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Is it because they have to use dumbed-down versions of splats to make it "fair?" That's one of my beefs with non-VaSCU hunters.
Hunters by all rights shouldn't have it fair, but can still win with planning and work. But how rigged the game is against them is half the fun, you know?
So is the Sorcerer faction here atm?
Yesterday i started cWoD Sorcerer and there is some good stuff in there too.
Hunters just have to not be stupid and actually plan out how to kill supernatural stuff. Anything aside from Spirits and Mages with high Fate / Forces can be dealt with via clever application of C4 and anti-material rifles.
Hah. Not likely. WoD can't pay for their writers after all, who expects them to pay for good artists?
I mean, just look at some of the art for Exalted 3e!
This. Giving them powers that are comparable too the supernatural splats makes them useless imho.
Well C4 and anti-matter rifles are high level. A lot of times and old hunting shotgun and molotovs are enough.
I have a dumb rules question about Vampire. Specifically the Auspex discipline, does auspex 1 reduce other discipline dificulties?
Specifically if it makes other auspex things easier? The dificulties of auspex 2 is 8 normally would it be 6 with auspex 1 sight active?
Question /wodg/. In D:tD there's an ability called Clairvoyant Sight. "Concentrate on a person or place to see the subject across any distance with perfect clarity. You must have visited the location or met the person to target them". Would you allow this to scry the inside of a building just by passing it on the street?
Issue came up the other day and I want to make sure I'm not fucking over a PC by disallowing it.
No, they need to have gone in to count as having visited it
My counterpoint was that they could tag one of the staff if they needed recon without going in the place.
You're at the club, macking on a kine, when this Bound slaps your ass
What do you do?
I would personally go for the option that one would have to have visited the INSIDE of the house in order to scry on it, and that passing by it on the street wouldn't count. And, depending on the size of the building in question, they might have actually ventured a fair bit around the structure before I'd allow for the player to remotely scry the entirety of it.
Like, if they visit a massive abandoned military bunker, I wouldn't allow for the player to step right past the first door or maintenance hatch and then go "I KNOW WHERE EVERYTHING IS LOCATED!" from the get-go. If he's actually been inside most of the bunker already at some point in the past, then I'd say it's fine.
Probably 50-60% of the structure would need to have been seen or visited by the Player before I allowed Clairvoyant Sight on all of it.
The question becomes does viewing the subject also include the environment the subject is in? I could see where this power could be very useful monitoring a contact suspected of being integrated with the God Machine or manipulating the Occult Matrix. Should the subject be within the area of an active GM plot that would be a good indication of a promising lead.
Werewolf seems to have jumped up in the poll by quite a lot. It's almost at the Changeling level at this point. And Changeling also moved up a little too quickly. On the other hand, the number of votes is higher by seven than the number of backers, so maybe the votes will stop accumulating at this point.
Doesn't work like that. Space magic is all about the picture of it you can make in your mind, how strong your connection is. If he was looking at a picture of the inside of the building, that would be serviceable for him to scry. But if he has no clue what it looks like on the inside, or elsewise has no connection to it, it's a no go.
I am not finding the answer anywhere, can anyone please help
He'd have to have been inside the majority of the building, by my reading. For , I would say immediate surroundings (like, Joe Bob is in the main foyer; you can see Joe Bob and his immediate surroundings in the main foyer, and you'd then follow Joe Bob through the building). My precedent for this is the OWoD Clairvoyance power, which works this way, and is the most reasonable usage.
DtD isn't using Space Arcanum though. But some of the core conceits could still apply, I'll admit, but dont' compare every other power to it's Arcana/Magic equivalent.
I ignore him, because he's just an ugly kine and go back to doing my thang.
spoonfeeding is against the rules
My ruling for scrying a person or object is that it just locks you onto a 3rd person camera view
I wonder if my players will go with the tried and true recon slingshot / bow from the M:tA days
>DtD isn't using Space Arcanum though. But some of the core conceits could still apply, I'll admit, but dont' compare every other power to it's Arcana/Magic equivalent.
My bad, I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about a Mage game. But I still stand by my answer. It sounds like it works similarly, if he has to concentrate on what he wants to see and it has to be a thing he's been to or seen physically. How can he concentrate on it if he doesn't know what it looks like? And if he argues that he can just scry the outside and then go in, well then what's to stop him from going up the road and around the corner, to a place he never was? I wouldn't allow it.
No worries, and I don't disagree. I was just pointing out that it's not a Mage game. Some of the core conceits (having visited, etc.) I think still should apply, sure, but mapping it 1-for-1 to a Scry spell is an exercise in madness. Obviously, sometimes the RAW needs to be RAI and take into account other powers that do the dame thing (like my referencing the OWoD Elder Auspex power, Clairvoyance, which does the same thing, requires you to have met the subject for a period of time or been within the location/be familiar with it).
