/btg/ BattleTech General

It’s not Sheen, it’s Estevez! edition

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BattleTech video-game Beta gameplay


>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions?

>How do I find out which BattleMechs a faction has?

Unit Designing Softwares
>SSW Mech Designer
>MegaMek Lab

>/btg/ does a TRO:
builtforwar.blog(not spam)spot.com/

>How do I do this Against the Bot thing? (old)

2017-03-03 – (Against the Bot)

Current 3.21 rule set is included in the mekhq package

>Map of /btg/ players (WIP):

>Rookie guides

>Sarna.net - BattleTech Wiki

>Megamek - computer version of BattleTech. Play with AI or other players

>BattleTech IRC
#battletech on irc.rizon.net

>PDF Folders

/btg/'s own image board: - (2017-07-09 - Still getting worked on & now has 13605 pics!)

More goodies! (Rare manuals, hex packs, TROs, discord server, etc.) Last updated 2017-06-06!

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Its going to need a couple of variant chassis,
one with c3i and cooling pods
one with stripped down armament and two C3 Masters.

Reposted from previous thread: mech advanced melee combat options.

I've read it over twice now and I can't tell if it's too complicated or not. There's not a lot of extra dice rolls, but a lot of fiddly modifiers.

that could be the name somebody accidently wrote on the shipping manifest.

Crotchface tonk lolol.

Honk honk, I'm the better tonk.

fuck, i can't unsee it

Well, I think all this is highly retarded, but it's also seemingly a draconis combine mech. Can it make any more sense of making no sense at all with that combination of qualities?

Why would the developers use C3i, when only ComStar and the Word of Blake consistently use the hardware?

As for the 2 C3M version, you're talking about dropping 2 LPPCs to make a 75 ton mech that does a whopping TWENTY damage for what, 26 million c-bills? Why would I build this, especially if my pilots are haunted by a NEET developer who likes to give them the shocker?

Ay, that it is.
I think DC gets kicked around a lot.
Its time they had some good mechs.

Dude, its a 100 years in the future, hardly anything is faction specific anymore. But if you don't like c3i then don't use it.

Cause its better than the Akuma?

>Its time they had some good mechs.
>good mechs.

>What is the Panther?
Hardest-hitting IS Light Mech in the game until the Hollander
>What is the Grand Dragon?
Fast heavy that can run down and kill 80% of IS medium Mechs
>What is the Mauler?
One of the highest-tech IS assault Mechs in TRO 3050 with better ranged firepower than an Atlas
>What is the Hatamoto-chi?
High-tier IS zombie Mech
>What are a ton of Star League-era Mechs for free?
Pure fiat

>good Mechs
Be a bigger muchkin, user.

user, I use C3i where appropriate and all the time if it is. But the DCMS doesn't, and lodged an official REE with the Republic of the Sphere over the Ghost Bears doing so. The system also has a stigma from being used by the Word to stomp on the IS.

Highly debatable. I'd still take the Akuma even with no CASE over LPPC spam.

user, I love the design's looks to bits, but it has 4 goddamn AC2s, and overheats just firing its ERLLs.

I think I am going to give this one either to the feddies or the FWL.

I wish I knew more about the Cappies.
I honestly don't know shit about their culture/government. I figure its got a lot of "rule by committee" and is the result of centralized planning, to contrast the Lyrans.


In the old days they're literally the cold war commies (russians and chinese) except with an official citizenship caste system.

After Sunny, they become more like a Chinese version of the Dracs, but more competent. Kinda sucks really.

Instead of the Phawk-L, this is a Garm-L

how much should i be paying for an introductory box set? 260 seems a bit fucking much

Rate my Cappelan Quad

Jeeze, grognuts, you could have at least picked GOOD DCMS mechs.

>clan nova cat mechs, all of them
>motherfucking Jenner
>Spider, Venom
>gauss Wolf Traps
>all of the IS omnis they produced
>No-Dachi series of cqc rapists
>big fat AIV bastards outta the ass
>nu-wave omnimechs a la Tenshi, Avalanche
>fat brutish assaults that are good what they do without being gaussturds a la Peacekeeper, Orochi, Naginata
>the S-series hovercraft
>the 3 and 4 jump BA
>the Narukami
>etc etc

Since it originally retailed at either $40 or $60 no more than 100.

Overheating as fuck. The second PR is superfluous, or else the Stealth is.

260 what, pesos?

50$ is a normal price.

Without stealth how will it act as a spotter for its TAG in double blind games?


That's pricebot crap, user. Get a set on ebay auction when it pops up or better, hunt down one at a local FLGS.

The Stealth costs 10 heat per turn to keep active. So are you planning on turning off the Stealth, then waiting until the next turn to fire, or overheating by 10 on a nonjumping mech?

How bout a ferro variant as well?


That doesn't answer the initial question ,but It's not bad. It's still limited by the Quad arcs, but I guess it's a decent speedy vehicle hunter and TAGger.

