Standard thread for all you magic players I want to build a deck with this card but having trouble putting it in something
Standard MTG
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That's because it's a shitty card, user.
It costs 8 mana, and won't even win the game by itself. This has absolutely no use in standard. With zero way to cheat out enchantments in standard, you wouldn't even be able to get it out in any deck other than a ramp deck, and if you're ramping to 8 you might as well drop an eldrazi instead.
So I'm thinking that a G/R ramp deck might be be viable in standard. I put together just a quick little list not using anything past Kaladesh seeing as those sets are about to rotate out. What do you think? List is currently:
// 60 Maindeck
// 2 Artifact
2 Traveler's Amulet
// 22 Creature
4 Shefet Monitor
4 Glorybringer
2 Ramunap Excavator
4 Ramunap Hydra
2 Greenbelt Rampager
4 Sand Strangler
2 Khenra Scrapper
// 2 Enchantment
2 Unbridled Growth
// 2 Instant
2 Abrade
// 24 Land
2 Sheltered Thicket
4 Hashep Oasis
2 Desert of the Fervent
2 Desert of the Indomitable
2 Hostile Desert
6 Forest
6 Mountain
// 8 Sorcery
2 Rhonas's Last Stand
2 Hour of Promise
2 Beneath the Sands
2 Attune with Aether
// 15 Sideboard
// 2 Artifact
SB: 2 Rhonas's Monument
// 1 Enchantment
SB: 1 Durable Handicraft
// 6 Instant
SB: 2 Struggle // Survive
SB: 2 Life Goes On
SB: 2 Hungry Flames
// 6 Sorcery
SB: 4 Sweltering Suns
SB: 2 Rhonas's Last Stand
I looked at the GP schedule and didn't see anything for standard before the PT. Do I just suck at looking things up, or are there seriously no big standard events to watch before the PT?
This seems terribly ill thought out
You have ramp but you top out at 6 with Shefet Monitor of all things so you're better off just playing normally
If you want something "ramp" but casual I recommend what a friend asked me to build him:
Creature (25)
3x Earthshaker Khenra
1x Glorybringer
2x Omnath, Locus of Rage
2x Pathmaker Initiate
4x Primal Druid
2x Tireless Tracker
1x Ulrich of the Krallenhorde Flip
4x Undergrowth Champion
2x Vizier of the Menagerie
4x Wildfire Eternal
Land (22)
4x Cinder Glade
8x Forest
2x Game Trail
4x Mountain
4x Sheltered Thicket
Sorcery (11)
4x Eldritch Evolution
3x Nissa's Renewal
2x Rishkar's Expertise
2x Traverse the Ulvenwald
Planeswalker (2)
2x Arlinn Kord Flip
Sideboard (15)
2x Appetite for the Unnatural
2x By Force
1x Heaven
3x Khenra Charioteer
2x Mirrorwing Dragon
2x Natural State
3x Sweltering Suns
just add some reality smasher, and the crocodile that puts a -1 counter on a creature you control, just put the counter on a mana dork
Its modern season scrub.
I'm not sure whether to play this or R/U Colossus on Game Day
I take it the reason Ula isn't getting run is it can get stranded in hand.
Winged Shepherd might be worth while.
Hour of Eternity might be interesting, but it's a bit color intensive.
>I take it the reason Ula isn't getting run is it can get stranded in hand.
that and it's ridiculously expensive right now
Anyone else been watching SCG open? Seen any interesting decks? Maybe one you want to try out? I liked Todd Stevens' 5c planeswalkers deck with this guy at the top of the curve.
>5c planeswalkers deck
all of a sudden I love Hour of Devastation
We M I L L I N G
Still can't decide if I should switch this to UB or UR instead of mono. Mono feels like it's just low enough in the answers department, but I always feel like otherwise I dilute the mill engine too much.
where can I watch? interested
scgtour on twitch
Remember that each creature removed mills an opponent for one with fraying sanity down.
Naranja, is that you?