How much do we need to hit the pirate stretch goal?
4k more. 20 days to go, it'll probably get hit. I hope Changeling still loses. Werewolf's sudden push of late is interesting too, I wonder if they can overtake Changeling and Mage? I'd prefer Mage/Geist but wouldn't weep over Werewolf/Geist.
Changeling can get the fuck out reeeeeeeeee
Just apply basic logic
W20 Kinfolk book has updated Numina btw.
I just hope that if Mage doesn't win, somebody will pick up the era for expansion. Normally, I wouldn't care much, but the Mage history with Nassau would be a poor thing to lose in exchange for changeling... something.
Isn't that going to be described in the Pentacle book anyways?
Ah nice. So i have to raid the pastebin some more.
Hey with Geist 2e, at least if we die waiting for it we can strike a bargain with some fucker and tell him he's playing the game wrong.
Also I guess use manifestations to compel some other person in the group he plays with to spout "MAGE SUPREMACY" out loud anything he's about to accomplish anything just to cause some in-party strife, because you know, we fucking died waiting for a book and need to get our kicks somehow because no one else is going to play that book. (Except maybe Age of Piracy Geist)
If it doesn't make it into Dark Eras, I suspect it will take a trip across the Atlantic and a crowbar to stop the relevant author from putting it into the Pentacle book. But there it would only be a bare mention, not much more than it is now - in Dark Eras it would be a proper setting.
Given how big Age of Piracy is as a setting for Mage, which splat do you personally think would also be the next most important setting wise for that Era?
Dave, would you be willing to part with some interesting tidbit of information as to what we may expect from the era? Just a little something, to whet our appetites...
Ah, gotcha. That makes sense.
Or clarify what was in the book as it is. What does the failure of Atlantean symbolism mean? Did magic stop working or start going screwy, or does it mean that mages who focused on Atlantean ideals and yantras in their magic suddenly got worse at the job
Does anyone have the Mage 2e errata (CofD)?
It's not in the OP
I haven't played wod in a while should I avoid the new stuff? I heard that white wolf turned sjwy
Also is this an actual thing
>I heard that white wolf turned sjwy
nigga pls, they were always sjwy
Dave, what's your favorite Path in Awakening?
Yes that's real, and yes new WoD stuff is turning out to be hot garbage thanks to Swedish Dracula.
But they went from "Look how edgy I am with my mohawk while I fight the man" to "I am an autistic omnisexual gopherkin with 37 genders"
Didn't they get rid of Paths with a second book? Spheres or something?
And it's Thyrsus
That's quite different from the portrayed "trans vampire killing trump supporters". The character is obviously a psychopath who says "if the victim fucks up/disappoints me, I kill them".
If you are what you eat in 5e vampire does that make her a Trump voter in 2020 for eating all of them?
>White Wolf
Don't you mean the tranny-filled cesspool that is OPP?
Yup. This is why you shouldn't trust the histrionics of the OPP forums and and tumblr!
Fuck that, make me, I'm not learning all new names.
>the_nu_WhiteWolf_Defender has logged on
The game's still bad, 5e is still bad
Is it not a trans vampire killing Trump supporters?
Of course, silly me, one mechanic and a shittily-written scenario makes the entirety of 5e bad. Based on the facts that we know next to nothing about the rest of it beyond some serviceable plot elements and a few mechanics that will obviously change after the pre-alpha stuff.
And it might be news to you, but there are some of us who do like the Hunger mechanic and some of the other changes (one roll combat, Discipline changes to Fort/Potence/Celerity).. It needs some tightening up but the core mechanic for Hunger is sound.
He mentioned Thyrsus before.
What would be your guess as to the unrevealed Mage book's topic? I would really like to see something detailed about the various cults, Labyrinths and Cryptopolies, relationships between various Proximi families and the Orders and so on.
Unless this is in the Tome of the Pentacle, of course.
The outrage made it seem like the character actively sought out Trump supporters to murder because they are Trump supporters.
>Veeky Forums outrage wildly blowing out of proportion anything related to trans anything
Are you really surprised by this? It's no different than
> outrage wildly blowing out of proportion anything related to conservative anything
Both sides of the same stick, covered in dogshit, the only place to hold it is closer to the middle.
All they've given us is a shit alpha and bad story direction decisions. Until the give us something good hate is warranted. In fact its all they've earned.
What story direction decisions? Them not doing them, "Gehenna happened, we where wrong but shit changed."
All the elder's moving off East and basically gutting the Cam to be boring 1%s instead of the game being about the jyhad, or say, literally everything else they've announced?
What, the east coast or do you mean they all moved to Asia?
Would Thyrsus with Forces be good for KISS Legacy?
All those Scooby Doo crossover movies are weird as sin.
The e is capitalized so I get the impression its Asia? And the elders are playing conflicts in the middle east. So yeah. Asia.
