Have you ever tried playing a CUTE character?
Have you ever tried playing a CUTE character?
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The best moe is gap moe.
If this counts as CUTE, sign me up.
Have I ever tried NOT playing a cute character?
wtf is gap moe?
When you expect a person to be one way based on a certain stereotype/archetype but they defy it in a way that is adorable or heartwarming.
Still not weeb enough to wrap my head around neither this nor sunnderr. Explain.
i only play ugly characters
Not sure what that one is, but 'gap moe' is
Imagine you have a skeleton or some other beastie, and instead of acting like a monster, it acts like a cute girl.
Like what's-his-face from FMA is a giant suit of armor, but still acts like/is a little kid.
I once played a QT meek gnome ranger who was sweet and nice to everyone.
She was also a kobold hating axe crazy lunatic who would start shrieking about genociding the scaley kin in battle.
The appeal is that you have this girl who looks cute but is haughty towards you and doesn't like you much, but over time drops her haughtiness and likes you, usually acting in a cute fashion as a result. It's a built-in arc. The word comes from the 'tsun-tsun' haughty phase that moves into the 'dere-dere' cute phase.
Okay, you got this tough warrior chick, right? Total tomboy, loves to smash heads with her friends then go out to get smashed on beer. You get the picture.
Gap moe is when that girl meets a guy that just slams all of her buttons, and instead of being brash and brazen with her intentions, she becomes a blushing, blustering woman that can't quite get her words out right.
That's gap moe, it's when a character with an established personality breaks out of that personality with the proper trigger. Another example that isn't moe (but the same spirit) is when the quiet, stoic mentor figure totally loses it and flies into a cold rage when he finds out someone killed his granddaughter.
Okay, and what's the rest of the dere shit about?
That makes sense I guess
I love it when the quiet, stoic, forgiving kinds get pushed too far and they go utterly ballistic.
So do a lot of people if John Wick's ticket sales are any indication
I like that guy's helmet.
Tell me about this character.
The other -dere variants are about having a primary personality trait that moves into the dere phase, or goes between them.
Kuudere are cold, distant characters who eventually warm up.
Yandere and freaks and psychos who usually grow attached to the main character and fluctuate or integrate both mannerisms. These are dangerous characters.
Any time the established mentor figure just goes apeshit and reveals their power level to an (often large group of) opponent is usually the best goddamn action scene in the movie, I love it.
John Wick is an entire movie of that, while the dojo scene in Ip-Man is another.
He is the best dad in the entire Abyss and has a wonderful daughter.
I wanna read this. How do I read this?
In star wars rpg played a small, cute, dumb as fuck monkey-cat creature. Spent the game worshiping the groups leader as a god. And generally doing nothing else really. Got killed a lot but they kept cloning him and telling him it was gods power. Best charecter iv played in a long time.
>ITT: retards on Veeky Forums can't do a simple google search and don't know what shit like tsundere and gap moe
Veeky Forums really has gone downhill hasn't it?
this makes my heart warm, how did you manage to revive the dead user?
That just raises further questions.
>Veeky Forums isn't as interested in anime garbage as it used to be
That's one thing modern Veeky Forums has going for it.
reminder that you are on Veeky Forums
Search "made in abyss" on bato.to, alternatively use zingbox.me
It has some pretty amazing world-building, but is also pretty graphic about things and shit gets worse the lower you descend. You've been warned.
Don't worry, she gets to go on an adventure fun quest to achieve scientific trumph.
He took a bunch of orphans and threw them into the depths of a cursed megadungeon to see what happens to them.
Just think of a primary emotion/personality trait that usually means someone doesn't care about you. That's the prefix part of the '-dere.'
They all develop into loving characters, or if you're watching a piece of shit, they switch between them.
Yan- is the outlier, in that they look normal on the outside, but are a serial killer on the inside.
>how did you manage to revive the dead user
Through the power of fatherly love.
And it was an astounding success.
>Skeleroo the Paperback, Master of the Early Bird Special.
>Wielder of Scaramouch
>His phylactery is a big fat ass.
>Will do anything to learn about a huge hole
>Likes gardening, fluffy animals and science.
>Is great with kids
Best Papa in the entire abyss.
Come for bunny cunny, stay for feels and cute.
Will we get storytime?
No need to. Parts of it arent blue board safe, OPs pic related character doesn't show up until chapter 22ish, and its already mostly translated and an anime is airing. There are plenty of avenues to experience the story.
You can have pic related though.
he was fighting for superior goals.
people died, but they pushed humanity forward
The superior goal of getting to the bottom of mystery hole.
wait, do you mean we are not supposed to to make cute characters for every campaign?
Now I want to play a warforged
>stealth MiA thread
Oh well, I'm okay with this.
I made this character for a Star Wars campaign before I started to read the Expanse books and specifically before Bobbie Draper turns up, and before Incase introduced Lydia the brown muscledyke. She's cute in a lot of ways. Total professional or she wouldn't be spec ops, but personally a country girl from the sticks way out of her depth.
What do you mean, parts aren't blueboard safe?
Mostly gore, but also sometimes a nipple of an underaged character.
you forgot a point
>used his special cooking to become better, faster and stronger
Tell me about Banedrewd, why does he wear the mask?
Nechronica player characters are a wonderful mix of "Awwwww..." and "Ah!!!"
it doesnt matter who we are, what matters is our plan
Depends on what you define as cute.
Played a 9'4", 840lb slab of VIKING POWER who was also obscenely handsome, with the joke at the table being that he was the Ultimate MuscleBishie.