It should be legal to take anyone who runs a pricing bot out behind a building, shoot them in the back of the head, and bill the family (a fair retail price) for the bullet.

Looks like collector bullshit. It seems the box is out of stock largely, and CGL is beset by porches and unable to actually sell products to their customers.

What the hell is with this company.

>>all of the IS omnis they produced

Owens and Strider definitely not, Blackjack is questionable.


Tank, user. And not until decades after the Alacorn OOC and like a century IC.


user, no. Just no.


Ah yes, the thing that was given to the Dracs so that the Suns could have a TBolt boat.

3025 is relatively even with something of a bias to the Suns because their best and most widespread House mods are energy boat zombies.

3050 is fucked for everyone but especially the Dracs thanks to lolshs, and then you get the Gausswallening of the mid to late '50s that leaves the non-FedCom factions in the dust until Xin Sheng Cappies get a buff.

If bait, at least 7/10. If serious, haha no.

Whats the smallest IS mech with double standard gauss? Are there any IS mechs with double light gauss?

>Owens and Strider definitely not

Noob spotted.

There are plenty dual lgauss. For the other, Galahad/Glass Spider.

>Double Gauss
Sun Cobra, but that's clanner gear.

>Double LGR
A Tian-Zong variant has them, as well as a Legacy.

Glass Spider is the Clan version.

Owens and Strider both have SHS which greatly limits their flexibility.

The Owens also has a shit ton of hardwired EW gear that further limits what the chassis can do.

Neither are great from an Omni standpoint due to those factors, and when you compare them to contemporary designs they fall flat on their faces.

You can make lemonade out of lemons. But it's a lot easier to use designs that are actually good to begin with.

Galahad is the smallest I can think of for both.

So... FWL Sniper? Maybe Rifleman Variant?

Anything similar come to mind?

Was thinking of giving it Long Range Targeting quirk.

Not often clans get outdistanced.

>Rifleman variant at 70 tons
U wot?
Also, MagShots are mostly Solaris toys, or in use by the AFFS. Otherwise, it's just sort of there. At least you've got LGRs though I suppose.

Its also got laser AMS, which is Solaris.

It's beautiful

I love you Chinese Lady

The Watch is monitoring this thread. Quickly, act as clan as you can!


Wanna buy some neato Clan components fellow Clanner? Only one trial and some minor property rights on Twycross!

You are not worthy of my Batchall!

you are worst Spheroid. you are the spheroid idiot you are the spheroid smell. return to Kurita. to our Nova Cat cousins you may come our clan. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha , Jade Falcon we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole spheroid stink Falcon sqhipere shqipare..Edo genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead spheroid..ahahahahahJADE FALCON WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget Operation Revival .Steiner we kill the king , Steiner return to your precious FedCom….hahahahaha idiot Spheroid and Jade Falcon smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE FREEBORN FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. Davion+Steiner+Marik+Wolf=kill falcon…you will ww2/ Kerensky alive in steel viper, Kerensky making album of steel viper . fast rap Kerensky Steel Viper. we are strong and have isorla now hahahaha ha because of Kerensky… you are ppoor stink spheroid… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
Kerensky alive numbr one #1 in Steel Viper ….fuck the Falcons ,..FUCKk ashol spheriods no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and clon. Krensky aliv and real strong wizard kill all the spheroid farm aminal with rap magic now we the Vipr rule .ape of the zoo presidant Victor Steiner-Davion fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and Falcon wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. Steel Viper greattst clan

Boy, I sure love working myself to death fixing mechs for no pay, and coming home to my washout ASF pilot trueborn gnome of a wife and our fifteen bugeye kids. And I sure don't sneak off at the earliest opportunity to go visit Elemental Point Commander She-hulk Ward for the loving I really need. Also, those actuators are totally replaced on the Star Commander's Nova and not sold off to some Dark Caste losers for some Kerenskies to buy my elementalfu some sexy black market lingerie.

I'd give an inch off my penis to have either one of those waifus

And I honestly don't have a lot to spare

I'm sorry. I just lost the equivalent of 30 dollars worth of pot cause some idiot threaded the brass fitting on my THC cartridge wrong.

It kind of sent me on a bender. My old man is being a dick about me using the hose and I just had to wash off my car cause I took off with my soda on the roof of my car.

Now I'm looking at porno cause I'm stressed the fuck out and don't know what I'm going to do to manage my back pain until I can afford another cartridge.

Well you shouldn't abuse dangerous drugs. You deserve what Happened, user.

Any progress on the Land-Air-Tank?

your bait is weak

technically the chairman is appointed by a council. I don't know what you'd call that.


At the time of Operation Revival did the Wolves let freebirths in any of their frontline clusters?

Or battlemechs, vehicles or regular infantry? Was it just omnis and elementals for frontline clusters?

Trying to get a feel for Wolf frontline, secondline, garrison and solahma forces prior to the Refusal war and don't have sourcebooks handy.

Just download the old Clan Wolf phonebook from the OP folders. It has everything you want to know.