Pretty new to the game, want to buy some decks just for me and my brother to play.
I found this for 50€
Is this a good thing to buy?
As I said, just for fun, casual, maybe want to extend in the future. And what format would that fall under?
no these are awful. You should look into the Card Kingdom starter decks. They are a lot cheaper and better for new players then starter decks.
Thoughts on my Jund Counters Deck
4 Abrade
4 Ammit Eternal
4 Blooming Marsh
2 Canyon Slough
2 Channeler Initiate
4 Consuming Fervor
1 Cut // Ribbons
4 Dread Wanderer
4 Exemplar of Strength
4 Fatal Push
4 Foreboding Ruins
5 Forest
4 Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons
2 Mountain
4 Obelisk Spider
6 Swamp
2 The Scorpion God
SB: 3 Blossoming Defense
SB: 1 Cut // Ribbons
SB: 2 Lay Bare the Heart
SB: 3 Magma Spray
SB: 3 Manglehorn
SB: 2 Scrapheap Scrounger
SB: 1 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship
Thanks, I guess you mean those?
I wanted every deck to have some kind of different feel to it (mechanicly) and have something of every color if possible. And decently balance between the deck would be pretty good too, as I wont be playing with anyone besides my brother.
The decks all play very differently and will be based around different color mechanics. You could always just buy some cheap singles to upgrade them afterward if you consider them too simple. Better to drop 10 bucks on a fair and balanced start then another 5 to upgrade then buying a really shitty, poorly balanced 25 dollar product.
Wizards puts out things called Planeswalker decks. they are basically promotional premade decks made to go against each other. They are way better put together and feature more interesting dynamics than the basic Intro decks do. Intro decks are as vanilla as possible and do a poor job of showcasing magic properly
I don't play standard much, but I have a colorless deck in virtually every format besides, so I took a swing at it. Am I missing any glaring issues?
Considering the state of standard at the moment, where do you folks actually play?
Standard has completely collapsed at all three LGS in my town. One switched to draft/modern instead of standard/modern on fridays, the other commander, and the third is doing only draft.
I kind of want to switch to MTGO so I can grind out games and start improving, but I'm not sure about spending $100-$150+ on an online deck.
LGS still offers standard right now, we have about 50 or so people show up, it hasn't really died down
Is there any euopean alternative to this? Tax is fucking us over.
Stop playing Standard
uhh you could take the deck lists of the products you want to try and buy the cards off some euopean card seller. Might be a lil more expensive or a little cheaper.
Standard's still going strong here. Some people drop, then others show up. Modern might be slightly stronger, but not by much.
My interest in standard is waning. My deck which is mostly SOI/EMN leaves in a few months and nothing from KLD through HOU interests me. Meanwhile, decks that I fucking hate like Temur Energy and G/B energy are losing almost nothing.
I might actually pick up EDH at this rate.
They dont show the deck list.
Nevermind, found them here:
messing around with an amonkhet/hoD minotaur tribal deck
Creatures: 21
4 Burning fist minotaur
4 ahn-crop crashers
4 bloodrage brawler
4 Neheb the worthy
3 neheb the eternal
3 Minotaur Sureshots
4 Abrade
4 supernatural stamina
3 kindled fury
3 cut//ribbons
3 never//returrn
22 lands
4 canyon slough
8 swamp
10 mountain
Decided to mess with a tribal standard.
But today of all days would be the day peopl bust out the vehicles... and didn't have dispossess in sideboard (which is now).
1/2, but when it was online there were so many amazing shenanigans that go down. neheb pumping his eternal self to a 6/6 afflict 3 first strike... pic related.
Gotta agree with the others. This is pretty useless in standard... It's Auto-include in White Commander though, but no one at my LGS has pulled it... frustrating.
Standard is 100% dead at my LGSs. All the good players have moved over to modern after getting their deck banned multiple times, leaving only the occasional group of 15 year olds playing with prerelease chaff in unsanctioned rounds. I showed up for the first time in months on Friday and immediately dropped after realizing how bad it's gotten.