While each loudly insists their side is clean as a whistle and that all the shit is solely on the other end, I might add.
Every last one of them is amazing.
KISS and WWE were two of the best scooby doo movies ever made.
He doesn't actively seek them out, but he still murders Trump supporters solely for being Trump supporters.
Oh fuck that's right, Dracula is having the new games abandon the America's (Or just north) and making it Eurasia focused since they're europoors.
There is a thing going on called Gehenna War. The vampires of 7th generation or lower were mystically compelled, unless they could somehow avoid it, to go to the East (implied ot be ancient middle eastern/pre-Biblical lands in modern times) to fight in the Gehenna War. The Sabbat followed, using the local fighting as cover for their activities in the area.
For a lot of us, this is cool, as it harkens back to 1st Edition Masquerade.
No love for Zombie Island?
Also now I'm seeing the Gang as Hunter Cell, thanks.
>nuWW apologists
Okay, guess I'll come back later.
we're here forever user
Another classic, I forgot about that one. My favorite series was always the cross overs.
Scooby and Batman was pretty great.
Top tier was when they crossover with the Harlem Globetrotters. I knew a guy who thought the Harlem Globetrotters weren't even real because of that.
I'd apologize for them after they got rid of that cunt Hill, too
Wasn't that the one with the Flaming-Ghost-Bear-Wrestler (Which is a Magath no matter what anyone tells me. Nature Essence is not the same as the Esscence generated around the WWE)
Yeah it was. Such a great villain. Time to re-watch that movie.
...Scooby Doo had some weird movies.
Weird not being the same thing as bad.
Yet more fuel for the KISS Thyrsus Legacy.
Modern scooby got fucking batshit bonkers.
Especially with the WWE cameos
>1st Edition Masquerade.
Even if 1st edition Masquerade was good as you alleged (personally its missing too many of the things I like, like a playable Sabat), the other game lines will suffer greatly from going back to that mess.
I'm hype for racist sterotype werewolves again and even MORE sexist furies
I remember this!
It ended with the Gang rewriting time.
Also there were Nazi robots under the sea.
Here's hoping the Black Furries are directly tied to the hatred present in modern day feminism.
I can't wait for people to get mad that trans women can't be REAL Furies since they need to be able to give birth.
shit got weird
and weirdly intense
It will be a nice contrast to the By Night Studios version which lets anyone be a Black Fury for some reason.
What movie and/or episode was this from?
The fuck is By Night Studios, how do they have Black Furies and why on gods green earth would they allow men into them.
The entire thing is amazing
I think the Girl who gets killed was the daughter of a OG Monster.
Might have been the Creeper.
Wow, she actually dies?
Requiascat in pace
>By Night Studios
They have the rights to the LARP rules for everything.
They did a solid job with vampire, but with their version of Werewolf everything feels very 'samey'. From totems being neutered down to not being unique, to every fera having 5 forms, to the aforementioned Black Fury open membership. Hell they even shoe horned into two competing camps to mirror the Cam/Sabat two group angle of things. And worst of all they added in 'the bite' where werewolves (and other gaian fera) turn people into werewolves with their bite. Or awaken the potential in dormant unborn or some shit. At any rate you turn people like you would vamps. It makes for a more balanced game, but overall it leaves much of the flavor feeling flat. That said is far tighter and cohesive rules than any previous WW product and is probably the best actual rules for crossover games somehow. They are doing Changeling The Dreaming Next. They are my secret hold out hope for a playable mage with how 5e is coming out, sadly.
Yeah. They fix everything, so there's an alternate version of her that's alive, but obviously isn't her.
Cartoons nowadays aren't too shy to kill someone off. Sometimes they don't even undo it.
So one of those, "Use the rules, stick with the old lore" scenarios?
The changes make sense for the game that its intended for, large scale LARP organizations that need things more balanced to be fair.
But yes, they still work with old lore if you want, its just missing some of the cooler say, rituals and totems that you use to be able to build characters and packs around, in exchange for a more even handed game.
Feedback requested on the following vague idea for a Horror.
The leader of an in-universe ARG/internet celebrity who leaves behind complex riddles and mysteries for people to solve in exchange for favors and blessings, like a mix between Carmen Sandiego and Cicada 3301. He also has his own Mystery Cult composed of his fans.
>Black fury
And get are nazis.
So where a lot of clans/traditions/what have you that we can play, it's a thing of the past and has been mostly purged... Unlike the Black Fury membership and role restrictions.
Would a Thyrsus Seer make for a good villain in a Forsaken Chronicle?
I mean any Thyrus is a acceptable antag for a Forsaken chron because they share werewolfs big themes, spirits and body fuckery.
Yes, but be prepared to make it the 'Big Bad' of your story.
Angry Thyrsus Masters are easily the final boss for any given Pack.