I'm on mobile at the moment and can't really.

Wolves were always known for allowing Freebirths in their military and even had them rise as high as Star Colonel, at least for second-line formation.

It was something the more traditional Clans like the Jags and Cockfalcons were endlessly buttmad at them over.

They'd be far more common in second-line formations than front-line, and there's a lot more known MechWarriors than any other service branch.

Front-line forces in the Invasion era are all exclusively Omni, with a single exception. Phelan has a Wolfhound IIC.

were there any known freebirths in their frontline forces?

Phelan Kell/Wolf/Ward

Wasn't there some reveal that he was actually born in a ironwomb on Outreach with the help of Wolf's Dragoons because Salome Ward couldn't have a baby naturally?

Yeah, but he's still a freebirth because his parents were randos instead of bloodnamed warriors selected and vetted by a scientist caste.

>Dragoons have access to clantech and the ability to build pretty much anything they want
>gobs of clan mechs, elemental suits, etc stored away

Don't get me wrong, I've loved playing as the Dragoons since 3025.

But the Clantech fiat for them was utter nonsense that denigrated them as a faction.

I liked them building their own mechs to try and counter the Clans. But copying Clantech exactly? Never should have happened.

>tfw they were building Mad Cats and Daishis under Outreach even before the invasion

Wayne Waco did the universe a service.

Tank Sillyness

I don't figger BD is a valid facing for the weapons. Now they're just... inside the tank, somehow?

VLS missiles.

They're metioned sometimes in fluff but are usually set for a facing anyhow.

VLS tubes?

Well blyat my cykas and call me for babushka.

The Wolf brother were essentially leading a first-rate unit into the inner sphere and their clan trusted them enough with it.


Is this cost effective?
I think maybe its too expensive for a vee

needs more brrt

>requires 1174 black dildoes


It's certainly a little much for the role of what seems to be high-risk close combat deployment. Vehicles have a notoriously short life expectancy in that role, and especially so since it has unreliable weapons all around.

I come from /bant/ to give you this image. Do with it what you will.

I still wish for other weight classes of Mech with the Naming convention.

>Ultralight: Huh
>Light: Neat
>Medium: Cool
>Heavy: Radical
>Superheavy: ???

>Superheavy: Overwhelming


How many PPC's and Lasers should it mount?


Then add one or two more just to be sure.

>4508 Places

It doesn't have that many places, but I like the cut of your jib.

well shit

that really is awesome

>Then add one or two more just to be sure.
So factoring all the stuff you actually need for a mech like this...how many slots do we actually have available per location?

Superheavies get double crits don't they? Just make it a tripod so it can torsotwist 360*.

That's what I was thinking.

But I was asking about slots because, while doing a Dead Or Alive Impression is good and all...it doesn't mean diddly if we can't shoot things.

I'm thinking six PPCs to begin with.

Start with 6 light PPCs, and 2 snubbies.

The limiting factor is gonna be heatsinks

Needs something to account for gross weight differences. Other than that, doesn't look too bad.

>Literally sitting on a Light as an Atlas

Not named at the time but any warrior who didn't have or didn't earn a Bloodname might have been one.

In the past we know that Joshua and Jaimie Wolf were in Natasha Kerensky's unit. The Wolf Spiders probably had some (other than Phelan) when Natasha got back too.

I don't think he actually came from an Iron Womb, but they definitely used Clan level tech for IVF stuff.

Makes the equipment difference between the Clans add up. Wolves padded their touman with freebirths and so had less equipment, so we got things like Vlad having to rebuild and have battlemechs in frontline clusters and vehicles in secondline etc, while even on their death the Jaguars had IIC mechs in solahma clusters and omnis in secondline and even garrison clusters.

Not really.

First, the Wolves had Omnis in second-line units. Secondly, when the WCSB was written the majority of second-line machines didn't even exist OOC so of course they weren't being used IC.

Then you've got the Wolves tapping out their supply caches to build the Dragoons the first time (about 6 regiments of 'Mechs all up), then supply them through the SW era, then rebuild them again after Misery.

Finally you've got them appearing only as antagonists after the Refusal War with no Thurston-style patron author to pull new warriors and equipment out of their ass to undo all the damage of the previous plotline and set them up for greatness in the next.

>tapping out their supply caches

Mostly tapping them out, I mean. They were finally emptied out after the Refusal War per the Highlander IIC fluff but after going through like 10 regiments supplying the Dragoons small wonder there wasn't much left.

Who else is excited MM is gonna have lams and those transforming tank abominations that look fun as fuck to play with? ..gonna name mine Guntank

>Megamek finally having functional LAM's

You best not be funnin with me, son.

43.3 whenever it comes out should have multipilot cockpits and quadvees. with LAMs due sometime in the future.

Finally time to show my clannaboo friends why the locals refuse to play against my clan hells horses force.

>no people
damn, poor free worlders

>transforming tank abominations
youre an abomination
QuadVees are cute!