Ignoring all the other problems with your list, you really shouldn't side in disposess versus vehicles. It doesn't even do anything if they played HoK on turn 2, and resolving a 3 mana do nothing spell is only feeding into the deck's game plan.
I can't remember the specifics of the legend rule, do those Nehebs screw each other over if you try to have both on the field?
Its starting to look like uw monument is the real deal judging by the scg open but none of the rares have jumped yet.
I'm a little disappointed, I'm trying to vindicate myself for grabbing my abbeys and militia captains and dusk//dawns but it's starting to just look like selfless spirit and queller are going to eat all the demand
I did.
But what do I do with all these gearhulks?
what even beats this deck lmao?
Probably aggressive midrange to outsize the weenies and pound down before monument gets enough mana to shit creatures and drop ormendahl
I'm actually really happy. Monumental looks like a lot of fun to play.
As a primarily u/w player in standard, I'm happy since I haven't played a grindy midrange deck in standard since jeskai black
Jeskai Black is the dumbest fucking name. It's 4c nigga.
This is an objectively bad deck
it's convention and in that standard there were multiple distinct 4c decks because of the degenerate mana base.
Jeskai black describes the deck that abused baby jace and tasigur to loop crackling dooms and painful truths.
Are there any matches that like, showcase the deck well?
i think the most recent scg opens have a decent representation. It'll definitely be in the vod for today's day 1
Trying to make a Rakdos Scropion God Control deck right now. Having trouble with how much of each to put in and what exactly. Not sure about the big AoE spells. Bontu's Last Reckoning and Sweltering Suns are definitely the prime candidates of stuff I'd want to run, though I really have trouble putting them in without abandoning the -1/-1 playstyle, which I really want to keep.
I'd prefer not to run Chandra, because fuck how much she costs, but I feel like she not only is too good but also doesn't have any real 4-drop competition in her colors.
Anyone got any suggestions for what else could work without adding more colors? Grind // Dust can barely be considered a Mardu splash in my eyes considering Aether Hub is a thing. Also, ignore the Side Board, that thing's still a complete mess.
// 60 Maindeck
// 15
7 Mountain
8 Swamp
// 14 Creature
4 Soul-Scar Mage
3 Ammit Eternal
2 Banewhip Punisher
3 The Scorpion God
2 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner
// 10 Instant
3 Magma Spray
3 Hour of Glory
3 Harnessed Lightning
1 Abrade
// 9 Land
1 Concealed Courtyard
4 Aether Hub
4 Canyon Slough
// 2 Planeswalker
2 Chandra, Torch of Defiance
// 10 Sorcery
2 Grind // Dust
4 Cut // Ribbons
3 Lethal Sting
1 Bontu's Last Reckoning
// 14 Sideboard
// 2 Artifact
SB: 2 Key to the City
// 5 Creature
SB: 3 Merciless Javelineer
SB: 2 Combustible Gearhulk
// 7 Sorcery
SB: 3 Lost Legacy
SB: 2 Hour of Devastation
SB: 2 Sweltering Suns
Thanks for making a Standard thread, by the way. Shit's way too rare on here.
play wont lose to that new fucking fog deck, that shit is the most annoying thing I've played in months.
Oh and another note: wanna make this deck rotation-safe, so I'd rather not run any "expensive" rotating cards that don't have parallels in Amonkhet or Kaladesh blocks. Already have New Perspectives but only playing that is bound to get boring real fast.
How does this GB energy deck look? Its mostly netdecked from a few places, but with the intention of making it as rotation-proof as I could. (Already had the tireless trackers and the lands)
I was a little worried about the sideboard though. The 3 "good players" at my LGS run RW humans, mono black control, and temur control. I'm not sure if they are exactly those archetypes, but its what they seemed like in the games I got matched with them.
