy, scheming about how to get to it, and oh how happy they'll be once they're on top.