I'm mostly worried about the mono black and the temur decks though. Black's hand destruction and never ending removal spells fucked me over big time with both of my previous decks and with such a creature focused deck, I have a feeling a lot of my shit is going to get countered by the temur player.
So I'm wondering if I should try to squeeze something like Serpopard into the sideboard against the blue matchups or Scrapheap Scrounger for the mono black.
yes, only one neheb on the field at once, but if you need that +2 pump, you can sack summon, was how i won a game
They don't. You can have Neheb the Worthy and Neheb the Eternal out at the same time without any issues.
No, legend rule cares about the name. Neheb the Eternal and Neheb the worthy are not the same name so you can have both on the battlefield. Same with the two thalias.
sorry, no, I thought they were referring to having 4 of a legend creature
it is versitile though, you have to give it that, anyone running torrential gearhulk... good luck winning without your wincon...
and abrade can technically answer it and then in any other match he can take care of any by turn 3. Nothing to sneeze at
I am thinking about buying a competent but budget deck on MTGO because I live in fucking China to play. Are there any good cycling-focused decks that let me do it?
New perspective combo seems like fun.
Run more abrade, less lethal sting, I get that it synergises with Scorpion god, but it's just not good anywhere outside of limited. Abrade hits some of the best standard pre-HOU standard decks super hard and still hits creatures if you don't come across vehicles. Sting is sorcery speed requires you to have a creature on field and only destroys a creature. If you want "destroy target creature" why not run murder? It might be rotating out but it's a dead cheap uncommon. Or run fatal push which is nuts and a staple for both standard and modern.
Just don't run Lethal sting.
Point taken. Mostly was just running it for some cute interactions with Scorpion God and it not being much of a downside using Ammit, but you're absolutely right.
Been testing in general and revised the list some more. added additional Glint-Sleeves, since that bit of extra card draw helped tremendously and getting extra energy when I need it also was nice. Was trying to find some decent 4 mana thing to add in place of Chandra, but the only thing I was mildly successful with was Heart-Piercer Manticore to throw Ammits into people's faces and creatures, though that usually also seemed like a straight worse option than any 4 mana kill spell.
Anywho, here's my revised list:
// 60 Maindeck
// 15
7 Mountain
8 Swamp
// 14 Creature
4 Soul-Scar Mage
4 Ammit Eternal
3 The Scorpion God
4 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner
// 12 Instant
3 Magma Spray
2 Hour of Glory
2 Harnessed Lightning
4 Abrade
// 9 Land
1 Concealed Courtyard
4 Aether Hub
4 Canyon Slough
// 2 Planeswalker
2 Chandra, Torch of Defiance
// 8 Sorcery
2 Grind // Dust
4 Cut // Ribbons
2 Sweltering Suns
// 14 Sideboard
// 2 Artifact
SB: 2 Key to the City
// 6 Creature
SB: 3 Merciless Javelineer
SB: 2 Combustible Gearhulk
SB: 1 Ammit Eternal
// 6 Sorcery
SB: 3 Lost Legacy
SB: 2 Hour of Devastation
SB: 1 Bontu's Last Reckoning
Can confirm, Perspectives is fun.
Still trying to figure out a deck using it not as its centric combo piece but just as a game ender, possibly in combination with Locust God.
Any thoughts on my rakdos aggro
How do I make deserts work?
I want to throw pocket sand at people.
I said nothing about it's use against U/R. Lost legacy is still horrible against mardu vehicles even if they don't have a heart of Kiran on the battlefield. 3 Mana do nothing sucks ass against aggro, just ask any competent player or look at any sideboard guide.
What do you think of this? I would describe it as as WR grindy colossus, focusing on value instead of fling/atog. The numbers of things are probably weird. Main motivation was wanting to play red gearhulk and gift in a shit deck
Sorry for samefagging, but when evaluating a card like dispossess against a deck like mardu vehicles, ask yourself: "Would I run 3 Mana memoricide against this deck?" The answer is obviously no. Memoricide is not a card you ever want to have against an aggro deck.
Curse of Misfortunes into Overwhelming Splendor into Curse of Death's Hold, discuss
you have a link to this "new fog deck"?
I keep hearing about it but I've not seen it yet
>4 Sunscorched Desert
>4 Rumanap Ruins
>4 Hostile Desert
>some form of Eldrazi package
Sounds pretty Modern to me, user.
It's pretty stupid.
ok, then i ask, what card in amonkhet and hour in black/red is good against vehicles that isn't abrade?
This deck actually looks pretty fun. Any Hour of devastation stuff change it / add to it / counter it? I'm looking for a deck to bring to game day at my LGS.
Mardu vehicles is strong because of the diversity of its threats. There is no "card that is strong against vehicles", that's kinda the whole point of mardu vehicles and why it does so we'll against control.
my only advice to you is hope you draw your lost legacy game 2/3 because you sure as shit aren't winning game 1 unless they brick.
>Standard thread for all you magic players I want to build a deck with this card but having trouble putting it in something
you put it in your d&t sideboard if you're expecting sneak & show.
the real question is why isn't this deck anywhere? big game and nobody's on it.
>t1 adept
>t2 brawler, discard hydra, swing 2
>t3 rhonas, swing 5
>t4 embalm hydra, swing 10
What? Was the Lost Legacy thing to me or someone else?
They're probably not spiking because 9/10 of the cards are from SOI block, and the ones that aren't won't see any play after it leaves, so not man people want to buy into a rotating deck. If it gets too expensive, then the cards won't sell and people will just say fuck it and build Energy.
Has anyone ever bought one of the bundles from magic madhouse like
4 Hollow One
4 Champion of Wits
3 Chaos Maw
4 Combat Celebrant
4 Curator of Mysteries
4 Glorybringer
4 Insolent Neonate
4 Gate to the Afterlife
1 God-Pharaoh's Gift
4 Cathartic Reunion
4 Strategic Planning
6 Island
6 Mountain
4 Spirebluff Canal
4 Wandering Fumarole
Would anyone change anything about this list? I wish there was something better than Strategic Planning
>grab bag
Do not ever do this. You will get awful bulk rares that the store can't sell otherwise.
Also, buying a lot of cards when you don't know what to build is a mistake. Build your deck first, then buy singles.
So I'm thinking about going back to FNM at my local store, and I want to put together a janky deck that's silly but fun and could at least win me a game or two.
Would it be possible to make a deck around packing all of the Curse/Torment cards in standard and choking the shit out of my opponent? I pulled a few Torment of Venom and Torment of Scarabs at the prerelease and fell in love with them.
Which deck is better suited for this meta, RG Pummeler or Jund Gods?
Can draft decks/stories go in this thread
do it
>open video
>close video
How is Rakdos, or maybe Mardu, reanimator looking in the current standard? With all the one mana cyclers, Tormenting Voice and Cathartic Reunion, newish Lili, and a few 4-5 mana reanimation spells available, it seems like it could be playable at worst.
I always think something like that will be viable and then it never is. Bringing back stuff like Chaos Maw sound more viable though honestly
Probably not. There's just enough interaction to keep it out. Cast out, just enough counterspells to keep the deck style of dropping high CMC reanimate spells out, ect.
>fatal push/harnessed lightning on the brawler
>now rhonas can't swing on turn 3 and you're doing a whole lot of nothing
>splurged your entire hand on the table for this
Trying to make a cat tribal deck, sticking with stuff in blocks that aren't going out in standard after Ixalan release but I think it will be really weak with so little removal.
Not sure what to add so any recommendations would be awesome.
>zero way to cheat out enchantments in standard
hi friend
>costs fucking 6
>fucking another 8 to activate
>somehow cheating out anything
this, I don't want to build anything right now because it's all on the clock, energy is fucking boring and amonkhet is so weak it's not even worth trying to brew a deck based around its block.
I would maybe build B/G -1/-1 but it just gets fucked by control so idk.